Is there salvation for the "white self-loathing" brother?


May 18, 2012
In my world
So I have come to the conclusion after many years of verbal, physical or even combat battles that the worse enemy of the white purpose and kind is mainly other white people. It has always been them who gave the power to other races or "kinds" to destroy our societies and cultures.

Is there salvation for the self loathing white type that keeps ruining our kind, or they are a lost case that should be destructed someway? Maybe they should go back to Africa to live with their "ancestors"? I mean 101% of them tend to believe that we all come from Africa, so why not join their ancestors then?

I personally think that the self-loathing white man/woman, either he's Spaniard, Swedish, Greek, American, Australian or Canadian can't be cured. He's cursed and destined to believe that only interracial breeding, multicultural societies, decrease of white population and such mess is the only "healthy" way for our planet!

What's your opinion on this gentlemen?


Sep 2, 2012
So I have come to the conclusion after many years of verbal, physical or even combat battles that the worse enemy of the white purpose and kind is mainly other white people. It has always been them who gave the power to other races or "kinds" to destroy our societies and cultures.

Is there salvation for the self loathing white type that keeps ruining our kind, or they are a lost case that should be destructed someway? Maybe they should go back to Africa to live with their "ancestors"? I mean 101% of them tend to believe that we all come from Africa, so why not join their ancestors then?

I personally think that the self-loathing white man/woman, either he's Spaniard, Swedish, Greek, American, Australian or Canadian can't be cured. He's cursed and destined to believe that only interracial breeding, multicultural societies, decrease of white population and such mess is the only "healthy" way for our planet!

What's your opinion on this gentlemen?

When I was young I didn't really know any better myself. I was always aware of white superiority but in some ways I drank the Kool-aid about multiculturalism....not all that much though. Maybe I wasn't as dumb a kid as I remember. The point I'm trying to make is that people grow up pretty quick and I'll grant people ignorance during their youth. If you're a 50 or 60 old white person preaching about "white privelege" and such than I doubt there is much room for redemption.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
For what it's worth, I do see some White college students who are waking up when it comes to race, as well as other issues.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
For what it's worth, I do see some White college students who are waking up when it comes to race, as well as other issues.
Move into an urban area that is in the early stages of gentrification or worse move into an urban or suburban area that is in decline ie parts of Vegas, South Florida, Philly and other dieing cities in the north east or mid west and you will wake up with property crimes or rudeness that borders on verbal assault or god forbid assault or worse.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
in france last month a white kid from brittany (the place in france with the less inmigrants) was killed with a single punch by a racist skinhead in paris: he was an anti-far right activist, those guys hunt racists and assault them physically
so this should be an example for every white kid in his white environement, who wants to come to an inmigrant-filled place to assault racially aware whites, they'll end up killed by either white skinheads or african savages, because they don't make the diference between an anti-racist white and a racist white


May 18, 2012
In my world
I hope you can all see this post and realize where I come from with my strong views.

How the story goes. A self loathing British man made a question full of angst and frustration against his fellow white European men (as usually white Brits do) and to make a long story short he wished death, disease and illness to all the Eastern European immigrants that "pollute" his country. Of course this negro-lover is pro black even though he's white (have seen his FB). So I gave an incredible answer (the ones that you have witnessed in here from time to time that I literally destruct the one I am having debate with) and finally I closed my answer by saying " So you mind with all Eastern Euros, Greeks and Italians (he had slandered them too in his additional, once he saw me replying) but you are OK with all the Africans, Muslims and Jamaicans?" and next to it I posted this link:

After the destruction he suffered, he of course deleted his question as a usual coward.

Being sick and ill from his hatred and question I fired back with this one:;_ylv=3?qid=20130818141117AAv9NcV

Here are the results:
Tam : White American. Have seen his Facebook
i shook up the world! :White British, have seen his FB
RuddiGer: As you can see from his avatar, WHITE American who claims to box like a "black man" and he's proud for that.
Doc: White British (he was the one who made the hatred question)
Eddie F: Claims to be white british but this one is niglet from Chicago. He has been exposed.

I hope you realize why I feel how I feel for a big percentage of white Americans and Brits now. I have been around Greeks, Italians and even French and I have never seen so much self hatred and loath.

He's White British and I have seen his facebook. He's married with a Jewish woman and raises her two biracial (niglets) daughters. GOD WHAT A LOSER. In this answer in of my questions said that Golovkin is Asian and used the link of castefootball in his answer and then edited and took it off. The piece of **** got exposed:;_ylv=3?qid=20130817153754AAlNxh7

Seriously, if guys like Thrasen and whiteathlete see this post and are willing to attack me again for my views or opinions, guys and me put it nicely, you can go f u c k yourselves too!
Last edited:

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Zeus I dont think anyone denies that western whites are the most self hating, and loathsome of all whites. The thing I think that some posters take issue with is the idea that its some genetic inferiority. You suggest that eastern Europeans are genetically superior to westerners, which is silly.

Western whites are the most brainwashed because of the intense propaganda that has been waged against them. The Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic, and kindred people have been the bullseye target for the puppet masters. Nobody is more hated, and nobody has had more negative, vicious propaganda designed to destroy them. You seem to be totally unsympathetic to this fact, and I think thats why certain posters take issue with your stance at times.


May 18, 2012
In my world
Zeus I dont think anyone denies that western whites are the most self hating, and loathsome of all whites. The thing I think that some posters take issue with is the idea that its some genetic inferiority. You suggest that eastern Europeans are genetically superior to westerners, which is silly.

Western whites are the most brainwashed because of the intense propaganda that has been waged against them. The Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic, and kindred people have been the bullseye target for the puppet masters. Nobody is more hated, and nobody has had more negative, vicious propaganda designed to destroy them. You seem to be totally unsympathetic to this fact, and I think thats why certain posters take issue with your stance at times.

No my friend, you got it all wrong. First off, the one and only UNITED white race is superior as a whole. So starting from that base, all kind of Europeans invented, explored, conquered, fought and won wars etc.

Truth is however that inside our wonderful race, depending the region and cultural traits we tend to be better at some things than our fellow whites, which of course depends on many factors, genes included!

