Huckabee Calls Portman's Pregnancy "Troubling"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
AIPAC shill & Globalist pawn Mike "Suckabee" chastizes jewess libturd Portman for getting knocked up outside marriage. I'm a fan of neither but cannot stand "Hollyweird" & their heathenistic, limp-wristed culture.

Mike Huckabee Calls Natalie Portman's Pregnancy ‘Troubling'

Actress Natalie Portman with her best actress Oscar.Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is criticizing Oscar-winner Natalie Portman's pregnancy because she's not married.

In an interview with radio talk show host Michael Medved that took place on Monday but that's getting traction today, Huckabee said that Portman's out-of-wedlock pregnancy was "troubling."Â

"It's unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea"Â of having children without being married, Huckabee said on the program.

Huckabee is widely viewed as a possible presidential candidate. He has a contract to appear on Fox News, which is owned by News Corp., publisher of the Wall Street Journal.

Portman's publicist did not respond to a request for a comment.

Excerpts from Huckabee's interview:

â€""ÂYou know Michael, one of the things that's troubling is that people see a Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet who boasts of, ‘Hey look, you know, we're having children, we're not married, but we're having these children, and they're doing just fine.' But there aren't really a lot of single moms out there who are making millions of dollars every year for being in a movie."Â

â€""ÂMost single moms are very poor, uneducated, can't get a job, and if it weren't for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that's the story that we're not seeing."Â

â€""ÂYou know, right now, 75 percent of black kids in this country are born out of wedlock. 61 percent of Hispanic kids â€" across the board, 41 percent of all live births in America are out of wedlock births. And the cost of that is simply staggering."Â

UPDATE: Huckabee has posted the following response to the situation on the Huck Pac website:

In a recent media interview about my new book, A Simple Government, I discussed the first chapter, "The Most Important Form of Government Is a Father, Mother, and Children."Â I was asked about Oscar-winner Natalie Portman's out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Natalie is an extraordinary actor, very deserving of her recent Oscar and I am glad she will marry her baby's father. However, contrary to what the Hollywood media reported, I did not "slam"Â or "attack"Â Natalie Portman, nor did I criticize the hardworking single mothers in our country. My comments were about the statistical reality that most single moms are very poor, under-educated, can't get a job, and if it weren't for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death. That's the story that we're not seeing, and it's unfortunate that society often glorifies and glamorizes the idea of having children out of wedlock.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'm shocked the Huckster would even mention the out of wedlock birth rates for blacks and mestizos. The numbers for Whites have greatly increased as well and it is a shame that so many are born that way. In my home county in Mississippi, well over 70% of the childbearing age population were black in 2000, and between 1990 and 2000, over 90% of the children that were born, were born out of wedlock. Of course welfare payments are the biggest source of "revenue" inside the county. Shameful facts, but there are other counties just as bad across the country.
Nov 8, 2006
I think it's troubling that he's a judeo-christian zionist coward without the first clue in race reality (let's release this dangerous negro from prison early!) and there's enough drunk Whites to allow him to be a somewhat serious presidential hopeful.

As for the Hollyweird jewess? Don't know anything about it. Don't care.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
RSLB Ms Portman won the Oscar for best actress for black. She is quite good looking and has some talent.

Don't know why Gomer went down this road, other than most women are not millionaires such as Portman, will not have aides, nammies and assistants at a snap of her fingers. The father appears to be White or a Jew. Most single mothers are blacks, hispanics and increasing amount of Whites.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
I think it's troubling that he's a judeo-christian zionist coward without the first clue in race reality (let's release this dangerous negro from prison early!) and there's enough drunk Whites to allow him to be a somewhat serious presidential hopeful.

As for the Hollyweird jewess? Don't know anything about it. Don't care.

Another succinct and intelligent post, RSLB.

The "early prison release"Â￾ incident that RSLB was referring to is the 2009 case of Maurice Clemmons"¦a lifelong "victim"Â￾ of totalitarian white suppression, which forced this gentle creature to commit armed robbery, home invasion, possession of an unauthorized firearm, aggravated robbery, petty theft, parole violation, assaulting an officer, throwing rocks at pedestrians (I'm not kidding), domestic violence, incest, molestation of two girls (age 11 and 12), child rape, and a juvenile record that racked up a 108-year prison sentence. Clemmons once stated that he is being "maliciously persecuted"Â￾ by the Ameircan justice system "because I'm black and they believe the police."Â￾

Maurice Clemmons ("Mrs. Huckabee"Â￾)"¦

While serving time, Clemmons wrote a lie-filled "letter"Â￾ to Mike Huckabee, then governor of Arkansas. Huckabee, the Arch Zionist Supreme, granted Clemmons' request, which was a key element in Clemmons being granted parole. In 2009, Clemmons murdered (executed) four random police officers, who were seated in a Washington coffee shop processing paperwork. A manhunt ensued. During said manhunt, Clemmon's car broke down. He was shot and killed by a white police officer.

