I'm White and I'm Proud!

jaxvid said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
that's a great idea about the Duke Lacrosse T.

*heads out to get one as soon as he can find one*

You know what would be even funnier? There are a lot of T-shirts out there that say "Co-ed Naked Lacrosse Team", it's kind of an in joke among college students. Combine one of those with a "DUKE" logo, wear it to a "take back the night rally" and let the fun begin!

LOL @ "Take Back the Night Rallies". What I want to know is...where are all these so-called femi-nazis, when thousands of White women are sexually assaulted by blacks in this country every year? Its funny that these moronic creatures only come out when White men are accused of something.
Ground Fighter said:
What I want to know is...where are all these so-called femi-nazis, when thousands of White women are sexually assaulted by blacks in this country every year? Its funny that these moronic creatures only come out when White men are accused of something.

Excellent observations.The commie-lesbo ugly ducklings making a big stink over the Duke non-rape story were the same hags trying to get- Tookie Williams - beatified.
Bart said:
Excellent observations.  The commie-lesbo ugly ducklings making a big stink over the Duke non-rape story were the same hags trying to get - Tookie Williams - beatified.

Yeah, I know. Sometimes I wonder what motivates these idiots to do these things. The majority of people (especially females) in this country are in a sad state of affairs. It makes me want to apply for Australian citizenship, and beat it out of here.
jaxvid said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
that's a great idea about the Duke Lacrosse T.

*heads out to get one as soon as he can find one*

You know what would be even funnier? There are a lot of T-shirts out there that say "Co-ed Naked Lacrosse Team", it's kind of an in joke among college students. Combine one of those with a "DUKE" logo, wear it to a "take back the night rally" and let the fun begin!

Now that is funny!
Ground Fighter said:
Bart said:
Excellent observations.  The commie-lesbo ugly ducklings making a big stink over the Duke non-rape story were the same hags trying to get - Tookie Williams - beatified.

Yeah, I know. Sometimes I wonder what motivates these idiots to do these things. The majority of people (especially females) in this country are in a sad state of affairs. It makes me want to apply for Australian citizenship, and beat it out of here.

Can't do that my man. At some point we'll rally. There will be a tipping point. Maybe now that Bush has the Democrats to pass his massive amnesty for illegals will finally drive Americans to realize we're upon the moment of truth and need to do something, ANYTHING! soon.

How about starting with saying Merry Christmas to everyone you see. That's a very easy and casual way to show people you are fed up with what the hell is taking place.If you're talking to someone say in June and he says Merry Christmas, you've just run into me.