Homosexual football player and evolution discussion

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Right The Hock, I had this conversation months ago with a CF member and asked where does it end? It doesn't. As a father of 5, I've seen the homosexual agenda seep into our schools, telling my children that it's OK to be homosexual when I disagree. If my children would say in school, it is wrong they would get into trouble. Not very tolerant BK21.

So BK21, when you constantly try to defend homosexual rights on this forum, it makes you seem tolerant to their lifestyle only.

I personally don't adhere to the "live and let live" lifestyle, I believe there's right and wrong.

Bk21, you have mentioned religion and intelligence on this thread, although I'm a Christian, (which is not religion), I don't need a whole lot of religion or intelligence to tell me that it's wrong for 2 men or 2 women to do the vile things I guess they do in a homosexual relationship, Just Common Sense!

common "biblic" sense, not common sense!
instead of getting our morals from the bible, we better get them from science: there are very good evolutionary and genetic reasons to have a minority of homosexual among us- we cherish so much science not to let just our "common sense" (understood instinc) lead our behavior; when we can use our brain; but it is too much to ask for some
common "biblic" sense, not common sense!
instead of getting our morals from the bible, we better get them from science: there are very good evolutionary and genetic reasons to have a minority of homosexual among us- we cherish so much science not to let just our "common sense" (understood instinc) lead our behavior; when we can use our brain; but it is too much to ask for some

Yeah science. The supporter of evolutionary thinking believes that there is some justification for a major non-evolutionary behavior. Such is the twisted thinking of those of "science".

There can be no commonsense in the "science" sense of "commonsense" reason for such a failed evolutionary behavior. I guess in a few years people like yourself will be coming up with scientific justifications for pedophilia, necrophilia, transvestism, and bestiality. Those perversions happen also amongst and across human populations, as does murder, rape and robbery. Why prohibit them?

The unfortunate habit of trying to attach science to morality is that it becomes a form of moral relativism and is based on the politics of the time.

And what of the natural disgust felt by most people for homosexual sex? Just as there is disgust for pedophilia, bestiality, murder, rape, etc. Is this not an evolutionary developed response that is a better indicator of "normal" behavior then to twist logic and natural feelings around to justify a desired attitude? Why no science to support anti-gay sentiment that runs deep and large amongst most people? Why has gay marriage lost on the ballots 32 straight times when put to a vote? Yet it receives the uncritical support of all sections of the elite?
common "biblic" sense, not common sense!
instead of getting our morals from the bible, we better get them from science: there are very good evolutionary and genetic reasons to have a minority of homosexual among us- we cherish so much science not to let just our "common sense" (understood instinc) lead our behavior; when we can use our brain; but it is too much to ask for some

Ok Bk21, let me get this straight, let's not get our morals from the Bible, don't murder, don't lie, don't cheat, don't covet, don't commit adultery, don't be a homosexual, don't have sex with an anminal, etc.... Am I the insane one here?

Please Bk21, the all intellectual one, which one of these Biblical morals should I not obey?

by the way good post jaxvid, thanks.
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Yeah science. The supporter of evolutionary thinking believes that there is some justification for a major non-evolutionary behavior. Such is the twisted thinking of those of "science".

There can be no commonsense in the "science" sense of "commonsense" reason for such a failed evolutionary behavior. I guess in a few years people like yourself will be coming up with scientific justifications for pedophilia, necrophilia, transvestism, and bestiality. Those perversions happen also amongst and across human populations, as does murder, rape and robbery. Why prohibit them?

The unfortunate habit of trying to attach science to morality is that it becomes a form of moral relativism and is based on the politics of the time.

And what of the natural disgust felt by most people for homosexual sex? Just as there is disgust for pedophilia, bestiality, murder, rape, etc. Is this not an evolutionary developed response that is a better indicator of "normal" behavior then to twist logic and natural feelings around to justify a desired attitude? Why no science to support anti-gay sentiment that runs deep and large amongst most people? Why has gay marriage lost on the ballots 32 straight times when put to a vote? Yet it receives the uncritical support of all sections of the elite?

Scientific thinking doesn't lead to moral relativism. Those of a certain political bent infiltrating academia leads to subversive intellectual movements. EG Frankfurt School.
Scientific thinking doesn't lead to moral relativism. Those of a certain political bent infiltrating academia leads to subversive intellectual movements. EG Frankfurt School.

.......and people who believe in Biblical morals are not unscientific thinkers.
Ok Bk21, let me get this straight, let's not get our morals from the Bible, don't murder, don't lie, don't cheat, don't covet, don't commit adultery, don't be a homosexual, don't have sex with an anminal, etc.... Am I the insane one here?

