I would like to point out



this fact Ronnie Brown was the #2 pick in the whole NFL draft where as Wes Welker wasn't even drafted who is the better player Ronnie brown is a dumb fumbling MF who can't carry a team anywhere. Welker tough hardnosed and not afraid to play with reckless abandon and he gets cut by the Sandiego Chargers. This is my point sure the NFL can measure how fast a player is a how tall and big, but they can't measure a players heart and his will to win when the game counts. So is their anything more I have to point out the only difference to Welkernot being drafted and Ronnie Brownbeing the 2nd over all pick is skin color. Now lets make Welker black and Ronnie Brown white and tell me if their two draft statues would have been different.The NFL is a sorry ass peice of crap leauge that always passes on players based on their race rather than their ability unless this changes then it will continue to draw the ire of us intelligent fans who can see through the B .S. of whatharm reverse racism has done to this once proud leauge.So for all of you who worship the black athlete and beleive he is better than all his white counterparts you guys are just buying into a broken system that is in need of major repair and fast. I had to get this off of my chest because ignorance runs amuck in the NegoreFootball Leauge.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Even though i think Ronnie Brown will be a good RB in the league, he played like complete ass today. Welker was absolutely unbelievable. His only blemish of the day was his tipped ball that led to an interception. Other than that, the dude was on fire! Definately the best game of his career. I love watching this guy play every week. I might even get a chance to meet them when i head down to the dolphins training facility some time in the next few weeks. Him and Harrington seemed to develop quite a chemistry with each other


Apr 14, 2005
Welker is not only hard working and tough but athletic at the same time. I guarantee Wes runs a 4.4 and yet the media will still(becuase he's white) try to portray him as being an overacheiver type. Although to not get drafted, be a white WR, and still make an NFL team is always overachieveing in the caste system that is called the NFL.


what is 87 speed and what is 88 speed I don't play Madden

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Being kept down said:
what is 87 speed and what is 88 speed I don't play Madden

Madden 2007 is video game that simulates professional football. Each year a new edition comes out with updated rosters for each NFL team. All the players in the game have various ratings, up to 100, for different attributes used in the game, like in this example, speed. These ratings are used by the game programming to determine how well a player performs against other players in the game.

A player with 88 is faster than a player with 87.

We here at Caste Football have noticed that white players in the game are often rated lower than is indicative of their real-life ability; in fact, even in cases where there are actual timed results to indicate otherwise, as in the case of Welker and Boldin. Welker is faster in real life than Anquan Boldin, but in the game, Boldin is faster.

Edited by: White Shogun


Oct 15, 2004
In 2004 OU's Antonio Hall was all the rage as a punt returner and the talk was how he would break the NCAA career punt returns for touchdown record. He was a great punt returner but he wound up only tying Welker's record from the year before. Hall was regarded as an athletic god whereas I guess Welker somehow "overachieved" the record.


is it safe to play that Welker is the best white player in the NFL playingon perhaps the blackest team. One more thing about Welker one gamethe feild goal kicker for the dolphins got hurt and Welker kicked off made an extra point and a 31 yard feild goal. Amazing considering he hadn't kicked since highschool. That Welker is one bad dude that can totally do anything asked of him on a football field. Even thpugh the dolphins suck this year I will continue to watch only because Welker keeps proving the naysayers wrong heart does matter, and size really dosen't if you can play then you can play period.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
Welker is a good player but he definitely isn't the best white football player in the league right now...


lumsdenpower said:
In Madden 2007 Welker has 87 speed overall...

I been following the Madden for years. It's the highest-selling game in North America and the most influential source of NFL information for under-20-year-olds. I've literally gotten into arguments with people who've based their knowledge of some player by ratings from this game.

I pointed out the bias a long time ago, but from what I can tell, it's not limited exclusively to the White players. They just seem to get more of it.

I'd say that alot of perception is based on promotion (and self-promotion.) There are alot of Black players highly underated in Madden 07...mostly because they seem to be sort of no-non-sense, blue-collar, quiet types, and they get little fanfare.

Sammy Knight and Troy Walters' speed ratings, for example, are so low on this game it's sort of baffling. They included safety Scott McGarrahan for some reason in FA, and his speed rating is like >5 points below John Lynch. Lynch is a media darling, but he's no faster than McGarrahan.

I think the programmers feel that they must exaggerate players' attributes to make for a more dynamic gaming experience. While going through guys to demote for speed or strength or whatnot, they probably just half-ass go by a guy's pic and say "he's got sort of a pudgy face...that's 5 points down" as in the case for Welker.


If all the players' ratings were more accurate (and less variable) there'd be less wide-open gameplay and people would get bored with the game.

Hey, sorta like the real NFL!!!Edited by: JerveyGotGypped


Dec 15, 2005
I doubt that there are players with 88 speed rating in Madden that run a 4.7. Anything over 90 is sub-4.4 estimated, I think.


Brandon Stokley is a good example of a rare White player that routinely gets over-rated for athleticism on the Madden series. When he first appeared in '99 and onward he was always rated mid-level for the big 3 of SPD, AGI and ACC. Then he had that break-out year with Indy, and started getting low 90s for speed. There's no way a 30-year-old Stokley is really that fast. What they should do is rate guys like this >95 for things like AWR and CTH, with more realistic ratings for athleticism.

