Hopkins racist comments


Jan 8, 2005
From Figthnews:

A fight nearly broke out between Bernard Hopkins and Joe Calzaghe today at the MGM Grand Media Center in Las Vegas. "I would never let a white boy beat me," Hopkins told reporters. "You can print that. I would never lose to a white person." Calzaghe stated, "He ducked me four years ago. He thinks he's a legend but he lost to Jermain Taylor twice and, believe me, he will lose to me."

It will be interesting to see if Hopkins gets any flak (yeah right) for his racist comments. I think Joe is beyond fighting him, I think there are better fights for him, but now I hope he does fight Hopkins, and give him the beating he deserves.
And James "no lights on" Toney a few months back.......

For those of you who saw the post fight press conference between Toney and Rahman on another popular boxing site, you know what James Toney said. For those of you who didn't see or hear it, here are some of his statements:

"Rahman is a real fighter; we ain't like these Germans and Russians you all trying to build up."

"We Afro-Americans... we ain't scared to fight nobody."

"You keep trying to build up the Great White Hype, it's not gonna happen"

"You all can stop all that"

"There isn't going to be a white heavyweight champ, unless it's in Europe... and that's real"

He mentions the Klitchkos and Valuev. Rahman is heard laughing in the background along with most of the pussy crowd who won't stand up to these despicably racist comments.

Stand up for you race.....most peopledont because its not politically correct with the anti-white media, and they dont have any balls.....
Truth of the matter is most of these guys like JamesToneyare creations of the media.....and when they lose they use every excuse in the world as to why the fight turned out the way it did. Or they use steroids, like Toney did and blame the Russian Giants for using them.....and say, "I didnt know I was taking steroids". My personal belief is that most non white fighters are scared sh*tless that most white fighters will be the fighters of the future.Edited by: BoxingTrainer
Tyson once said something similar. And then he got TKO'd by Kevin McBride (of all people). These black hopes just can't hang and always get exposed.
That's precisely why Hopkins wont fight Calzaghe.Its not a phobia that affects Black Africans from the continant but African American men brought up on the incessant propaganda of their supposed superior physical prowess over Whites.The same media obviously instills an inferiority complex in Whites.Maybe phobia's the wrong word,they're not frightented of facing white fighters through fear of getting hurt or knocked out,fighters generally dont feel that kind of fear like most mortal humans but more a fear of what damage a loss to a White boy does to their street cred.Most Black athletes maintain strong links to their Black community family,friends,old hoods etc.Imagine the damage a defeat to a melanin defunct one does to their standing within these communitys.Roy Jones,Antonio Tarver,James Toney and Bernard Hopkins are especially afflicted by this condition.At the Hatton/Mayweather weigh in Hopkins and Calzaghe squared up with Hopkins initiating all the trash talk and generally just trying to play the hard man pointing to Calzaghe and running his fingers across his throat which is laughable considering chicken wont sign the contract to fight and looks for any excuse to bail.
He's also dissing Kessler saying he's not a true warrior. Man I can't wait for Calzaghe to send this old bum into retirement!
I have to agree that Hopkins does not want to box Calzaghe at 175.
Sean said:
From Figthnews:

A fight nearly broke out between Bernard Hopkins and Joe Calzaghe today at the MGM Grand Media Center in Las Vegas. "I would never let a white boy beat me," Hopkins told reporters. "You can print that. I would never lose to a white person."

It will be interesting to see if Hopkins gets any flak (yeah right) for his racist comments.

Tyson has also made some similar remarks. No, the media hacks will not say a word. If Joe Calzaghe, Hatton, Pavlik , or Klitschko said the same about blacks --- all hell would break loose. It would be the prime topic of discussion.
The comments posted on Eastside Boxing were encouraging. Many claimed racsim and that Hopkins lost alot of white fans. I suspect that some here may have been "trolling" those boards.
Interesting that most of the boards I've read have all been like "Big deal, it's not the crime of the century".

