I'm White and I'm Proud!

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Futuregohan30 said:
I'm all for AA as far as economic aid goes. It's true that some people may really need AA, and I'm not against giving this AID to those who otherwise may be worthy but would have no way of geting to it.
But that is where I draw the line.
Thank you for admitting that you are a black supremacist.


Apr 22, 2006
he's not black...he is just confused like I used to be...give him a break


Nov 23, 2006
C Darwin said:
Futuregohan30 said:
Probably, but what does that have to do
with anything?
The lack of racial awareness and racial political awareness amongst
white people is a major factor in the ability to pass AA legislation by
lawmakers. Whites are still learning about their own race and the
discriminatory nature of AA. The effort of the MSM to try to portray
blacks as acceptable mates and forbidding the discussion of AA in
any major forum is making considerable blows to this effort. We are
still trying to lift every voice.

Affirmative Action and all the other forum of discrimination againstWhites was put into place by people who were not affected by it. As more Whites become affect by it more will become racially aware. Someone who is told how great nonwhites are and experiences their bad behavior everyday in school, work etc. quickly learns the truth. Edited by: Michael


jaxvid said:
Of course you're for it. You're black! Try to think like a white man and realize that for someone to GET something, it has to be TAKEN away from someone else who it belongs to. That is what white people have always called STEALING! If you had a similar value system you would understand but you don't. To you the NEED of a person is a claim on the property of another other. That is immoral, but if you don't share the moral understanding that theft is wrong then there is no way to discuss it with you.

Did you understand what I said?

Under such a proposal, only people who have demonstrated openly the potential to be worthy but who cannot afford to gain entry to certain places would be allowed to receive any sort of aid.

The current system's issus, such as the fact that AA benefits go primarily to minorities and white women, would not be upheld. This principle would go for ALL races. Any person who meets those above requirements and can demonstrate their abilities would be allowed to receive a little assistance. Tha includes ALL whites, asians, hispanics, etc, who may meet the above requirements and who demonstrate ability but lack the capital to be able to properly show it off.

It would not be stealing, because it would apply to all races and only benefit those who actually deserve it. I am not all for the AA we see today, as I believe it goes too far.
Do you get it now? Edited by: Futuregohan30


jcolec02 said:
he's not black...he is just confused like I used to be...give him a break

No, seriously, I am black.

I'm not lying to you.Edited by: Futuregohan30


C Darwin said:
Futuregohan30 said:
I'm all for AA as far as economic aid goes. It's true that some people may really need AA, and I'm not against giving this AID to those who otherwise may be worthy but would have no way of geting to it.
But that is where I draw the line.
Thank you for admitting that you are a black supremacist.

You guys are really good at jumping to conclusions.

How does what I said make me a black supremacist? Seriously, I have got to hear this.Edited by: Futuregohan30

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Supporters of affirmative actions are promoting a government
sanctioned multi-tier system for entitlements based on race. This is
an act of a racial supremicist. Edited by: C Darwin


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Futuregohan30 said:
jaxvid said:
Of course you're for it. You're black! Try to think like a white man and realize that for someone to GET something, it has to be TAKEN away from someone else who it belongs to. That is what white people have always called STEALING! If you had a similar value system you would understand but you don't. To you the NEED of a person is a claim on the property of another other. That is immoral, but if you don't share the moral understanding that theft is wrong then there is no way to discuss it with you.

Did you understand what I said?

Under such a proposal, only people who have demonstrated openly the potential to be worthy but who cannot afford to gain entry to certain places would be allowed to receive any sort of aid.

The current system's issus, such as the fact that AA benefits go primarily to minorities and white women, would not be upheld. This principle would go for ALL races. Any person who meets those above requirements and can demonstrate their abilities would be allowed to receive a little assistance. Tha includes ALL whites, asians, hispanics, etc, who may meet the above requirements and who demonstrate ability but lack the capital to be able to properly show it off.

It would not be stealing, because it would apply to all races and only benefit those who actually deserve it. I am not all for the AA we see today, as I believe it goes too far.
Do you get it now?

Clearly you don't get it. No amount of need, regardless of race or gender or anything is a claim on another man's property. AA is taking from someone who has it to give it to someone who doesn't have it. It's called stealing when it's done by individuals, just cause a govt does it doesn't change the morality of it. I am not surprised that you do not understand the basic morality of property owenership.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Man, how quickly we get off course!
I guess I should post about one-eyed Lithuanian weightlifters and see how long it takes before I am charged with being a race traitor?


Aug 10, 2005
Let's find out if gohan's really black.