Stokley got a little bit of publicity for a few years there, so it was reflected in his ratings. There are DOZENS of Black players who's ratings similarly fluctuate...but you don't notice because you're ONLY looking for anti-White bias (which is still a valid phenomenon.)

Take a look at Boomer Grigsby of KC in Madden 2007. They mistakenly assigned DARK color to this player. His athleticism ratings are suspicious. I'd venture to guess that the quality control guys looked at whatever scouting report it is the facts dept drew up, read the thing and then looked at the template player mistakenly made up with DARK skin and subconsciously dolled out higher SPD AGI ACC ratings than those they might have in the case of a LIGHT player.

So, you could pretty much cut-and-paste the above timeline in the case of geriatric College program directors and towel-boy assistant teams coaches, right?Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
Sep 24, 2006
Well, I've tried doing some famtasy drafts for all non-black teams with Madden '07 on my PC. No Dustin Fox, which is an irritation, but Jeremy Bloom is mid or high 90s for speed. Mike Hass, as a third WR, leads one of my teams in yards.

My defense is a who's who of white talent, esp at LB. Urlacher, Vrabel and Bruschi, with Tofutu(sp?), AJ Hawk and IIRC, Hunter Hillenmeyer as back ups.

Sadly, no white RBs or CBs, but I picked up Alstott, Evans and Hoover and converted them to RB, and converted some safeties(Schweigert, Polamolu(sp) and a couple others) over to corner.

The O-line was especially impressive; Hutchinson at LT, Faneca at LG, Olin Kreutz at C, I forget my RG, and Jon Jansen at RT. The thing that really pissed me off was my inability to get a higher pick; Palmer, Brady, Manning, Hasselbeck, and most of the top tier white QBs were gone by my highest pick, which was 8. Best I managed was Delhomme, as I'm not a big Favre fan.

I know its not reality, but its loads of fun.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
Brandon Stokley is a good example of a rare White player that routinely gets over-rated for athleticism on the Madden series. When he first appeared in '99 and onward he was always rated mid-level for the big 3 of SPD, AGI and ACC. Then he had that break-out year with Indy, and started getting low 90s for speed. There's no way a 30-year-old Stokley is really that fast.

You don't know how fast Stokley is. Maybe he is that fast. He is able to blow by the "superior" athletic black corners in the game so he is clearly a speedster and that is what the game is indicating, not some mythical relation to a timed 40 yard sprint.

I see you get a lot of your information from a video game. Explains a lot.


Sep 4, 2005
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Well, I've tried doing some famtasy drafts for all non-black teams with Madden '07 on my PC. No Dustin Fox, which is an irritation, but Jeremy Bloom is mid or high 90s for speed. Mike Hass, as a third WR, leads one of my teams in yards.

My defense is a who's who of white talent, esp at LB. Urlacher, Vrabel and Bruschi, with Tofutu(sp?), AJ Hawk and IIRC, Hunter Hillenmeyer as back ups.

Sadly, no white RBs or CBs, but I picked up Alstott, Evans and Hoover and converted them to RB, and converted some safeties(Schweigert, Polamolu(sp) and a couple others) over to corner.

The O-line was especially impressive; Hutchinson at LT, Faneca at LG, Olin Kreutz at C, I forget my RG, and Jon Jansen at RT. The thing that really pissed me off was my inability to get a higher pick; Palmer, Brady, Manning, Hasselbeck, and most of the top tier white QBs were gone by my highest pick, which was 8. Best I managed was Delhomme, as I'm not a big Favre fan.

I know its not reality, but its loads of fun.
Dustin Fox is listed at CB in the game...
I Have a completely white team because I buy NCAA 2007 and I transfer the draft to Madden..Now my fullback is Alstott and I run whit two RB Kyle Bell and Brian Leonard..My QB is Roethlisberger, my TE is Eric Deslauriers(he was WR but I put him like TE because he is a frensh canadian like me:D)..my two receiver is curtis and jones..white offensive line..justin smith and Vanden Bosh..Shaun Cody and Quinn Pitcock..Hawk,Simoneau,McCoy,Zbikowski,Wendling,Weddle, and Fox..I play at All Madden..i'ts tough but i can won..no receiver burn me(i play against Randy Moss)..My RB make big gain..that's a DREAM TEAM


jaxvid said:
JerveyGotGypped said:
Brandon Stokley is a good example of a rare White player that routinely gets over-rated for athleticism on the Madden series. When he first appeared in '99 and onward he was always rated mid-level for the big 3 of SPD, AGI and ACC. Then he had that break-out year with Indy, and started getting low 90s for speed. There's no way a 30-year-old Stokley is really that fast.

You don't know how fast Stokley is. Maybe he is that fast. He is able to blow by the "superior" athletic black corners in the game so he is clearly a speedster and that is what the game is indicating, not some mythical relation to a timed 40 yard sprint.

I see you get a lot of your information from a video game. Explains a lot.

I don't know what that is based on. All I can go by is what I see in games. He seems pretty shifty and he's got those short, thick legs that seem to give him pretty impressive acceleration, but he just doesn't seem to be any faster, in a straight line, than alot of the players with ratings below his...White ones and Black ones both.

My point is the guy gets over-rated in some peoples' minds, including programmers and quality-control guys at EA. This sort of thing just seems to happen more often with the Black players, though.

This could be seen as a microcosm of the scouting industry, I'll readily admit that.