Please Bk21, the all intellectual one, which one of these Biblical morals should I not obey?

by the way good post jaxvid, thanks.

questions posed here are numerous and each deserves a 100 pages thesis.
the fact that WE can chose nice bits from the bible proves that moral comes within ourselves, leaving the horrible parts of the bible away (and the ancient testament). you'll never say "child slavery" because you know it's wrong, but you can say without missing don't murder etc..

Yeah science. The supporter of evolutionary thinking believes that there is some justification for a major non-evolutionary behavior. Such is the twisted thinking of those of "science".

There can be no commonsense in the "science" sense of "commonsense" reason for such a failed evolutionary behavior. I guess in a few years people like yourself will be coming up with scientific justifications for pedophilia, necrophilia, transvestism, and bestiality. Those perversions happen also amongst and across human populations, as does murder, rape and robbery. Why prohibit them?

The unfortunate habit of trying to attach science to morality is that it becomes a form of moral relativism and is based on the politics of the time.

And what of the natural disgust felt by most people for homosexual sex? Just as there is disgust for pedophilia, bestiality, murder, rape, etc. Is this not an evolutionary developed response that is a better indicator of "normal" behavior then to twist logic and natural feelings around to justify a desired attitude? Why no science to support anti-gay sentiment that runs deep and large amongst most people? Why has gay marriage lost on the ballots 32 straight times when put to a vote? Yet it receives the uncritical support of all sections of the elite?

Let me just get it straight: you don't beleive in evolution?
if yes it's really sad; but I encourage every one to read about it a little bit
If anybody is interested "the moral landscape" by Sam Harris is a good reading too

BTW, you're right, there is no "commonsense" in science, just facts
instead of getting our morals from the bible, we better get them from science: there are very good evolutionary and genetic reasons to have a minority of homosexual among us- we cherish so much science not to let just our "common sense" (understood instinc) lead our behavior; when we can use our brain; but it is too much to ask for some

please mention 1 scientific accomplishment made by one of our great ancestors: the romans or the germanic tribes that invaded france
Let me just get it straight: you don't beleive in evolution?
if yes it's really sad; but I encourage every one to read about it a little bit
If anybody is interested "the moral landscape" by Sam Harris is a good reading too

BTW, you're right, there is no "commonsense" in science, just facts

Facts that get changed often as new information and research comes out can't exactly be called FACTS can they?Science has brought us a long way but they have still not actually proven anything about how the universe was formed or how how life took shape on this planet.Every few years new research disproves old theories or makes exceptions to known rules of science so once again don't call something fact just because a few scientist believe the theory for a few years before being proven wrong.

As far as evolution goes i will agree that some creatures evolve/adapt as needed to survive the changing world,the old species dies off and the new one is there to take its place.Now the question is =if we evolved from monkeys then why the hell are there still monkeys?
As far as evolution goes i will agree that some creatures evolve/adapt as needed to survive the changing world,the old species dies off and the new one is there to take its place.Now the question is =if we evolved from monkeys then why the hell are there still monkeys?

They survive and propagate :noidea:
please mention 1 scientific accomplishment made by one of our great ancestors: the romans or the germanic tribes that invaded france
why? scientific accomplishments are property of all mankind
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As far as evolution goes i will agree that some creatures evolve/adapt as needed to survive the changing world,the old species dies off and the new one is there to take its place.Now the question is =if we evolved from monkeys then why the hell are there still monkeys?

This is a typical question of a person who has never heard of evolution at all! I mean somebody who never read any single book or article about evolution! for the simple reason is that we SHARE COMMON ACESTORS with chimpanzees and other modern apes, but we never evolved from modern monkey!!
the facts are overwhelming but some still prefer the talking snake story..
I dont recall saying my ancestors invaded France, and scientific accomplishments are property of all mankind

i'm just saying that both the romans and the germanic tribes that invaded france didn't care about science

in the roman empire it was forbidden to do experimentations on dead bodies (and they were not christian, catholic ect)
as a result they had absolutely no knowledge of the human body or medecine, but it didn't matter to them
most of the germanic tribes didn't even know how to read
these civilisations didn't care at all about science
the facts are overwhelming but some still prefer the talking snake story..

julian the apostate, like all our european ancestors, didn't believe in evolution and didn't believe in the talking snake story either
i don't believe that we evolved from monkeys and no european man ever believed this nonsense

actually the VAST MAJORITY of europeans know that evolution is truth, I'm shocked that you're not aware of that!
now professors are being aggressed in schools physically and verbally by the new wave of muslims contesting Evolution for godly reasons.. but the figures are close to 100percent between white europeans. I don't beleive that someone can look objectively on the overwhelming proofs and still not beleive in it!


julian the apostate, like all our european ancestors, didn't believe in evolution and didn't believe in the talking snake story either

Was the theory of natural selection presented to him? Rather doubt it. Charles Darwin was a European man by the way.

Also, evolution has nothing to do with the social malaise that is homosexual "acceptance."

