It's Okay, You Can Admit It

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Good thing there are so many channels and networks, so that we can get a wide diversity of news and viewpoints here in the Land of the Free:



Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Good thing there are so many channels and networks, so that we can get a wide diversity of news and viewpoints here in the Land of the Free:

Good job by Conan and his writers for exposing the controlled media through a "comedic" montage. I recall months ago they did the same thing with a similar scripted phrase. The USSA Pravda dinosaur media cannot die soon enough...


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
It's a fascinating phenomenon. Limbaugh has demonstrated the same thing countless times on political issues. Not being a media insider, how are these cut-and-paste talking points disseminated to the networks and local affiliates? How are the "marching orders" passed down so that every media figure utters virtually the exact same phrase?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's a fascinating phenomenon. Limbaugh has demonstrated the same thing countless times on political issues. Not being a media insider, how are these cut-and-paste talking points disseminated to the networks and local affiliates? How are the "marching orders" passed down so that every media figure utters virtually the exact same phrase?

A federal government bureaucracy that specializes in making propaganda (the name escapes me right now) has been making "new stories" for years and then sending them (free of charge) to local news stations to air if they choose to. Since it is often difficult to fill a half-hour of local news with actual "news," the stations will often dutifully run them. They are never identified as made by the government; the station will give a lead-in to the story and name the reporter who is on scene narrating it, and then at the end the reporter will sign off by giving his name, and that's it. They are usually fluff type pieces and viewers have no idea where it originated from.

The amount of government-made "news" stories intensified quite a bit during the W. Bush regime, and there was a bit of a controversy at one point about the government origins not being disclosed, but as in all cases the government got what it wanted and the stations have kept on airing them with no disclosure as to who actually makes them.

I'm not sure of the exact origin of the one on the O'Brien video, but it's likely they were all reading the government's suggested scripted lead-in before then airing the actual government produced piece, the message of which appears to be "consume, ignore the religious origins of Christmas, consume, buy presents for everyone and also for yourself."


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Good thing there are so many channels and networks, so that we can get a wide diversity of news and viewpoints here in the Land of the Free

About a year ago, Jaxvid made an astute observation based upon his travels throughout the entire country. It was something to the effect of: “Everyone in the nation experiences the exact same existence. They eat at the same chain restaurants, they hear the same music on the radio, they watch the same TV shows, they go see the same movies, they discuss the same topics, etc.”

What can we do but laugh and mock the useless, utterly indistinguishable corporations that “control” the dissemination of information? In my travels on the east coast, I’ve noticed that many “local” news companies have adopted a similar format to the manner in which their parent “dinosaur” networks (Fox, NBC, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS) disgorge their perceptibly-contrived filth.

The first hand-picked story will invariably involve some heinous crime (usually committed in the nearest PA city – Reading, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Bethlehem, Harrisburg, Altoona, Philadelphia, Erie, Scranton, Williamsport, etc) to instill an irrational sense of fear and support for an increased police state in the white populace. The intent of next tale is to inspire Zionist-seasoned “patriotism,” perhaps by showing soldiers returning home from some desert hell as “heroes” or perhaps Muslim suicide bombers destroying some section of graffiti-tagged rubble in Israel. The next chronicle will give the illusion that non-whites, women, and gays are “breaking down barriers” with the “first woman to do this” or the “first African American to do that.” Then the “tear-jerker” story about a non-white child or animal that was adopted by whites (I adore animals, but their suffrage is often used as a tool). Sports are next on deck, which perpetually buttresses the Caste System. Then the “political” story will air, narrating the meaningless “battle” between liberals and Neo-Cons. Oh, and they’ll typically toss in at least one terrible story of financial corruption, the national debt, unemployment, or economic failure for good measure. The final story is usually a “wild card” that is legitimately occurring locally and not inspired by their Hebrew Handlers. But, hey, at least the weather reports are different from place to place!

To illustrate my point, here is an entire, yawn-stimulating broadcast of a random episode of “NBC Nightly News” from earlier this year. The list of topics include: government shutdown, a secret online surveillance program instituted by the government, dead white firefighters and their sad family/friends, Muslim terrorists bombings in Kenya (and the interracial couple that survived the attacks, see photo), Iranian protestors who hate America, water pollution in the Indian River, USC firing their white coach, the lighting of the Olympic torch, and a white daredevil skydiver. Who watches this?


CAPTION: Wigger with Black Bride/Children



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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I was at the gym on the treadmill and watching (but not listening) to the 10 or so screens in front of me. It occurred to me that the same story, with different video clips was being featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, news. It was about some guy being held by the Taliban or Al Queida or whomever in the Middle East. Some kind of hostage, been held for a while, probably an actual CIA spy but I think they were portraying him as some kind of innocent. I was amazed that this was an item that all three stations thought enough of to focus news on, then the segment ended and they all went into something about shopping and retailers.

