Islamic Terrorist Attacks

In the wake of yet another terror attack in England, it's time for all the self-centered phonies on social media around the globe to "Pray For London (Again)." And the cycle repeats again and again...

The handsome Muslims perpetrators were a Pakistani and a Moroccan/Libyan. Multikulturalismus über alles...

Insanity = doing the same thing over & over...yet expecting different "results".
Looks like YouTube is starting to purge "truther" channels...

This man, whose channel is "Side Thorn" (love the name), pays a visit to Google Fiber to give them an "ultimatum" about this. My only complaint is that Google Fiber (which just lays fiber cable and offers media content over that cable to subscribers) has nothing to do with Google YouTube and he should be going to them instead to offer the ultimatum, but that division may not be in his locale. Anyway, kudos to this true patriot for having the stones (and money) to do this.

From his channel:
Google Austin gets a visit from Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny about the treasonous acts committed by their company against the Youtube channels PEEKAY TRUTH and TRUST ONE NEWS who's accounts were stolen under false pretenses given by a corporation known for it's support of the government propaganda lies . These channels have been persecuted and unconstitutionally silenced for nothing more than trying to tell the people the real truth . 6/5/2017 Austin , Texas
Another day, another terrorist attack:

Notre Dame hammer attack suspect yelled 'This is for Syria'; terror investigation launched
I wonder what the "French" government's response will be? Restrict or strongly vet immigrants coming from Syria? Of course not. After the Nice attack and the previous Notre Dame priest beheading, their response was to extend the "State of Emergency" powers of the government and to commit more French troops to Syria to help fight (Assad, not ISIS).

I recently re-watched one of my favorite films (after many years) the "Day of the Jackal" from 1973 (when they still knew how to make quality, intelligent films) and the French Internal Security forces (which are arguably, the best in the world), were able to stop a high-end assassin (against de Gaulle) with the very limited security technology they had back then. With the security technology they have now, along with being in a perpetual "State of Emergency", you'd think they'd be able to better thwart these attacks. Of course, I'll admit that it's probably easier to stop a high-end assassin rather than to stop a mentally-deranged Islamic extremist that, on a whim, decides to buy a hammer and then immediately try to kill people with it, all of which makes the vetting or restriction of these immigrants the only rational solution!
London attack: Football fan took on knife-wielding terrorists with his bare fists
All over the Brit papers and they are outraged which they should be. During this mornings World Cup Qualifier between Australia and Saudi Arabia a moment of silence was observed for the victims of the London Attack. Guess who didn't observe the moment of silence? Instead the Saudi players got in formation and their bench players remained seated. They offered up some lame excuses after the match but it seems to boil down to they don't "observe" for dead white people. Sometimes behaving like human beings rather than barbarians trumps any sort of sporting event so I would have liked to have seen the Australian team ( two Australians were killed in the attack) pull out of the match for pure symbolism. This Saudi maneuver once again proves that certain segments of the so called non violent Muslim population have no issues with terrorism and passively support it. A disgrace.
Kudos for the Brits in removing themselves from the leftist, globalist, social EU and go it alone a year ago.

Result from today's election in the UK:

Ed Miliband‏ Verified account@Ed_Miliband, Labour MP for Doncaster North
We know Theresa May can't now negotiate Brexit for Britain because she told us losing majority would destroy her authority---and it has.
Labour if course wants to stay in the EU because the party is owned by the JWO. The Conservatives are owned by the JWO also, but they don't have it in for Britain quite as bad as Labour. Just like the Dems and Repubs here. The best thing you can say about May is that she isn't Corbyn, which isn't saying much. She is totally globalist-owned. She doesn't want to implement Brexit and will do absolutely nothing to halt Islamic terrorism in the UK. She is using the terrorist attacks to further clamp down on internet freedom in the UK and around the world.

What the UK needs of course, like the US and every Western country, is a nationalist party. I don't know why UKIP did so poorly in this election just one year after they spearheaded Brexit.
Labour if course wants to stay in the EU because the party is owned by the JWO. The Conservatives are owned by the JWO also, but they don't have it in for Britain quite as bad as Labour. Just like the Dems and Repubs here. The best thing you can say about May is that she isn't Corbyn, which isn't saying much. She is totally globalist-owned. She doesn't want to implement Brexit and will do absolutely nothing to halt Islamic terrorism in the UK. She is using the terrorist attacks to further clamp down on internet freedom in the UK and around the world.

