Illegal Aliens


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Supreme Court upholds Arizona Law"

This decision has huge implications. For starters, it means that similar laws can now be debated in every state legislature in the US-a forum in which big money and big media simply don't have the same influence in as they have the Federal government.

I would also suggest the Arizona law is simply the start of what is possible. For example: why shouldn't the employers, landlords and investors that profit from illegal immigration be held responsible for health care expenses incurred by illegal aliens?

That measure alone would help to better fund health care in the US-and would greatly improve service in Emergency Rooms in many parts of the US.

Employers, investors and landlords that profit from illegal immigration should be regarded as accomplices to any violations of state laws committed by illegal aliens they employ or harbor. Few illegal aliens would stay in the US without access to US jobs.

If an illegal alien drives while intoxicated, deals heroin, or murders someone while in the US, those crimes wouldn't be committed in the US if various employers, investors and landlords were not facilitating illegal immigration.

The property used by those business interests can simply be seized, liquidated to compensate victims of those crimes(and to pay for the incarceration of illegal alien criminals)and gotten into the hands of more law abiding business interests.
Oct 24, 2005
Now, lets build the wall, then round them up and throw them out.


Jul 12, 2007
screamingeagle said:
Now, lets build the wall, then round them up and throw them out.

A wall won't be good enough.
We've got plenty of nuclear waste in this country. It should all be deposited in an unbroken line along the U.S.-Mexico border. For the next 10,000 years, crossing that barrier would be a death sentence.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
If the pawns on "Crapitol sHill" were'nt co-opt'd by the PTB...they'd end birthright citizenship and stop the jackpot baby loophole...then the mexcrements would largely self-deport.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Nov 23, 2006


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Illegal Alien Pickers Remain Troublesome in Washington State"

Poaching by illegal aliens has been an interest of mine for years, mostly because of the ongoing damage to America's wilderness and animals. In addition, poaching was the cause of the 2004 mass murder of six American hunters by a trespassing Hmong immigrant in Wisconsin, which showed how extreme the thieving urge can get. The subject of resource theft gets little attention in the dinosaur media, which doesn't care much about conservation, although the scribblers do manage to burp out annual stories about Mexican drug gangs growing marijuana in national parks and forests.

One ongoing crime scene is the coastal Northwest where aliens illegally pick in protected lands like the Olympic National Park valuable plants which are sold for use in floral arrangements. The industry generates a lot of money, one estimate being $250 million annually. As a result, theft and violence has grown, as noted in a 2006 Seattle Times article, A War in the Woods. So it's not exactly an atmosphere of idyllic nature.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Illegals' Employers Say Rule Of Law Would Cause Problems For Wealthy Farmers"

E-Verify is being protested by the wealthy in Georgia

Well, yes, it's supposed be be a burden to anyone who hires illegals. And if your business model is such that you can't make it pay without a reserve army of the illegal population hanging around in your county, then what you have is not a farm or business, but a "criminal enterprise,"Â￾ and you need to stop doing it.

The Georgia Farm Bureau made the same noises last yearâ€"my post on it was headed "Georgia Farm Bureau Cautions State On Immigration"Â￾â€"In A Sane World It Would Be The Other Way Around. See also The Needs Of America's Farmers, in which I suggested that if farmers couldn't make their farms pay without illegals, in spite of the alternatives of American workers, legal guest workers, and mechanical pickers, they should go into town and get a job, because their farm is costing America more than the value of their produce.


Apr 13, 2005
Guess what? The feds just allowed Mexican truckers to drive their loads across the border into the USA to comply with NAFTA.



Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Humberto Leal Dies, A New Propaganda Ploy ("Mexican National") Is Born"

The London Economist has announced that a lopsided majority of its readers in a just-concluded online poll think that the recent execution of Humberto Leal Garcia should have been delayed because "American authorities never informed Mr Leal of his right to contact the Mexican consulate, as required under international treaty obligations" [Rush to judgment, July 18, 2011]

This news that the globalist elite sides with the United Nations, the Mexican government, and the Obama and for that matter George W. Bush Administrations, must obviously remove any doubt that the "American authorities" a.k.a. Texas were right to execute Leal for raping and killing a 16-year old American girl.

The legal objections to Leal’s execution were silly but sinister—further evidence of the relentless pressure to subjugate the U.S. to internationalist law. But the coverage of the case reveals that a new propaganda ploy is being insinuated into American political discourse—right up there with "undocumented immigrant".

Seems like the USA is being treated like an imperial providence of Mexico with the way that the invaders complain when one of their "national's" is punished for killing a local.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Again, the Globalist Elite controlled fedgov tries to usurp state authority (as states try to do the job the co-opt'd feds won't).

U.S. Justice Department files court challenge to Alabama's new immigration law

By Kent Faulk -- The Birmingham News The Birmingham News

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- The U.S. Justice Department today filed a lawsuit challenging Alabama's new immigration law, which is slated to go into effect next month.

In its lawsuit, the Justice Department says Alabama's law unconstitutionally interferes with the federal government's authority over immigration.

"To put it in terms we relate to here in Alabama, you can only have one quarterback in a football game. In immigration, the federal government is the quarterback," said Joyce White Vance, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama.

Justice Department lawyers write in the lawsuit that the department is filing the action "to declare invalid and preliminarily and permanently enjoin the enforcement of various provisions" of the state law, according to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Birmingham this afternoon. Provisions within the state's immigration law "are preempted by federal law and therefore violate the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution."