That's all three of the one-time major networks devoting their news half hour to the same line of stories. What are the odds that these stories are something all three independent information driven news powerhouses came up with at the same time? If it is all preplanned they are not being very subtle about it. Perhaps just a coincidence? or a slip-up?


Nov 25, 2004
They do this in sports a lot also as I'm most of you know. A good example is how all the "experts" on TV came to the same conclusion at the same time about Tim Tebow's ability to make it in the NFL. All these "independent" experts seem to come to same conclusion on every single athlete. They all have very similar mock draft boards. How is that possible with something so subjective? Nobody really has an independent opinion on TV. It's all homogenized, processed, pastuerized, and comes out as smooth and consistent as Velveeta cheese.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Some time ago I was talking to a woman who worked as a radio DJ and she described herself, in all seriousness, as an "air personality." I'd heard her radio blather before and I nodded, thinking yeah that's about right. She came to mind as I watched the clips of all those "news" people serving up the same line with such seeming naturalness and wit.

In somewhat of a related tangent, I watch the local news every night. A while back I began to notice a change in the demeanor and delivery of the broadcast team. They had become more cheerful and upbeat in their delivery of the "news." As if maybe the parent company had sent in someone to coach them in their speaking style. Somebody somewhere had evidently decided that they could up the ratings by being more lively. In particular the head weatherman, always good but rather businesslike, has suddenly become more upbeat, almost chirpy, in his style. It's really strange to watch.

And at the end of the broadcast they seem to spend more time trying to banter and chuckle among each other to close the show out. It all appears somewhat forced and they look uncomfortable to me as they try to chatter back and forth in a lighthearted tone. The whole thing is sort of funny in a way but at the same time it makes me a bit uneasy. It just drives home the fact that these news people are less journalists and more programmed robots nowadays.


Aug 22, 2012
Not exactly a government agency but the Associated Press and other wire services basically sell talking points. Associated Press and services like it give entire articles and new stories for their customers to run as filler for their websites and air time.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Good job by Conan and his writers for exposing the controlled media through a "comedic" montage. I recall months ago they did the same thing with a similar scripted phrase. The USSA Pravda dinosaur media cannot die soon enough...

If you listen, the "laughs" are obviously a laugh track. So, is this a genuine "exposing" of anything? Or just a controlled, damage limiting play for laughs? And how did O'Brien manage to compile the local news clips shown?

It's played for laughs only, and even though viewers might find it funny -- and a bit disturbing -- that's as far as the vast majority will take it, quickly forgotten by the next commercial break or guest appearance.
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Nov 7, 2004
And at the end of the broadcast they seem to spend more time trying to banter and chuckle among each other to close the show out. It all appears somewhat forced and they look uncomfortable to me as they try to chatter back and forth in a lighthearted tone. The whole thing is sort of funny in a way but at the same time it makes me a bit uneasy. It just drives home the fact that these news people are less journalists and more programmed robots nowadays.

I always wonder what their faces become when the floor director says "that's a wrap" and the screen fades to black (or the logo of the closed captioning sponsor). Do any of these people have a let's-eat-out relationship?



Feb 23, 2013
New York
The good news in all of this is media really is changing. The old media is losing its influence daily. Television, radio, and newspaper business now must compete with the world on the net. People are slowly waking up to facts and ideas that once were accessible only through the underground of pamphlets and shortwave or university campus radio. Expect the frozen minds of blocked millions to slowly thaw and spring to the warm enlightenment suddenly beaming from the internet.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
The good news in all of this is media really is changing. The old media is losing its influence daily. Television, radio, and newspaper business now must compete with the world on the net. People are slowly waking up to facts and ideas that once were accessible only through the underground of pamphlets and shortwave or university campus radio. Expect the frozen minds of blocked millions to slowly thaw and spring to the warm enlightenment suddenly beaming from the internet.

That's the good news. But the bad news is they know that too, and they know that they are losing their grip, so look for them to shut down the internet after they pull off their next bigger and better false flag and start WW3. Meanwhile they are using the electronic media and means of communication to collect info on dissidents.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
That's the good news. But the bad news is they know that too, and they know that they are losing their grip, so look for them to shut down the internet after they pull off their next bigger and better false flag and start WW3. Meanwhile they are using the electronic media and means of communication to collect info on dissidents.

The people of the world cannot be stopped from communicating with each other. The globalists and banksters cannot win this one. Times change. 400 years ago a royal proclamation or papal bull may as well have been a message from God. Today those messages are deemed boring and ignored. Of course we will win. The world belongs to us the many -not them, the few.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Don't count them out. They've got a lot of tricks up their sleeve yet. Satan and his satanic followers are very powerful here on earth. I've noticed that they manage to start and then win almost all the wars. I'm mostly pretty pessimistic, but the big trouble with that is that I'm also mostly right.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Don't Worry, Be Happy



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
To some degree, this is illustrative of the McDonaldization of society that has been increasing in scope over the 50-60 years. Prepackaged sameness is the order of the day, literally, in many situations these days. We have choices, but they are laid out in front of us. We can go around those choices, but it usually takes more effort to do so.