Hurricane Helene!

Hey guys, any recommendations on places to donate? I'm skeptical of the Red Cross (to some degree) and want to make sure what I can give goes to the most capable hands where it can do the most good. Thanks.
Hey guys, any recommendations on places to donate? I'm skeptical of the Red Cross (to some degree) and want to make sure what I can give goes to the most capable hands where it can do the most good. Thanks.
Yes, me too on The Red Cross. Franklin Grahm's Samaritan's Purse would be best IMO. However, some folks don't like the fact they go all over the world. Doesn't bother me. All folks need help during desperate times, especially children.
BTW, Grahm's son-in-law Corey Lynch was a Safety in the NFL for 6 years. Played at Appalachian State. Won 3 FCS National Championships!
He's married to Grahm's daughter Cissie Grahm Lynch.
Now another hurricane is slated to hit Florida. Hurricane Milton which appears to have formed in the Gulf of Mexico is currently a CAT 5. Cloud seeding and HAARP might be much more advanced and I wouldn't put it past these hurricanes being partly the result of man made weather manipulation.

For any Florida based CFers - stay safe guys!
Well, it is very strange how three straight hurricanes formed in the western Gulf of Mexico and then drifted frigging east. No longer are they traveling across the Atlantic after forming off Africa. Just research that super weird hurricane that materialized off Acapulco last year going from nothing to Cat 5 just before landfall.
Well yes, the Democrats, Biden-Harris administration and Mayorkas all realize what is and what is not an emergency. Anything that threatens their growing power is an emergency. So bringing in millions of "migrants" to buttress their voting foundations is way more important than a bunch of enemies that would vote the other way.

By the way, the Democrats and their apologists are largely correct when they say that non-citizens don't vote. The millions of illegals and insta-"legal" migrants don't necessarily vote. They don't have to. All they need to do is register to vote. The address on the registrations is one of thousands of "drop site" addresses that amass/harvest the ballots and then vote for them. It really is diabolical and the right seems to be oblivious to how it all works.
Yes, me too on The Red Cross. Franklin Grahm's Samaritan's Purse would be best IMO. However, some folks don't like the fact they go all over the world. Doesn't bother me. All folks need help during desperate times, especially children.
BTW, Grahm's son-in-law Corey Lynch was a Safety in the NFL for 6 years. Played at Appalachian State. Won 3 FCS National Championships!
He's married to Grahm's daughter Cissie Grahm Lynch.
Thank you CS! I'll look into this organization.
Now another hurricane is slated to hit Florida. Hurricane Milton which appears to have formed in the Gulf of Mexico is currently a CAT 5. Cloud seeding and HAARP might be much more advanced and I wouldn't put it past these hurricanes being partly the result of man made weather manipulation.

For any Florida based CFers - stay safe guys!
Well, part of me just thinks the Gulf of Mexico sees hurricanes during the season not every thing seems as bad as this back to back. The rapidity of which this hurricane progressed to a cat five and the tiny nature of its eye, and a lot of smart folks believe the government is manipulating the weather to hurt red states.

Again, I’m not sure if I believe this, but there is nothing absolutely nothing I would put past Democrats. They will do whatever it takes to win even if hundreds or even thousands of people have to die.
Libtard hypocrisy example #3,785,193: Leftist climate hysterics literally believe that Joe Average from Boise, Idaho buying a regular car instead of an electric car causes hurricanes in Florida to become deadlier and more powerful. That's what they literally believe (or, at least, demand that the world believe). There are thousands of posts on libtard sites like HuffingGlue Post promoting these fantasies.

And yet...when we merely suggest that the government is using cloud seeding (a known, documented technology) to increase the power of hurricanes, those same libtards label us as "conspiracy theorists."
One of the top Democrat strategists stated that the wealthy Democrats in Asheville will still vote for Harris. He also stated that the rural folks debated by this will not be able to and it will ensure NC goes blue. He seemed happy.

There is not depth to the evil of the left. It is almost incomprehensible how evil they are.
I am not writing this to hurt anyone or for anyone to stop giving or helping Western N.C., but Axelrod is right. Asheville is a liberal paradise for many. They have had a Jewish woman mayor for the last ten years and an all-women city council for several years. DEI is the mayor's main objective and she seems to be achieving it. They vote Democratic the majority of the time. Downtown was filled with BLM banners and signs the last time I was there, filled with blue, purple, and green-haired women and men with nose rings and a hundred earrings in their ears. It is a city with to many college graduates whose minds were ruined going to school. I will shut up now, please continue to help the Southeastern U.S. and Florida.
Amazing how these small hat mayors, spread like a sickness throughout the country.

CO has a small hat Gov.

Louisville has a small hat mayor from NYC. Coincidentally they are a sanctuary city.

Asheville has a small hat mayor, by way of Denmark! Oy vey! She’s the towns 3rd Jewish mayor in its history! LOL how many Ews live in Asheville ffs?! I guess they just rise to power with their big Jew brains. White Replacement is just a theory goy!

] She is the third Jewish mayor of Asheville, after Ken Michalove in 1989 and Leni Sitnik in 1997.[

Pretty good run. Considering they are what 4% of Asheville?! LOL talk about wielding power!

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Libtards are natural born cowards, they always have to have "safe spaces" for them to cling to. They infest an area with their BLM, rainbow, Judeo-feminist garbage and turn it into their dream and everyone else's nightmare. They're afraid to go out on their own and live in a conservative majority area, even though conservatives are always kind to the libtard minority because let's face it, conservatives are too cucked to treat leftists the same way they treat us.

Libtards, especially Jewish libs, are extremely paranoid and always think that the world is out to "get them" in the same way that they're out to hurt the goy world.
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