Incompetent Affirmative Action Selection

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
If the Republican Party was a legitimate political opposition it would cultivate its White base, not be ashamed of it. Most Republican "leaders" believe in pandering to hispanics, blacks and asians, and any Republican who says anything that can be remotely construed as pro-White is an instant pariah.

Michael Steele, the head of the Republican National Committee, is a perfect example of all that's wrong with the allegedly "conservative" of the two permanent monopoly organized political gangs. Steele is criticized here by a white liberal (Kathleen Parker of The Washington Post), but facts are facts, Steele is yet another affirmative action embarrassment. It seems that virtually every black politician put into an important position is found to be greedy and corrupt as surely as virtually every prominent black athlete sooner or later has a run-in with the law.

The party's over for RNC head Michael Steele

by Kathleen Parker

What a difference $2,000 in a lesbian bondage strip club makes.

Then again, the latest Republican National Committee scandalita (Press three for Spanglish: "Small scandal") is, alas, just that -- the latest in a string of problems plaguing the RNC when it should be stocking champagne for November.

Who are these goofballs?

The responsible committee staffer has been fired for authorizing donor reimbursement to cover a night out for some "young donors" to the forever-grateful Voyeur, a West Hollywood lesbian bondage-themed nightclub for the discriminating diner. That is, one who finds gustatory stimulation in the presence of, for example, a woman with a horse's bit in her mouth being strapped to the wall by another woman.

To each his own appetizer, I suppose, but something tells me the family-values crowd may not be down with this fundraising approach.

But let's be clear: RNC Chairman Michael Steele had absolutely nothing to do with it. Got that? He wasn't there. He doesn't approve of it. Moving on.

There's just one problem: RNC and lesbian bondage are now tattooed on the American brain, and the buck stops at the top. Moreover, if G-string spending were the single offense under Steele's leadership, then perhaps this stain would fade, as have others, in time for Republicans to tap into voter frustration. Alas, this is hardly the first or the worst example of Steele's leadership deficit.

More egregious are his spending sprees and preening self-regard. As one party leader put it in an e-mail, the GOP is in trouble when it is seen "as the party of limos (taxis work fine), $6K hotel bills, $2K strip clubs, private jets. What happened to Orbitz or Expedia?"

Wrote another:

"It doesn't matter if he [Steele] was there or not. He doesn't have a clue how to spend money and [Republicans] put him in charge at their peril."

Dozens of other comments reflect similar sentiments. To be sure, Steele has many attractive qualities. Telegenic and passionate, he was viewed as the right face at the right time for a party widely seen as bland and too white. Well, we can scratch "bland."

But Steele is also a prominent personality whose performance offers little evidence of the skills necessary for a party on life support. He can raise money, but he doesn't spend it well.
Questions of impropriety also have been raised about Steele's book tour and speaking calendar, both personally profitable distractions on party time. Although Steele has broken no committee rules in accepting speaking fees of up to $20,000, many have criticized him for trading on his chairmanship. Giving speeches without pay is part of a party leader's job description, along with raising money for candidates.

Steele has a relatively poor record in this department, too. A Politico analysis comparing Steele's fundraising and spending to that in 2005, the last comparable year before a midterm election, suggests too much expense for too little gain.

When he assumed the chairmanship, Steele inherited a $23 million surplus. Through late last month, he had raised $10 million less and spent $10 million more than the party did in 2005. Much of the spending has gone for private jets, limos, Ritz-Carltons and Wolfgang Puck-catered dinners. While big donors and committee members sup on ahi tuna cones, bubbacrats and Tea Partyers hear: "Let them eat catfish."

In January, the RNC spent $9 million of its $10 million monthly haul, much of it on its annual winter meeting in Hawaii. Keeping a buck out of every 10 is probably not inspiring confidence in donors, who are beginning to put their money elsewhere.

A couple of organizations that are benefiting and that may make Steele less relevant are the Republican Governors Association, run by former RNC chair and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, run by Texas Sen. John Cornyn.

