Is the Hillis/Gerhart situation important for overall state of white players in the NFL?


Nov 13, 2005
Like all of us at CF, I'm angry, upset and disappointed with the way Peyton Hillis is being sabotaged, his career possibly wrecked etc etc with the trainwreck situation at Cleveland. Also, the way Gerhart is being wasted in Minnesota is just as bad. In terms of the treatment of these two players as regards the overall state of white football players in question, I'm not as concerned. I would argue that even if Hillis and Gerhart, and even Hester and Leonard were all of a sudden given many more opportunities to be actual runningbacks, it would not make that much of a difference in terms of the overall whiteness of the NFL. Looking at my 1981 research, what comes out clearly is that even then white runningbacks were rare, one had Riggins of course, and the Denver runningback, and Paul Hofer, and a few other active fullbacks, but by and large the runningback position was black dominated. However, in spite of this black domination at runningback, the average team had about 9.5 white starters as opposed to today's 6.0 starters. Put another way, there are 32 starting feature back positions in the NFL, and even if we saw a magical resurgence in whites at that position we are looking at what, the chance of 4 or maybe 6 starting white runningbacks? Meanwhile there are 352 starting positions on defense in the NFL, and whites make up a ground total of about 45 of them. There are literally hundreds of positions out there that we can be rooting for whites to win out on defense, even with the "no non-blacks allowed at cornerback" NFL mythology.
Some more food for thought: even on the very weekend where things are looking worse and worse for Hillis, we may have seen the ending of not one, but two black QB's careers as starters, with Mcnabb probably done for good, and Campbell probably out for the Raiders for good and hard pressed to find another starting position, I would think. Furthermore, Oakland and Minnesota are going to white QB's even under black coaches.
The road to a whiter NFL lies just as much in the lesser known victories such as Jason Phillips becoming a starter for the Panthers starting this Sunday, or Eric Cook stepping in for an injured Lichtensteiner in Washington and keeping the position in white hands, or Kyle Rudolph taking over for Shiancoe in Minnesota (this hasn't happened yet but I'm hoping it will by next season). Anyway, I'd like to hear from others about these thoughts, that maybe some of us are putting too much importance on the Hillis situation, at least those of us who are making it a litmus test for the overall state of white players in the NFL.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I think your perspective is good. One thing that heartens me is that almost all White players given a shot to start on defense the past few seasons are coming through, often in a big way, whereas there has been an absolutely amazing number of highly drafted black busts over the same period.

Gerhart won't get an opportunity as long as Peterson stays healthy. We've discussed how it was unfortunate that Toby (like Brian Leonard and Jacob Hester) was drafted by a team that had one of the best RBs in the league at the time, but given that he was taken by the Vikings, he's on a team where he is going to play second fiddle to an established star.

We'll have to see how the Hillis situation plays out. It can go any number of ways. My feeling is that there is still a lot of support for Hillis out there, even among the media, and he still has a reasonable chance of being a featured back. His talent in all areas of the position is undeniable.

Sport Historian did some research on the 1973 NFL season a while back. I can't remember the exact percentage but something like half the teams had a White as their leading rusher that season. It was the '80s when today's basic Caste System template was cemented in place.

The importance of the continuing dominance of White QBs can't be understated. Very few people, especially pro-Caste ones, would have believed back in 1999, when three black QBs were drafted just in the first round, that the position would have so few established blacks in 2011.

Battling the Caste System is a long, grueling marathon, not a sprint. There are cracks in the Caste System now, partly because of greater awareness of it (a collective pat on the back for CFers), and partly because of black dysfunction and a rapidly shrinking pool of black athletes. The top will be the last part of the system that gives; it's a bottom up insurgency against the Caste System and it takes tremendous patience and perseverance to keep up the fight and not give in to fatigue and disappointment.


Sep 29, 2011
Paragraphs are your friend. So its vanity time, yesterday Scout the publisher of the "Packer Report" asked me to take a short survey. One of the questions is where online I get my sports news, the usual suspects were listed but they allowed a write in and of course I wrote in caste football.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
it is important. People think runningbacks are one of the most athletic position on the field, you can't get by with "craftiness" like wide receiver, it is just athletic ability and vision but its hard for announcers to discredit a great rb, the only thing is "great blocking" which pretty much every back needs to succeed, unless they are breaking multiple tacklers or making multiple players miss. People notice the position and it helps our players out tremendously. Guys like Scott Shanle don't get noticed no matter what they do although I do root for guys like him. The Caste System was already in place in the 80's. Which is why one of the only starting runningbacks was Hall of Fame material. I think Craig James was an elite talent as well but declined because of injuries, imo they were trying to set it up since the 60's, with runningback being one of the first positions to go.

