Homeland For Whites


Dec 28, 2004
I would like to have a White Homeland here in the US for Whites only. Maybe the states of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho combined. A place where we could give our children a great education, find a cure for cancer, heart troubles,etc.
A place with a strong army but used only in our best interest's. Immigration for Whites who are interested in getting a good education or have a useful skill.
Right now we waste billions on programs that don't work and fight never ending war's that drain our youth and funds. We have tryed to take care of people who history shows can never seem to leave the stone age, while we are exploring outer space. Centuries ago we travels oceans while other races could barely build a canoe.
If we could put our money in our youth-train them, feed them, give them good health care without trying to raise others to our standards we could help the world far more then we do now.
Give me a land mass in the USA with nothing but White men/women and in 10 years we could compete with any nation in the world for health, education, sports, standard of living, per capita income, high SAT/ACT scores.
The USA will go broke before we lift other races to a decent level.Think of a land with clean cities,no proverty,very little crime.An army of well trained soldiers with high morale!
A Homeland for Whites!!Yes a dream but WHAT A DREAM!!!


Aug 10, 2005
I want Oregon and Washington too. It is a great dream. Maybe the Mexicans can help us accomplish this someday if they try to take the Southwest. Maybe whites will then want their own living space.


Jan 7, 2005
The Mexicans are already taking over large tracks of Oregon and
Washington (ever been to Salem Oregon?) The only refuge is
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and North Dakota. Thank God it gets real
cold in the northern states or Pablo would invade it as well.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Come on diversity is great guys!


Dec 29, 2005
If anyone really attempts to set up separate communities (or sometime just even single homes) they are quickily dealt with by jack-booted thugs like at Ruby Ridge or Waco.

The current US government will have to collapse to have this become a possibility. Luckily there is a very good chance of this happening as multi-ethnic/ multi-racial Countries are inherently unstable and collapse all the time (Like the Soviet Union which collapsed back into the Baltic States or the Balkanization of Yugoslavia)


Oct 11, 2005
It will be great if something like this can materialise in the future,but its a dream im afraid.Non whites seek out white civilisation.Whites have on average higher intellects,better temperaments and move foward more so they build better societys.If America was to become balkanised the non whites would seek out the white parts as they will be the cleanest ,most prosperous and have the best schools and universitys.Pablo whos trying to take the Southwest dosnt know what he wants.If he suceeds then California will just be another Mexico.He will then leave and move out again further into another White territory.


Nov 25, 2004
Getting rid of all social services and strictly policing crime would get rid of blacks and mexicans in northern climates. Why move to a cold climate if they get no freebees and have to work? We'd see a mass migration of them back to the south.


Aug 10, 2005
If the media propaganda machine breaks down along with everything else in an economic collapse, whites may regain their will to fight ,and whites usually win.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
I don't think Mexicans are the problem, the problem is too many whites would fight you on this issue.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good point Bear Arms, also, there are a lot of blacks returning to the South already.


Apr 27, 2005
Iron said:
  It will be great if something like this can materialise in the future,but its a dream im afraid.Non whites seek out white civilisation.Whites have on average higher intellects,better temperaments and move foward more so they build better societys.If America was to become balkanised the non whites would seek out the white parts as they will be the cleanest ,most prosperous and have the best schools and universitys.Pablo whos trying to take the Southwest dosnt know what he wants.If he suceeds then California will just be another Mexico.He will then leave and move out again further into another White territory.

I think that you are right on the money. If you build a new nation, you're going to have to build a wall around it to keep the immigrants out. Also, I think that you're going to need access to the sea for trading. Very few land-locked countries are wealthy. Alaska or British Columbia (minus Vancouver
) would be a good choice.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
SteveB said:
I think that you are right on the money. If you build a new nation, you're going to have to build a wall around it to keep the immigrants out. Also, I think that you're going to need access to the sea for trading. Very few land-locked countries are wealthy. Alaska or British Columbia

We run, they follow. We leave parts of the city, they overtake that and follow us to the next place we carve out for them to destroy.If we eventually fled to the North West for example, how long would it be before the same process develops? Who would control the military or have access to nukes? We would be sitting ducks in a pond somewhere down the line. We should close our borders NOW.

Wouldn't it be great ifwhite leaders pushed for repatriation of Mexicans and blacks?Wouldn't it make sense to sit down with blacks and tell them this just isn't working. Let them prove to us how well Africa would function with millions of American blacks sent to the homeland after being educated by whites. We'd have to make it worthwhile for them, but what is the alternative?We aren't going to outpopulate them. Look at South Africa or Rhodesia?

White don't have the will or resolve of a Charles Martel, so we should face facts. We will have to do something before we are in the minority. If we wait to long we will be destined for extinction or servitude.