These double standards make me sick. It is very true Bart, that if a white fighter made the same comments except black boy instead of white boy, he would definately catch some negativity. But if the great BHop does it, it's just him trash talking to try and sell a fight.

Don't worry about trying to sell the fight Bernard, Calzaghe will do that...all you need to worry about is what kind of job you're going to get after Calzaghe beats you into retirement.
Alpha Male said:
The comments posted on Eastside Boxing were encouraging. Many claimed racsim and that Hopkins lost alot of white fans. I suspect that some here may have been "trolling" those boards.
If Calzaghe said: "I would never loose to Hopkins, I would never, and have never, lost to a black boy", you know he would lose everywhere. All of the media would turn away from him and condemn him and pile on. But they let a black bastard criminal like Hopkins off like it was nothing.

Well, at least here at Caste we don't. Hospskins is an *******.
Blacks get away with saying anything. Mayweather feels the same way about Hatton. As for Tyson being in Hatton's corner I don't buy it. Tyson must be getting some money on the side or he wouldn't do it.
First it was James Toney, then it was Jermain Taylor and his promoter (not too bad, but there was a little racial tension there,) and now Hopkins. Yeah, there must be some serious anxiety (and envy?) over white fighters among these black fighters! It reminds me of the anxiety over the "Euro Invasion" into the NBA a few years ago. That ended up being exaggerated; black players are still 75% of the league. But European fighters (including David Haye) now have a whopping sixteen belts from Middleweight to Heavyweight!! I can understand their anxiety, although that does not justify their racist rhetoric.
George Foreman is supporting Hatton and wants him to beat Mayweather badly.
Bernard Hopkins has always been a person who lacks class and has been angry person. His comments angered me and also didn't surprise me. Black fighters like him, Roy Jones and F...ing James Toney were brought up the wrong way either without a father or a bad one. The comments about these fighters making disparging remarks about white fighters is typical.I saw the weigh in and Hopkins was instigating all of it. This is the reason he was never a crossover star like Sugar Ray Leonard. Leonard was a true sportsman and great figher.

Right now there is a resurgence in great white fighters and the black man is in a panic. His brain can not handle it and it explodes with a racist comment. What a glorious day it will be if Hatton becomes the pound for pound best fighter and Tebow wins the Heisman! If they do I will rub it in all of my black friends faces and even more so in the wiggers!
Watch for all the excuses tonight or racist statment if Hatton pulls out the win tonight.....Go back and watch the Hatton/Castillio fight again...toward the end of the fightthe anouncer's are already discrediting Hatton's win because Castillio is a "shot fighter"....Manny , and Jim (who I know) both repeated it several times.....

Edited by: BoxingTrainer
Sean said:
From Figthnews:

A fight nearly broke out between Bernard Hopkins and Joe Calzaghe today at the MGM Grand Media Center in Las Vegas. "I would never let a white boy beat me," Hopkins told reporters. "You can print that. I would never lose to a white person."

It will be interesting to see if Hopkins gets any flak (yeah right) for his racist comments. I think Joe is beyond fighting him, I think there are better fights for him, but now I hope he does fight Hopkins, and give him the beating he deserves.

Yahoo's boxing writer wrote a column in which he was critical about the racist comments he received about Mayweather in some of his e-mails. But yet in a Q+A section in different column, note how he tries to lessen the impact and minimize the racist comments made by Hopkins towards Joe Calzaghe. This is one of the reasons I have nothing but contempt for weasel Caste system writers. Talk about a spin meister! Highlights are mine

http://sports.yahoo.com/box/news;_ylt=AhxRg.zhX6PJVVAt2YtbGQ CUxLYF?slug=ki-boxmailbag121107&prov=yhoo&type=lgns


I heard that Bernard Hopkins made some disrespectful comments about fighting Joe Calzaghe, such as "I am not going to lose to no white boy." What I find more disturbing than his comments is the media's silence on these statements. Lets be truthful: If Calzaghe made the same comments about Bernard Hopkins, such as "I am not going to lose to a black boy," every media person would be making this story front page news and calling for an apology from Calzaghe. He probably would be run out of boxing. I don't think the media has ever shown a more blatant example of double standards then they have by not calling Bernard Hopkins' comments stupid and ignorant and calling for an apology from him. Even in your article there is no mention of these comments. I guess my question is why?