The glory positions are QB, RB, WR (slot isn't respected as much) TE, sack masters, hard hitting/ ball hawking safties, which can only happen if you are allowed to freelance and your front 7 is getting pressure. We have made some ground at slot receiver and have a couple of outside receivers. We have made ground at sack masters de's and 3-4 olbs as well as safety. It has been harder to break into 4-3 OLB and DT. DT doesn't make sense because we have plenty of guys that can play the position. The prototype should have been guys like Keith Millard (18 sacks in one season in 1989), instead it became Warren Sapp type guys. Suh comes along and all of a sudden he "redefined the position" when he is pretty similar to Keith Millard.

People see a White guy running wild for multiple seasons then it will have a domino effect, more fans will question things. If Whites can dominate at a position that they haven't seen significant playing time since 1985, why not other positions?
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Dec 18, 2004
I think your perspective is good. One thing that heartens me is that almost all White players given a shot to start on defense the past few seasons are coming through, often in a big way, whereas there has been an absolutely amazing number of highly drafted black busts over the same period.

Gerhart won't get an opportunity as long as Peterson stays healthy. We've discussed how it was unfortunate that Toby (like Brian Leonard and Jacob Hester) was drafted by a team that had one of the best RBs in the league at the time, but given that he was taken by the Vikings, he's on a team where he is going to play second fiddle to an established star.

We'll have to see how the Hillis situation plays out. It can go any number of ways. My feeling is that there is still a lot of support for Hillis out there, even among the media, and he still has a reasonable chance of being a featured back. His talent in all areas of the position is undeniable.

Sport Historian did some research on the 1973 NFL season a while back. I can't remember the exact percentage but something like half the teams had a White as their leading rusher that season. It was the '80s when today's basic Caste System template was cemented in place.

The importance of the continuing dominance of White QBs can't be understated. Very few people, especially pro-Caste ones, would have believed back in 1999, when three black QBs were drafted just in the first round, that the position would have so few established blacks in 2011.

Battling the Caste System is a long, grueling marathon, not a sprint. There are cracks in the Caste System now, partly because of greater awareness of it (a collective pat on the back for CFers), and partly because of black dysfunction and a rapidly shrinking pool of black athletes. The top will be the last part of the system that gives; it's a bottom up insurgency against the Caste System and it takes tremendous patience and perseverance to keep up the fight and not give in to fatigue and disappointment.

I just did a quick look at the eight 1973 playoff teams and two had white RBs who led their teams in rushing (Csonka and Hubbard) and two others started a white RB (Walt Garrison and Jim Bertelsen) and two who played in a reserve role (Jim Kiick and Ed Marinaro).

During the 1970s if a white running back could play, he would.

I have written before that it was being predicted in the mid-1970s that quarterback would be a black dominated position fairly soon. These people would be amazed at how few black QBs there are in 2011. As the position has evolved, white QBs have gotten better and better.

An odd thing about the 70s is that during that decade (with O.J. leading the way) running backs were paid more than quarterbacks. This is the only decade that has ever happened.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It could be because the two most dominant teams of the decade were run first and pass second. Bob Griese was truly a game manager(an excellent one, but still one) and Pittsburgh was initially a run first and pass second team and Bradshaw was handcuffed until they won the first two Super Bowls. If you ever watch the two Dolphin wins in SB VII, SB VIII the offense looked similar to a rugby team.
Oct 8, 2011
I remember reading a Black-worshipping mainstream article circa 1999, when Donovan McNabb, Akili Smith, and Daunte Culpepper were drafted highly as QBs. It sang the praises of Black athletes and how they were "poised to take over the NFL" completely, with Whites playing only "token" roles — possibly at center, kicker, and punter. Certainly NOT at QB, which would now be "revolutionized" (ie, Blackened).

In the succeeding decade this of course has not happened, though many coaches have no doubt tried with all of their blubbery tenacity.

I think part of the problem is that right now, no matter how you slice it, you can't camouflage a lousy QB, and it's sad to say (Actually, it's less sad than just plain true) that Black QBs in general just suck.