Most people would rather leave things the way they are with whites being robbed, beaten and killed daily, a few here a few there in every city every day. Or they would just feel fine with America becoming a brown third world melting pot.


Dec 28, 2004
All you men make very good points. We could be landlocked and still be very successful. Switzerland is landlocked and has a very high standard of living and yes we would need an army of border patrol agents to keep non-whites out of our living space.
Alaska and parts of northwest Canada would do fine. Immigration must be limited to Whites who want to succeed and have not be brainwashed by this sick society.
I think every normal healthy male would do 2 years of military service-not overseas in some place like Iraq or Korea but protecting our own borders. Making our own nation safe and fit for children to grow and learn. Every one would either learn a trade, marketable skill or get a college degree.
A man's race is his nation!!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
We could outpopulate them if we wanted to or tried but we don't so that's our own fault.


Apr 27, 2005
Switzerland is one of the few landlocked countries that are wealthy. They are dependent on the good graces of their neighbors for trade with the rest of the world. If I were creating the utopia white nation, I wouldn't want to rely on my neighbors for trade.


Oct 19, 2004
A white homeland would be fantastic, but of course we're a long way off from that being feasible. One thing to remember is that there would need to be arable land, if it's going to be independent. And as Steve B. pointed out, access to the ocean would be good as well. It's too bad Australia isn't so liberal, and brought in so many Asians and Muslims. Physically and geographically, it's one of the best sites for a white homeland. It's an island, so there's no 2000 thousand mile border with a non-white country. It has a lot of resources, and I assume arable land, although I haven't read anything about that. And it's huge. Culturally, almost all white countries are liberal, and therefore not suitable for a homeland (at this point in time.) I guess Eastern Europe is culturally the most viable, but I don't know that much about those countries. And we would have to contend with Muslims. They would certainly try to scratch and claw their way in.

It's not just about having a homeland though. One of the most important things is that we have good neighborhoods and communities. I like the "PLE" concept (Pioneer Little Europe.) Basically, as I understand it, it's about creating neighborhoods that are hospitable to white people who believe in our race and our future, and inhospitable to others (rather than building "communes" that could so easily be destroyed by the federal government.) Legally, a PLE couldn't forcibly keep out non-whites (or white "non-believers,") there are certain laws (employment, housing, etc.) that the residents must abide by. But they could create an environment that is uncomfortable for non-whites and liberal whites. (I'm sure there are areas in the South that already do this, just not in a systematic way.) Homosexuals, for example, have created their own neighborhoods in San Francisco and elsewhere. Did they literally force anybody out? I doubt it. (Not exactly the toughest people in the world.) They simply created an atmosphere that the normal white folks, who already occupied those neighborhoods, couldn't tolerate, and left. We should try to do that, peacefully, and within the limits of the law.

But there are a lot of strategies that are useful to us; whether it's working on a political level (activism, recruiting, protesting,) a personal level (teaching our kids, not hiring illegals if we own a business,) and on a community level (anything that makes one's neighborhood, town or city a better place.) Even without a white homeland we can do a lot of things to make our respective communities and countries better places for white people- even as things get worse elsewhere.


Oct 19, 2004
JD074 said:
It has a lot of resources, and I assume arable land, although I haven't read anything about that.

Just googled it:

http://www.alsagerschool.co.uk/subjects/sub_content/geograph y/Gpop/HTMLENH/patp/pp73.htm

"Australia is largely desert. Agricultural land is at a premium. An analysis by a leading climatologist, Dr Henry Nix of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, shows that the country possesses fewer than 300,000 square miles of arable land, most of it marginal by conventional standards because of its thin soil and lack of water. Well over one-third of this expanse is already farmed, and 70 per cent of it suffers widespread erosion, salinization, acidification and other forms of land degradation. No matter, say the cornucopians, these problems are not due to population pressures, still less to overpopulation pressures. They are problems of mismanagement, hence they can be readily fixed."

And here are some comparisons, with Australia having a much lower percentage of arable land (6-7%) as America (19%) and a higher percentage than Canada (5%.)



Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Gary said:
Alaska and parts of northwest Canada would do fine.

I guess, but you know what? I personally hate cold weather. Why would we have to give up the beautiful coastal areas. I'm in a lousy mood. Yesterday, I drove through the neighborhood I grew up in, it looks like Mexico. Bars and gates on the windows and run down as hell. The other side of town is black and looks like Somalia and had I60 murders last year.

I'm tired of this crap. Everywhere across this country, same old story. And our damn government officals caused it. They forced blacks into every nook and cranny. Into our schools, businesses, neghborhoods and bedrooms if you want to know the truth. And they taxed us to death to give it to minorities who were paid to copulate like rabbits and produce more of like. All our institutions have been turned upside down. Every law is aimed at keeping us from fighting back.

