Irish Potato Famine?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I came across this site end found it very interesting. A look at what is known as the Irish Potato Famine. Any Irishmen here well versed on this subject? Could it be considered a genocidal holocaust or not?

Is Britain's cover-up of its 1845-1850 holocaust in Ireland the most successful Big Lie in all of history?

The cover-up is accomplished by the same British terrorism and bribery that perpetrated the genocide. Consider: why does Irish President Mary Robinson call it "Ireland's greatest natural 1 disaster" while she conceals the British army's role? Potato blight, "phytophthora infestans", did spread from America to Europe in 1844, to England and then Ireland in 1845 but it didn't cause famine anywhere. Ireland did not starve for potatoes; it starved for food.

Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia, battleships, excise vessels, Coast Guard and by 200,000 British soldiers (100,000 at any given moment)

The attached map shows the never-before-published names and locations in Ireland of the food removal regiments (Disposition of the Army; Public Record Office, London; et al, of which we possess photocopies). Thus, Britain seized from Ireland's producers tens of millions of head of livestock; tens of millions of tons of flour, grains, meat, poultry & dairy products; enough to sustain 18 million persons.


The link to that specific page does not work.

Another link to site. by: Bart


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
The British are notorious for treating Irish Catholics horribly. The battle of Drogheda is widely considered as the biggest massacre of Irish in the history of their country. People wonder why the IRAare still persistent with their bombings. The British scarred them at Drogheda, and screwed them over in the potato famine.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The Irish were always a pain in the side of the rest of Britain. So to starve out the rebel elements would make sense. Stalin did the same thing to the Ukrainians in the 1930's.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
white is right said:
The Irish were always a pain in the side of the rest of Britain. So to starve out the rebel elements would make sense. Stalin did the same thing to the Ukrainians in the 1930's.

Pain in the side? The Irish would have been less of a pain had the British not invaded Ireland and enslaved the local population. Typically slaves (especially white ones) make themselves pains to the slaveholders. Anyway it's blood under the bridge and time for the white races to forget about the slights of the past between them and concentrate on the current enemy.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I know the history hence my example of the Ukraine which was annexed too. Or I could have used Serbia or Greece.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I find the subject fascinating. A few weeks ago I was speaking with a friend who has the same concerns about the future of this country. He had spent some time in Australia and said it was a great place to live. His comments piqued my curiosity.

So, last week at a family gathering I asked people what they thought of Australia. Of course, a few guys mentioned it was originally a penal colony founded by criminals etc. I heard that before. Someone added that Sidney was one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Yeah, I heard that too.

So, I wondered how it was possible for the refuse of Britain to build such a gorgeous place?

Well, I did some research and discovered there is far more to the story. Apparently many of the convicts were not criminals as such, well, at least not by today's standards. Life was much different in Britain way back then, very harsh if not connected.

Anyway, all sorts of people were sent there and as it turns out overcame many obstacles to develop what they have. And yes a lot of folks who settled there were Irish.

I followed other links pertaining roughly to that time frame and found the one about the famine or genocide depending on one's point of view.

I love reading about historical events and often get sidetracked hunting divergent rabbit trails.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
'I love reading about historical events and often get sidetracked hunting divergent rabbit trails."

We share that same trait. Anyways I'll choose to look at the famine in a positive way. If it were not for the British starving the Irish out, my relatives and thousands of others relatives would have never made it to America.

BTW* St Paddy's Day is coming up!
Edited by: celticdb15


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
just came across this news article. Same stuff even in Australia. Get the kids while they are youg. Sorry day?,23739,26779696-3102,00.html

KINDERGARTEN students will be told about the importance of Sorry Day and will be required to learn about indigenous societies by the end of Year 4 under the Federal Government's draft national curriculum.

Inclusion of the "politically correct" material after lobbying by interest groups is part of a push for history in primary schools, with a major focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

Copies of the English, history, maths and science curriculums show requirements at kindergarten level include "engaging with the oral traditions and art of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people".

Senior educationists believe the new curriculum for students in kindergarten to Year 10, due to come into force next year, has been infiltrated by fringe lobby groups seeking to include issues such as multiculturalism, indigenous rights, ethical behaviour and sustainable living.

Concerns within the education groups centre on dropping history in the early years of schooling, watering down of maths standards and an over-emphasis on grammar in the English curriculum.

Sorry Day â€" established in 2008 â€" is portrayed in the curriculum as a community commemoration in the same fashion as Anzac Day.

In Year 1 children will examine Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander seasonal calendars and also look at social groups ranging from the "nuclear family" to "extended clans, kinship groups, villages and tribes".

