Is Bolt on Drugs?


Aug 21, 2008
My mate was telling me that bolt and other jamaicansare on some new variant of

insulin like growth factor , that there is no test for nor ever will be.

Can anybody tell mewhat it is, is it like steroids.
I just know he is likely on something. If he hadn't clowned around in that 100 meter race as he was finishing he would have ran a 9.59 instead of a 9.69. I just can't take a time like that seriously. I fully expect a Marion Jones type story about him maybe five years or so from now.

hGH is a hormone involved in in cell metabolism and skeletal growth that is synthesized and secreted by cells in the anterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain.

It works by stimulating the liver and other tissues to secrete insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which in turn encourages processes that grow bone, muscles and organs.

Will do some more research and post the results later.
It is possible. On an interesting note, it is the Jamaicans who are being very loud right now about how it was the Americans who were on drugs for the last 20 years, and now that they are cleaner, they are losing.

At least somebody else has noticed that.
Possibly Usain Bolt is taking IGF-1. Here is something you should no about IGF-1. IGF-1 if taken orally brakes down in the body after a half hour. The question is can its metabolites be detected? Also IGF-1 is prohibitively expensive. I don'T how Bolt would be able to afford it.
Bolt is now in an instant millionaire(a few times over). He will be offered a 7 figure shoe deal and will get up to 100 k for appearances across the globe. If broke bodybuilders can afford the latest steroid routines. Bolt and other star sprinters can afford it too.
Add Tobias Unger to the list of people that are convinced Bolt is on rocket fuel. He has stated to German papers. It's all over the internet right now.
Bolt is not clean. You cannot run that fast ever without drugs. To beat the greatest sprinters on the earth by that margin is ridiculous and he heas to be cheating.
I believe that many people insist he's clean because they WANT him to be clean, and he may be.

What I really don't like though is the idea that if you question his honesty, somehow it makes you a racist.

I predict that if he is indeed cheating and is caught somewhere along the road, those who want to prosecute him for his dishonesty will also be derided as racist.

So, he really can't lose. I'm sure he'd be a great sprinter with or without drugs, but if he is using drugs, he can always fall back on that excuse where "I'm from a poor country and we have no other option" and the media will lap it up like frozen yogurt.
He could be on everything from HGH to Epo to even a combnation of gene doping. They are using animals testersterone these days as well. Any number of combinations could work. No one knows some of the long term health risks but like with Flo Jo, people will do anything to be fast, rich and famous. Right now, they have it down to a science. It's really sad how there are more cheaters around the world than ever and it's only going to get worse. I wonder how many people will die young from the effects of all the chemicals put into their bodies. Just like in bodybuilding, these people will pay a heavy price down the road. Enjoy the fame while you can because one way or another, it will catch up with you.

Bolt is 100% on a bunch of peds and he is only one of many. They just have the perfect combonation at the moment and many in the US are jealous. It's very sad that you have to cheat to win these days.
Gil Brandt, former GM of the Cowboys and one of the greatest caste pogues alive, has this to say about Bolt.

Link here
white lightning said:
He could be on everything from HGH to Epo to even a combnation of gene doping. They are using animals testersterone these days as well. Any number of combinations could work. No one knows some of the long term health risks but like with Flo Jo, people will do anything to be fast, rich and famous. Right now, they have it down to a science. It's really sad how there are more cheaters around the world than ever and it's only going to get worse. I wonder how many people will die young from the effects of all the chemicals put into their bodies. Just like in bodybuilding, these people will pay a heavy price down the road. Enjoy the fame while you can because one way or another, it will catch up with you.

Bolt is 100% on a bunch of peds and he is only one of many. They just have the perfect combonation at the moment and many in the US are jealous. It's very sad that you have to cheat to win these days.

Where is the evidence of Bolt using ?

There is also no evidence of Flo Jo using and no alleged steroid use was not the cause of her death.

without proof you cannot say for 100 % that Bolt is using seeing as you have no proof and as i understand someone is innocent until proven guilty.
Turner said:
Where is the evidence of Bolt using ?

There is also no evidence of Flo Jo using and no alleged steroid use was not the cause of her death.

without proof you cannot say for 100 % that Bolt is using seeing as you have no proof and as i understand someone is innocent until proven guilty.

So by your reasoning, it's inappropriate to even raise the possibility? Do you also believe that without say, videotaped proof of Barry Bonds taking steroids, that no one should bring up the topic? I wonder if you hold to the same standard when it comes to Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens.
I've known plenty of whites who've taken steroids. I've known blacks who have too. It's easier to tell by looking at a white person. The skin looks different. They take it long enough and their face looks different. But then again, so does Barry Bond's head. While I don't think all whites are clean, I don't think Jamaica is either.
Don Wassall said:
Turner said:
Where is the evidence of Bolt using ? There is also no evidence of Flo Jo using and no alleged steroid use was not the cause of her death. without proof you cannot say for 100 % that Bolt is using seeing as you have no proof and as i understand someone is innocent until proven guilty.

So by your reasoning, it's inappropriate to even raise the possibility?  Do you also believe that without say, videotaped proof of Barry Bonds taking steroids, that no one should bring up the topic?  I wonder if you hold to the same standard when it comes to Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens. 
I believe that Bonds McGwire and Clemens all used. But there is no conclusive proof of them using . Without conclusive proof i cannot say that they used only suspect.