Eastern Europeans are completely superior in combat and dynamic sports (which is easily proven by facts and stats), while for example people of western European ancestry tend to be better swimmers, Northern Europeans best in winter sports, Southern Europeans better soccer players or dancers (that's a serious statement and I meant natural dancers, not Bolsoi ballets) and so on.

Look at professional boxing my friend, once Eastern Euros entered the Olympics or Pro rankings they owned the place, while there have been NUMEROUS Westerners who kept embarrassing us and making Negroes look like Gods. Actually they still do embarrass us. David Price anyone?

So we disagree that we, whites, tend to be better at specific events (not only regarding sports) depending the way we are "designed" ? Take a Danish man and put him in Crete Greece during the summer to compete against a local man in any activity and he will roast like a chicken under the 42 degrees of heat. Now reverse both and put them skiing in the Alpes. The Cretan will freeze and break like the bad guy in terminator 2.

Climate and cultural factors play a huge role, but modern theories of evolution tells us that the social circumstances and weather conditions can effect the genes to the point a Russian after many centuries of specific nutrition that passes to his DNA, after centuries of being raised in a specific climate and "inhuman" social enviroment, made him genetically superior for certain activities than a boy in the good ol' South that his parents and forefathers have been fed, lived and think in a specific (gross in many cases) way.

Let's not lie to ourselves. Nobody is stoping white American to become boxers and beat Negroes. I see guys in here keep saying caste system this, caste system that and I agree, there's a caste system, no doubt, but there's also a lack of motivation, fear and intimidation that many of you in here don't want to accept. White Americans dominate baseball, MLS, quarterback position in football, hockey, used to dominate tennis too, golf, Nascar, swimming, powerlifting, every single extreme sport, even MMA etc. I don't see anyone stopping them from dominating all these things. Probably it's white Westerners (keep in mind I am a westerner too) we should blame for not being good or tough enough in certain things as boxing for example, instead of blaming the caste system for everything?

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
No my friend, you got it all wrong. First off, the one and only UNITED white race is superior as a whole. So starting from that base, all kind of Europeans invented, explored, conquered, fought and won wars etc.

Truth is however that inside our wonderful race, depending the region and cultural traits we tend to be better at some things than our fellow whites, which of course depends on many factors, genes included!

Eastern Europeans are completely superior in combat and dynamic sports (which is easily proven by facts and stats), while for example people of western European ancestry tend to be better swimmers, Northern Europeans best in winter sports, Southern Europeans better soccer players or dancers (that's a serious statement and I meant natural dancers, not Bolsoi ballets) and so on.

Look at professional boxing my friend, once Eastern Euros entered the Olympics or Pro rankings they owned the place, while there have been NUMEROUS Westerners who kept embarrassing us and making Negroes look like Gods. Actually they still do embarrass us. David Price anyone?

So we disagree that we, whites, tend to be better at specific events (not only regarding sports) depending the way we are "designed" ? Take a Danish man and put him in Crete Greece during the summer to compete against a local man in any activity and he will roast like a chicken under the 42 degrees of heat. Now reverse both and put them skiing in the Alpes. The Cretan will freeze and break like the bad guy in terminator 2.

Climate and cultural factors play a huge role, but modern theories of evolution tells us that the social circumstances and weather conditions can effect the genes to the point a Russian after many centuries of specific nutrition that passes to his DNA, after centuries of being raised in a specific climate and "inhuman" social enviroment, made him genetically superior for certain activities than a boy in the good ol' South that his parents and forefathers have been fed, lived and think in a specific (gross in many cases) way.

Let's not lie to ourselves. Nobody is stoping white American to become boxers and beat Negroes. I see guys in here keep saying caste system this, caste system that and I agree, there's a caste system, no doubt, but there's also a lack of motivation, fear and intimidation that many of you in here don't want to accept. White Americans dominate baseball, MLS, quarterback position in football, hockey, used to dominate tennis too, golf, Nascar, swimming, powerlifting, every single extreme sport, even MMA etc. I don't see anyone stopping them from dominating all these things. Probably it's white Westerners (keep in mind I am a westerner too) we should blame for not being good or tough enough in certain things as boxing for example, instead of blaming the caste system for everything?

You say that "Ive got it all wrong" which I dont really understand. I simply gave my two cents as to why I believe certain posters "attack" you.

I myself have never "attacked" you because I basically agree with you on most of your post. Im also well aware of everything you said in this post. My point is that there is no denying that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people have been the focus of the most intense propaganda in world history. Far more than Italians, or Romanians, or Russians, and such.

From the cradle to the grave westerners are told how weak, crooked, and evil they are. CONSTANTLY, and mercilessly. Still its not ALL westerners that are pathetic. If the westerners weakness was genetic then ALL westerners would be self hating anti-White idiots rather than just most of them.

The bottom line is tha self loathing white liberal westerners didnt exist until Jewish propaganda began to dominate EVERYTHING the westerner was exposed to.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I enjoy reading Zeus's posts and I'm happy that he posts here :). I do largely agree with Zeus's point that Western Whites (those in USA and to a comparatively lesser extent Canada, UK, Germany, France, Holland) are the most self-hating, self-defeating, and culturally marxist. This is an excellent point by Zeus and it is absolutely true.

To explain why Western Whites are so self-hating, I also agree with the point brought up by Wes Woodhead, which is that Western Whites are self-hating because they receive consistent propaganda and reminders pushed on them from "the system" (the media, educational institutions, public institutions, and everyday life).

To answer the question posed by Zeus, "is there salvation for the white self-loathing brother", unfortunately I think the answer is mainly no. In my humble opinion, there is no saving for most self-hating whites, leftist whites, or even moderately liberal whites for the most part. There are some exceptions to that, and it is worth it to try to get people to see different perspectives, but the truth is that most self-hating, leftist, and even moderately liberal whites don't want to be saved, don't want to see other opinions, and aren't intelligent enough to think beyond the mainstream or what is deemed socially acceptable.

