Is It Time for Euthanasia?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Posting picked up quite a bit after I started this thread. Coincidence or not, it's nice to see.

I would encourage everyone to post as often as you can. The NFL is a 365 day a year league with the Combine following the Super Bowl and then the build-up to the draft and then the build-up toward training camp and the regular season. Baseball, golf, tennis, hockey and track are all in the prime part of their seasons now. There's always boxing news.

Posting creates more posting, and more views of posts. We've had a number of new posters sign up since the site went back online, but they're not going to stay interested if the board is dead or nearly dead a lot of the time.


Nov 7, 2004
You mean this site was hacked? Sorry if I sound out of the loop, but how long ago was it hacked? Was that why CF was down for a while? Was the hacking mentioned before CF went down?

Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
This site not showing up on Joogle, excuse me, Google, is a problem.

The guys who think that renaming the site "White Athlete" or something else that indicates just what the focus is are on the right track, in my mind anyway.

The potential audience is huge. Getting the word out there is key, so a "re-set" in terms of a name change might help dislodge the search engine problem. Keep the "Caste Football" or maybe "Caste System" as a sub-title or sub-heading. Maybe that would eventually help those terms catch on.

Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Just ask my ex-wife. (Man, did she hate me commenting on what's going on in sports, never mind politics in general :icon_tongue:).


Jul 15, 2011
If people are wondering why a lot less people are coming here, it is largely due to that. That is why I suggested setting up a facebook, youtube, and a twitter acount with a link to this site, because many people who share are views aren't aware this site exist.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
There's no need to euthanise the site - although a more counterproductively "outlandish" poster or two could benefit from a subtle injection of curare or a handy hail of bullets... :icon_wink:

It sure doesn't help that the descriptions attached to the top two hits for "Caste Football" via all major search engines "inexplicably" refer to the availability and sale of drugs for treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and are accompanied by orange Norton warning icons (if applicable) beside the page titles...

I've just run a couple of quick Google searches using the terms white running backs and anti-white bias NFL - both of which failed to yield any direct first-page Caste Football hits. The second hit in the anti-white bias NFL search produced a post from the Stuff Black People Don't Like blog. The twelfth comment on that post was by some geezer calling himself "Dissident" who spruiked Caste Football and included a link to the homepage.

It may be unpalatable to visit - let alone post on - moron-monoplolised mainstream boards but dropping in references and links to Caste Football by way of forums and comments sections of news articles is one surefire method of gaining greater exposure. The primary drawback of this strategy is that anti-White moderators will delete such so-called "racist" posts as quickly and as often as they can, thus greatly curtailing their efficacy or even rendering them a complete waste of time and effort. A secondary drawback is the inevitable resultant influx of rabid trolls and hackers hell bent on destroying the site - which unfortunately goes hand in hand with a higher profile.

I agree with Broken Hope, who stated that promoting Caste Football via "pro-White" / "White Nationalist" boards is rather impolitic. Many supposedly hard-core "pro-Whites" espouse a ludicrous interpretation of "racial awareness" which is patently unsellable. Such clowns are "pro-White" for all the wrong reasons and view racial solidarity solely as a form of vicarious macro gang membership. Each of these aggro, primitive-slogan-spewing misfits and all-round failures is a woeful liability literally burdened with more psychological baggage than a Greyhound bus full of short, buck-tooted bulimic schizophrenics.

Our mission is to spread the word amongst the general populace and in order to do that - and I've said this over and over again - it's imperative not to be perceived as a haven for inarticulate freaks and fanatics who yearn to unleash genocide because they can't meet women or hold down a job. I'm sure everyone here has encountered at least one embarrassing "14/88" head case who defines his existence through mechanical hatred of Jews and "muds" yet is too stupid to realise that his own boorish aggression, deliberate rudeness and juvenile lack of impulse control basically mirrors that of the Negro "untermenschen" (a word he probably misspells...) he fantasises about gassing or kicking to death with his precious Doc Martens. Personally, I despise such white losers almost as much as non-Whites and - under certain circumstances - I loathe them even more...

