Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

He tried to flee to Hungary but his urgency for leaving and method of trying to escape certainly leaves alot of room for critiques.

Either way, the US government should have protected him or brought him back but they viewed him as an enemy dissident too and wanted him dead. Let this be a lesson for all of us (American citizens at least), that I think most of us get but it bears repeating. This regime hates you and wants you dead.
Good point. Expecting the US dept of state to go to bat for any of us is naive in the extreme.
The 2nd anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine is on Saturday and it seems like the Ukrainian army might be at a breaking point with dwindling supplies and stories of young men not wanting to fight on the front lines.
The 2nd anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine is on Saturday and it seems like the Ukrainian army might be at a breaking point with dwindling supplies and stories of young men not wanting to fight on the front lines.

How many Ukrainian families will not be formed because of this needless brother war??

What a shame
Putin thought a war between White countries on the European continent was a good idea.
What is the evidence for that? Clearly this war is a proxy war vs the west and we forced his hand.

I’m not a Putin fanboy but I don’t think I recall him saying that either
Putin is clearly the bad guy. That’s why we’ve donated billions, to the gay, small hat actor, er Ukrainian president.
I like how the regime's corporate media propaganda outlets regularly proclaimed until recently that Ukraine was winning, but U.S. taxpayers had to keep sending tens of billions of dollars to make sure they had enough weapons to continue the fight against Hitler, er Putin. Now, hundreds of billions of dollars have been flushed down the drain as well as going to corporations and corrupt politicians and lobbyists, not to mention reportedly hundreds of thousands of deaths during the fighting, and the fake news media simply reverses course without ever mentioning how wrong they were all along. But keep those billions flowing to the anti-Christian actor/dictator in Ukraine so the battles and deaths continue indefinitely. As always no accountability, simply new lies spewed to the deplorables to replace old ones.

"Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia." -- from George Orwell's 1984
^ the KGB isnt relevant to me. Our foreign policy needs to evolve beyond the 60s cold war. Our enemies are internal.
My time in the mechanized infantry (never saw action nothing going on in those days) gave me a little insight into this war's military situation. Those countries sending that hodgepodge military hardware was not going to make be sustainable in the long run. Maintenance, parts and crew training were too complicated and time consuming to make that much of a difference. Those who pointed this out were disappeared or browned out from YouTube and other sites.

As far as the politics I can't help but notice the same ******** who thought they could spend and will Ukraine (brave fighters for sure) to a win over a superior foe are the same ******** who are flooding white countries with hordes of third worlders and think they can manage and benefit from the consequences.

And Zelensky is their guy. That's why he's still in there.
The topic of this thread is related to the odds of - USA v Russian war.

I’d say the odds are 100 percent given that we are already engaged in one with them in Ukraine and have also fought them in Syria .

I understand that these are proxy actions but it would extremely naive to think that we haven’t embedded troops here and there along with the billions in gifted military hardware.

The best part is that we have absolutely nothing to show for it. The Russians are content to sit back and slowly grind the Ukrainian forces to dust, our vaunted hardware has made zero difference, and given the relative military manufacturing capabilities of Russia versus the west there is no likelihood of this changing.

Hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men were needlessly slaughtered so that western elites could profit from this war, and profit handsomely. Oh and thousands of young Ukrainian women will likely end up sex slaves as a result.

It’s completely reprehensible and we know that (((((those ))))who created this disaster will go unpunished. Truly tragic.
I'm with Historian I would fight the tyrant Putin to the last Democratic party voter and the Boomers that just won't give up the Cold War, I'm not joking. I have only made one prediction about this war and have said it since day one is that Putin and his gang would force a NATO Article 5 crisis upon that gaggle so as to fracture it.
I'm with Historian I would fight the tyrant Putin to the last Democratic party voter and the Boomers that just won't give up the Cold War, I'm not joking. I have only made one prediction about this war and have said it since day one is that Putin and his gang would force a NATO Article 5 crisis upon that gaggle so as to fracture it.
Fracturing nato isn’t worth the lives of half a million white boys from Ukraine.
How many Ukrainian families will not be formed because of this needless brother war??

What a shame
Similar to WWII and to a lesser extent WWI there will be a generation of children that will be fatherless and there will be an imbalance of women to men.