What do black kids wear on their faces when it's cold outside?
What is ashy? Where is it?
How often do blacks wash their hair?

Most whites don't know the answers to these questions, especially liberal idiots who've never been exposed.Edited by: KG2422


KG2422 said:
Let's find out if gohan's really black.

Of course I'm not black. I speak well and i know what I'm talking about. There is NO WAY I'm black.


KG2422 said:
What do black kids wear on their faces when it's cold outside?

I don't wear anything. Just a sweater with a hoodie.

KG2422 said:
What is ashy? Where is it?

It's when your skin gets really dry and turns white. I don't get this issue, though, because i use a lot of vaseline.
I did once develope some issues with dry skin and scalp back in middle school, but by using vaseline and shampoo, i've been able to get rid of them.

KG2422 said:
How often do blacks wash their hair?

I wash mine every time I take a shower(which is everyday). I normally just use the shampoo to prevent any dry scalp(I've had issues with that).
As for my hair length, it's regular typical black kid length, although I've had a lot of kids tell me(because they just like to see black kids with this type of thing) that i should get cornrows or dreads or something. I simply wouldn't ever really wanna do that.

My hair annoys the crap out of me, so I shave it clean off every 2 weeks or so.
Honestly, I have to ask(in a totally non confrontational sense): How do white people deal with all that hair? It's itchy, it's annoying, it gets stuff caught in it.
Shaving it is just WAY easier, but that's just me.

KG2422 said:
Most whites don't know the answers to these questions, especially liberal idiots who've never been exposed.

Well, most people on the internet(the black people included) think that I'm white when i debate with them. The whites think there is no way I could be black because I talk too well. The blacks think that because I am not 100% in support of affirmative action or reparations, I must just be some sort of white guy lying to them(this happened on blackplanet and on IMDB)

In real life, people have called me an oreo to my face. I've had white kids come up to me straight up and say they are blacker than me. I've had a black kid call me a disgrace to the black race(that was in 6th grade). I've had all kinds of interesting experiences like that, all because I am, supoosedly, too white/an uncle Tom(or something like that).

But, in any case, believe what you will. Anything else I can do for you to prove my identity?


jaxvid said:
Clearly you don't get it. No amount of need, regardless of race or gender or anything is a claim on another man's property. AA is taking from someone who has it to give it to someone who doesn't have it. It's called stealing when it's done by individuals, just cause a govt does it doesn't change the morality of it. I am not surprised that you do not understand the basic morality of property owenership.

You're saying that only people who have the money should be allowed to go anywhere, and that nobody without this money should have a chance?


Apr 22, 2006
I like u gohan...ur different

(i really do like you im not just being a smart ass)

btw...what kind of music do you like?Edited by: jcolec02


jcolec02 said:
I like u gohan...ur different

(i really do like you im not just being a smart ass)

btw...what kind of music do you like?

Anything really. Some of my favorite bands include coldplay, train, and Linkin park among others. I do like a couple of songs from the Game, and I also listen to a lot of japanese music(Megumi Hayabashira, Sowelu, Crystal kay, Namia Tamaki, etc, etc)


Oct 19, 2004
Futuregohan30 said:
Under such a proposal, only people who have demonstrated openly the potential to be worthy but who cannot afford to gain entry to certain places would be allowed to receive any sort of aid.

The current system's issus, such as the fact that AA benefits go primarily to minorities and white women, would not be upheld. This principle would go for ALL races. Any person who meets those above requirements and can demonstrate their abilities would be allowed to receive a little assistance. Tha includes ALL whites, asians, hispanics, etc, who may meet the above requirements and who demonstrate ability but lack the capital to be able to properly show it off.

You're describing something that doesn't exist: class-based affirmative action. We're talking about what does exist: race-based affirmative action.

Class-based affirmative action will probably never happen for two reasons:

1) It will be much more expensive than race-based affirmative action

2) It will help too many poor whites


JD074 said:
You're describing something that doesn't exist: class-based affirmative action. We're talking about what does exist: race-based affirmative action.

Class-based affirmative action will probably never happen for two reasons:

1) It will be much more expensive than race-based affirmative action

2) It will help too many poor whites

I know that. However, what i am saying is that I would supoort class based affirmative action. I know that it does not exist right now, but if it should exist at all, then class based is the only plausible and truly fair form.


Aug 10, 2005
Futuregohan30 said:
KG2422 said:
Let's find out if gohan's really black.

Of course I'm not black. I speak well and i know what I'm talking about. There is NO WAY I'm black.


KG2422 said:
What do black kids wear on their faces when it's cold outside?

I don't wear anything. Just a sweater with a hoodie.