What Hopkins said was in bad taste and such comments should not be condoned any more than we're outraged at the virulent racists comments I've received about Mayweather. Hopkins was flat wrong and deserves a public censure. That said, Hopkins isn't racist. He was trying to play to the racist crowd that he knows exists, hoping they'll buy his fight with the intention of hoping Calzaghe beats him up. He should not have done it, but I know Hopkins and I know he's not racist. It was a low-class way to try to sell a fight, not the comments of a prejudiced man. Edited by: Bart
I think it's just white man's burden to have to put up with all the childishness of other people.

What's unfortunate is that the white man's privileges that used to go along as a reward and incentive for putting up with other people's crap is being gifted to the undeserving.

That's life. Sucks, but true.

Is there anything to do about it? Probably move to another planet. White scientists will find a way, then the black masses will cry that it's racist that they can't come too, and racist that they're not given credit for inventing the technology to make it happen.
Here's a snippet of a thread from okaysports, okaysports is made up of semi-literate black kids and the whiggers who love them, they are the idiots that consistantly come on our board and try to disrupt it.

They are also the ones that had the guy who wrote a couple of phony columns, white guy of course (his signature was "proud wigger hoaxer"} , doubt that a black guy could ever pull it off. Here's a bit of their take on the Hopkins comments.

= "RE: Hopkins: "I would never lose to a white person""
=100% cosign"
= "i feel the same way"
="imagine a white athlete saying "no way i get beaten by a black guy" LOL"
="also it would be pretty funny because it would be borderline delusional"

One guy objects, pointing out the obvious double standard and asking what would be the response if Joe Calzaghe said something similar.

The turds go on to say this:

Race is not a topic where mathematical flip-flop
logic works. Its the same reason why when a latino
says "Brown Love" or an African-American says "Black
Power" its not the *same* as a white Neo Nazi screaming
"White Power," despite the fact that the phrases are
very similar.

This is indeed something that is worth being noted - as the history of Race dynamics cannot just be ignored.

If Calzaghe had said 'I will never lose to a black boy' it would have a completely diff. dynamic than Hop saying 'i will never lose to a white boy' --- sure - you can argue the racist undertone of each statement but the two simply are not of equal value, meaning, and history.

Quite simply - the hypothetical Calzaghe statement echoes memories and sentiments of an entirely diff. sort than the Hop statement.....slavery, racial appropriation, cultural displacement and identity loss...

not that Calzaghe shouldn't be offended by the statement and use it as motivation - he should - because he (and other white fighters) do have a lot to prove, still, in a sport where they've been pretty much dominated historically in the modern era save the past decade.

6. "Black people are allowed to say racial sh*t cause its true"

white folks sh*t is based on some guilt trip contrived bullsh*t.

Every angle whites try to use with race backfires on them

genetically superior nope.

original man nope.

intellectually superior nope.

physically superior lol

etc. etc. etc.

So you see, the amount of anti-white racism and delusional thinking is astronomical at that site, and it's not alone. The site purges any dissent immediately and is fed in it's anti-white attitude by a host of white kids that are too weak or cowardly to even make the smallest attempt to defend fairness, let alone their own genetic inheritence.

And that site is just one of msny, it makes me sick to hear the criticism of our site in comparison to those others. It's just like the guy says above. black Power is OK, white power is not, that is the paridigm that we WILL change,

They do have a funny thread just started:

"Spinoff: Things you'll only hear on Castefootball"

My favorite:
"Arthur Blank was right U SHOULDNT eat fried CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Andy Reid is a great father"
"at least his kids live in the same house as him"

Edited by: jaxvid
jaxvid said:
Here's a snippet of a thread from okaysports, okaysports is made up of semi-literate black kids and the whiggers who love them, they are the idiots that consistantly come on our board and try to disrupt it.

