Is Bolt on Drugs?

If brainwashed Whites see a hulked-up White athlete / bodybuilder who displays all the signs of PED use they won't hesitate to instantly point a sauce-stained finger and scream that the said bloke is "on roids". Yet if a Negro sports an identical, obviously steroided physique those same stupid White pricks will jack off in admiration and won't even entertain the possibility that the black is using PEDs - for after all, he's black and as everyone knows blacks have "bigger, stronger muscles".

While bodybuilding is not really a sport, the history of it provides us with some good points of reference about steroid and other PED use. Roids weren't widely available until the mid 1960s, though there were some earlier uses in weightlifting. We have sprinters today who are more ripped than the bodybuilders of any race were in the 1950s. There are guys at my local gym who are bigger than the dedicated bodybuilders of that era. People have been eating and training for all of time, but they have only developed bodies like we see today since the advent of steroids. That is not a coincidence.

Whenever I bring this up to DWFs, I get the same responses: 1) Those guys workout like 12 hours a day. Yes, and the only way a person can do that and grow muscle is on juice. 2) They have great genetics or "black genes". Sure they do, just like people did 100 years ago, but nobody looked like that until steroids. 3) We know more now about training and nutrition. We might. We sure do know a lot more about how drugs can supplement them. Putting on 15 lbs. of muscle in a year is a difficult task for a fully grown man to do naturally. 4) ______ said he only took them to help with recovery, not to get bigger. HAHAHAHAHA! Recovery is when you get bigger! Duh!

Sprinting is obviously riddled with PEDs, and Bolt's success is certainly due to talent, hard work, ....... and performance enhancing drugs. If everybody were clean, he might still be the fastest man in the world, but it would be interesting to see.
Sprinting is obviously riddled with PEDs, and Bolt's success is certainly due to talent, hard work, ....... and performance enhancing drugs. If everybody were clean, he might still be the fastest man in the world, but it would be interesting to see.

Thats very well stated. Many people dont want to believe that their favorite black hero is a cheater though.
The original source on that image is 16:9, you image is 16:12. It should be 367x206 not 367x275.
Lets see. Heralded Tyson Gay has been doping up big time and just got nabbed. Two Jamaican stars Asafa Powell and Sherone Simpson were also caught doping up. And another, three time Olympic champ Jamaican Veronica Cambell-Brown is under investigation for doping.
And Miss America back in the day Marion Jones was considered clean and she went down in pure disgrace.
So is this media hero Bolt on drugs? Using math and trends and history and science my guess is yes. Will he ever be caught? Maybe!!!!
no, he just managed to be way faster than all of the rest of the cheats WITHOUT ANY PEDS. Come on man, stop being in denial, its ridiculous.

The thing about doping now, it can be way more complex than just taking something to boost testosterone.
Bolt is as guilty as they come. You cannot run 9.50's and 9.60's without doing a huge assortment of drugs. He would still be fast without them but no where close to 9.58 and 19.19 comic book times. Superman couldn't run that fast! People can be so naive in my opinion.

It's obvious what is going on. He is too popular to take down.
I never said he did them the entire time. It started a little before the world champs in 2008 so if I had to guess he started on something around 2006 to 2007. By 2008 he was a totally different person. Look at baseball. Mark Mcguire could hit home runs all day even when he was skinny due to his leverage. He didn't need to take peds but yet he still gave into the desire. Bolt would have still been a very, very good sprinter naturally but he went the way that most do. The easy way. To make sure you cannot be beat by Tyson Gay or anyone else.

Maurice Greene was never banned yet I know he did it and so do many of us. I don't have to see a positive test to know that Pharmalita is on it too and she is from the U.S. WADA is trying but as always will never catch more than 1/3 of the athletes at best both black and white.

Just look at Bolt Shoulders. He is flexing even when sitting down relaxing. I've seen bodybuilders with worse definition. The combo of hgh, yams, and peds is so obvious. Even his dad has a really odd shaped head like he on been on hgh for decades. Look at the pic.

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I never said he did them the entire time. It started a little before the world champs in 2008 so if I had to guess he started on something around 2006 to 2007. By 2008 he was a totally different person. Look at baseball. Mark Mcguire could hit home runs all day even when he was skinny due to his leverage. He didn't need to take peds but yet he still gave into the desire. Bolt would have still been a very, very good sprinter naturally but he went the way that most do. The easy way. To make sure you cannot be beat by Tyson Gay or anyone else.

Maurice Greene was never banned yet I know he did it and so do many of us. I don't have to see a positive test to know that Pharmalita is on it too and she is from the U.S. WADA is trying but as always will never catch more than 1/3 of the athletes at best both black and white.

Just look at Bolt Shoulders. He is flexing even when sitting down relaxing. I've seen bodybuilders with worse definition. The combo of hgh, yams, and peds is so obvious. Even his dad has a really odd shaped head like he on been on hgh for decades. Look at the pic.

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Not to mention Bolt hasn't been able to come close to duplicating his world record times again.
Most likely so. He was coasting and showboating back then too. He wins by so much that he could stop and have lunch and get up to still win the race. No one is that good even with height and good genetics. Every world record holder has been busted for peds at some point for quite a while now. Tim Montgomery, Asafa Powel, Maurice Greene(caught with check to ped dealer), Tyson Gay and the list could go on and on. To think that Bolt is so much faster than even the biggest of cheats is just plain stupidity.

People can believe what they want but they are blind and dumb as can be!
To think that Bolt is so much faster than even the biggest of cheats is just plain stupidity.

People can believe what they want but they are blind and dumb as can be!

Most likely so. He was coasting and showboating back then too.

So my question still stands.

How the hell can he get away with it for so long?.

The gear Tyson & Asafa just got busted with told reporters they weren't on it for no longer than 3 months.