Ive had many face to face and online interactions with self-hating, leftist, and liberal whites and I am always respectful, logical, and academic in my approach and for the most part its a waste of time for me. These people aren't interested, aren't intelligent enough, or are simply reluctant to give credit to any opinion that is not "mainstream" and socially acceptable.

Ive heard many users refer to these kinds of whites as "sheep" and that's exactly what they are. They just go along with whatever is socially acceptable, they have no further level of morality or thought process than that.


May 18, 2012
In my world
You say that "Ive got it all wrong" which I dont really understand. I simply gave my two cents as to why I believe certain posters "attack" you.

I myself have never "attacked" you because I basically agree with you on most of your post. Im also well aware of everything you said in this post.

Hey man, I didn't mean to offend you. Don't misunderstand me here. I appreciate you as a contributor and your opinion as well. I was referring to the specific statement "You suggest that eastern Europeans are genetically superior to westerners, which is silly".

I think the certain posters who attack me might be a little confused inside and fancy or even worst truly consider Negroes superior? I am not saying they do, I just wonder. I mean it's CRYSTAL CLEAR what my target is. It's like Thrasen for example attacking those Greek self loathing anarchists that destroy monuments that our (common as whites not just Greek) great ancestors built, that burn the Greek flag or even kill people. Why would I ever defend them or get offended over them? I don't see how Thrasen and whiteathlete33 take such a huge offense over the trashy scumbags you just all witnessed in that yahoo forum. Why on earth would they take offense over them? Can you explain it? I really can't.

If they heard me calling out an American ICON ala Elvis or Charlton Heaston I could understand, but them getting out their way and call Golden Dawn "a bunch of bozos and clowns" over me attacking someone like Michael Moore. Man that's ill!


May 18, 2012
In my world
I enjoy reading Zeus's posts and I'm happy that he posts here :). I do largely agree with Zeus's point that Western Whites (those in USA and to a comparatively lesser extent Canada, UK, Germany, France, Holland) are the most self-hating, self-defeating, and culturally marxist. This is an excellent point by Zeus and it is absolutely true.

You are one of my favorite members here as well. Also I find strange how Thrasen attacked you on a personal, national and even racial level too, mainly accusing you not being a "pure" white man. Maybe there's a hidden agenda with some members in here after all? I remember you from various boxing forums where you literally gave WARS AND BATTLES in the name of the glorious white boxer against self loathing white Brits and Americans or Niglets.

I don't see how anyone could ever attack someone as pro-white as you! Plus your boxing knowledge is amazing.

Keep up the good work mate :thumbsup:

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Hey man, I didn't mean to offend you. Don't misunderstand me here. I appreciate you as a contributor and your opinion as well. I was referring to the specific statement "You suggest that eastern Europeans are genetically superior to westerners, which is silly".

I think the certain posters who attack me might be a little confused inside and fancy or even worst truly consider Negroes superior? I am not saying they do, I just wonder. I mean it's CRYSTAL CLEAR what my target is. It's like Thrasen for example attacking those Greek self loathing anarchists that destroy monuments that our (common as whites not just Greek) great ancestors built, that burn the Greek flag or even kill people. Why would I ever defend them or get offended over them? I don't see how Thrasen and whiteathlete33 take such a huge offense over the trashy scumbags you just all witnessed in that yahoo forum. Why on earth would they take offense over them? Can you explain it? I really can't.

If they heard me calling out an American ICON ala Elvis or Charlton Heaston I could understand, but them getting out their way and call Golden Dawn "a bunch of bozos and clowns" over me attacking someone like Michael Moore. Man that's ill!

Hey brother you didnt offend me in the slightest. I was just throwing my two cents out there is all.

To answer your question NO I dont understand exactly why you have been insulted on here the way you have. Ive been tryin to make sense of that since you first joined up on CF. Furthermore Im always anxious to see what you have to say when I notice you have posted.

I also dont think for a second that Thrashen and whiteathlete are of the opinion that blacks are superior.i dont see how anyone can think that. Those two guys are top 20 posters in my opinion, and I cant make since of the infighting Ive witnessed on here. Im tryin to make sense of it, and all I can figure is that some find your extreme stance offensive.

My only slight, and I emphasize slight, issue with you is that you SEEM to underestimate to power of the physiological warfare that Anglo-Westerners have been subjected to. I feel this is the reason Eastern Euros, on average, are studs compared to Western Euros.


May 18, 2012
In my world
Hey brother you didnt offend me in the slightest. I was just throwing my two cents out there is all.

To answer your question NO I dont understand exactly why you have been insulted on here the way you have. Ive been tryin to make sense of that since you first joined up on CF. Furthermore Im always anxious to see what you have to say when I notice you have posted.

I also dont think for a second that Thrashen and whiteathlete are of the opinion that blacks are superior.i dont see how anyone can think that. Those two guys are top 20 posters in my opinion, and I cant make since of the infighting Ive witnessed on here. Im tryin to make sense of it, and all I can figure is that some find your extreme stance offensive.

My only slight, and I emphasize slight, issue with you is that you SEEM to underestimate to power of the physiological warfare that Anglo-Westerners have been subjected to. I feel this is the reason Eastern Euros, on average, are studs compared to Western Euros.