They are also the ones that had the guy who wrote a couple of phony columns, white guy of course (his signature was "proud wigger hoaxer"} , doubt that a black guy could ever pull it off. Here's a bit of their take on the Hopkins comments.

= "RE: Hopkins: "I would never lose to a white person""
=100% cosign"
= "i feel the same way"
="imagine a white athlete saying "no way i get beaten by a black guy" LOL"
="also it would be pretty funny because it would be borderline delusional"

One guy objects, pointing out the obvious double standard and asking what would be the response if Joe Calzaghe said something similar.

The turds go on to say this:

Race is not a topic where mathematical flip-flop
logic works. Its the same reason why when a latino
says "Brown Love" or an African-American says "Black
Power" its not the *same* as a white Neo Nazi screaming
"White Power," despite the fact that the phrases are
very similar.

This is indeed something that is worth being noted - as the history of Race dynamics cannot just be ignored.

If Calzaghe had said 'I will never lose to a black boy' it would have a completely diff. dynamic than Hop saying 'i will never lose to a white boy' --- sure - you can argue the racist undertone of each statement but the two simply are not of equal value, meaning, and history.

Quite simply - the hypothetical Calzaghe statement echoes memories and sentiments of an entirely diff. sort than the Hop statement.....slavery, racial appropriation, cultural displacement and identity loss...

not that Calzaghe shouldn't be offended by the statement and use it as motivation - he should - because he (and other white fighters) do have a lot to prove, still, in a sport where they've been pretty much dominated historically in the modern era save the past decade.

6. "Black people are allowed to say racial sh*t cause its true"

white folks sh*t is based on some guilt trip contrived bullsh*t.

Every angle whites try to use with race backfires on them

genetically superior nope.

original man nope.

intellectually superior nope.

physically superior lol

etc. etc. etc.

So you see, the amount of anti-white racism and delusional thinking is astronomical at that site, and it's not alone. The site purges any dissent immediately and is fed in it's anti-white attitude by a host of white kids that are too weak or cowardly to even make the smallest attempt to defend fairness, let alone their own genetic inheritence.

And that site is just one of msny, it makes me sick to hear the criticism of our site in comparison to those others. It's just like the guy says above. black Power is OK, white power is not, that is the paridigm that we WILL change,

They do have a funny thread just started:

"Spinoff: Things you'll only hear on Castefootball"

My favorite:
"Arthur Blank was right U SHOULDNT eat fried CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Andy Reid is a great father"
"at least his kids live in the same house as him"

i dont know about you guys but im stoked they're saying crap like that. it just means they're scared. thats a big step. if they didnt know they were wrong in their rascist beliefs they would just be dismissive or flippant. but them taking the time to ridicule castefootball means they are aware of the cause, and perhaps some of the stuff they read on here makes them rethink the rascist nature of major amercan sports, against non-black athletes. it also means the word is spreading!!! and that makes me happy bc honestly i didnt know jack sh*t about the new sports paradigm until i stumbledupon this site.

i hope some of those guys on that forum come over hear and are lucky enough to read a good post here that will open there eyes a little. just make them think a litle and wonder why in a white country, so few whites are given shots in certainsports.

btw my fav....

12. "Ricky Hatton got jobbed!!! Fight was stopped WAYY TOO Early"

haha. they got us on that one
, but whatever. the word is spreading and thats whats important!

Edited by: johnnyboy
johnnyboy said:
12. "Ricky Hatton got jobbed!!! Fight was stopped WAYY TOO Early"

haha. they got us on that one
, but whatever. the word is spreading and thats whats important!

That is pretty G-D funny.
Tartan Pride said:
johnnyboy said:
 12. "Ricky Hatton got jobbed!!! Fight was stopped WAYY TOO Early"

haha. they got us on that one
, but whatever. the word is spreading and thats whats important!

That is pretty G-D funny.

You guys may want to go over there, I think they still got room for a couple of more.
American Freedom News