Jackson used - N - word

Yeah, that is another total b.s. double standard. I use the word ****** whenever I can, just to break the taboo. I recommend trying it. It is empowering.

I rarely if ever call people ******s, like other people have noted, its just kinda tacky. But I just love saying the word. Especially when I can use it as part of a quotation, making it shocking but safe.

Try walking into work and saying to coworkers, "Did you hear that Jackson called Obama a ******? Can you believe he used the word ****** in front of a live mic?"

Black woman and liberal boot-licking whites are the only ones who get upset when people say it. Black guys don't care. You can't listen to two black guys talk for two minutes without hearing it 10 times.

Word to the wise: we only belong to an inferior caste if we act like it.
Quiet Speed said:
To make matters worse, liberal commentator Bob Beckel jumped on Hasselbeck, could have been on Hannity and Colmes. The discussion was about what transpired on The View and out of the blue Beckel said Hasselbeck reminds him of one of those Republicans that locks their car door when in a black area. He felt so strong about it he reiterated it towards the end of his spiel.

Bart's comment about Republicans is well taken. As far as Beckel, someone needs to turn IndyCar driver Milka Duno loose on his butt.

My ex-girlfriend used to know Bob Beckel very well and has been around him and his family. She even babysat for him. She once told me(if my memory is correct) based on past experiences that he's a messed up guy, a drunkard who fooled around on his wife. I don't know how he is now but he's obviusly a tool and so what if Hasselback locks her doors in a black area of town. If she's smart she avoids those areas as I am sure Beckel does. The only blacks Beckel meets are those ones in a suit and tie around him and the occasional black conservative he debates on FOX.
Did anybody notice Jackson also has a flatulence problem. I didn't know Sweet Potato Pie caused that, scratch that off my ethnic food list.......
Bob Beckel likes pay-for-play girls. A few years back he got caught paying $600 for two hours with 21-year-old hooker.
That didn't seem to hurt his career any. He ran Mondale's campaign in 84 against Reagan and lost 49 states.
Another Jackson lowlight (relevant to our forum), January 1983, commenting on the NCAA's academic standards for athletes..
"They used literacy tests to deny us the right to vote. Then they want to use standardized tests because White boys are inferior athletes to Blacks."

I know this is 30 years old, but it's like a Bizarro perspective on the caste system.. A relatively low standard of admissions for student athletes (Prop 48), is (in Jackson's mind) actually a piece of a White racist caste system (?)
Jackson's assertion: Student athletes, having to be bare minimum students is designed to weed out Black kids.

More realistically, the low standards were probably set to ensure Black eligibility (?)

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