I do hope that Huckabee's little "black pet"Â￾ enjoys his new home in the Lake of Fire. I wonder if the odious NeoCon, anti-white, Zionist-Christian cried for the four completely innocent white police officers who lost their lives, or for his equally-malevolent black lover?

Clemmons dead...

In so many ways, Mike Huckabee is an evil man.Edited by: Thrashen


Even odds that Portman chose a very white looking donor. Now I know that jewish people want whites to die out via their genocidal programs, but they seem to have a fixation of being white themselves.


Cancel my above dumb post. I sinned, I posted before googling.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
wile said:
Cancel my above dumb post. I sinned, I posted before googling.

It is sad how "dependent" many of us have become on search engines. I believe if many of today's "yufes" had to spend any real amount of time looking up information they would just give up because of a lack of patience. Thanks to our almost instant everything society, we are increasingly losing patience with everything and everyone. Even though I've seen this getting worse for a while now, I am sometimes surprised when I see it rise to new levels.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The Maurice Clemmons case isn't the only vile criminal that Mike Huckabee "vouched"Â￾ for"¦thus allowing them to be granted parole and commit additional violent crimes upon white America.

Vietnam War veteran Wayne DuMond, a convicted murderer and rapist, also tricked Huckabee into believing that he was a "saved"Â￾ while incarcerated. Huckabee's longtime friend, Pastor Jay Cole, supposedly spent years with DuMond in his prison cell "studying the bible"Â￾ and "worshipping Jesus."Â￾ Less than a year after being granted parole (as a result of Huckabee's letter to the parole board), DuMond raped and killed one white woman (and possibly two).


The Jewish hand-puppet, Huckabee, had this to say on the matter"¦
"It was a horrible situation, horrible. I feel awful about it in every way. I wish there was some way I could go back and reverse the clock and put him back in prison."Â￾ You feel horrible? Poor baby. I'm sure your many millions of dollars will ease your "greif,"Â￾ politician-boy.

Huckabee also granted clemency to Eugene Fields, a man who was convicted of DUI four different times in five years. Two years after Fields' release, he was convicted of yet another DUI. It is important to note that Fields donated to Huckabee's campaign prior to Huckabee granting clemency. Such a "good Christian man"Â￾ is he"¦corrupt, money-hungry and self-interested to his rotten core. Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I've read that during Huckabee's days as a Baptist pastor (at several different churches), he passionately encouraged his all-white congregations to happily accept black members into their churches. How cute. Huckabee is quoted as saying "I will not participate in any program that has racist overtones. I've spent a lifetime fighting racism and anti-Semitism."Â￾ I'm sure that's very true, you Jew-centric Zionist larva.

Huckabee stated that he wants to increase AIDS/HIV donations "from $15 billion to $30 billion over five years."Â￾ Hustling white citizens out of tax-money in order to save the wretched lives of African murderers, torturers, and rapists is always a principal concern of Zionist perverts like "Mikey Boy."Â￾ Will this increase in funds pay for the medical treatment of white South African women who've been infected with HIV by being ruthlessly raped by the local black wildlife? Definitely not.

I remember during his 2008 presidential campaign, Huckabee stated that he would "increase the size of America's military by 50%."Â￾ Har har. White soldiers dying in "desert wars"Â￾ exclusively fought in order to advance Jewish causes in the region essentially "kills"Â￾ two birds with one stone"¦a Zionist-Christian wet dream.

While campaigning for president, Huckabee was in hot water when he stated that his poll numbers inexplicably increased due to "divine intervention."Â￾ If that's actually true (which it isn't), then God must be just as malevolent and anti-white as "Huck."Â￾

So, yeah, I think Huckabee's various deeds are a tad more alarming than 29-year old Natalie Portman having a baby out of wedlock (with her wimpy boyfriend, a former ballerina"¦seriously). A current Gallop poll has Huckabee as the leading candidate for the 2012 Republican Corporation nomination. Another fine "choice"Â￾ to represent white America"¦



Edited by: Thrashen


Oct 19, 2009
Huckabee was always for more 3rd world immigration and open borders as the Gov. of Arkansas. I remember C-Span showing him live on a Little Rock radio show and he was mocking the raids on employers of chicken farms, ect. as "racist". He went as far as saying that the people of Arkansas should open their arms and hearts to anyone in the world that needs a job, particularly those with kids.