KG2422 said:
What is ashy? Where is it?

It's when your skin gets really dry and turns white. I don't get this issue, though, because i use a lot of vaseline.
I did once develope some issues with dry skin and scalp back in middle school, but by using vaseline and shampoo, i've been able to get rid of them.

KG2422 said:
How often do blacks wash their hair?

I wash mine every time I take a shower(which is everyday). I normally just use the shampoo to prevent any dry scalp(I've had issues with that).
As for my hair length, it's regular typical black kid length, although I've had a lot of kids tell me(because they just like to see black kids with this type of thing) that i should get cornrows or dreads or something. I simply wouldn't ever really wanna do that.

My hair annoys the crap out of me, so I shave it clean off every 2 weeks or so.
Honestly, I have to ask(in a totally non confrontational sense): How do white people deal with all that hair? It's itchy, it's annoying, it gets stuff caught in it.
Shaving it is just WAY easier, but that's just me.

KG2422 said:
Most whites don't know the answers to these questions, especially liberal idiots who've never been exposed.

Well, most people on the internet(the black people included) think that I'm white when i debate with them. The whites think there is no way I could be black because I talk too well. The blacks think that because I am not 100% in support of affirmative action or reparations, I must just be some sort of white guy lying to them(this happened on blackplanet and on IMDB)

In real life, people have called me an oreo to my face. I've had white kids come up to me straight up and say they are blacker than me. I've had a black kid call me a disgrace to the black race(that was in 6th grade). I've had all kinds of interesting experiences like that, all because I am, supoosedly, too white/an uncle Tom(or something like that).

But, in any case, believe what you will. Anything else I can do for you to prove my identity?

Well, I believe you're black. The vaseline thing convinced me. I don't think you're incredibly intelligent(not stupid either). That's not why I was curious. I thought you might be some white liberal crusading against racism. I'm not really debating with you. Lately, I don't really have the energy or time to invest in such a fruitless endeavor. But you asked about our hair and how we deal with it. I just graduated from college, but I'm also a barber. Most white people don't have itchy scalps because our scalps aren't as dry. We also don't get stuff stuck in our hair as easy as blacks do. Black hair is like velcro for leaves etc. I'm surprised you wash your hair every day. That's probably why you've had problems with dry scalp. But to blacks' hygenic advantage, the lack of oil on your scalps prevents you from catching lice.

Edited by: KG2422


KG2422 said:
But you asked about our hair and how we deal with it. I just graduated from college, but I'm also a barber. Most white people don't have itchy scalps because our scalps aren't as dry. We also don't get stuff stuck in our hair as easy as blacks do. Black hair is like velcro for leaves etc. I'm surprised you wash your hair every day. That's probably why you've had problems with dry scalp. But to blacks' hygenic advantage, the lack of oil on your scalps prevents you from catching lice.

Wowe, that's actually interesting. I dodn't know about that whole lice thing.

Thanks for the info


Aug 8, 2006
I think people don't "claim" their English heritage because it's perceived as being upper class. And how dare anyone be upper class in this day and age. Everyone wants to say how they had to live out of their car, or their momma was on drugs or something like that. Pisses me off, actually. Richest nation the world has ever seen, due primiarly to our capitalistic system and Puritan work ethic, yet, we are so damned ashamed of it.

I am a Northern European mutt. Got some English, lot of Scots-Irish and German, plus Norwegian. Yet, I will never fall into the trap of calling myself Irish or something like that. I am tried and true white American. Actually, maybe I will start claiming more of my German heritage, that's very politically incorrrect. Sad thing is that Europe has been overtaken by a bunch of whiny, government-begging socialist types. I certainly can't be proud of that.
To claim Irish nowadays though, is the trendiest thing around. Kind of embarassing actually.


Aug 8, 2006
Saw a kid in PA a month ago with a Duke Lacrosse T-shirt. DIdn't look like much of an athlete and I wanted to go up to him and give him a hug. Ballsy guy.

Anyone know where you can get Duke Lacrosse shirt or hat?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Try eBay, cslewis1.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
that's a great idea about the Duke Lacrosse T.

*heads out to get one as soon as he can find one*


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Jimmy Chitwood said:
that's a great idea about the Duke Lacrosse T.

*heads out to get one as soon as he can find one*

You know what would be even funnier? There are a lot of T-shirts out there that say "Co-ed Naked Lacrosse Team", it's kind of an in joke among college students. Combine one of those with a "DUKE" logo, wear it to a "take back the night rally" and let the fun begin!
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Any college athletic-apprel website should have them. I ordered mine already. lolEdited by: Ground Fighter