Actually I think whiteathlete33 is a good guy, just get out of his way many times because he feels like I insult USA or UK as a whole. I would never disrespect the likes of Rocky Marciano or Jack Dempsey or Joe Calzaghe (even though I follow him on twitter and I can guarantee you the man is extremely liberal and Black-friendly). As for Thrasen I think he's nowhere near a "pro" white man in my opinion. This guy would get literally lynched by pretty much every pro-white political party around the world with the way he degrades other whites based on their looks. But anyway, it's none of my business to judge other members, neither I care really, my real purpose in here to wake up if possible. You say that I am offensive....... Don't you think this is the only way to resist this madness? Man you realize that the vast majority of you on this forum don't know Greek reality or not much outside your country right? I have seen guys telling me that I am "playing" safe cause there are not many non whites in Greece like in the US or UK...........WHAT? Greece has 3 million NON-WHITE illegal aliens (Albanians included) and the Greek population is 11 million. 3/14 = 21%. Worst than many countries in Europe.......Why do you think Golden Dawn did rise from 0,11% to current (estimated) 19%? We have been literally attacked by the media and Zionists worst than every white American. For 40 years this country was conquered from socialists, marxists and zionists. I think you guys need to focus on global history a bit more. They tried to ruin us culturally and racially and the people resist, the women didn't mix with Pakis or Niglets and then the Zionist devils discovered an "extreme" manufactured economic crisis. Why? The young population abandons the country for other places, the older stay here and the Pakis. They found another way to destroy what they failed to do what they did in the US and UK by "culture" and "media". So allow me to believe that White Americans and Brits are mentally weaker than us and I know that for a fact. I witness it on daily basis. I see the tourists, I have been there. For some reason white Americans are totally intimidated and it's not the whole "propaganda", in my opinion is the junk food, the easy comfortable life (that are afraid to lose), the TV, the comics, the lifestyle, THAT THEY CHOSE TO LIVE!

Ok, please prove me wrong on this one and I will shut up! Since it's all about the media and propaganda. Do your media and magazines portray white beauty as the ultimate standard of beauty? Yes they do and don't try to debate on this. If I am not mistaken 28 out of 29 sexiest man alive (A VERY PRESTIGIOUS AND POPULAR TITLE) has gone to white men of Western European heritage or to be more specific, Anglo Saxons...........Shouldn't the white American boys or Brits feel "superior" according to the same theory that the same media make the Niglets feel superior let's say basketball players?

Take an everyday decent looking Greek, Italian, Spaniard, Portuguese or even Turkish (ewww) man and put him next to the a white American in the game of flirting and I can guarantee you something I have witnessed again and again that the white American or Brit will get DESTRUCTED and go back in the hotel room solo.......... So what's the excuse for this one? Why the white American or Brit feels completely intimidated (heck many feel this way even compared to niglets) when it comes to the ultimate and most ancient "sport"....mate-matching? 99,9% of the sex symbols, Hollywood icons, beauty pageant winners have been the "Western Euro" type.....So what's the problem in this case? Let me tell you what's the problem. A whole generation getting raised from parents, school, church, society etc. to be losers. You know what angers me with this situation? That white Americans and Brits have thrown a white towel and find "refugee" in totally idiotic loser-inventions as comics, video-games, trash tv and such nonsense. I don't know. On this one you can't accuse no caste system. The media will play 24/7 for decades white sex icons as Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Leonard Di Caprio, Johnny Depp, David Bechkam, Channing Tatum and so on, but your average white American boy is either into comics, junk food or too insecure to do anything. The root of the problem in the US is really DEEP and I am afraid a site or endless conversations won't solve nothing. White USA needs reformation!
Apr 27, 2013
Zeus, Sir, could you give us an update on what's going on in Greece. We're pretty isolated here with only the MSM to propagandize and suppress all information about the outside world. When are the next elections in Greece and what are the GD plans for those elections?



Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Actually I think whiteathlete33 is a good guy, just get out of his way many times because he feels like I insult USA or UK as a whole. I would never disrespect the likes of Rocky Marciano or Jack Dempsey or Joe Calzaghe (even though I follow him on twitter and I can guarantee you the man is extremely liberal and Black-friendly). As for Thrasen I think he's nowhere near a "pro" white man in my opinion. This guy would get literally lynched by pretty much every pro-white political party around the world with the way he degrades other whites based on their looks. But anyway, it's none of my business to judge other members, neither I care really, my real purpose in here to wake up if possible. You say that I am offensive....... Don't you think this is the only way to resist this madness? Man you realize that the vast majority of you on this forum don't know Greek reality or not much outside your country right? I have seen guys telling me that I am "playing" safe cause there are not many non whites in Greece like in the US or UK...........WHAT? Greece has 3 million NON-WHITE illegal aliens (Albanians included) and the Greek population is 11 million. 3/14 = 21%. Worst than many countries in Europe.......Why do you think Golden Dawn did rise from 0,11% to current (estimated) 19%? We have been literally attacked by the media and Zionists worst than every white American. For 40 years this country was conquered from socialists, marxists and zionists. I think you guys need to focus on global history a bit more. They tried to ruin us culturally and racially and the people resist, the women didn't mix with Pakis or Niglets and then the Zionist devils discovered an "extreme" manufactured economic crisis. Why? The young population abandons the country for other places, the older stay here and the Pakis. They found another way to destroy what they failed to do what they did in the US and UK by "culture" and "media". So allow me to believe that White Americans and Brits are mentally weaker than us and I know that for a fact. I witness it on daily basis. I see the tourists, I have been there. For some reason white Americans are totally intimidated and it's not the whole "propaganda", in my opinion is the junk food, the easy comfortable life (that are afraid to lose), the TV, the comics, the lifestyle, THAT THEY CHOSE TO LIVE!

Ok, please prove me wrong on this one and I will shut up! Since it's all about the media and propaganda. Do your media and magazines portray white beauty as the ultimate standard of beauty? Yes they do and don't try to debate on this. If I am not mistaken 28 out of 29 sexiest man alive (A VERY PRESTIGIOUS AND POPULAR TITLE) has gone to white men of Western European heritage or to be more specific, Anglo Saxons...........Shouldn't the white American boys or Brits feel "superior" according to the same theory that the same media make the Niglets feel superior let's say basketball players?

Take an everyday decent looking Greek, Italian, Spaniard, Portuguese or even Turkish (ewww) man and put him next to the a white American in the game of flirting and I can guarantee you something I have witnessed again and again that the white American or Brit will get DESTRUCTED and go back in the hotel room solo.......... So what's the excuse for this one? Why the white American or Brit feels completely intimidated (heck many feel this way even compared to niglets) when it comes to the ultimate and most ancient "sport"....mate-matching? 99,9% of the sex symbols, Hollywood icons, beauty pageant winners have been the "Western Euro" type.....So what's the problem in this case? Let me tell you what's the problem. A whole generation getting raised from parents, school, church, society etc. to be losers. You know what angers me with this situation? That white Americans and Brits have thrown a white towel and find "refugee" in totally idiotic loser-inventions as comics, video-games, trash tv and such nonsense. I don't know. On this one you can't accuse no caste system. The media will play 24/7 for decades white sex icons as Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Leonard Di Caprio, Johnny Depp, David Bechkam, Channing Tatum and so on, but your average white American boy is either into comics, junk food or too insecure to do anything. The root of the problem in the US is really DEEP and I am afraid a site or endless conversations won't solve nothing. White USA needs reformation!

