Howard Dean : Fox News "Racist"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Ah yes, useful idiot "Screamin' Coward" Dean plays into the phony Left vs. Right paradigm by calling (NeoCON propaganda outlet) "Faux" News "racist".
One Globalist shill calling out another to keep the sheeple deceived.

Dean: Fox News "racist"Â

The Fox News Channel's handling of the Shirley Sherrod controversy "was absolutely racist,"Â former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean charged on Sunday.

Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Dean, who's also a former Democratic national chairman and hero of liberals, asserted Fox News failed to vet video footage of a speech misleadingly excerpted to make it appear that Sherrod was boasting of using her post as an Agriculture Department official to discriminate against a white farmer.

"I don't think Newt Gingrich is a racist, and I don't think you're a racist," Dean told Fox News host Chris Wallace, "but Fox News did something that was absolutely racist. They took a â€" they had an obligation to find out what was really in the clip. They had been pushing a theme of black racism with this phony Black Panther crap and this business and this Sotomayor and all this other stuff."Â

When Wallace interrupted Dean to point out that Fox did not air the excerpted Sherrod footage until after the Obama administration had fired her based on it , Dean shot back "It was about to go on Glenn Beck, which is what the administration was afraid of."Â

And Dean mildly rebuked the Obama administration, as well, saying, "We've got to stop being afraid of Glenn Beck (a Fox News host) and the racist fringe of the Republican Party. But Fox News was not blameless during this. You played it up."Â

Dean dismissed Wallace's point about timing, asserting "you didn't do your job,"Â and charging that Fox News has helped the Republican Party foster racism by focusing on allegations of reverse racism.

"The tea party called out their racist fringe and I think the Republican Party's got to stop appealing to its racist fringe. And Fox News is what did that. You put that on," Dean said. "Continuing to cater to this theme of minority racism and stressing comments like this â€" some of which are taken out of context â€" does not help the country knit itself together."Â


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
DixieDestroyer said:
Ah yes, useful idiot "Screamin' Coward" Dean plays into the phony Left vs. Right paradigm by calling (NeoCON propaganda outlet) "Faux" News "racist".

"The tea party called out their racist fringe and I think the Republican Party's got to stop appealing to its racist fringe. And Fox News is what did that. You put that on,"Â￾ Dean said. "Continuing to cater to this theme of minority racism and stressing comments like this â€" some of which are taken out of context â€" does not help the country knit itself together."Â￾

Yeah Howard, let's continue to knit ourselves together with Negroes. That's worked out so well for us. Lunatic!


Dec 13, 2009
They had been pushing a theme of black racism with this phony Black Panther crap

Phony? There's video of the nbpp intimidating Whites at the polls and also of the head nbpp negroe threatening to kill "White babies" IN CONTEXT so I can't see even a retard trying to claim this story is "phony" if they did they're deliberately lying and the sheeple are starting to wake up to all of the obvious racial double standards and lies.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The absolute imbeciles at Fox News have never so much as disseminated a single racially conservative thought (unless the race in question is non-white) to their willingly-enslaved, non-conservative NeoCon hordes"¦let alone anything resembling "pro-white racism."Â￾ Dean, yet another supremely-ironic "Millionaire Socialist,"Â￾ should go back to the comfort of his mansion.

Fox News is a mirror image of the Alphabet News Corporations (CNN / MSNBC / CBS / ABC)"¦accept that their "character"Â￾ was cast to play the role of the "staunchly conservative white grandfather type."Â￾ That character is yet another clichéd "white personality"Â￾ that has either never existed in America, or barely ever existed to begin with.

Having a "D"Â￾ or and "R"Â￾ behind your name is like singing a proverbial "Siren's Song"Â￾ to the masses. They sing, and "we"Â￾ follow like drunken pirates. The liberals and conservatives (obviously, the "conservative"Â￾ side has never actually existed) will tag along with "men"Â￾ like Howard Dean into oblivion.

These "men"Â￾ who believe that they are "in charge"Â￾ of our lives become more absurd every time their puppet pie-holes accidentally open. Dean is over 60 years old and his views regarding his own race become more and more indignant.Edited by: Thrashen

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
This guy's so articulate, "crap" "stuff". Once his own crowd caught a glimpse of what a goofball he is back in 2004 he dropped off the edge of the table and landed on his oversized head.

"Knit itself together." As if.