What the UK needs of course, like the US and every Western country, is a nationalist party. I don't know why UKIP did so poorly in this election just one year after they spearheaded Brexit.
For what it's worth, I read a comment by some Brit on some YouTube channel saying that UKIP supporters decided to support May in this election just to ensure that Brexit was fulfilled and would then go back to supporting UKIP after that. They didn't want to risk splitting the vote between UKIP and the Tories to then elect the anti-Brexit 1970's Marxist retread, Corbyn. In some good news, it looks like the Tories are now allying themselves with Northern Ireland's social Conservative party, DUP, to form a coalition government.
Man this election turn into a cluster F for May. She has had about the worst three months imaginable ever since she foolishly (in hindsight) announced a snap election. Even though she is trying to seal the alliance with the DUP ( think American Christian coalition as a comparison) word on the street is her hold on power is shaky and Tories like Boris Johnson and others are chomping at the bit. Riggins is correct. Corbyn on the other hand would be an outright disaster. The Brexit deal is muddled as well now. Talk about stepping in the you know what May.
On an even darker note May was friendly to Trump and he was expected to make the customary visit ( in October). Now that could be up in the air and the truth is the UK is our only "real" ally. I know the French have historically been one but really they are too half ass lets be honest. So if trouble erupts in the world that needs action we will need the Brits by our side and if Corbyn ever attains power the whole system could get upended which will put us and the UK in danger.
The best way to absorb all of this is to read Katie Hopkins' Daily Mail columns. She funnels all the Anglo -Saxon anger that so many Brits have been feeling. And she does it with that classic British stinging wit. She is ROUGH no question. She makes Ann Coulter seem Junior High and after a couple of segments with Fox News they deemed her too divisive. The left describe her as a white terrorist which is a terrible joke. She recently got fired from her radio station for using a term that I won't repeat here ( hint it is deemed worse than the "N" word) but in the context of all these terror attacks you can't blame her in the heat of the moment. But she has the proper blood in her veins and is the leading discontent in the war against terrorism. When her colleague at the Daily News recently interviewed the robotic London Mayor she said if it was her she wouldn't have been able to contain herself and would have beaten the crap out of him and then escape and run down the street to avoid the authorities. But she was right to pick up on his post terror attack emotionless response. And she has no love for Metropolitan cities like London where she equates "multi-culture" with "we all die together." If nothing else she makes me laugh.
Funny first sentence (of an alarming article from Breitbart) where 70% of "British" 18-24 year-olds voted for Marxist Corbyn with a dindu on Corbyn's right and a jihadist on his left...ahhh, "Merry '0l England"...

The "Yoof" What Swung It?
Funny first sentence (of an alarming article from Breitbart) where 70% of "British" 18-24 year-olds voted for Marxist Corbyn with a dindu on Corbyn's right and a jihadist on his left...ahhh, "Merry '0l England"...

The "Yoof" What Swung It?

******* pathetic - giving away their culture, heritage and country because they have been dumbed down and indoctrinated.
******* pathetic - giving away their culture, heritage and country because they have been dumbed down and indoctrinated.

Just like the "frogs" across the channel.
Man this election turn into a cluster F for May. She has had about the worst three months imaginable ever since she foolishly (in hindsight) announced a snap election. Even though she is trying to seal the alliance with the DUP ( think American Christian coalition as a comparison) word on the street is her hold on power is shaky and Tories like Boris Johnson and others are chomping at the bit. Riggins is correct. Corbyn on the other hand would be an outright disaster. The Brexit deal is muddled as well now. Talk about stepping in the you know what May.
On an even darker note May was friendly to Trump and he was expected to make the customary visit ( in October). Now that could be up in the air and the truth is the UK is our only "real" ally. I know the French have historically been one but really they are too half ass lets be honest. So if trouble erupts in the world that needs action we will need the Brits by our side and if Corbyn ever attains power the whole system could get upended which will put us and the UK in danger.
The best way to absorb all of this is to read Katie Hopkins' Daily Mail columns. She funnels all the Anglo -Saxon anger that so many Brits have been feeling. And she does it with that classic British stinging wit. She is ROUGH no question. She makes Ann Coulter seem Junior High and after a couple of segments with Fox News they deemed her too divisive. The left describe her as a white terrorist which is a terrible joke. She recently got fired from her radio station for using a term that I won't repeat here ( hint it is deemed worse than the "N" word) but in the context of all these terror attacks you can't blame her in the heat of the moment. But she has the proper blood in her veins and is the leading discontent in the war against terrorism. When her colleague at the Daily News recently interviewed the robotic London Mayor she said if it was her she wouldn't have been able to contain herself and would have beaten the crap out of him and then escape and run down the street to avoid the authorities. But she was right to pick up on his post terror attack emotionless response. And she has no love for Metropolitan cities like London where she equates "multi-culture" with "we all die together." If nothing else she makes me laugh.

I have been reading alot of articles about how bad this election was for the Conservatives and all the mistakes May and her advisors made. Taking a step back and looking at the overall situation, May was in the Remain camp. She was not a Brexiteer. After the election disaster there is all this talk of how Brexit is in trouble. Maybe someone convinced May it would be "for the good of the country" for the Conservatives to do badly in this election so maybe opposition to Brexit builds and it doesn't happen. Knowing how the NWO operates, it wouldn't be at all surprising.