I don't hate you Zeus. In fact I think you are very intelligent and well informed about the history of white athletes. Your posts about blacks are hilarious, I almost cried laughing a few times. Just keep it civil.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Zeus you make a lot of good points and I respect what you have to say. The only thing I will say is to not underestimate the power of Whites in the USA. We are still the offspring of soldiers who fought and died in the first 2 world wars. Like you mentioned our genes are seen as the most desirable in the world!

Economically what has changed is the lack of(white) blue collar work around the US. It is sickening to see the lack of disrespect carpenters,roofers,electricians, plumbers get in public schools. The system is set up for Americans to pay hefty tuitions(12,000 a year) at liberal universities. Blue collar work is looked down upon or barely even mentioned as a career option for a lot of kids!

In my town of 100,000 in SE Wisconsin I have seen this first hand. We used to have AMC motors and Chrysler here now we have nothing except for a 5block radius of where the plant used to be and ever growing ghetto of blacks and mexicans living around there. A lot of the work in America has been passed off to the Mexicans who are willing to work their ass off while many white people feel they are above that and pursue white collar careers.

The only thing that will continue to wake people up to the realities of life are the obvious racial double standards and our economy hitting the ****ter.. But I have faith I was given this world I didn't make it!

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
No my friend, you got it all wrong. First off, the one and only UNITED white race is superior as a whole. So starting from that base, all kind of Europeans invented, explored, conquered, fought and won wars etc.

Truth is however that inside our wonderful race, depending the region and cultural traits we tend to be better at some things than our fellow whites, which of course depends on many factors, genes included!

Eastern Europeans are completely superior in combat and dynamic sports (which is easily proven by facts and stats), while for example people of western European ancestry tend to be better swimmers, Northern Europeans best in winter sports, Southern Europeans better soccer players or dancers (that's a serious statement and I meant natural dancers, not Bolsoi ballets) and so on.

Look at professional boxing my friend, once Eastern Euros entered the Olympics or Pro rankings they owned the place, while there have been NUMEROUS Westerners who kept embarrassing us and making Negroes look like Gods. Actually they still do embarrass us. David Price anyone?

So we disagree that we, whites, tend to be better at specific events (not only regarding sports) depending the way we are "designed" ? Take a Danish man and put him in Crete Greece during the summer to compete against a local man in any activity and he will roast like a chicken under the 42 degrees of heat. Now reverse both and put them skiing in the Alpes. The Cretan will freeze and break like the bad guy in terminator 2.

Climate and cultural factors play a huge role, but modern theories of evolution tells us that the social circumstances and weather conditions can effect the genes to the point a Russian after many centuries of specific nutrition that passes to his DNA, after centuries of being raised in a specific climate and "inhuman" social enviroment, made him genetically superior for certain activities than a boy in the good ol' South that his parents and forefathers have been fed, lived and think in a specific (gross in many cases) way.

Let's not lie to ourselves. Nobody is stoping white American to become boxers and beat Negroes. I see guys in here keep saying caste system this, caste system that and I agree, there's a caste system, no doubt, but there's also a lack of motivation, fear and intimidation that many of you in here don't want to accept. White Americans dominate baseball, MLS, quarterback position in football, hockey, used to dominate tennis too, golf, Nascar, swimming, powerlifting, every single extreme sport, even MMA etc. I don't see anyone stopping them from dominating all these things. Probably it's white Westerners (keep in mind I am a westerner too) we should blame for not being good or tough enough in certain things as boxing for example, instead of blaming the caste system for everything?

Good post Zeus, as celticdb15 said, you make a lot of good points and I agree with most of them, however, as celticdb15 said, do not underestimate the power of the white American. Although I believe many whites here have grown soft over the last 20-30 years, there are still plenty of men here who can handle themselves pretty well, I know many personally.

I am one of the offspring of a grandfather who fought in and survived WW II and had an uncle who survived Korea and 2 tours of Vietnam.

Something many here don't mention very often is our U.S. military, I served in the U.S. Marines and although I wasn't the meanest, toughest, or the smartest Marine, I became friends with many who were pretty tough and intelligent people. Also, our Navy Seals are and will always be an elite fighting force and I will always respect them along Marine force recon and the U.S. Army Special Forces/ Green Berets.

I think environment/climate/culture has caused us here to become soft and lazy. You are correct in saying no one is stopping whites from becoming boxers, however, where I'm from there was no environment to box. No one within 50-100 miles of where I live taught boxing, so it just wasn't popular. I think I would have liked to box, but no one here was trained to teach. Boxing to me was considered and urban/big city sport and most whites have moved out of urban areas seeking the suburban/country club lifestyle that has made too many whites soft.

Track on the other hand is a different story. There are many opportunities for white kids to participate in track here, but they just don't. I have posted here many times that when I attended AAU track meets less than 2% of the sprint participants are white, however, 98% of the baseball players are white. This is not breaking news, but white kids here, are conditioned to think that they can't run fast, so most don't try, they gravitate to Baseball and Hockey as you mentioned.

I agree, we shouldn't keep blaming the Caste System for everything. White parents in this country need to get off their a$$'$ and teach their children how to become more active, self-reliant and responsible and quit being self-absorbed in their own interests.

This is where I disagree, I think it's more a lack of motivation rather than fear and intimidation.

Also, Zeus, are Eastern Europeans subjected to; from the time they are born, being told that blacks are physically superior than they are?
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Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Zeus you make a lot of good points and I respect what you have to say. The only thing I will say is to not underestimate the power of Whites in the USA. We are still the offspring of soldiers who fought and died in the first 2 world wars. Like you mentioned our genes are seen as the most desirable in the world!