How the hell as Bolt got away with for 12 years?.
Why would you believe sprinters who are already liars. They will continue to lie. Ask any bodybuilder if they do roids and they laugh as
they say off course not. It's just hard work and training along with some whey protein and creatine from walmart. Yeah right.

These guys know when to get on the cycles and when to get off. Most of the big stars worldwide are also told way ahead of time when
they are going to be tested. Jamaica last year only had 112 tests in 365 days. What a complete joke. They don't care. Why would they want their athletes/money stream get caught?

Bolt is going go probably have alot of health issues later on in life. Most that do these things do long in any sport suffer later on physically whether they are ever caught or not.
WADA doesn't tell them but when people come looking for them many times they are missing. They have people that cover for them and they don't always have to be available for a test. They can however only miss so many tests. Most athletes now how to beat the system. On top of that many things like blood doping and human growth hormornes cannot be accurately tested. There is also SARMS which is very popular among athletes of many sports including track.

As for why some of the big stars have been busted? They have to go after some to make it look worthwhile. It seems to me like many of the men and women they bust are at the end of their careers. They even nailed Kim Collins a few years ago but VCB, Powell, and Gay are all
in their 30's. They do bust some young athletes too of course.

Anyways I think we will have to agree to disagree on this topic. I don't think either of us are going to change our minds. I have to admit that I was hoping that Gay would beat Bolt in Moscow before he got busted. I knew Tyson Gay was on peds but I like that he is humble. If I have to watch two cheaters with one being arrogant and the other soft spoken, I will root for the quiet guy. Barring an injury, Bolt destroys
everyone again. He is predicting to break all of his world records. Damn those yams are magical. I would love to see him lose but his doctors and chemists are just too good!:biggrin:
100% False.

There giving absolutely no indication whatsoever when/where testers will be turning up for tests, otherwise what is the point?.

Other stars have been caught, Blake, Powell, Gay, Mullings etc.

These are some of the biggest names in sprinting & some of the greatest ever.

I find it strange why Bolt hasn't been caught in 12 years?.

Sir just watch the video I put up from 2003?? He looked like a normal teen no bigger than Lemaitre was at the same age. Too many uninformed fans think that putting on 30 pounds of muscle is easy to do while sprinting. It's nearly impossible to do because of the fatigue factor from running and the increased body metabolism. Bolt did this over 2 years. Watch 2007 when he couldn't beat Gay(who was probably doped). Then watch the size gains in 08 and 09'. Also he has only gained pure muscle. It's all blatantly there for anybody to see that understands weight training.
Sir just watch the video I put up from 2003?? He looked like a normal teen no bigger than Lemaitre was at the same age. Too many uninformed fans think that putting on 30 pounds of muscle is easy to do while sprinting. It's nearly impossible to do because of the fatigue factor from running and the increased body metabolism. Bolt did this over 2 years. Watch 2007 when he couldn't beat Gay(who was probably doped). Then watch the size gains in 08 and 09'. Also he has only gained pure muscle. It's all blatantly there for anybody to see that understands weight training.
Four Jamaicans in the 100 final, from a country the size of city, nothing here folks let's move on....:icon_rolleyes::dodgy:
The Yamacians and those magical yams. As I've said before, they can't catch them all. WADA loses again as the cheaters will continue to win the medals.
take a look at this article by Victor CONTE (the Balco affair) on lequipe.Fr

[FONT=museo_sans900 !important]ACCUSATIONS OF VICTOR CONTE

The founder of BALCO laboratory, the heart of a doping scandal in the 2000s, Victor Conte, told the Japan Times that the positive controls US Olympic champions had been covered, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) preferred not to deepen its tests in order to not "destroy the Olympic movement."

Twelve years after the BALCO case, the name of Victor Conte still smells sulfur, and His intentions have not always been as commendable as they seem to be today. After serving four months in jail in California between 2005 and 2006, Victor Conte turned into champion of the fight against doping, initiating discussions with the president of the World Agency (WADA), Dick Pound, and warning or calling out from time to time the organization on Twitter.

In an interview with Japan Times Tuesday as world athletics is in turmoil , the founder of BALCO laboratory, which distributed to athletes like Marion Jones, Tim Montgomery and Dwain Chambers synthetic steroid , brought some explosive charges . Including how pound asked him, in 2012 to compose a list of six athletes and their coaches that he suspected of doping, and outline the tests that he would do.
[FONT=museo_sans900]"Dick Pound said" you kidding me? You think we want to completely destroy the Olympic movement? We will not do these tests. ""[/FONT]

Conte selected the coach Alberto Salazar and his endurance athletes Galen Rupp and Mo Farah, sprinter Carmelita Jeter and Jason Richardson hurdler coached by John Smith, and Jamaican sprinters Usain Bolt and Yohan Blake and their coach, Glen Mills. The goal was to find the frozen urine samples taken just before their great performances and analyze the test with a carbon isotope ratio for synthetic testosterone.

But his idea was rejected. "Dick Pound said" you kidding me? You think we want to completely destroy the Olympic movement? We will not do these tests. " And they (WADA) have shown no more interest in this detection "said Victor Conte.

Flo-Jo would have been covered

He also states how positive controls of sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner, the heptathlete and long jumper Jackie Joyner-Kersee and racer Andre Phillips 400m hurdles, all three Olympic gold medalists, were covered during the Olympics 1988. The three have retired in 1989 (only Joyner-Kersee returned to competition four years later), confirming their guilt by Victor Conte.

The sexagenarian, which continues to distribute food supplements through its SNAC company, says that "everyone takes the synthesis of testosterone," and finally denounces that WADA was created only to protect the economic interests of sponsors wanting to ensure that their athletes will not be tested positive.

American Freedom News