Jackson used - N - word

Can you imagine the feeding frenzy if a white presidential candidate had referred to New York as "Hymietown," as Je$$e did while running for the Democrat presidential nomination in 1984. A quarter century later he's still uttering racial slurs that would ruin a white politician, and still getting away with it.
I am glad this leaked out finally. O Reilly should have aired the whole tape and not just a part of it. Screw being nice and trying to be above the fray, when you get a chance to stick it to a self-serving racehustling race pimping fraud like Jesse Jackson, you stick it in all the way. You do the country a service when you expose guys like this. I hope whoever leaked the whole tape got rich.
Don Wassall said:
A quarter century later he's still uttering racial slurs that would ruin a white politician, and still getting away with it.

Very true! Remember when Jackson was so offended by Don Imus' use of the thewords " Nappy headed ho's" that he demanded his FIRING and got it?! Only in America.
Jackson wants to castrate Obama and uses the nuclear - N - word and what will happen to him? Nothing, because he's black and apologized. Apologizing NEVERever works for white men. Theymust always pay for their alleged indiscretionswith a pound of flesh.
History will condemn Jesse Jackson as a self-important, narrow-minded, and not very intelligent bigot who used blacks' lack of education against them, and whites' fear of being labeled racist against THEM.

That's not smart. That's being evil; it's different.

Unless history gets completely re-written by the wrong people, Jesse Jackson will be judged by the world a hundred years from now as a loser, with a capital effin L.
OReilly had been sitting on the -N - word revelation for almost 2 weeks. What the?

News release:On Wednesday's broadcast, O'Reilly defended the decision not to air the rest of that sentence. "We're in business to bring you important information and we did that. We tried to spare Jesse Jackson further embarrassment, but somebody obviously wants to hurt him," O'Reilly said.

Isn't that sweet of O'Reilly?Why would he want to spare Jackson?He has no problem cutting the throats of many of the guests he haggles with. He tried toembarrassand eviscerate David Duke when he appeared onhis Fox program, but David handed him his Neoconbackside on a platter.
I demand that Jesse Jackson resign from Operation Push, or Breadbasket, or whatever he is calling it nowadays.
Such language should not be tolerated!
I don't much like Jesse Jackson but I do admire that he has the courage to call a spade a spade.
Does anybody know if Jackson is keeping up with his child support payments? Anyway wasn't it a case of the kettle calling the pot black?
LOL. Y'all are in rare form today.

Check out this video of Jackson on youtube? O'Reilly couldn't be more wrong and had every legitimate reason to report the whole story.Edited by: Quiet Speed
Actually Mr. O'Reilly's tactics are superb. If he had run the N____r story with "I want to cut his nuts off." Jackson would only have gotten hit once because this would seem minor in regard to his hostility to Obama. Now the N word is the main story and will make it more difficult for the Revrun to acquire blackmail excuse me I meant contributions from corporate America , which is what he does for a living.
I saw last night that there was furor, arising from this incident, that just erupted on that awful program "The View." Apparently, Whoopi Goldberg and Elizabeth Hasselbeck argued over the use of the "N" word. Whoopi and the other black on the show claimed it was their "right" to use the word, but that white people didn't have that right. The response of the brilliant white panelists? Baba Wawa only said "I'd be fired if I used that word," and the ridiculous Elizabeth Hasselbeck started crying, saying it was "hurtful" to her to hear Whoopi use that word. Elizabeth sniffled, "We live in the same world." Whoopi retorted, "No, we don't I'm sorry, but it's true."

So there you have Don King's America in microcosm. There is now a word that can only be used by blacks. Anyone else risks having their life ruined (and probably jail in the future) for using this word. There has been no law passed to this effect, but there might as well be. And the only reaction from air-headed whites like this bimbo (who is on t.v. because she lost on "Survivor" and married NFL backup QB Tim Hasselbeck) is to cry and try to be even more offended than blacks at the word!
I think you are a little hard on Elizabeth Hasselback. Compared to the other four idiots on that show, she is the All-American girl and certainly no bimbo as you put it. I think she was crying just as much from the daily grind she goes through on that show dealing with the likes of Whoopi, Behar and the homewrecker adulterer Barbara Walters as she is at the N-word being used. I personally don't use that word myself and don't see the purpose of it.The arguments we make are rendered useless and ineffective when that word is used. She's not on TV because she lost on Survivor, she's on the show because of how she came across on that series with beauty, dignity and honor. I watched that whole particular season about six years ago or so and know what I am talking about. In a island full of cutthroats and liars, she wasn't one of them. I don't watch the View personally because I am working during the times it comes on and wouldn't watch it anyway, But I have seen enough of it in clips and seen Hasselback get interviewed enough to know what she goes through on that show. The token conservative as it were.
Tired old White said:
Actually Mr. O'Reilly's tactics are superb. If he had run the N____r story with "I want to cut his nuts off." Jackson would only have gotten hit once because this would seem minor in regard to his hostility to Obama. Now the N word is the main story and will make it more difficult for the Revrun to acquire blackmail excuse me I meant contributions from corporate America , which is what he does for a living.

