Hall of Famer
Jimmy Chitwood said:ToughJ.Riggins said:Again I admit I should probably look this stuff up before making a guess. But I had heard a couple times in conversations that Arkansas was fairly white, but now that I recall I think the people who said it were comparing it to other southern states in that area.
yeah, you should look it up. that, or respect and read posts by those who know more about the situation than you.
as i posted, Colonel Reb showed an official census link that illustrated that Arkansas' schools have a 23.8% black population. that's nearly twice the national percentage. so, again, i stand by my earlier statements. the facts do, too.
mayhap you'll quit speculating/guessing/whatever it is you do in order to dismiss what other (less liberal) posters have to say at some point. especially when you so obviously don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Tough, your analysis of individual high school players who have been screwed provides very important documentation that is priceless. however, using numbers that explain the Caste System from a larger perspective is also important. your dismissal of facts and figures because they don't fit your assumptions ignores that.
mayhap, you should consider the value of other folks' knowledge and research.
No you're right about me just trusting what I've heard or speculating sometimes. Arkansas is probably only more white compared to many of the states in that area. I had forgotten the conversation I had had about it that was with my uncle most recently (who said that). I live on my aunt and uncle's property, currently here in Jersey (also with my two cousins) in their families garage apartment.
I think what my uncle meant was states like Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Florida and maybe North Carolina (the later two; sort of in that area). I believe have more minorities overall than Arkansas. Florida and Texas have a large Hispanic population; just like New Mexico, Arizona and California have from what I have heard on t.v. I definitely know more about the Hispanic demographics than black.
Not sure where the best place to find this kind of info for states to double check it; the government state websites are sometimes hard to navigate to find the population info. I saw a government site once ( or something) that is good for countries' political geography. Wikipedia is o.k but not the best; anyone can start an account & edit to change the info. So JC what site would you recommend to update my knowledge?