In English, kindergarten kids will also be taught to "acknowledge the home languages of students who speak another language and value the ability to speak more than one language".

The science curriculum contains material about sustainability, ethics and more content relating to the "cultural perspectives" of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. (snip)
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
jaxvid said:
white is right said:
The Irish were always a pain in the side of the rest of Britain. So to starve out the rebel elements would make sense. Stalin did the same thing to the Ukrainians in the 1930's.

Pain in the side? The Irish would have been less of a pain had the British not invaded Ireland and enslaved the local population. Typically slaves (especially white ones) make themselves pains to the slaveholders. Anyway it's blood under the bridge and time for the white races to forget about the slights of the past between them and concentrate on the current enemy.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Aboriginal worship in white Australia is only slightly less sickening than African / featherhead love-sickness in white America. White parents across the globe obediently allowing unconcealed Cultural Marxism to be pulverized into their children's brain cells"¦does anything ever change?

The appropriately named "Sorry Day"Â￾ reminds me of elementary school, where we, the white MassChildren, were forced to study and venerate and reenact various aspects of featherhead foolishness. We even reconstructed their crude, pathetic little "weapons"Â￾ (used for killing white women and children) out of construction paper. Almost as if they were instilling the mandatory "white dread"Â￾ of the savage boogeymen's return for "vengeance."Â￾ How cute.


Nov 27, 2005
Outside North America
It's anti-British propaganda. The Irish are known as MOPEs. Most Oppressed People Ever. The only people who take it seriously are leftists like Tony Blair and, of course, Irish nationalists. These are the same Irish nationalists who put up wall murals dedicated to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and the American Indian. In Irish nationalist mythology Anglo-Saxons, whether they live in Ulster, Australia, Zimbabwe, or the US, are always guilty of oppressing native peoples. Keep in mind Irish Catholics claim WASP Americans were oppressors. To this day they maintain the lie that it was once common for Americans to put out signs saying "No Irish Need Apply".

Government actions made the situation worse but it's preposterous to call it genocide. For instance by stockpiling food and selling it off cheaply to the Irish the government hurt Irish merchants involved in importing food. These merchants had purchased food on the world market, at normal market prices only to see the price of food decline to below market prices due to the government practically giving it away when the blight began. So these Irish (not English) merchants from 1846 did not import as much food as they normally did therefore making the famine worse in the long run. Initially the government stockpiling of food was done in secret as import merchants would've stopped all imports had they known about it. Yet Irish nationalists make the opposite argument. They say the government should've distributed more free food. Yet had they done that ALL imports would have halted and the state would've been the sole provider of food for the entire country. In the 19th century governments simply weren't capable of doing that efficiently. Even today with the kind of reach governments have due to many more workers and technological advances governments are still hopeless at providing services.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
celticdb15 said:
The British are notorious for treating Irish Catholics horribly. The battle of Drogheda is widely considered as the biggest massacre of Irish in the history of their country. People wonder why the IRA are still persistent with their bombings. The British scarred them at Drogheda, and screwed them over in the potato famine.

I can trace some of my family history right back to the potato famine back in 1842 as that is when a few ancestors of mine immigrated to the USA. So whatever the Brits did and as terrible as it was, it certainly worked out for me and my family.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Matra1 said:
It's anti-British propaganda. The Irish are known as MOPEs. Most Oppressed People Ever. The only people who take it seriously are leftists like Tony Blair and, of course, Irish nationalists. These are the same Irish nationalists who put up wall murals dedicated to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and the American Indian. In Irish nationalist mythology Anglo-Saxons, whether they live in Ulster, Australia, Zimbabwe, or the US, are always guilty of oppressing native peoples. Keep in mind Irish Catholics claim WASP Americans were oppressors. To this day they maintain the lie that it was once common for Americans to put out signs saying "No Irish Need Apply".

Government actions made the situation worse but it's preposterous to call it genocide. For instance by stockpiling food and selling it off cheaply to the Irish the government hurt Irish merchants involved in importing food. These merchants had purchased food on the world market, at normal market prices only to see the price of food decline to below market prices due to the government practically giving it away when the blight began. So these Irish (not English) merchants from 1846 did not import as much food as they normally did therefore making the famine worse in the long run. Initially the government stockpiling of food was done in secret as import merchants would've stopped all imports had they known about it. Yet Irish nationalists make the opposite argument. They say the government should've distributed more free food. Yet had they done that ALL imports would have halted and the state would've been the sole provider of food for the entire country. In the 19th century governments simply weren't capable of doing that efficiently. Even today with the kind of reach governments have due to many more workers and technological advances governments are still hopeless at providing services.