Steele's future, meanwhile, is probably and strangely secure. To terminate the chairman, which has never been done before, 16 states have to call a meeting, followed by a two-thirds vote of committee members. And, of course, the hardest and least likely part among the humility-challenged: admitting they made a mistake.

Oh, go ahead. You'll feel better.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
IMO, the GOP's pandering (to minorities & especially the PTB) is what cost them the White House & Congress in '08. However, still far too many sheeple buy into the bogus "Left vs. Right" paradigm (leveraged as a control mechanism). The RNC has proven (time & time) again that they (like their "counterpart" DNC) are puppets of the PTB/NWO. AA hire Steele is just another (big) example of the GOP's selling out.
Nov 8, 2006
Pretty much every Republican is either a closeted gay, a pervert, a shameless zionist, an airhead, a token minority pushed to prominence solely because of minority status or some combination of the above. They take White support for granted. After all, what are we going to do, vote Democrat?

What's needed is a real Whites first alternative, not this party of perverts and morons. Of course, that assumes the current system can still be saved, which is debatable.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good points, Dixie and Run Stuffing LB. I don't see the GOP genuinely courting Whites in the foreseeable future. Too many of the politicians are still in diversity/power mode. They don't care anything about me or anyone like me. All they want is a government paycheck and a pension to go along with it. We don't have real representation anymore, and this is just one reason why our government does not function and is therefore not legitimate. Another reason is that the government doesn't protect our borders/national sovereignty. The jewSA has been a farce for some time now.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
The rot runs deep.

I've coughed up some dough in the past, but no more. I actually made this decision some time ago, but this Steele fellow seals the deal.
Oct 24, 2005
This Steele guy has been acting like a Democrate from day one. It is time to replace him with someone who represent white people.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Possessing the universal unawareness of "Joe Six Pack"Â￾ must feel like eternal paradise.

Their entire lives revolve around the perception of "deciding"Â￾ on something that has long been prearranged"¦

Voting for Political Corporation #1 (R) vs. Political Corporation #2 (D)"¦and believing that's it's meaningful.

Cheering for Sports Corporation #1 (all black) vs. Sports Corporation #2 (all black) and believing it's meaningful.

Buying beverages from Beer Corporation #1 vs. Beer Corporation #2 and believing that it's meaningful.

Michael Steele is the same type of person who has always been "in charge"Â￾ of the Repulicrap Party"¦it's only slightly more infuriating because Mikey is a black homosexual ensnared as the GodHead of the "straight white man's party."Â￾

Yeah, if this is theoretically "my"Â￾ party"¦who needs political enemies?Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
What a crock! NeoCON Steele claims he (like Obongo) has it worse because of his race. What an @$$clown this "RINO" is! If not for his "race", he'd have never gotten his (puppet) position of RNC Chairman (as he's an obvious AA/PR hire)!!! He's using the trusty ol' race card (TNB) because he's under pressure due to the GOP's demise (thanks to their pandering to Globalists & minorities)!

RNC Chairman Michael Steele says he and Obama have it harder because of their race

Is RNC Chairman's Job in Peril? Play Video ABC News â€" Is RNC Chairman's Job in Peril?

Embattled RNC Chairman Michael Steele broke his silence on the RNC fundraising scandal known as "bondage-gate" Monday morning when he sat down for an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "Good Morning America." Expressing racial kinship with the man he spends a good deal of his time attacking, Steele said that because of the color of their skin, he and President Obama aren't granted much latitude for mistakes on the job.

Stephanopoulos, offering up a question from a viewer named "Myron" via his blog, asked, "Do you feel that, as an African-American, you have a slimmer margin for error than another chairman would?"

"The honest answer is yes," said Steele responded. "Barack Obama has a slimmer margin. A lot of folks do. It's a different role for me to play and others to play and that's just the reality of it. But you take that as part of the nature of it."

Steele also highlighted the stylistic differences between himself and leaders of the GOP establishment. His approach to leading the party is "grass-roots-oriented" rather than "old-boy-network-oriented," he said, telling Stephanopoulos that he tends to "come at it a little bit stronger, a little bit more streetwise." He grants that his leadership style has "rubbed some feathers the wrong way."