Economically what has changed is the lack of(white) blue collar work around the US. It is sickening to see the lack of disrespect carpenters,roofers,electricians, plumbers get in public schools. The system is set up for Americans to pay hefty tuitions(12,000 a year) at liberal universities. Blue collar work is looked down upon or barely even mentioned as a career option for a lot of kids!

In my town of 100,000 in SE Wisconsin I have seen this first hand. We used to have AMC motors and Chrysler here now we have nothing except for a 5block radius of where the plant used to be and ever growing ghetto of blacks and mexicans living around there. A lot of the work in America has been passed off to the Mexicans who are willing to work their ass off while many white people feel they are above that and pursue white collar careers.

The only thing that will continue to wake people up to the realities of life are the obvious racial double standards and our economy hitting the ****ter.. But I have faith I was given this world I didn't make it!

Hi there Celticdb, Thank you. Very good and insightful post into the problems right here and now that are so prevalent among us.
I have seen the same thing in my take on things. I have seen jobs vanish too and demographics change wherever me and my family go. Whether it was Texas, California, or Florida, in the last 20+ years we have seen in fact and experience the cultural and mindset/attitudinal change only for the worst. Maybe it's because I am sensitive to it increasingly because we have a child and I am always trying to view the surroundings other than the myopic view most people seemingly do. We as a nation of formerly predominately Whites were once proud Americans, whether we worked in a trade, or a high-salaried business profession. Blue collar people as far as I can remember weren't looked down upon like today, rather, they were quite respected. Now, in the celebrity/reality show/materialism is king/narcissism is to be admired USSA it seems like I am living in another world than what I grew up in.
And to make matters worse, I hate to throw gasoline on the fires of dreadfulness, your tuition estimates were actually very under the current norms. It's sick and the YEARLY rates are going up and the interest rates for paying back student loans is making graduates or undergraduates like me slaves for the long-term, er, um, for life...See the following yearly rates:
Take care mate.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
As for Thrasen I think he's nowhere near a "pro" white man in my opinion. This guy would get literally lynched by pretty much every pro-white political party around the world with the way he degrades other whites based on their looks.

If this is true then there is no hope for the white race. Thrashen seems extra pro white to me. So ridiculously pro white that diamond ear rings, and tilted ball caps are disgusting to him. I respect both of you guys, and feel compelled to defend my brother in this case. Nothing against you personally. I understand that he has insulted you, and I dont condone that either.You are CLEARLY pro white. Well, at least pro eastern European white.

We have been literally attacked by the media and Zionists worst than every white American.

I find it hard to believe that ANY people have been attacked by the Zionist media "worse than every white American". Maybe equally as much, but worse would be near impossible.

So allow me to believe that White Americans and Brits are mentally weaker than us and I know that for a fact.

Permission granted my friend. Feel free to believe you are superior to your American, and British brothers all you want.

I witness it on daily basis. I see the tourists, I have been there. For some reason white Americans are totally intimidated and it's not the whole "propaganda", in my opinion is the junk food, the easy comfortable life (that are afraid to lose), the TV, the comics, the lifestyle, THAT THEY CHOSE TO LIVE!

Once again I believe that if the propaganda wasnt so vicious, and intense these last 70 years that this would not be the case. As for this "comfortable" life you seem to think we all have over here, well I aint seen it myself. Me and mine grew up bustin our asses workin on the ranch, and fighting with blacks and mexicans on a daily basis from Kindergarten to Sr year. None of my kinfolks are intimidated by anyone. Some of us have been socially, and sometimes legally punished for our unwillingness to bow down though. In America, Canada, Britian, France, Germany, and Scandinavia your life can be ruined for simply standing up for yourself.

Ok, please prove me wrong on this one and I will shut up! Since it's all about the media and propaganda. Do your media and magazines portray white beauty as the ultimate standard of beauty? Yes they do and don't try to debate on this. If I am not mistaken 28 out of 29 sexiest man alive (A VERY PRESTIGIOUS AND POPULAR TITLE) has gone to white men of Western European heritage or to be more specific, Anglo Saxons...........Shouldn't the white American boys or Brits feel "superior" according to the same theory that the same media make the Niglets feel superior let's say basketball players?

Yes the Anglo Saxon is rightfully portrayed as the most physically attractive in some things. As far as this goes I dont see whites feelings ugly, but rather weak, and guilty. We dont lack self confidence in our physical appearance. We do lack confidence in our athletic ability, and our toughness. Again this is on average. This does not apply to me, or any of my male relatives. I personally care nothing about who the sexiest man alive is, and think a man would have to be a little gay to care about that.

Take an everyday decent looking Greek, Italian, Spaniard, Portuguese or even Turkish (ewww) man and put him next to the a white American in the game of flirting and I can guarantee you something I have witnessed again and again that the white American or Brit will get DESTRUCTED and go back in the hotel room solo.......... So what's the excuse for this one? Why the white American or Brit feels completely intimidated (heck many feel this way even compared to niglets) when it comes to the ultimate and most ancient "sport"....mate-matching?

Its been my observation that women would rather bed down with an ugly badass than a handsome wimp. Italian, Greek, and Spanish men are portrayed as macho, and tough. White anglo Saxons are portrayed as weak, privileged, evil, and lame. This myth has become reality after 70 years of the same ol same ol. Once again propaganda reigns supreme.

99,9% of the sex symbols, Hollywood icons, beauty pageant winners have been the "Western Euro" type.....So what's the problem in this case? Let me tell you what's the problem. A whole generation getting raised from parents, school, church, society etc. to be losers. You know what angers me with this situation? That white Americans and Brits have thrown a white towel and find "refugee" in totally idiotic loser-inventions as comics, video-games, trash tv and such nonsense. I don't know. On this one you can't accuse no caste system. The media will play 24/7 for decades white sex icons as Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Leonard Di Caprio, Johnny Depp, David Bechkam, Channing Tatum and so on, but your average white American boy is either into comics, junk food or too insecure to do anything.

For every white sex symbol there are a million white slobs, weaklings, and race mixers. The propaganda is very well done, and obviously has worked very well. For every Brad Pitt there are a million Homer Simpsons.