That has to be the most twisted interpertation of the Great Famine I've ever seen! Yes the British governments only failure in the famine was in providing free food to the starving Irish. How about this? Get out of Ireland and let the Irish govern themselves. That's a principle I support for Irish, American Colonists, WWII Germans, American Indian's, Viet Cong, Southern Seccessionists, Texans, and any one else wanting to be free of any other group that is destroyed by the "help" of another group.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
That has to be the most twisted interpertation of the Great Famine I've ever seen! Yes the British governments only failure in the famine was in providing free food to the starving Irish.

I have been searching the internet for more historical information. Wikipedia has a lengthy piece, how much is accurate I don't know.

I knew some of the history, but Good Lord! - I was not fully aware of the conditions imposed on the Irish not just for that time period but for generations.Bloody horrible if only ten percent of the info was valid. I would much rather have been a Negro in this country during slavery. I'll probably catch hell for saying that.

I realize times have changed, but I can understand why there has been so much resentment.



Nov 27, 2005
Outside North America
jaxvid said:
How about this? Get out of Ireland and let the Irish govern themselves. That's a principle I support for Irish, American Colonists, WWII Germans, American Indian's, Viet Cong, Southern Seccessionists, Texans, and any one else wanting to be free of any other group that is destroyed by the "help" of another group.

So you support the rights of people to govern themselves but deny it to the Protestants of Ulster, the same Scots-Irish who did so much to build America. They've been in Ulster longer than the vast majority of whites have been on American soil yet you wish to deny them any say on how to run Ulster even though they were the ones who built the damn place and made it attractive to people from the south who later migrated there in search of work. Belfast is a result of the British Empire and the Ulster-Scots (Scots-Irish) who built it. During the famine eastern parts of Ulster and Leinster didn't suffer much because the people in those places built a civilisation, including a diverse economy, instead of relying on subsistence farming.

I'm guessing you are one of those Irish Catholics who never got over the fact that the WASPs who built America once tried to stop your ancestors from moving there. Imagine not wanting your country invaded by people like Ted Kennedy!

The idea that the Irish famine is a case of genocide appeals only to Marxists and those who hate Anglo-Saxons.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Matra1 said:
Imagine not wanting your country invaded by people like Ted Kennedy!

We don't need any more people like Ted Kennedy! He did enough damage by himself.

I don't hate Anglo-Saxons. Marxists on the other hand...Edited by: Bart


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Matra1 said:
jaxvid said:
How about this? Get out of Ireland and let the Irish govern themselves. That's a principle I support for Irish, American Colonists, WWII Germans, American Indian's, Viet Cong, Southern Seccessionists, Texans, and any one else wanting to be free of any other group that is destroyed by the "help" of another group.

So you support the rights of people to govern themselves but deny it to the Protestants of Ulster, the same Scots-Irish who did so much to build America. They've been in Ulster longer than the vast majority of whites have been on American soil yet you wish to deny them any say on how to run Ulster even though they were the ones who built the damn place and made it attractive to people from the south who later migrated there in search of work. Belfast is a result of the British Empire and the Ulster-Scots (Scots-Irish) who built it. During the famine eastern parts of Ulster and Leinster didn't suffer much because the people in those places built a civilisation, including a diverse economy, instead of relying on subsistence farming.

I'm guessing you are one of those Irish Catholics who never got over the fact that the WASPs who built America once tried to stop your ancestors from moving there. Imagine not wanting your country invaded by people like Ted Kennedy!

The idea that the Irish famine is a case of genocide appeals only to Marxists and those who hate Anglo-Saxons.

Ulster is a little bit of a different situation. Of course every Brit in Ulster is there due to Britian invading and moving in. They did better during the famine because they were British and received favorable treatment from the British govt. Which is understandable. Racial solidarity.

Using Ted Kennedy as an example of an Irish-American is like using Hillary Clinton, or Jimmy Carter, or George Bush as and example of an Anglo-American. WASP's in America-good in the 18th century, bad in the 20th century.

But these are the types of arguements that I don't like to see white people get divided over. More important stuff going on now.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
But these are the types of arguements that I don't like to see white people get divided over. More important stuff going on now.

These are tame discussions, not arguments. We've had more serious divisions over Brett Favre.

Oh well, I guess this thread has run it's course.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart said:
These are tame discussions, not arguments. We've had more serious divisions over Brett Favre.

Oh well, I guess this thread has run it's course.

I don't claim to be an expert on discussion forums, but this is the most civilized one I've been a part of or lurked on. I've posted in the past on a few fantasy football boards that split apart into factions or fell apart completely due toanimosity and other results of egos bruised or out of control. On frickin' fantasy football boards!

Edited by: Don Wassall