Steele also addressed the scandal that broke last week when the conservative website The Daily Caller revealed that the RNC had reimbursed close to $2,000 in expenses for entertaining donors at a bondage-themed sex club in West Hollywood. The issue has become "larger than it needs to be," Steele said, and stressed that he took swift action, firing the staffer who had put in for the expenses and ensuring that the committee doesn't get involved in such spending in the future. Even so, longtime GOP donors have started to direct money away from the RNC, opting instead to give directly to candidates or the party's House and Senate campaign committees.

"The reality of it is, when I first heard about this behavior going on, I was very angry, and we dealt with it. We got to the bottom of it," Steele said. "We have been putting great controls in place for the last few months, as a matter of fact, on some of our financing."

Steele also denied the larger thrust of the report in The Daily Caller: that he's a high-roller who overspends on private airfare, deluxe travel accommodations, and limousines. He added that figures within the GOP have been keen to flush him out of his post "since the day I got the job."

He insisted that his record speaks for itself. "At the end of the day, I've raised more money than the Democrats in seven out of 12 months," Steele said. "I carry over the same amount of money as the DNC in 2010. The bottom line is, I hear my donors, I hear our base out there, I hear the leadership. And we're taking steps to make sure that we're even more - how shall we say it - fiscally conservative in our spending and certainly making sure the dollars are there when it's time to run our campaigns."

Steele's charm offensive may give him some breathing room as he continues piloting the national GOP toward the critical 2010 midterms - though the committee's bid to move on and restore order was derailed a bit by a report in Monday's Washington Post that it had hired Neil S. Alpert as a fundraising aide. Alpert had been fined $4,000 by the District of Columbia for alleged fundraising improprieties involving a political action committee supporting major-league baseball in the District. Albert paid the fine but denied any wrongdoing, according to Post reporter Perry Bacon Jr.

Meanwhile, the White House has already weighed in with a jaundiced view of Steele's racial observations. When a reporter sought comment at Monday morning's press briefing, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs called Steele's racial aside a "silly comment to make" and quipped, "I think Michael Steele's problem isn't the race card; it's the credit card."

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Sarah "The Neo-Zionist"Â￾ Palin professes her love sickness for "president"Â￾ of the GOP (which now stands for "Gay Old Party"Â￾), Michael Steele to Sean Hannity. Steele isn't even fake-conservative enough to be considered among the lowliest of neo-con scum (Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Rudy Guiliani, Jon McCain), I'd be satisfied if he were merely so. He's essentially a genuine, full-blown leftist negro. Sarah "The Negro and Zionist Ass Kisser"Â￾ Palin continues to prove how little intellect she actually possesses (she's basically a gimmick, ala the "black"Â￾ Barry Obongo). She's an anti-abortion-leaning version of Hillary Clinton"¦minus two testicles.

The GOP is "our"Â￾ political party, the one which represents "straight, religious white men and women."Â￾ I'll be voting Independent or Tea Party in 2012, no matter what. Not that those parties would care for whites anymore than the standard monopoly-like Political Corporations, mind you. I've come to the realization that the average Drunk White Fan is drastically more racially conscious than nearly every single American politician. Frightening stuff.

Palin to Hannity:
"I support Michael Steele. I'm glad he is the leader of the party, administratively,"Â￾ she told Hannity. "I think he's doing a great job. Michael Steele is an outsider. The machine is tough to penetrate. I know Michele [Bachmann] and I both have felt that in our careers. I think it has been good to have an independent outsider find â€" kind of create some change in the Republican Party."Â￾

Change!? "More of the Same Anti-Whiteness" should be their infinate mantra-of-the-moron. by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thrashen, another great assessment partner.
Palin is such a world-class fraud! She's another bogus (neo)"conservative" shill for the Z.O.G & Globalist allies. Her defending RINO Steele proves (once) again she's a complete puppet. The Tea Party should keep these usurpers like Palin, "CFR" Gingrich, etc. as far away as possible!


