Indiana's Freedom of Religion Law


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
A lot of ink and blather about a rather innocuous law that is already a law in many other states (and the Federal government) and provided virtually no protection for religious rights. So it's a typical Republican type of law, one that is passed to appease their supporters and is neither enforced nor defended by the people passing it.

How anyone can feel that a person should be subjected to fine, jail, or bankruptcy, by refusing to bake someone's wedding cake or take their wedding pictures is one of those issues that makes it easy for me to know who's on my side and who isn't. Listening to the absolutely pathetic attempt of Indiana's governor attempting to defend signing the bill into law when the homo attack dogs go after him was an exercise in either cold rage or hilarious resignation.

I came across this description of Mike Pence on the website (one of my favorites). Spot on.

"Watching Indiana governor Mike Pence in his hapless struggle with the homosexual lobby and its Main Stream Media and other elite accomplices was like watching a fairly contemptible, but nonetheless warm-blooded and therefore in some sense sympathetic, animal—say a jackal—seized by the snout and dragged by a singularly repellant reptile to a horrible death. "


I haven't watched any tv news in the past 2 weeks but I still can't stop hearing about this law and how awful it is. Where I do keep hearing this ? The sports media of all places. Gee why would ESPN and Fox Sports keep talking about this when it has nothing to do with sports, could it be possible that they have an agenda of some sort ? :kev:


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
In general, the "gubmint" needs to butt out, & let business owners retain the "right to refuse" service...based on whatever criteria they so choose. They same goes for folks trying to rent out or lease homes or apartments, etc.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
I haven't watched any tv news in the past 2 weeks but I still can't stop hearing about this law and how awful it is. Where I do keep hearing this ? The sports media of all places. Gee why would ESPN and Fox Sports keep talking about this when it has nothing to do with sports, could it be possible that they have an agenda of some sort ? :kev:

Mike Francesca, New York sports radio's resident ageless tub of lard, made a point to blast this law as "obnoxious" and "ridiculous." In his trademark style, the emphatic delivery of his adjectives and his decisive cadence vanquished any trace of dissenting opinion. Francesca is known for this hardball blustering, yet even though he is concretely entrenched in his local block of airtime until he retires, I can't recall him ever making a 'controversial' take or acknowledging any elephants in the room. As for his listeners that enjoy the spectacle, I wonder if they ever come to question his dogmas beyond Player X and Team Y.

ESPN, CBS, Yahoo, and others will publish the proper editorials and editorialized objective accounts of each brave, courageous athletic administrator who is standing up for civil rights. I am completely confident that these network websites (ESPN especially) keep a dedicated team of personnel to regulate and perhaps even contribute to the comments sections of such partisan topic reports. Yahoo will simply redact negative comments quickly; ESPN actually moderates and discards crimethink before it's visible.

CBS Sports seems to take the least care in hemming its comments, and it's astonishing how stark is the contrast between Big Jew and average joe.


Nov 25, 2004
So can I order a Nazi cake from a Jewish business? How about a cake with the (gasp) N-Word from a black owned business? Can a Jewish or black business tell me no? If they can, then how is that different from a Christian business saying no to a lesbian cake?

Does this go directly back to the horrible civil rights act in 1965? - when we lost all freedom to discriminate as we see fit. Forcing people to do business with people they don't want to is ridiculous.

This made squawk box on CNBC where the normally very "conservative" (I use that term loosely) talk show host spent a good deal of time ranting about the ridiculousness of the Indiana Law. I have yet to see or hear a single TV or radio personality have an opinion to the contrary.


This made squawk box on CNBC where the normally very "conservative" (I use that term loosely) talk show host spent a good deal of time ranting about the ridiculousness of the Indiana Law. I have yet to see or hear a single TV or radio personality have an opinion to the contrary.

Has anyone here been watching Fox news lately? I wonder what the "conservatives" over there have to say


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
So can I order a Nazi cake from a Jewish business? How about a cake with the (gasp) N-Word from a black owned business? Can a Jewish or black business tell me no? If they can, then how is that different from a Christian business saying no to a lesbian cake?

Does this go directly back to the horrible civil rights act in 1965? - when we lost all freedom to discriminate as we see fit. Forcing people to do business with people they don't want to is ridiculous.

This made squawk box on CNBC where the normally very "conservative" (I use that term loosely) talk show host spent a good deal of time ranting about the ridiculousness of the Indiana Law. I have yet to see or hear a single TV or radio personality have an opinion to the contrary.

Great post. Business owners have the right to not serve anyone that they do not want to and guess what? All the queers can just take their business elsewhere. It's that simple but instead the cultural Marxist media and gay mafia decide to make it a crusade for "acceptance". The total one sided narrative of victimization for any minority group in this country has really run its course.

All these cultural marxists are all for being pro choice and killing babies but they all need to be able to get their pizza from whoever they want because the media rules in this country and the sheepish mob follows without questioning reality.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
This is not only Constitutionally and morally wrong but plain stupid from the "discriminated against's" point of view.

If you are going to force a "racist", "sexist", "homophobic", etc person to cook you food, are you really going to trust the quality or safety of that food. The food industry can already be a dirty and unsanitary place, why give anyone extra incentive to spit (or worse) in your food or cake? At the minimum, I would imagine a person coerced into baking the cake or cooking the food would give a half-assed effort. I sure know I would.

Blacks, homos, Jews and all the others claiming constant discrimination from "big evil Whitey" should strongly be IN favor of Right to Refuse Service laws. This way they can avoid the "evil" establishments and not knowingly or unknowing support them with their money. But of course, breaking Whitey's will is more important than common sense or smart business practices.


Jul 6, 2011
The Gay Gestapo strikes again, with support from Apple and Wal-Mart. Talk about 1%ers.