Even if one were to argue that pure athleticism saves the day at runningback, a "stereotypically" slower White can still succeed because different skill sets can succeed at this position. Either the large, bruising Hillis/Bettis/Csonka type, or the little Smurf type whose physicality isn't questioned when the Smurf in question is Black, but when he's Danny Woodhead, suddenly it's a problem...

The problem for Blacks at QB is that the QB, no doubt, is unquestionably THE MAN on his football team. If he sucks, his team will suck.

The end.

It's because he is the leader, and needs a mind like a computer, the rapier decision-making cogency of a fighter ace, and the speed of a decathalete.

Many Whites have all of these things, few Blacks do.

Some Blacks may have a gimmick like supposed speed and agility, like Vince Young or Michael Vick, but these are stupid men.

Tim Tebow on the other hand is the real deal, as is Tom Brady.

McNabb is the kind of quarterback who, if he were a White man, would be good but not worth paragraphs.

Blacks haven't taken over at QB because the game right now is impossible to alter in order to mask their incompetence.

Other positions, on the other hand, are easier to fiddle with, in order to make the good look better, and the sucky look decent.
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Oct 19, 2010
In Transit
Are the Hillis and Gerhart situations important for the state of white players in the NFL... Absolutely. They are vitally important. I can think of a dozen or so players whose roles are vitally important right now actually. For now let me take a different avenue to the question.

My nephew. What about him? He's a decent sized young man, about 5'10" and a solid 215lbs. He's largely been a linebacker but decided this season to tryout for RB. He's strong and has good speed and thanks to Peyton Hillis tearing it up he's decided he wants to bust his butt and be a runningback.

He isn't alone and it is happening across the U.S. slowly but surely. Thanks to Hillis, Leonard and Gerhart white guys around their size are trying to break through to the RB position and play it. Thanks to Danny Woodhead the "little guys" are also trying out for football from what I hear with dreams of being a small shifty back like Danny. Same deal with Wes Welker. He's made the slot position a premier position and cool. Those skinny 5'9"-6'0" white kids who can run now look up to him and want to do just that.

These guys are giving a new upcoming generation hope and dreams and the better they do the more white kids will seek to follow in their footsteps and the more white opportunities are going to have to open up on the lower levels. The more opportunity in the NFL white players in those positions will have to get as well.

Peyton Hillis, Danny Woodhead, Toby Gerhart, John Kuhn, Wes Welker, Jordan Shipley, Dane Sanzenbacher, Kyle Williams, Tim Tebow, Jake Locker, Clay Matthews, Ryan Kerrigan, Jim Leonard, Eric Smith, J.J. Watt, Brian Cushing, Anthony Gonzalez, Brian Hartline and so on are ALL vital to the future of a Whiter NFL and the future of White players. The paradigm of the only guys giving it a shot are the 6'2"+, 240lb+ farm kids blessed with the size to be an offensive linemen or special teams gunner are shifting.

It's going to be a long tough road though. The Sports media and judaized NFL have been trying to sell this black supaman afflete and it is crumbling. Not only are the White kids going out to play "new" football positions but the young girls are getting into it too. About 3 weeks ago I had to head over to Las Vegas for work. I stopped at a gas station and there was this stunning young lady getting gas. About 5'11", long blonde hair, sun kissed skin and in her late teens or early 20's. California license plate. She was wearing a Peyton Hillis Jersey. I made small talk while filling up and she said "I didn't follow a football team until last year, I made the Browns my team because I like Hillis and Colt McCoy."

On a related note in the last two years i've seen an innumerable amount of White females in Brady, Welker, Hillis, Rodgers, Tebow and so on Jerseys. These younger ladies seem to be loving watching White male supremacy on the football field. As they say booty is a powerful motivator for teenage boys too, food for thought. Anyways it's an interesting observation and we can see why these guys are scaring the hell outa the system, three decades of trying to portray the negro as the Alpha male and in the last few years Whiteymania has started running through the veins of our youth.


Sep 29, 2011
I'm an old fart (48), but the best I can tell kids these days cannot escape "Race." It literally is shoved in their faces everyday in one form or another. Kind of ironic that the campaign of genocide aimed at whites helps save our race.


Nov 7, 2004
On a related note in the last two years i've seen an innumerable amount of White females in Brady, Welker, Hillis, Rodgers, Tebow and so on Jerseys.

You omitted Flacco. A White woman in a Flacco jersey waited on me today in a liquor store.



