Yeah, that is another total b.s. double standard. I use the word ****** whenever I can, just to break the taboo. I recommend trying it. It is empowering.
I rarely if ever call people ******s, like other people have noted, its just kinda tacky. But I just love saying the word. Especially when I can use it as part of a quotation, making it shocking but safe.
Try walking into work and saying to coworkers, "Did you hear that Jackson called Obama a ******? Can you believe he used the word ****** in front of a live mic?"
Black woman and liberal boot-licking whites are the only ones who get upset when people say it. Black guys don't care. You can't listen to two black guys talk for two minutes without hearing it 10 times.
Word to the wise: we only belong to an inferior caste if we act like it.

I rarely if ever call people ******s, like other people have noted, its just kinda tacky. But I just love saying the word. Especially when I can use it as part of a quotation, making it shocking but safe.
Try walking into work and saying to coworkers, "Did you hear that Jackson called Obama a ******? Can you believe he used the word ****** in front of a live mic?"
Black woman and liberal boot-licking whites are the only ones who get upset when people say it. Black guys don't care. You can't listen to two black guys talk for two minutes without hearing it 10 times.
Word to the wise: we only belong to an inferior caste if we act like it.