Mar 23, 2009
DixieDestroyer said:
Thrashen, another great assessment partner.
Palin is such a world-class fraud! She's another bogus (neo)"conservative" shill for the Z.O.G & Globalist allies. Her defending RINO Steele proves (once) again she's a complete puppet. The Tea Party should keep these usurpers like Palin, "CFR" Gingrich, etc. as far away as possible!

Most tea partiers I've spoken to (though I haven't talked to many) want Ron paul to be the image of their movement. Hopefully this is the case.

It would be interesting to see how much would change the second we stopped supporting Israel. Certainly, we wouldn't have to worry about terrorist attacks anymore. I wonder how much of the caste system is still controlled by zionists, or if they just created it, and it will inevitably crumble. I hope it is the latter.


Dec 11, 2004
I agree for Palin to support the Manchurian RINO Steele who is hurting the RNC, is illogical, shows her to be an opportunist to the max. Maybe they made a deal e.g. if Palin supports Steele , he will support her for President. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but you could almost say Steele did as much damage to the RNC as a democrat would have done. There are many republicans who are only in the party, because , although they prefer the demorats, being a republican in liberal state like Maryland where Steele came from, makes it much easier for RINOs like Steele to win nomination to run for a major office.

As for the Caste system, I don't think it will disappear even without Jews supporting. Although, there are a lot of liberal suicidal Jews in the media who perpetuate the caste system, there are many white Christians who also have been strong caste supporters.

For example, for the sake of their favorite teams, white Christian actually caused the downfall of the all white SEC. Yesterday, here in bama, I had a frank conversation with another white about how pleasurable it was the watch the all white Crimson tide beat some teams with black stars in bowl games.

It was Georgia Tech fans in the late 50s who put loyalty to their team ahead of white solidarity in the South, when they chose to violate the policy in place about playing teams with blacks. This was the first crack in the dike. Probably the person who did more than anyone to end what was a great all white SEC was Bear Bryant. He invited USC to play in bama. Bear cared about winning only. He wanted to start adding blacks . SO knowing USC was stronger than bama and featured (of course) all black running backs, he played them losing easily.

That game did more to destroy the all white SEC than anything. Bear made a big deal out of Sam Cunningham , repeating how he had find a "Sam Cunningham" for Bama. The disappearance of the all-white SEC and Southwestern Conference, (which were the major suppliers of whites in all skill positions), greatly limited D1 scholarships for white skill players.

The conversation ended disappointingly . At the end of the conversation about how loyalty to sports team turned the SEC from an all white league to a practically all black league, this guy didn't get it . He sounded like a real son of the south but deep down was not.

His last comment made it obvious how many white southerners , who want to believe they are the same as their Confederate ancestors are in no way as dedicated.He said Nick Saban is the greatest coach in America, and will be another Bear Bryant i.e. winning national titles (not in furthering the caste system). While this good ol' boy was a white southerner to the core, when it comes to his beloved Crimson Tide , he was a caste supporter.Edited by: jwhite96


Nov 23, 2006
If we think back, the Republican Party was the enemy of the South who wage war upon the Southern people. The only reason that the Southern Conservatives have allied to the Republicans is because they were betrayed by their own leaders and the Democratic party. If we look back in history the Democratic Party split in 1860 between the Southern Democratic (Conservative) Party and Northern Democratic Party. Basically, after the War of Northern Aggression, the division remained only an alliance kept the two separate parties running on National level as one. The Southern Party truly was the real Southern Conservative Party but the world "conservative" in the South differed from the English and Yankee meaning. If we look back at two British Prime Ministers of What became the Conservative and Liberal Parties we can see a clue to the division between the two. Robert Peel the son of an Industrialist (new money) and William Lamb,_2nd_Viscount_Melbourne from an aristocratic family (old money). In the American Southern the Conservative Party was about protecting the White Race.

When the Southern leaders betrayed the Southern people ushering in the second reconstruction (a.k.a. the Civil "Rights" movement), the party apparatus was take from the Conservative Party but the spirit and the people remained and most went and support the Republican Party. The Conservative Party is a mass of people constantly looking for leadership but often finding only betrayal but always hoping the next leader will be the real leader.
Oct 24, 2005
Time to bring back the Whig party!
Last edited:


Aug 26, 2011
Whites still make up 70%! who needs the other percentage, we have enough of us to win every election, and we usually do! We don't even have to worry about the senate ever!


