Imus in trouble

I agree with you Sean, and yes, Ms. Zurich lights my fire somethin' fierce! Is it just me or is it gettin' hot in here?

Too bad she's 6-1.
Imus statement was just tacky, or in bad taste. He apologized, the team excepted it, end of the issue.
Imus's mistake was to apologize to Al Sharton. The race hustlers smelled blood in the water and went after him. Sharton and Jesse Jetstream have to justify their existance. If they don't occasionally score a victory over "Racism" people may stop contributing money. Then Al and Jesse will have to get real jobs.Edited by: screamingeagle
Each time white America (usually the advertisers that withdraw their support from the company in question) responds to a white celebrity's expression of his first amendment rights in the same predictable manner (i.e., by firing him), we all lose a bit more of our civil liberties. At this point, folks, there aren't a whole lot of civil liberties left for us to lose. When it comes to the point where someone is fired for pointing out that a group of ugly, classless females are just that, by using terms that are not even proper words of english, but instead fractured bits of ebonics "invented" by the injured ethnic group in question, then we really are not very far from being where southern whites were in the first years of Reconstruction. The part that is most amazing is the continued prominence of "Reverend" Sharpton as some sort of national moral authority figure. Not only did this buffoon gain his fame by lying and trying to ruin the lives of innocent white men, he was actually videotaped years ago, accepting an invitation to participate in a huge drug deal. I haven't seen the tape, and don't know all the specifics, but apparently the "Reverend" was able to dodge any criticism (or legal repercussions) by utilizing his greatest talent- crying "racism." I never cared for Don Imus, and part of me kind of enjoys seeing his ilk grovel and genuflect before ignorant street thugs like Sharpton, but the end result does negatively impact upon all our rights, and that should concern everyone. That fact that no one with a public forum mentions this, or seems to realize it, is probably the strongest indication of just how sorry a state we are in. What will be next- if some rogue member of Congress happens to utter the wrong word of phrase, as defined by our black overlords like Sharpton, will he be censured and removed from office? When was the last time any white person of prominence invoked the first amendment and freedom of speech in any of these "debates?"
The system likes to sacrifice one of their own periodically. Imus has made a fortune and after a period of time we can expect him to be "rehabilitated" to a degree. He probably already has several lucrative book offers to choose from.
Bigunreal, this whole ordeal is about the continued rise of the "Thought Police". I think they'll try to leverage this (over-hyped) situation to push their Orwellian, socialist "hate crimes" legislation which will silence the teaching of Biblical fundementals. lpos=spotlight&lid=tab2pos1

This guy is an ignorant moron plain and simple. The whole damn context of the IMUS joke was derived from the so called hip hop culture that has permiated through our society. How this guy has a PHD or gets to write a column is beyond me. Just another example of how blacks must be coddled and can do no wrong.
Colonel_Reb said:
I agree with you Sean, and yes, Ms. Zurich lights my fire somethin' fierce! Is it just me or is it gettin' hot in here?

Too bad she's 6-1.

That chick is damn fine. I like tall chicks because I'm a short guy myself (I'm 5'6) I would show her that Albanians make the best lovers, hehe
I'm 5-6 too, Lance, thats why I made the comment about her height.
Sen. John Kerry said today that the Imus firing was unfair. Kerry was a frequent guest on the Imus show.
That's the pc world you created Senator, one of your own got swallowed up in it.