Homeland For Whites

The Midwest and Pacific Northwest will likely become White homelands by preference and default if TSHTF and our primal instincts re-assert themselves and Whites begin to fight for their ethnicity again. (If they don't, we don't deserve to survive.) Ironically, we'd be occupying the same areas of the landmass that were our homeland in the other hemisphere.

Hopefully, if such a scenario ever does play out, any "dark ages" won't last long, our strengthened people will re-assert make even greatter progress than we made from 500 A.D. to the Twentieth Century, and fair-skinned children will plow the black seas of space and conquer ever-expanding worlds in interstellar dragon-ships of shining metal.

Also Russia. It is so ironic that Russia was once in the grip of the most evil and despicable form of government ever to exist in a White nation, and America was the greatest White nation, yet trends in both countries show the situation may reverse. If worse comes to worse, it's only 90 miles across the Bering straight to raw land not unlike the icy crucible that forged our people over the eons. No problem for even the simplest general aviation airplanes or any moderately sea-worthy craft in good weather.
I guess the question is how long will it be "worse" before it becomes "better." How much more non-white will the Western World become, how much more belligerent will our government become, how much more riots, etc.

And if there's tribalism, will it be more of the same old double standards, with everybody else free to form their own tribes, while we get brutally crushed if we try to form our own tribes in order to protect ourselves from all the other tribes....