How did this happen to our country, which was a virtual paradise compared to what it is now?Many of us know the answer and who is responsible. Our leaders have sold us out to the enemy. Do we really need Ted Kennedy, Feinstein, Shumer, Bush and Ginsburg? If a meteor wiped out our congressmen, senators and most of our judges we would be much better off.

I don't know what caused H. L. Mencken to write these words, but I am just about at the same point.

Comes a time in every man's life when he spits on his hands, hoists the black flag, and commences to cutting throats.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good quote Bart! I remember a group from Missouri that hoisted the black flag and went into Kansas. You can learn a little about it by watching The Outlaw Josey Wales.Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
Good quote Bart! I remember a group from Missouri that hoisted the black flag and went into Kansas. You can learn a little about it by watching The Outlaw Josey Wales.

Col. I've never seen the movie, is it based on an historical event? You've reminded me of an Eastwoodfilm called Magnum Force. Do you know the premise of that movie? Very interesting.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Yep, that is also a good one. The Outlaw Josey Wales is my favorite Eastwood movie, and one of my favorites period. Made in 1976, it is loosely based on the exploits of Captain William Quantrill and parts of his Confederate guerrilla outfit from Missouri. Quantrill was born in Ohio and became famous for his raid into Lawrence, Kansas in 1863 seeking revenge against the Redleg Jayhawkers who had come into Missouri killing soldiers and innocent citizens. The problems actually started during the pre-War Between The States border war between Kansas and Missouri. Anyway, one of Quantrill's raiders was William "Bloody Bill" Anderson. Anderson led the group of Confederate raiders that the character Josey Wales joins in the movie. The movie is a fictional account of one man, Wales, who refuses to surrender after the War and keeps going alone, seeking revenge for the murder of his wife and son by the Kansas Redlegs. In the end, he gets his revenge on the one responsible for it, and thus ends his war. Although it is a fictional story written by a half-Cherokee writer from Oklahoma, I believe most events depicted in the movie did happen at some point in the War on one side or the other. It is a good movie to see, and well worth the purchase price. Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Oct 19, 2004
I like the Libertarians' Free State Project and Christian constitutionalists' Christian Exodus ideas (freestateproject.org and christianexodus.org.) Moving people into a state in order to affect its government. Of course, these projects are explicitly non-racial, but obviously they're going to attract white people almost exclusively. This is probably the most we can hope for. Unless we can affect the culture so dramatically that racialism becomes palatable, which means going up against the media, government, business, and the majority of the population. We need to gain status. No status, no respect. Until then solutions will have to be explicitly non-racial (even if they have a racial component, like the anti-immigration movement.) The main issues, in my opinion, are curbing immigration and strengthening our communities, so anything we can do to contribute in those areas is a good thing.

Edited by: JD074


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Bart, as for the black flag in the movie, here's a pic of it. This was Quantrill's flag IRL.


Dec 29, 2005
This is probably the most we can hope for.

Given current trends I am going with 'Worse is Better for Now' in the forms of Balkanization, Civil War II, and maybe even World War III...

The Coming Balkanization of America by Edgar J. Steele

The Third World War is About to Begin - An interview with Guillaume Faye.

Civil War II "The Comming Breakup of America" A Checklist, by Thomas W. Chittum

"worse is better" was popularized by Lenin during prerevolutionary days or at least at it's beginnings. When conditions reach the maximum negative position or near it and you have no legitimate political or military power to stop the slide then the only possible weapon is to promote a faster slide. This tactic, of course, does not insure victory, but it does use the negative slide against the Iron Heel instead of off handily supporting it through reactionary means.Taylor Caldwell once wrote a novel loosely based on this idea. In her story, lone wolves in the dictatorship used the fanaticism of the people making and enforcing the laws to our benefit by promoting even worse laws which gradually caused revolt. It would compare to somewhat of a scorched earth policy, only letting your adversary do the scorching. The right wing conservative reactionaries actually serve the interests of the Iron Heel by trying to slow the slide down. The slower the slide the less likely a revolt. Of course, none of this assures victory. But, it is the only possibility available with any chance at all. All political party and membership organization activity is counter revolutionary. In Germany, it was the right wing that slowed down National Socialism much more than the left.{An Example}

The system is destroying the center, but the center still sees no option but to support the system {REPUBLICANS}. That option must be taken away. The quadrupling of the nonwhite crimes against whites serves our ends better. Yes, it's brutal but the alternative is far worse.

Resist.com Link

Edited by: Lord_Lugdreg