Does it really matter if they were "born that way?" They are abnormal, does it matter if it comes down to a genetic defect? Those with down syndrome were BORN that way. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be cast off high cliffs and left for the wolves/coyotes (as the Spartans were wont to do to their defective human rubbish). The retarded have no use for society save as medical guinea pigs, but oh how inhumane that would be! They're a waste of tax payer money just like what the **** are wanting to do to instill tolerance of themselves to school children and as are silly anti-bullying programs.
Was the theory of natural selection presented to him? Rather doubt it. Charles Darwin was a European man by the way.

Also, evolution has nothing to do with the social malaise that is homosexual "acceptance."

Finally somebody who is aware of the evolution theory , thx Anak!

(no comment on the 2nd part)
Was the theory of natural selection presented to him? Rather doubt it. Charles Darwin was a European man by the way.

yes, nobody never thought about the evolution theory in thousands of years of european civilisation, christian or not
maybe today's europeans are more valuable than our ancestors? when looking at the disgrace europe became one could think otherwise
This thread is going to ****, much like the penises of sodomites.

I can't see how the "pro-science" crowd would take such triumph simply because homosexuality occurs in nature. The same can be said for birth defects, miscarriage, and mental retardation. Do we rally behind these occurrences as well?

All this talk about science reminds me of one particular hypothesis, the Single Negro Theory. If you have one negro in a group of whites, the negro will behave normally, attempt to speak like an educated citizen, and react affably to commonplace social situations. This phenomenon typically deceives whites into treating all negroes categorically as equal. When the scenario devolves into multiple blacks in an environment, then the negroes quarter off and resume their normal behavior of hooting, jiving, "axing" questions, and peppering the ******-word into every sentence.

The corollary to SNT is Single ****** Theory, where left in isolation to his own devices, the ****** behaves more or less like a civilized human being. But put a bunch of ******* together in a room, and whoa boy! It's a matter of seconds before they are swinging from chandeliers wearing purple feather boas, urinating on each other and bellowing showtunes.

SFT might suggest that you could harbor one queer on your football team without big problems. But if you do not check his behavior, that queer will soon be getting fellated by his geriatric sugar daddy in the film room. Demographic out-groups like blacks and gays require constant pressure from the in-group (straight Whites) to act in ways that are not offensive, obnoxious, and outright intolerable.
yes, nobody never thought about the evolution theory in thousands of years of european civilisation, christian or not
maybe today's europeans are more valuable than our ancestors? when looking at the disgrace europe became one could think otherwise
nobody was aware of bacteria but now we are
nobody was aware of penicillin but now we are
nobody was aware of such and such 2000 years ago, but now we are

nobody was aware of the theory of evolution but now we are: facts are facts we do not accept them or not regarding consquences, these are completely two different matters
you're pissed of actual european societies? FINE, I'm pissed off too! but that doesn't make evolution false
This is a typical question of a person who has never heard of evolution at all! I mean somebody who never read any single book or article about evolution! for the simple reason is that we SHARE COMMON ACESTORS with chimpanzees and other modern apes, but we never evolved from modern monkey!!
the facts are overwhelming but some still prefer the talking snake story..

Why can't anybody ever have a opinion about scientific fact when it actually still a theory,even a theory that makes sense and is taken for fact is often found to be in error or wrong all together.Just because somebody reads a book or papaer on a subject does not mean that they should go "OOOO smart smart man said so & so now i should take it as gospel".Kinda funny how science has turned into its own little "religion" where anybody that disagrees is automatically a idiot and shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

A lot of the scientist out there these days believe that mankind is a virus/plague on the earth and that if 80-90% aren't killed off in the next century that the earth won't survive.What are your thoughts on that theory and do you agree just because some scientist say so?
Why can't anybody ever have a opinion about scientific fact when it actually still a theory,even a theory that makes sense and is taken for fact is often found to be in error or wrong all together.Just because somebody reads a book or papaer on a subject does not mean that they should go "OOOO smart smart man said so & so now i should take it as gospel".Kinda funny how science has turned into its own little "religion" where anybody that disagrees is automatically a idiot and shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

A lot of the scientist out there these days believe that mankind is a virus/plague on the earth and that if 80-90% aren't killed off in the next century that the earth won't survive.What are your thoughts on that theory and do you agree just because some scientist say so?

evolution is not a "theory" in the way you understand it.. and one thing that is beautiful about science is that it is open to criticism (unlike religion), we can discuss facts about evolution. But at least to be able to discuss one thing both of us should be aware of it totally, that's why I said go to books, be aware of the facts, afterwards you can reject them thoughtfully.
so true
for scientists races don't exist....enough said

?? of course races exist! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(biology) but I don't see your point
and I don't see why everybody is so against science when it is the best thing humans has ever experienced - you and I and everybody here on this forum are benefitting in our daily life of the progress of science

now we can all shut down our computers and start sending carrier pigeons
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