Parts of the state law also undermine the federal government's careful balance of immigration enforcement priorities and objectives, according to a U.S. Justice Department joint statement from federal and local officials about the lawsuit.

"The brief filed today makes clear that, while the federal government values state assistance and cooperation with respect to immigration enforcement, a state cannot set its own immigration policy, much less pass laws that conflict with federal enforcement of the immigration laws," according to the statement.

"Today's action makes clear that setting immigration policy and enforcing immigration laws is a national responsibility that cannot be addressed through a patchwork of state immigration laws," said Attorney General Eric Holder. "The department is committed to evaluating each state immigration law and making decisions based on the facts and the law. To the extent we find state laws that interfere with the federal government's enforcement of immigration law, we are prepared to bring suit, as we did in Arizona."

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated that Homeland Security continues to enforce federal immigration laws in Alabama and around the country "in smart, effective ways that focus our resources on criminal aliens and employers who knowingly hire illegal labor, as well as continue to secure our border."

"Legislation like this diverts critical law enforcement resources from the most serious threats to public safety and undermines the vital trust between local jurisdictions and the communities they serve," Napolitano said. "We continue to support comprehensive reform of our immigration system at the federal level because this challenge cannot be solved by a patchwork of inconsistent state laws."

Birmingham Chief of Police A.C. Roper, according to the statement, believes that the Alabama immigration law will hamper local law enforcement's ability to police the community effectively. Roper stated that the law will require the Birmingham Police Department to "expend scarce resources on immigration matters at the expense of" municipal priorities.

Alabama and several other states have enacted state immigration laws in the wake of Arizona's law. The Justice Department in July 2010 also had challenged Arizona's immigration law.

Earlier today the bishops who lead the Episcopal, United Methodist, and Roman Catholic churches in Alabama filed a civil lawsuit to try and block enforcement of Alabama's new immigration law. The Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama and other groups had also filed a civil lawsuit last month asking for a judge to block enforcement of the law and rule it unconstitutional.

The Alabama Legislature enacted the new law in June.

Alabama's new immigration law targets unauthorized immigrants, those who don't have federal alien registration or other proof of legal presence in the United States. If it takes effect, the law would criminalize their presence in Alabama and make it a crime for them to work here, among other things.

An estimated 120,000 unauthorized immigrants lived in Alabama in 2009 and 2010, according to the Pew Hispanic Center, a nonpartisan research organization in Washington.

Most sections of Alabama's immigration law take effect Sept. 1. The law, among other things would make it illegal for a person without proof they are legally in the United States to be in Alabama and to work or apply for work.

The new law would require a law officer stopping, detaining or arresting a person to make a reasonable attempt, when practicable, to determine the citizenship and immigration status of the person if there is reason to suspect the person is an illegal alien. Law officers would have to contact federal officials to check the person's status.

It will be a crime for a person who knew or recklessly disregarded that an immigrant was in the United States illegally to: conceal, harbor or shield the immigrant from detection, transport the immigrant or rent a dwelling unit to the immigrant. School districts will be required to report to the state school board the numbers of its students born outside U.S. jurisdiction or who have a parent who is an illegal immigrant.

Employers in Alabama beginning April 1 must use the federal E-Verify program to verify the employment eligibility of a new hire. Employer found to have knowingly employed an unauthorized immigrant would have the business license suspended or revoked for where the person worked, except those who had used the e-verify information.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The DOJ has been part of the continuous fedgov occupation of the South for decades, but of course they don't mind picking on states outside the old CSA for any infraction as they see it. This kind of news shows us just how far "our" government has gone away from one of the foundational purposes of having a government, the protection of its citizens.


Nov 23, 2006
A piece entitled "A Reader Reports The IRS Is Levying His Wages To Pay The Taxes Of An Illegal Alien—Who Has His Social Security Number"

an illegal alien used my Social Security Number to obtain fraudulent employment in 2002. Since then I've battled the IRS for nine years to have it removed…unsuccessfully. I say unsuccessfully because they've levied my wages periodically over the years on this issue. In fact, they just took 75% of my income as a soldier for the US army last month to pay for the illegal alien's taxes. Indeed, as I read your article, I am on the phone with them for the umpteenth time in an attempt to resolve the issue.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
the Dream Act is as bad as our worst fears suggested ...



Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Drunk illegal alien with 4 DUIs kills infant"

The politics of the radical left has claimed another innocent life. Illegal aliens slaughter hundreds of innocent American citizens every month.

The illegal aliens had been charged with four DUIs in the past. This means has probably been caught drinking and drinking many more times. However, we know that he was in custody and should have been deported as a threat to public safety at least four times.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled " California: Bill Passed To 'Encourage' More Illegal Aliens To Pay Taxes"

At this point, California's Democrat-dominated state government has gone beyond merely dysfunctional and now has become ludicrous.

A case in point was a bill recently passed by the state legislature calling for illegal aliens to join a program that would have them voluntarily pay state income taxes in exchange for the State of California asking the feds to put people in the program 'in the lowest tier of enforcement'

The state's privacy rules that prohibit state, county and municipal agencies from cross checking data with each other ensures that illegal aliens (or pretty much anyone else) can qualify easily to double and triple dip on various programs like food stamps, welfare, Medical, section 8 housing subsidies, unemployment benefits, AFDC and other benefits at the same time while working off the books on the side.