I believe that the idea of "re-branding" the site in order to broaden drawing power could perhaps be a step in the right direction but would have to be very carefully thought through. Don't take this the wrong way, but "White Athlete" isn't the best appellation for two reasons:

(a) virtually all non-North American English speakers tend to interpret the word "athlete" as a noun indicating a track-and-field competitor - i.e., someone who participates in athletics. I know that the overwhelming majority of our members hail from the United States but if the aim is to garner as many members as possible such a term is way too specific and therefore restrictive.

(b) "White Athlete" sounds like the title of some 1950s underground gay porn magazine whose covers routinely feature oiled-up muscle heads striking double bicep poses clad only in erection-strained leopard print swimming trunks.

How about something like SportsCaste..?

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
For what its worth the site shows up for me when I type into google "Castefootball disscusion forum". Its always the 4th one when I scroll down.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
If anybody wants to check out exactly what pages are being indexed in google (or yahoo), copy and paste this into the search box: "". Results are depressing. Hopefully I can find a little information on exactly what is happening and why and post a little information later when I have more time.
Last edited:

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I checked a few search engines yesterday and Caste Football seems unable to shake the online drug labeling. (And there are hackers still trying to get in the site every single day.) As it does periodically, Google has dropped CF completely while on other search engines the drug ads show up among the first descriptions of the site. Indirect searches such as "white running back" seem to work without the accompanying drug crap.

Seems like the only way to eliminate the detrimental vestiges of the hacking is to have the site rebuilt from scratch, maybe even including the discussion forum. That would be expensive and it was just a few months ago that many chipped in to get the site repaired enough to go back online.

There are new posters signing up, so they're finding the site in different ways. For now, mentioning the site whenever possible in comments on other sites, and trying to get a Twitter account and Facebook page going might be the best way to reach new people.
Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
The site needs to be set up so that things like "anti-white racism in sports" as in etc. are the key words. People are not going to search for "caste" or "caste football" per se if they haven't heard of this site. Probably a big, fat, can't miss button on the front page that drops people right into the middle of the forum ( instead of a link that takes them to the activity stream might grab people's attention in quicker fashion.

Google definitely "adjusts" the way some sites will appear (if at all) in their search pages, and sports and entertainment are the two most powerful social conditioning engines used by the cultural aliens currently in charge of the US. How many of us found this site by accident, via a link from another site, somebody posting somewhere else for example?

Anyway, sports is a very important social conditioning tool in the US. You can literally see an abrupt change in the way the press approached sports, the way it treated Whites if you take a look at old issues of Sports Illustrated (you can access literally every issue at the pub's website). In 1968 things seem to suddenly tip in the way that magazine covered things. The anti-white stance seems to have started creeping into the corners of articles and then the whole magazine, in terms of what was presented to the public, became infected with the anti-white virus. The same people who directed the attack in the press are running the show at Google making sure sites that tell the truth in certain fashion face massive hurdles.

The site could grow, will grow, with some minor tweaks. Like others had mentioned earlier, changing the name of the website could circumvent some things that have been done, but keep Caste Football as sub-name or sub title. There are people who see what's going on - but when searching for discrimination against Whites in sports, satire will pop up, Doug Williams (actually speaking in favor of Whites however), and finally "Stuff Black People Don't Like" comes up. I don't mind that site, but the owner is a bonafide coward - I had a bit of a go-around with him on his site a few years ago, he intentionally ignores who is actually in charge because he's frightened of the tribe, and his sophomoric books about "Black Run America" (yeah, right) provide him with a steady, if not huge, source of spare cash. Sorry, getting a bit off the point - but no apologies to "Paul Kersey" himself, even if he's a member here. He's disingenuous to the core. Then pops up, immediately lecturing Whites on the pervasive racism of the media that favors White athletes over black. I'm sure the sayanim that wrote that laughed his ass off while typing away.

As one scrolls, Vdare comes up, a decent site - even if the article is from Paul Kersey, who of course skirts the 800 lb Gorilla in the living room - but no sign of CasteFootball and this site really should be on the first page - it does appear on the second page, as link from TOQ (The Occidental Quarterly online - that and are great sites). This site needs jump in people's faces on its own.