Nov 7, 2004
I'm an old fart (48), but the best I can tell kids these days cannot escape "Race." It literally is shoved in their faces everyday in one form or another.

Neither can adults. At the courthouse in Easton, MD is a statue of Frederick Douglass, a native of Easton's county (Talbot). The plaque on the pedestal lists the major items on his resume. Below all those items is the one word, "slave".

I'm surprised they're not even more in your face in Talbot County about Douglass. I picture in my mind billboards with Douglass's image and the caption, "He escaped slavery. In Talbot County, you'll never escape him." :)O



Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Most of the females I see who deign to wear NFL jerseys at all (even non-White females) tend to wear the jerseys of White players. I live in L.A. and the most common ones I see are Brady or Brees jerseys, though I've seen a few Tebows, Urlachers, and even Hillis jerseys.

Even today, I saw a black women wearing a Drew Brees jersey.

It's rare (at least in my own experience) to see White women wearing the jersey of Black players, though I do sometimes see it. No way is it as often as the other way around, though, which I'm sure would make tribesmen hurl their yamulkes in frustration.


Dec 13, 2009
I just hope Gerhart gets a chance to start somewhere at RB (not FB) when he becomes a free agent or that he gets traded since he's not being used.


Oct 19, 2010
In Transit
Most of the females I see who deign to wear NFL jerseys at all (even non-White females) tend to wear the jerseys of White players. I live in L.A. and the most common ones I see are Brady or Brees jerseys, though I've seen a few Tebows, Urlachers, and even Hillis jerseys.

Even today, I saw a black women wearing a Drew Brees jersey.

It's rare (at least in my own experience) to see White women wearing the jersey of Black players, though I do sometimes see it. No way is it as often as the other way around, though, which I'm sure would make tribesmen hurl their yamulkes in frustration.

I haven't seen too many "sistas" wearing White players jerseys and the ones that I have are usually mulatto women and/or from more affluent neighborhoods. Most black females i've seen are usually wearing Mike Vick jerseys. I unfortunately have also seen more than a few presumable mudsharks in affletes jerseys.

One thing i've NEVER seen though is a Mexican female wearing an affletes jersey. I used to live in Arizona and go to the Cardinals games and virtually EVERY latina there would be just wearing a teams colors or a White players jersey. The biggest sellers looked to be the Matt Leinart ones, pretty much all of the DWF's and Mexican women were wearing Leinart jerseys all over the place and especially at games when he was drafted.

I brought it up originally because you can actually tell alot from a simple, overpriced piece of clothing. I've been observing such action for over a decade now and here are a few:

- Younger females tend to buy Jerseys as a fashion statement that lets people know who they find "hot." Usually the more modestly dressed ones you will find in a White Athletes jersey. Alot of the names I brought up are considered "pretty boys" by the media and it reflects back to the youth, they agree with that and instead of ridiculing things such as personal pride and hygiene embrace it.

The more skanky dressed the White girl is the more likely her statement piece will be some dredlock sporting negro. Same for the chronically obese, although theirs tend to be 1- An affletes shirt and 2- A Pittsburgh Athletes shirt.

The Mexican ones pretty much make a universal statement that they don't find "bruthas" attractive whatsoever, not a big surprise there. Although what IS surprising is observations at Baseball games. Even though MLB goes out of their way to sign up the Latrino's from Cuba and Puerto Rico you'll still see the Mexican females wearing some White baseball players t-shirt.

Black females in my experience fall into the same category as the White females. The welfare types and the obese waddle about "pimping" some criminal thugs name across their backs, the more modestly dressed ones and mixed race ones that come from Suburbia are more likely to be wearing a White mans shirt.

DWM's are also the same. The better dressed, more hygienic types that indulge in that sort of behavior and the Redneck's almost always are wearing a White players shirt.

The low self esteem, poorly dressed overweight slobs wear their favorite Affletes gear while sucking down hog dogs and pounding back $10 bottles of beer. Usually side by side their Eminem wannabe sons and their White daughters who are busy texting while wearing THEIR favorite Affletes gear.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
@ The Animal;

Fair enough, and that sounds totally valid. It might be my own experience is colored somewhat that I'm in a Whiter area with little crime and any non-Whites who DO live here tend to be more law-abiding.

Probably the mudsharks sporting the affelete jerseys are the same sort who get overly, tastelessly tatted up, and get knocked up with one or more kids and complain about how no one wants to date single-moms or some BS like that, and they get all butthurt when they get treated like scum.