Aug 27, 2008
I don't have evidence that I can share, but I think it has to be closer to 50%.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'd say Whites are still close to 2/3 of the US population right now.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This country is getting sicker and sicker every day.

[h=1] Al Sharpton Officially Named MSNBC Host Of 'PoliticsNation'
[/h] The Huffington Post Jack Mirkinson First Posted: 8/23/11 01:32 PM ET Updated: 8/23/11 05:40 PM ET




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Al Sharpton has been officially named the host of the 6 PM hour on MSNBC. The network announced Tuesday that Sharpton will host "PoliticsNation" on weeknights starting August 29.
Sharpton has been the de facto host of the hour for many weeks, but no official announcement had been made until Tuesday. He replaced Cenk Uygur as the all-but-official 6 PM host after Uygur's acrimonious exit from MSNBC in July.
The choice of Sharpton to host the hour has been marked by some controversy. MSNBC was criticized for not hiring a black journalist as a host, and there were charges that Sharpton's close ties to Comcast and the Obama White House helped him get the role. For his part, Sharpton dimissed these concerns, saying he was becoming the host because of his career in activism.
"I am very happy and honored to join the MSNBC team as we collectively try to get America to ’Lean Forward,’" Sharpton said in a statement. "It is a natural extension of my life work and growth. We all learn from our pain and stand up from our stumbling and one must either learn to lean forward or fall backwards. I'm glad they have given me the opportunity to continue my forward lean."
MSNBC's full statement:
NEW YORK – August 23, 2011 – Reverend Al Sharpton, the civil rights activist and minister, has been named host of “PoliticsNation,†a nightly program airing weeknights live at 6 p.m. ET on MSNBC. The announcement was made by Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC. “PoliticsNation†will debut on August 29. In his new role, Sharpton will lead a lively and informed discussion of the top headlines, bringing viewers his take on events in his signature style. “I’ve known Rev. Sharpton for over a decade and have tremendous respect for him. He has always been one of our most thoughtful and entertaining guests,†said Griffin. “I’m thrilled that he’s now reached a point in his career where he’s able to devote himself to hosting a nightly show. ‘PoliticsNation’ is going to be an incredibly strong kick-off to our evening schedule.â€
In addition to being a frequent guest on MSNBC throughout the network’s history, Rev. Sharpton has also served as an occasional guest host on several programs, most recently on “MSNBC Live at 6PM†and “The Ed Show.†He joins the network at a time where MSNBC has experienced tremendous ratings growth, consistently topping CNN in primetime programming.

"I am very happy and honored to join the MSNBC team as we collectively try to get America to ’Lean Forward,’" Sharpton said. "It is a natural extension of my life work and growth. We all learn from our pain and stand up from our stumbling and one must either learn to lean forward or fall backwards. I'm glad they have given me the opportunity to continue my forward lean."
With over 40 years of experience as a community leader, politician, minister and advocate, the Rev. Al Sharpton is one of America’s most-renowned civil rights leaders. Sharpton’s highly visible career began at the tender age of four when he preached his first sermon. A successful civil rights career soon followed, helping Sharpton hold such notable positions as the Youth Director of New York’s Operation Breadbasket, Director of Ministers for National Rainbow Push coalition, and founder of his own broad-based progressive civil rights organization, the National Action Network (NAN), one of the leading civil rights organizations in the world. Since its inception in 1991, NAN has expanded to encompass chapters throughout the United States and maintain important regional offices in Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, GA; Detroit, MI; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Las Vegas, NV; and Los Angeles, CA. Sharpton was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President in 2004. Rev. Sharpton also hosts a nationally syndicated radio show that broadcasts in 40 markets, five days a week. He resides in New York and has two daughters, Dominique and Ashley.
“PoliticsNation†will air weeknights from 6:00-7:00PM ET on MSNBC. Matthew Saal is Executive Producer.

Oct 24, 2005
When is David Duke going to get his show on msnbc? They can have debates between al and him. What fun!