Since at best the Ukrainian army could force a truce without driving out the Russian army I suspect any treaty will force a further erosion of Ukrainian borders and there may be a possible regime change too.

Rumors are Vitali Klitschko thinks Zelenksky isn't up to the job as a wartime leader. Since Zelensky has declared martial law I think only a coup could force his ouster if he doesn't voluntarily resign.
Yeah apparently Zelensky has fortified Ukraine for democracy by suspending elections.

Nothing :rolleyes: suspicious about that though right?
I’m getting a bit annoyed that some of you guys are besmirching Glorious Leader Zelensky, who is one of the greatest men to ever live. Zelensky wasn’t blessed with height or particularly great looks, but he makes up for it elsewhere. I’d like to see Putler try to play the piano with his penis while wearing high heels!

Hail democracy! Hail Zelensky!
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Smedley Butler Explains the Latest Excuse for American Intervention in Ukraine​

by Ryan McMaken

Senior Fellow Alex Pollock drew my attention to an important quotation by Smedley Butler:

1935 speech and later a book by Major General Smedley D. Butler (USMC), includes “… A racket is best described, I believe, something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make large fortunes. … If we put them to work making poison gas and more and more fiendish mechanical and explosive instruments of destructions, they will have no time for the constructive job of building a greater prosperity for all peoples. By putting them to this useful job, we can all make more money out of peace than we can out of war – even the munition makers. So … I say, TO HELL WITH WAR.”

It is notable that very little has changed over the past century in terms of how regimes rationalize war. It was during the First World War that the term "merchants of death" first gained widespread use, and it was also during that war that the American regime also spoke often in terms of munitions spending as a benefit of war. It was all part of a war-propaganda machine dreamed up with Woodrow Wilson's cadre.

Unfortunately, the propaganda still works with many. It was just two weeks ago, in fact, that the Biden Administration began explicitly trying to sell US military aid to Ukraine as a scheme to "create jobs" in the United States. The administration's statement on the war spending is virtually identical to something out of a US propaganda mill in 1950 or 1918. We would only need to change a few of the names and places. According to Biden's handlers:

“While this bill dispatches military hardware to Ukraine,” Biden mentioned on Tuesday, “it actually finances manufacturing within the United States in states like Arizona, where Patriot missiles are manufactured; Alabama, the home of Javelin missiles; and also Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas, which are hubs for the production of artillery shells.”

There are a multitude of problems with this statement. For one, it completely ignores the moral questions of forcing American taxpayers to pay for Kiev to send more young men into a meat grinder that is part of a conflict it is clear Ukraine will lose. Secondly, these weapons are not accounted for and are not audited. We don't even know where they really end up. Third, US involvement in the war risks involving the US in an escalating conflict that has absolutely no strategic value for normal Americans. For normal taxpayers, this is all risk and no benefit. Escalation could lead to American deaths while "victory" in Ukraine doesn't benefit Americans at all since Ukrainian sovereignty has never contributed anything at all to American taxpayers.

Finally, there is the fact that war spending simply is not "good for the economy." This is an old well-worn myth, but is based on nothing. Consider the process: war spending (especially spending on weapons) requires taxing productive Americans and then turning their taxpayer money into devices that will be consumed in war. Had the taxpayers been allowed to spend this money, much of that money would have been spent on things like education, capital goods, saving, and investment. Instead, that money is taxed, and then, after the bureaucrats take their cut, it is transformed into artillery shells, etc. that blow up some stuff in Ukraine for no benefit to Americans. To imagine that this is a boon for Americans requires the most out-of-touch beltway type of thinking imaginable.

I’m getting a bit annoyed that some of you guys are besmirching Glorious Leader Zelensky, who is one of the greatest men to ever live. Zelensky wasn’t blessed with height or particularly great looks, but he makes up for it elsewhere. I’d like to see Putler try to play the piano with his penis while wearing high heels!

Hail democracy! Hail Zelensky!
My Uber Boomer neighbor (we are Boomers as well fwiw) came over one day gushing about Zelensky as a hero. I could only roll my eyes while my wife nudged me to shut up since she is a dear soul and real Southern Lady, but unfortunately she watches too much FOX.
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