There is no proof of Bolt alleged usage. When Bolt fails a test or admits it then you can say for a 100 % that he used.
Turner said:
Don Wassall said:
Turner said:
Where is the evidence of Bolt using ? There is also no evidence of Flo Jo using and no alleged steroid use was not the cause of her death. without proof you cannot say for 100 % that Bolt is using seeing as you have no proof and as i understand someone is innocent until proven guilty.

So by your reasoning, it's inappropriate to even raise the possibility? Do you also believe that without say, videotaped proof of Barry Bonds taking steroids, that no one should bring up the topic? I wonder if you hold to the same standard when it comes to Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens.
I believe that Bonds McGwire and Clemens all used. But there is no conclusive proof of them using . Without conclusive proof i cannot say that they used only suspect.

There is no proof of Bolt alleged usage. When Bolt fails a test or admits it then you can say for a 100 % that he used.

There is no proof of McGwire's and Clemen's alleged usage. You are suspecting they did, just as posters here suspect Bolt and Bonds did. It's the same thing, but you find it ok when you engage in suspecting white athletes of using without conclusive evidence, but not ok when posters here suspect blacks of using without conclusive evidence. You're a hypocrite.
Don Wassall said:
Turner said:
Don Wassall said:
Turner said:
Where is the evidence of Bolt using ? There is also no
evidence of Flo Jo using and no alleged steroid use was not the cause
of her death. without proof you cannot say for 100 % that Bolt is using
seeing as you have no proof and as i understand someone is innocent
until proven guilty.

So by your reasoning, it's inappropriate to even raise the
possibility? Do you also believe that without say, videotaped
proof of Barry Bonds taking steroids, that no one should bring up the
topic? I wonder if you hold to the same standard when it comes to
Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens.
I believe that Bonds McGwire and Clemens all used. But
there is no conclusive proof of them using . Without conclusive proof i
cannot say that they used only suspect.

There is no proof of Bolt alleged usage. When Bolt fails a test or admits it then you can say for a 100 % that he used.

There is no proof of McGwire's and Clemen's alleged usage. You
are suspecting they did, just as posters here suspect Bolt and Bonds
did. It's the same thing, but you find it ok when you engage in
suspecting white athletes of using without conclusive evidence, but not
ok when posters here suspect blacks of using without conclusive
evidence. You're a hypocrite.

hi all. new to the forum but have been reading it for a while. anyway,
i think what turner is trying to say is that there is a difference in
saying "I believe Bolt is on drugs" and "Bolt is 100% on a bunch of
peds". the first sounds like an opinion, the second sounds like a
fact. but at this point it's still just an opinion because nothing has
been proved.

as far a barry bonds goes, you better believe i think he used steroids.
but it's not so clear for mcgwire. i remember the story about the
member of the press seeing a bottle of angro pills in mcgwire's locker,
but wasn't that legal at the time? it's also a hazy story with clemens.
the only reason that he came into question is because his former white
trainer named him. it seems as if just one person's words against the
other. do you think clemens' trainer was lying? i haven't made up
my mind. marion jones never failed a test but had a number of people
say she was using. she denied it vehemently. but it turned out that she
was lying through her teeth for years. so is the clemens story any
differnent? i guess time will tell. but i'm not going to let the media
make up my mind for me. i stick to facts.
go to and search Conte: World Anti-Doping it will first on the search list and is a good read on the subject.
I know people who have been involved in track at the highest level in the past. I'm not going to mention any names. I know for a fact that even C. Lewis was doing it. Let me name a few guys that are all world class in the the last decade or two. Ben Johnson, Linford Christie, Tim Mongtomery, Justin Gatlin, etc. etc. I for one side with a guy like Ben Johnson. He was a professional sprinter at the highest level and he cheated. He has said on multiple occasions that at least 95% of the sprinters are on multiple substances. To believe any differently is to be naive in my opinion.

Victor Conte has talked about the caribean stars for a long time now. They will be caught but it will probably take a long time. Just like with the Greeks, the Jamaican Govt. has too much to hide i.m.o. Sprinting in Jamaica is like Soccer in Mexico. It is everything and people will win at all cost. Just like in the good ole US. I don't deny Bolts incredible ability, but he also has alot of help similar to countless other sprinters.

It has gotten to the point where you have to be on some kind of peds to compete these days and that is sad. What kind of message does it send to the kids? I hope that WADA continues to attempt to clean up the sport. They may be fighting a losing battle, but you have to at least try to catch some of the cheats. One last thing. There are many white sprinters that cheat as well. If you cheat, I don't feel sorry for you regardless of who you are.
Armin Hary can't possibly be the fasted white guy of all time. In a fantasy time capsule where he teleports to 2008 Jamaica and gets the drugs they're getting, I see him gaining 40 pounds of muscle and running a 9.89.

And also probably wearing a ridiculous rastafarian hat.

You have a vivid imagination Giovani and a funny one as well.
To be fair the media has not turned a blind eye to the chance Bolt could be using peds. Given recent history it seems the Jamaicans have done something and keep in mind there could be other peds that are really obscure at the moment.
His burst out of the blcoks at his size does raise questions--
FloJoe ran a WR 10.49, enough said. Even roided up Marion Jones never came close to that mark. She also died a sad premature early death. What does that tell you, guest?
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