The root of the problem in the US is really DEEP and I am afraid a site or endless conversations won't solve nothing. White USA needs reformation

Very well said, and I couldnt agree more. The Golden Dawn boys are an example tto us all there can be no denial of that. here in America such a movement simply wouldnt be allowed to happen.
Apr 27, 2013
Gentlemen, Here's my take on what's coming. Once everything falls apart and the minorities don't get their checks. As has been said here, many people who've been brought up to be sub-par men will just disapear, as in be murdered outright in the first rush of events. Some of them will somehow survive and become formidable men and join in the fight against the minorities and the fedgov. But not everything is against us. What's overlooked is when the minorities don't get their checks and all the food runs out, they'll starve in droves. Once the starvation sets in, they'll become ill. There'll be massive epidemics among them, especially dysentary. Of course, during this time there'll be massive rioting in the fedgov controlled areas. As for White people, there'll come to the forefront a hard nucleus of White people our enemies never dreamed existed. Just my humble opinion.

Jun 30, 2012
That white Americans and Brits have thrown a white towel and find "refugee" in totally idiotic loser-inventions as comics, video-games, trash tv and such nonsense. .... but your average white American boy is either into comics, junk food or too insecure to do anything.

Your knowledge of the "average white American boy" might not be all that accurate. I'm raising two of them (though they are well above average, intellectually), and I am around their friends and peers a lot. They do play a lot of video games, and it's a constant battle for parents. They also play football, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, golf, wrestle, swim, fence, read books, etc... They don't appear to be any less or more interested in girls than were my peers 30 years ago. There are real issues like junk food and video games for people who actually have children, but your perception of it is off the mark.

You are probably getting the exact view that the Jew-vision is wanting you and everyone else to get. Europeans tend to draw a lot of conclusions about the U.S. from television. Television doesn't reflect reality, it reflects what the Cultural Marxists want to be reality. It's propaganda. Video games and junk food are real problems, but not to the extent you cite, and don't think that they don't have those vices in the ghetto, too.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Zeus said:
So allow me to believe that White Americans and Brits are mentally weaker than us and I know that for a fact. I witness it on daily basis. I see the tourists, I have been there. For some reason white Americans are totally intimidated and it's not the whole "propaganda", in my opinion is the junk food, the easy comfortable life (that are afraid to lose), the TV, the comics, the lifestyle, THAT THEY CHOSE TO LIVE!

Here’s a copious tip that could possibly save your life, Little Miss Thunderbolt…don’t ever venture into rural Pennsylvania (or the American countryside in general). Especially whilst wearing your 24-Karat diamond earrings, your gold necklaces, your diamond-ensconced wristwatches, that side-splittingly gay “old man” hat, and one of your metrosexuality-inspired, 100% silk button-down shirts and color-coordinated three-piece suits. Do you realize what segment of American citizenry attire themselves in diamond earrings, jewelry, and flashy clothes? Negroes. Women. Homosexuals. Wiggers…


Come to my area and attempt to peddle your “White American Males Are All Intimidated, Obese Wimps” folly and discover how quickly Grecian teeth can be dislodged from their mandible housing. Unlike your pygmy-sized, fur-enveloped Golden Dawn cronies who gang-beat immigrants, the men in my area would throttle a “fancy boy” such as yourself, one-on-one, and leave your Dry-Clean-Only ass lying in a corn field, just for the fun of it…


CAPTION: Diamond Dingleberry (Zeus' Actual Photo)

You sew discord and slight Anglo-Saxons with nearly every post. Well, how are you so “masculine?” Ever replace an engine in a car or truck? Change a timing belt? Fabricate an exhaust system? Change a heater core? Mount tires by hand? Swap out a transmission or clutch? Work on farm equipment? Grow your own food? Raise livestock? Weld? Wood work? Cut firewood for heat? Build a structure? Pour concrete? Landscaping? Gardening? Do you have any tools whatsoever in your metropolis-based apartment? Yeah, didn’t think so…

Zeus said:
Shouldn't the white American boys or Brits feel "superior" according to the same theory that the same media make the Niglets feel superior let's say basketball players?

“Boys?” Coming from who? An arrogant, flamboyant, infantile, curt, metrosexual dwarf with a Napoleon Complex who has indiscriminately fornicated with non-white women and has admitted to being arrested multiple times?

Zeus said:
Take an everyday decent looking Greek, Italian, Spaniard, Portuguese or even Turkish (ewww) man and put him next to the a white American in the game of flirting and I can guarantee you something I have witnessed again and again that the white American or Brit will get DESTRUCTED and go back in the hotel room solo.......... So what's the excuse for this one? Why the white American or Brit feels completely intimidated (heck many feel this way even compared to niglets) when it comes to the ultimate and most ancient "sport"....mate-matching?

I trust you “Mediterranean Heartthrobs” come equipped with a syringe gorged with Penicillin when consorting with sewer-level prostitutes? Your own personal “flirting skills” proved invaluable a few years ago. You remember, when you (a “proud,” “pro-white” Greek Nationalist) spent many years during your youth engaging in sexual intercourse with random black, Asian, and mystery meat gals visiting your homeland. From the “2012 Wimbledon” thread

Zeus said:
I was raising and working (especially during the " Glorious Greek Summers") in an environment like the Greek Isles are, for many years (ages 15-22) where the "Greek male" (stupid if you ask me now) has to prove that he can get every woman, that including not just different nationalities, but unfortunately different races as well. I consider this fact one of the saddest and "darkest" (in every way darkest) of my life, since I don't think I have many things to be ashamed of when it comes to my contributions to my race or nation(s) or origin, but sad truth is that I have slept or even briefly dated (summer relationships) women of other races and to be more specific with black, mixed and Asian women..........this of course happened for the last time a decade ago, but still it's something I did (way more than once unfortunately) and I am totally ashamed of.

Thank Zeus, I did not breed with any of them and I one day realized what a huge victim of the propaganda (on every field) have been myself and I stopped being the "typical sleazy" Greek lover of the summers, that now I see with disgust, which once I considered a great thing.