Yes, I've considered that O'Reilly is being coy about the whole affair, and I'm with you and agree with the double hit tactic. IMO, if he is being strategic, he is deflecting too much. He really looks like a ding-a-ling , running around calling the person who leaked the transcript a weasel.Edited by: Quiet Speed
I think O'Reilly is a little gun shy on the racial stuff because he wants Obama on his show and because of the silly racial incident at the restraunt in Harlem where O'Reilly's comments about the food and restraunt were taken out of context. More times than not I agree with O'Reilly but he should have released all the tape.Edited by: guest301
O'Reilly is your run of the mill media hack. He talks a big game about being a tough interview - you know the no spin zone. At the same time he is deafly afraid of offending the black man. He often has the likes of Jackson and Sharpton on his show and never calls them on their BS. He has become just another media one-note Johnny screaming about islamo-fascism night after night.
Bull O'Lielly is a Neocon mouthpiece (like his "Faux News" cohort "Pawn Vanity") and mostly spews the standard rhetoric from/by the Neocons to the deceived Sheeple. Good point above regarding how O'Lielly wanted to give HiJackson a pass, but gave it to Dr.David Duke with both barrells! Like most top Neocons, O'Lielly also a sexual deviant/pervert.
is one of the few commentators they allow to voice any statements that may critize or politically correct world. They try to counter her by ganging up on her. It is never a civil arguement, it is always two or more of the dames yelling at her.
If white people cannot use this word, no one else should. Fair is fair.
I will not use the N-word because it is tacky.
I don't like the "N" word, either. However, my point was that never in the history of languages (that I'm aware of) has there ever been a particular word that only certain select people are permitted to use. What if a person is only 1/8th black and appears to be completely white? Can he use it? How about 1/4th black? The issue is freedom of speech; there are lots of distasteful words that are used almost exclusively to hurt someone's feelings. None of them are being branded as "illegal," as the "N" word has, for all intents and purposes, been branded insofar as non-black people are concerned.

As far as Elizabeth Hasselbeck, I stand by my assessment of her as a "bimbo." I don't think she's particularly bright at all, and she was obviously hired to be on "Survivor" because of her looks (and probably had an "in" for the tryouts because of the fact she happened to be dating an NFL player at that time, as I'm sure very few would-be contestants were). Her tears would have only made sense if she was crying at Whoopi's stupidity, and the fact her race is bing told there is a word it cannot legally use, while another ethnic group is perfectly free to do so.

She plays the role of "conservative" on that odious show, but like all "conservatives" now, she will never mention the racial aspects of crime, poverty, poor school performance, IQ, etc. I don't know why anyone here would be supporting the "conservative" point of view, anyhow. What is there about our sorry present day society that is worth conserving?
If she did mention those things, it would be the end of her career. Why should she committ career suicide for the cause? I doubt she is even aware of all the racial aspects in crime, poverty and school performance that you posted about. Most people are not aware of those things. The conservatives are far closer to sharing the point of view that most posters have at caste football than anybody else. I stand by my assessment of her as being no bimbo.
I hadn't seen the video of Hasselbeck tearing up, so I just now checked it out. It was sickening. Great lesson for the whites who think they arenobler and more virtuous than race realists. The ugly shegroes verbally stomped her derriere and told her she had no business telling them what words they could use.They would continue using the -N - word but she and other whites had better not.Who are the second class citizens now?! Babwadid her best to give the sistas free reign.The Republicans should change theirlogo from the elephant tothebloodied picture oftheir soulmate Reginald Denny. That is our destiny with the compassionate conservativesor the liberals in charge.
To make matters worse, liberal commentator Bob Beckel jumped on Hasselbeck, could have been on Hannity and Colmes. The discussion was about what transpired on The View and out of the blue Beckel said Hasselbeck reminds him of one of those Republicans that locks their car door when in a black area. He felt so strong about it he reiterated it towards the end of his spiel.

Bart's comment about Republicans is well taken. As far as Beckel, someone needs to turn IndyCar driver Milka Duno loose on his butt.
I'd be willing to bet that Beckel and 99%+ of these hypocritical, sanctimonious white liberals live in gated communities that are all-white or nearly so.Beckel would likely diefrom a fright-inducedheart attack within minutes if dropped off at night in the middle of one of D.C.'s ghettos. All the social engineering that has taken place in a feverish non-stop fashion for the past 40 years has been designed for non-wealthy whites, not the ruling class.
Quiet Speed said:
...and out of the blue Beckel said Hasselbeck reminds him of one of those Republicans that locks their car door when in a black area.

The man is a FOOL! My wife and I make a habit of lockingour doors.And if we see blacks anywhere near our vehicles we immediately checkto see if the locks have been engaged. If not, we click the button as quickly as possible. Better safe than sorry.Beckel surely must know that nearly all carjackings are committed by non-whites, but he mocksus for taking the simplest of measures to protectourselves.
What makes the almighty "n -word" so special? It's just another racial slur. Every race and most nationalities have them. And everyone knows what the "n-word" is when they first hear about it. There must be alot of people using the word in secret. Too many of our people have become weak willed, phony, cowards. I mean, who cares what these women think? They shouldn't have any say in anything political anyway? That was one of our biggest mistakes and setbacks - giving them a vote. If we had any unity and direction has white men no one could stop us. And we would make the rules and women would follow them just like they did for thousands of years. But we aren't unified and we gradually lose ground and accept the ever worsening social mores of the day. Conservatism is useless. We don't have anything from the last 40 years to "conserve". We need a revolutionary change that takes our customs back much further. Things will have to get much worse before the women and conservatives will be on board. People will have to be hungry, uncomfortable. In multi ethnic countries that have bad economies and eventually weakened governments, racial slurs are nothing compared to what ensues.
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