Aw hell, I'm just writing what we all know anyway.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Caste Football did appear at or near the top of Google for quite a while when various terms relating to White athletes were entered, but after the site was hacked a year or so ago Google started posting a warning that it was an unsafe site and site descriptions were changed due to the hack to drugs online ads originating from Pakistan.

If the site was completely rebuilt I might think about changing the name, but the name Caste Football is well established after 11 years. The problem isn't the name -- I think it's a cool one myself -- it's the damage the hack did to the ability to find CF through basic searches.

But it should also be noted that posting began declining before the hack. The peak in posting was several years ago. But it still spikes for big events like the NFL Draft -- I don't think we ever had as many posts before in an NFL Draft thread, and there have been 60,000 or so views of the current one already.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
the name Caste Football is well established after 11 years. The problem isn't the name -- I think it's a cool one myself --.

I do too. The name is actually pretty darn perfect. Id hate to see it changed.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Let's think about a catchier site name, something with pizazz! Try these on for size.

No Pork Sports

Nationalist Football League

Kosher Athletics

Caste Rated Football (say that one fast)

Affirmative Action Athletes

Hebrew National Sports

Oh well, I haven't had enough coffee yet so please disregard my levity. I hope the issues clear-up soon and the site continues to grow so that others can benefit from the valuable information.


May 1, 2015
Caste Football did appear at or near the top of Google for quite a while when various terms relating to White athletes were entered, but after the site was hacked a year or so ago Google started posting a warning that it was an unsafe site and site descriptions were changed due to the hack to drugs online ads originating from Pakistan.

If the site was completely rebuilt I might think about changing the name, but the name Caste Football is well established after 11 years. The problem isn't the name -- I think it's a cool one myself -- it's the damage the hack did to the ability to find CF through basic searches.

But it should also be noted that posting began declining before the hack. The peak in posting was several years ago. But it still spikes for big events like the NFL Draft -- I don't think we ever had as many posts before in an NFL Draft thread, and there have been 60,000 or so views of the current one already.
Don, I think you mentioned that after was rebuilt, it started getting more traffic. The web technology to develop web sites has improved quite a bit in the last several years, providing the ability to create some really nice looking and dynamic websites. It's a constant state of change with technology and the ability to keep up with it (including the cost.)

There's all kinds of possibilities with the new web people comment can be much more fluid and real-time, integration with various cool plug-ins and other social media like Twitter, FB, etc. Also, podcasts would be a real nice addition too and not that difficult to set up.

I think it would draw a lot more users and be much more compatible with all of the new tablet devices like iPads and the larger smartphones coming out like the new iPhone and the larger Android phones that you see people's faces buried in all-day-long. The current inception of CF is not really geared towards that market and to those devices. I think there could be a huge return on investment from that standpoint.

Also, you may want to consider setting up a Bitcoin account (wallet) where people could make donations to CF. It's pretty easy to set up. I'd recommend
Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
Caste Football did appear at or near the top of Google for quite a while when various terms relating to White athletes were entered, but after the site was hacked a year or so ago Google started posting a warning that it was an unsafe site and site descriptions were changed due to the hack to drugs online ads originating from Pakistan.

If the site was completely rebuilt I might think about changing the name, but the name Caste Football is well established after 11 years. The problem isn't the name -- I think it's a cool one myself -- it's the damage the hack did to the ability to find CF through basic searches.

But it should also be noted that posting began declining before the hack. The peak in posting was several years ago. But it still spikes for big events like the NFL Draft -- I don't think we ever had as many posts before in an NFL Draft thread, and there have been 60,000 or so views of the current one already.

I agree the name is cool. I'm talking about fooling the barriers in place by google itself. Google has been caught blocking, censoring, ignoring other pro-white sites.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Don, I think you mentioned that after was rebuilt, it started getting more traffic. The web technology to develop web sites has improved quite a bit in the last several years, providing the ability to create some really nice looking and dynamic websites. It's a constant state of change with technology and the ability to keep up with it (including the cost.)

There's all kinds of possibilities with the new web people comment can be much more fluid and real-time, integration with various cool plug-ins and other social media like Twitter, FB, etc. Also, podcasts would be a real nice addition too and not that difficult to set up.