He's been less open about his open-borders agenda since the Marxists behind the scenes at Faux News have hired him in an attempt to make him the next Jorge Arbusto (Bush), but this Neo-cons record on immigration is out there and it's very scary:

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
excellent posts in this thread, Thrashen. you paint a very different (albeit factual) picture thanthe onethe "conservative" pundits who endorse the sHuckster create. of course,their zionist brush strokes aren't intended to reveal the truth ... but rather hide it.

Truthteller, you also do a fine job of living up to your name. keep up the good work, gentlemen.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Funny, I don't give a rip about the jewess' pregnancy, either. But Huckabee is the worst kind of menace. I just heard him earlier today on a national radio program plugging his latest book, and to listen to his mellifluous tones, his conservative-speak in regards to taxes and government largess, and his background as a Baptist pastor, many could easily fall for this man and his false image.


Jul 29, 2008
If the media and the political process in this country weren't so corrupt to the core, serious and legitimate questions would be raised about Mike Huckabee's loyalties in light of his 15 visits to the "holy land". Is he a foreign government agent, in this case Israel? Does he realize that should he choose to run, he'd be doing so for the President of the US, not prime minister of Israel?

With his undying and unconditional devotion to Israel, his love of illegal immigrants, and all the afore-mentioned stories about his support of convicts and criminals who embraced Jesus, I think Huckabee would be quite possibly one of the worst presidential candidates I can ever recall. It's quite alarming that he actually leads the current assortment of GOP hopefuls in polls, and it's obvious he'd be a very dangerous man for this country and especially whites if he somehow wins a general election.

It's safe to say the seeds of this country's full-blown destruction were first planted under Bill Clinton. Jorge Bush took the baton and did more damage in his 8 years than anyone could've imagined. Obama is continuing that legacy with his social and economic policies, and Huckabee would be the perfect choice to put the final nail in the coffin and complete the job once and for all.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
The ole Husksteer is in fantasy mode and hustling to plug his paper weigh thing called a book. He realizes that pardoning that negroe killer doomed all chances of being president. He is just out promoting his book and pretending in the words of Sheen "to be Winning".

Also, looks like Mike reveals alot of sumos in the NFL right now. At least 325 lbs. What a joke. His only saving grace is a moderately successful show on FOX during the weekends where he plays bass for Classic Rock Bands. Last weekend he had Def Leappard on minus the lead singer. Ole Hucksteer was jamming the bass to "Pour Some Sugar on Me". LOL


Jul 29, 2008
Westside said:
Ole Hucksteer was jamming the bass to "Pour Some Sugar on Me". LOL



Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
foobar75 said:
If the media and the political process in this country weren't so corrupt to the core, serious and legitimate questions would be raised about Mike Huckabee's loyalties in light of his 15 visits to the "holy land". Is he a foreign government agent, in this case Israel? Does he realize that should he choose to run, he'd be doing so for the President of the US, not prime minister of Israel?

With his undying and unconditional devotion to Israel, his love of illegal immigrants, and all the afore-mentioned stories about his support of convicts and criminals who embraced Jesus, I think Huckabee would be quite possibly one of the worst presidential candidates I can ever recall. It's quite alarming that he actually leads the current assortment of GOP hopefuls in polls, and it's obvious he'd be a very dangerous man for this country and especially whites if he somehow wins a general election.

It's safe to say the seeds of this country's full-blown destruction were first planted under Bill Clinton. Jorge Bush took the baton and did more damage in his 8 years than anyone could've imagined. Obama is continuing that legacy with his social and economic policies, and Huckabee would be the perfect choice to put the final nail in the coffin and complete the job once and for all.

Good synopsis, FB75.

"Huckleberry Fart"Â￾ is a revolting fusion of a "Modern Christian Fascist"Â￾ and a "Zionist Supremacist."Â￾

The former will hustle millions of dollars in order to take "mission trips"Â￾ to Africa, Asia, Caribbean Islands, and South America, adopt non-white children, preach love and tolerance for even the most odious of non-whites, and wouldn't so much as bat an eye at an interracial relationship (but rather, encourage such a thing).

The latter will risk everything and anything (i.e., white lives) so that Israel is safeguarded and Jewish men and women are installed in high positions of manipulative power (politics, media, entertainment, religion) across the globe.

Malevolence incarnate"¦

Best Friends Forever"¦


Edited by: Thrashen