Tsk, tsk. And you’re exhorting Americans/British whites remediate their Marxist behavior?

Zeus said:
Eastern Europeans are completely superior in combat and dynamic sports (which is easily proven by facts and stats), while for example people of western European ancestry tend to be better swimmers, Northern Europeans best in winter sports, Southern Europeans better soccer players or dancers (that's a serious statement and I meant natural dancers, not Bolsoi ballets) and so on.

Dancing? God, you’re a fairy. And you have the audacity to slander the virility Anglo-Saxon males? Also, No “Caste System” was stopping Eastern/Southern Europeans from dethroning MMA middleweight champion, Anderson Silva, during his 7 year winning streak...but a white German-American man (Chris Weidman) was up to the task…


Zeus said:
As for Thrasen I think he's nowhere near a "pro" white man in my opinion. This guy would get literally lynched by pretty much every pro-white political party around the world with the way he degrades other whites based on their looks.

Every human being should be analyzed for whiteness before being granted access to the community. Be they Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean, or a mixture of all three. This investigation is primarily “based on their looks.” Some make the cut, some don’t. What’s wrong with that? Because a man is Irish or Greek or German or Spanish or Finnish or American doesn’t make them “white.”

Also, your contention that I should be “lynched” is all-too ironic, as you recently attested that your own parents were racially-comatose, which was allegedly the primary motivation behind you placing your penis into, well, any woman that could successfully fog a mirror…

Zeus said:
Hate to say it, but I was not born or raised by racially aware parents, so yeah until the age of 20 (about) that I discovered the "truth", I had already slept with a mixed, a black and an Asian women too. You have to realize I was raised mainly in Greece, Italy and France: three of the most "tourist-populated" countries on the planet. So working during the summers (cause I don't come from a rich family you see) in the Greek islands or French Riviera as a lifeguard, doorman in clubs etc. helped/cursed me to sleep with many different women. I find unfair that you focus on a mixed, a black and an Asian woman though, 3 out of the nearly 25-30 (if I recall correctly) foreign tourists I slept with back in those 3-4 summers. The VAST MAJORITY of them were either White American, White British or white Scandinavians. In my defense though, the "colored ones" looked like what your fellow self-loathing white American brothas in the media would call "Ebony Goddess" and such nonsense. Vanessa Williams and Beyonce look like a joke compared to the mixed chick I slept with.

If you can find a single instance in which I’ve written anything remotely anti-white over the past 6 years, I urge you to expose it at your earliest convenience.
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May 18, 2012
In my world
Come to my area and attempt to peddle your “White American Males Are All Intimidated, Obese Wimps” folly and discover how quickly Grecian teeth can be dislodged from their mandible housing. Unlike your pygmy-sized, fur-enveloped Golden Dawn cronies who gang-beat immigrants, the men in my area would throttle a “fancy boy” such as yourself, one-on-one, and leave your Dry-Clean-Only ass lying in a corn field, just for the fun of it…

Even though some might take it that I am being sarcastic, or that I am ducking your "observations", the truth is (and considering English is my fourth language) I simply can't follow you as usual. I don't understand your writing-style or what you are saying. Try to speak plain English if that's easy for someone as highly intelligent as you:lol:.

I also can't understand when you are being serious or funny, because like the typical coward you are, you always claim to "just joking" every time you get destroyed by the facts. You have done it plenty of times in our previous debates, so don't even try to deny it. The only thing I clearly understood from all the angry nonsense and "hot air" your bruised ego allowed you to type, there was this small piece I am answering to (of the whole piece of feces your wrote there) and I only got one question....Which one from your brave kind would break all my teeth and destroy us the "whimp, pygmy-sized cronies of Golden Dawn" ? Which one from all in this video mate? :crazy:


I bet my life that what I witness in this video and I can't even describe the anger and shame I feel as a white man, could happen ONLY IN THE USA!

As for you being of German heritage.....I hope you know what kind of fame German Women are having right? Just google "Black men and German women" and you will get thousands of results:

No wonder why our German brothers are always mad and look constipasted ala Hitler, Merkel etc.

Heidi Klum anyone? LMAO
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May 18, 2012
In my world
Very well said, and I couldnt agree more. The Golden Dawn boys are an example tto us all there can be no denial of that. here in America such a movement simply wouldnt be allowed to happen.

Mate, I don't feel superior to no white man. Actually I don't feel superior to anyone. If Pakistani, Afghans, Africans and the rest of them want to go back in their countries and live in peace and create the great civilizations their ancestors "supposedly" created in the past, that the "bad, evil and angry" white man destroyed, they are very welcome to do so. I wish them well. I just want them out of our countries and western civilization. I don't hate them, neither I wish them bad, I just want them OUT!

Also If I seem to be so angry with specifically White Brits and White Americans, the ONLY reason is that all this evil anti-white crusade started there and continues STRONG there.

White Cubans for example are the very worst if you focus on stats and facts. They hardly win a single medal (in any sport) for Cuba at the Olympics. But why am I not mad at them? I could care less for Cuba or even France (keep in mind I am part French); those countries can't influence or propagandize the world. They have no cultural or media power.

Now USA is undoubtedly the root of evil and the source of interracial breeding, interracial matching and worshiping of Niglets, Mexicans and every minority there is really. The UK follows with a close second nowadays. If there was no USA there would be no reason for Negroes to be worshiped all around the world nowadays. Hip-Hop, Jazz, NBA, American Boxing, Hollywood (especially recently), Track and Field (add Jamaica in the mix)........All these things made Negroes and their Jewish promoters rich, famous and icons.

If any of you want to deny this and blame let's say Italy, Spain, Austria, Greece, Argentina etc. Equally the same with the role the US has played in the white genocide, then my friends you are being in a serious denial. Heck, you even (not you personally) a black president. Are we going to blame the caste system for that too when it's estimated that 50% of white Americans voted for him? Maybe some of you in this forum don't or can't accept the fact that some people of our white kind, and especially in the US, they REALLYYYYYYY fancy (in a natural way) Negroes? Have you ever thought about it?