I think it would draw a lot more users and be much more compatible with all of the new tablet devices like iPads and the larger smartphones coming out like the new iPhone and the larger Android phones that you see people's faces buried in all-day-long. The current inception of CF is not really geared towards that market and to those devices. I think there could be a huge return on investment from that standpoint.

Also, you may want to consider setting up a Bitcoin account (wallet) where people could make donations to CF. It's pretty easy to set up. I'd recommend

What you write makes a lot of sense. I'm not a techie and have tried for a number of years to find a web developer who's reliable and affordable. I had a pinned post in Happy Hour for a long time asking if anyone knew a webmaster who was friendly to the CF cause. Never got a response. So it's a matter of finding someone who has the ability to build what you describe and would do so in a timely and competent manner, and how much it would cost.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
When I started posting here I was already an adult, but I was single, in school, and had few responsibilities and time constraints compared to now. I don't think I am the only poster like myself who hasn't been posting as much, and as one of those posters, I have contributed (to some degree) to the decline of activity on the board. I say this because I was the most active poster on this site for at least a few years, and others who have gone through similar changes in their lives were also very active posters during those years. Combined, we made up quite a chunk of the posts from one day to the next. This change is what it is, and the likelihood of these same posters coming back to post even half as much as before isn't realistic. They have familial, work, and other obligations that prevent it from happening. It is simply a matter of priorities. This is why it is so important that we do whatever needs to be done to make more people in general and young people specifically aware of CF and to get them to start posting here. If that means revamping the site to include a modified name and using terms in the site description, home page, etc. that will work better with the search engines, then let's get it done. I'll donate as I always have. My take is that recruiting new (and young) posters is going to be the key to helping our cause in the future, and any method that will help with this should be explored. Yes, social media sites will help, so will posting links to CF anywhere else we post online. These, imho, will be even more effective with the aforementioned changes to the site in regards to search engines. Search engines mean a lot in the online world, especially to younger folks, so anything that can be done to help in that area would be great. I don't know that changing CF's name should be done, but connecting that name to more general terms like anti-white discrimination in sports, white athletes, white running backs, reverse discrimination, etc. needs to be a priority, or else people will see Caste Football and not know what is being referred to. A lot of Americans don't even know what caste means, so there are limitations with the name Caste Football. I just wanted to share my perspective on the topic.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I now have come to agree that we need to have the site rebuilt. Right now we are just treading water and the Caste System is ramping up their efforts as evident by the NFL draft. We need a site that will keep up with the technology. We need a site that will be easier to access as well as navigate. I think Heretic made alot of good suggestions.

I'm willing to contribute financially to see this happen. In the meanwhile, I will remain posting as a loyal contributor. The draft was a buzzkill but we still have to remember all the positive achievements like the Patriots Super Bowl, Germany's WC win and Wisconsin knocking off Kentucky as well as others.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004


Nov 12, 2006
I think social media is a great idea. Twitter would be huge. You would definitely run into a lot of idiots but it would be a great way to shed light on what is happening to the white athletes.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
This site must go on. I think a change to would be a good start. Something that shows that we support all of the great white man and women athlets from around the world. Also it will continue to shed light on the discrimination these athletes face on a daily basis their whole athletic careers.

The years money fund raiser is also a great idea to help Don with the expenses.

Don please don't ever give up the fight. This site must go on no matter what. A name change to the one above will help people to find the site easier and also help to make it more easy to identify what we stand for. Thank you for never giving up Don. The site will grow soon. You can feel that especially in America, people are getting sick of what is going on. We must continue to open the publics eyes.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This site must go on. I think a change to would be a good start. Something that shows that we support all of the great white man and women athlets from around the world. Also it will continue to shed light on the discrimination these athletes face on a daily basis their whole athletic careers.

The years money fund raiser is also a great idea to help Don with the expenses.

Don please don't ever give up the fight. This site must go on no matter what. A name change to the one above will help people to find the site easier and also help to make it more easy to identify what we stand for. Thank you for never giving up Don. The site will grow soon. You can feel that especially in America, people are getting sick of what is going on. We must continue to open the publics eyes.