I read an article just now saying Boris Johnson, the former Mayor of London, thinks May should resign and one of his advisors is saying he wants to be PM, even though Johnson himself hasn't said so. He would be a much better PM than May, if only for the simple fact that he's a Brexiteer and will make sure the will of the voters is implemented.
Can Britons really expect this fool of a woman to lead them out of this massive trouble they have been swindled into? No. Chuck May aside and bring in a strong speaking and clear thinking man for the job.
Can Britons really expect this fool of a woman to lead them out of this massive trouble they have been swindled into? No. Chuck May aside and bring in a strong speaking and clear thinking man for the job.

Women were never designed/meant to "lead" over any competent men...period.
Incredible but the ringleader of the London carnage was followed by authorities in 2015, was a REALITY TV star and by the grace of God didn't get the "security" job he applied for at Wimbledon. And it wasn't because he was a full fledged killer coming soon to a throat near you either it was by sheer luck the tournament did not hire him. This death cult have been sniffing around lily white venues like Wimbledon and giant soccer stadiums along with concert halls. This killer was in view in broad daylight for some time but the authorities insist that "their hands were tied." My ass. If a society cannot discern the difference between "free speech" and "murder plans speech" then what is the point of anything? And just ask the Homeland Security team here in our country if they sleep well at night. Hell no. One tiny dirty bomb in a crowded city could kill 10,000 people in a flash.
Also the Mayor of London and possible PM Jeremy Corbyn don't like Trump ( join the long line) and don't want him to make the traditional visit to the Queen. Well Trump has made it clear he supports NATO and is pretty much towing the customary USA line on world security so why would these two small minded twerps want to upset the applecart and risk both countries security which has been the bedrock of foreign policy since WWII? They don't have to like Trump but they should respect the gravity of the traditional Presidential visit. The liberal side of the British media were playing up that Trump has changed his mind and won't visit and Corbyn smugly jumped all over it. But it was just a false rumor prompting Katie Hopkins to tweet to Corbyn "would you like some piss with your chips?" A very far left radical like Corbyn would present a danger to the world if he assumes the PM mantle. Any fissure in a UK/ USA alliance could spell big trouble. We need the Brits and they need us it is that simple. Many people do not realize how dark the world could turn if this all important alliance was shattered. Which if anyone cared to notice during the NATO meetings Trump and May were nearly always together side by side. On the other hand Trump made faces at Merkel which was kind of funny.
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Our country is heading towards a Civil War, and I will gladly put the epaulets back on again, and lead our troops into battle.

The left is the enemy. They are systematically destroying white men, heterosexuals and Christians. We need to stop standing around with our thumbs up our fourth points of contact.

Fighting back is the only chance we have, and we have to do it quick. The hivemind is slow to change its tactics (they worked for so long) , but it will change at some point.

These treasonous Redcoats have infiltrated our schools, media and entertainment, and have spent the past 50 years working this plan. It almost came to fruition. Trump just stalled it, and the fact that the classical liberals are being disenfranchised (and in turn becoming conservative) by the regressive Marxists, is the only thing keeping conservatives in control.

I am not inciting violence, but am I the only one that sees it as inevitable? We cannot co-exist with these authoritarian globalist scum.
Why are we whites allowing these donky fvcking towel heads into our western world..
They add no value at all.. I get so frustrated my brothers. They demand a caliphate, fvck them, mohomo & the flying dokey that rode him into heaven..

They demand & get prayer breaks when my white bosses look negatively if I come in 10 min late because of traffic..
Yet followers of that child molesting donky divk lover mohomo can come an hour late because there was traffic at the mosque!

Nah, I'm not angry...not the earl of sandwich fvck Islam
I'm on my phone so it's a little difficult to search and post right now but I believe Thrashen posted the European response to terrorism - along the lines of attack happens, everyone sends their prayers on social media and express their feelings like idiots, world leaders condemn attacks but state Islam is a religion of peace and do nothing and the cycle just keeps repeating.

For all the lurkers out their who label us as crazy - the insane logic imbedded in so many "liberal" westerners is truly moronic - tolerance and acceptance does not always work -they are killing white westerners and these are acts of genocide by ISIS. How anyone can replace logic and common sense with the false notion of tolerance is beyond me. The whites who preach tolerance and acceptance are the insane ones -not us!

I'm glad I found like minded men, who make no excuses for ourselves..
Thank you
Earl of Sandwich
In the wake of yet another terror attack in England, it's time for all the self-centered phonies on social media around the globe to "Pray For London (Again)." And the cycle repeats again and again...

The handsome Muslims perpetrators were a Pakistani and a Moroccan/Libyan. Multikulturalismus über alles...

There are too many mohomo's in the west!
Liberal fools import these unskilled, illerterate, anti western fools by the boat/plane loads.
Can someone, anyone tell me why they don't go to Mecca?
Somali-born refugee charged in Canada 'terror' attack

American Freedom News