I remember how I found this site. I believe it was 2006 though I didn't offically register to post until March 2007. I googled lack of whites in football or something of that nature and this site came up in the search. I read quite a few articles by Joe Kowalski and was immediately sold on the main ideas of this site. There was clearly a lot of evidence to back up the theories. I wish I could be more active these days though I work full time and will be building a new house within the next year or so. I'm not on much except for weekends though I do pop in daily and read the new posts. I love the site and we really have some great posters. I mostly stick to the boxing forum these days.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A lot of good ideas and comments in this thread.

Posting seemed to go up right after I started this thread, and it's been huge the past few days. I had insomnia last night and noticed that the number of views of the NFL Draft thread had gone up by over a thousand in only an hour even in the middle of the night when no new posts were being added to it. We definitely still have an audience out there, but it correlates strongly to how much posting is going on.

I won't give up, but it's going to take a team effort to move Caste Football forward. Folks need to step up financially, by helping with social media efforts, and by trying to post more.

The post by Heretic about what a new site can offer has me excited about the possibilities. But I've been continually victimized by bad web developers (the one who got the site back online recently excepted, but he's expensive). As I mentioned before it would be great to have a web developer/webmaster who is "one of us" or at least sympathetic to the cause. I'm enjoying the feedback, together I'm sure we can develop a feasible plan and get CF reaching more people.


Sep 19, 2012
World of ****
Twitter and Facebook are completely free, and setup is almost instantaneous.

Re: Facebook
Any registered Facebook user can create a 'group' called Caste Football (even if such a group name already exists). The group creator can appoint "mods" from amongst the subscribers, and those mods can in turn publish official posts from the page namesake (i.e. links to new threads/articles, quips about white athlete performances, etc). Any member of the group can post comments and links to the group page, and the moderators will have power to delete them if they are inappropriate.

Any Facebook user can 'like' or 'subscribe' to the group without much social consequence, as many activists subscribe to their political enemies' pages to keep tabs on them, meaning there is a viable excuse. The drawback is that many (all?) CF posters stay anonymous within the forum, since it's a great place to vent and express yourself beyond the threshold of polite company. The CF Facebook moderators (who can be in place even from fake/ambiguous accounts) should probably use this particular medium as a way to spread the word... but do not expect a big buzz. On the plus side, it's great for search engine linkage apparently (just don't use negative language that could get banned). Facebook helps make this site/forum site easy to find but discourages the frankness of anonymity.

Re: Twitter
Twitter accounts are lot more anonymous and discardable than Facebook overall. Again, any joe blow can register an account called CF (maybe someone should). However, the account itself is not enough to be important though. If no one sees it, everyone ignores it. Twitter uses 'hashtags' (a buzzword/term preceded by #) to parse and rank common topics of discussion. If we want to spread CF message on Twitter, type your message (must be 140 characters or less), then add the hashtag "#CasteFootball" or some other phrase we can predetermine on the forum.

Say you tweet about a white athlete and use the #CasteFootball hashtag: anyone who sees your message can click on the automatically-generated hyperlink and see a list of ALL the #CasteFootball tweets ever made! Overall, it's much easier, more organic, and simpler to participate in. Of course, you need to have enough twitter users in the first place. Every single #CasteFootball tweet will be logged in their database (unless your account gets banned for rayciss). If you're new to Twitter but are willing to start, follow white athletes and "retweet" them while adding the hashtag #CasteFootball... some of their fans will see it by accident and perhaps be curious.

Re: site reform
I don't remember exactly where or when I learned this site existed, but I definitely found the 'forum' by accident after a long time. The homepage should at least provide a 50/50 choice for the featured articles and the discussion forum. If Don wants more 'featured'-worthy submissions, post some specific guidelines somewhere in a stickied topic and see if anyone answers the call.


Mar 16, 2013
Don I work 60 hours a week and do not own a computer. Plus the library in my hometown started blocking off the site about a year ago. Yes the land of the free. That said I will try and post a little more. I think the shutdown hurt along with just battle fatigue. It is an uphill climb as evidenced by this year's NFL draft. I saw Draft daddy is way down this year. Keep it rolling though we appreciate a place where we can rant and rave.


Apr 23, 2005
First time poster here. I've been reading the site for years now. I think its a valuable site and hope you continue your efforts, Don. Maybe a name change would do some good as there are so many other topics discussed.