Holocaust specialists - UK

dbwave said:
Kaptain Poop said:
The holocaust is such an obvious hoax to justify yet another war that we didn't need to stick our nose into that it is almost comic book style laughable. Shrunken heads, Jew-skin lamps, Jew-soap, gas chambers, steam-chambers, etc. A rather obvious hoax - amazing that we as a country were so incredibly gullible.

You guys are bunch of  idiots. This will be my last post. Half of my family persihed in the holocuast. Shame on all you. You are a disgrace to the white race. Go to hell where you belong.

DB Wave, it's possible that you are a troll but it's even more possible that you are telling the truth therefore I am giving you the benefit of the doubt about what happened to your family. You don't deserve to be mocked, scorned or called a liar, that should be beneath the dignity of this site. I believe the Holocaust happened whether some here want to quibble with the numbers or not. I hope you decide to come back because your voice is needed but I totally understand why you left.
dbwave said:
Go to hell where you belong.

Is that the Christian hell or the jewish hell?

You shouldn't let the view of a few anonymous posters on an internet site bother you. Take guest101 for example, he's toughened up quite a bit and lets it slide off. You'll just seem like a weenie if you get driven off by it. Besides why should Christians have any sympathy for jews? Besides the modern day problems jews have caused in Christian society, even God himself doesn't like jews because of their betrayal. And as for hell that's for people who don't believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God which is what jews believe. So they're all going to hell anyway!
dbwave said:
You guys are bunch of  idiots. This will be my last post. Half of my family persihed in the holocuast. Shame on all you. You are a disgrace to the white race. Go to hell where you belong.

I agree with guest 301. I'm sure everyone one this board has seen another member's opinion that really got them fired up. If you have thought critically and are certain about your facts of the events of the holocaust, then somebody else saying something that you believe is patently false really shouldn't bother you. I don't exactly know what happened in the holocaust, because what I learned in school was one sided and contained a lot of emotional stories like the Diary of Anne Frank. It wasn't based on an objective account of what took place in WWII.

While yes, Jews were killed in Germany in WWII, so where other people. In WWII lots of Americans, British, Italians and Germans died as well. I'm sure the combined numbers went into the millions. These were people who died horrible deaths as well, by bullets, incindiary bombs, and in the rubble of crushed buildings. You also have to remember the thousands of Japanese who died as well. That's why I say the holocaust against Jews is another in a long line of bad events in human history.

That's up to you. Nobody is forcing you to stay on this site.

Tom Iron...
Kaptain Poop said:
The holocaust is such an obvious hoax to justify yet another war that we didn't need to stick our nose into that it is almost comic book style laughable. Shrunken heads, Jew-skin lamps, Jew-soap, gas chambers, steam-chambers, etc. A rather obvious hoax - amazing that we as a country were so incredibly gullible.

I remember coming home from school one day and telling my mother about the soap and lamp shade BS.I was horrified. But ya know, it is easy to deceive chidren, andmany adults too, it seems.
LOL! Ya'll are too much!
I guess us eeeevil, White ignorant bigots cannot help but to be intolerant of others.
I suggest we all bow at the alter of political correctness to atone for our "Whiteness"!

DBWave, all kidding aside. If you had kin that were eliminated by the Nazis, then I can understand you being upset. I personally believe the Jews were persecuted/targeted, but also think the "Holocaust" is greatly embellished/milked by the Zionists to expedite their agenda (White guilt being another). I personally don't "hate" any race(s). I just feel that the White race is the best, and am proud of my Western European roots/Anglo-Saxon heritage. I also detest all facets of political correctness. I strive to be as politcally "incorrect" as a figurative "middle finger" to the cultural marxists & their NWO ma$ters.
will the end never come? even former Nazis who have been tried andfound innocentare not free from continued attacks.

US takes steps to deport alleged Nazi to Germany

CLEVELAND - The U.S. government said Tuesday it is asking German officials for travel documents needed to deport accused World War II Nazi guard John Demjanjuk, who is charged in Europe with 29,000 counts of accessory to murder. Immigration and Customs Enforcement provided an e-mail to The Associated Press showing that it has contacted the German government in its effort to deport Demjanjuk, once accused but ultimately cleared of being a notorious guard at the Treblinka concentration camp in occupied Poland.

The 88-year-old suburban Cleveland man was charged in Germany in March with crimes while working as a guard at Sobibor, a Nazi death camp in Poland.

His son, John Demjanjuk Jr., said Tuesday that his father remains at home and is not in federal custody.

The German warrant seeks the deportation or extradition of Demjanjuk, who lives in Seven Hills and denies involvement in any deaths.

Prosecutors in Munich, Germany, said Demjanjuk (pronounced dem-YAHN'-yuk) will be formally charged in front of a judge once he is extradited.

"In this capacity, he participated in the accessory to murder of at least 29,000 people of the Jewish faith," the prosecutor's office has said. It is handling the case because Demjanjuk spent time at a refugee camp in the area after the war.

The suspect's family has said he is in poor health and unable to travel.

"My dad spent a few hours in the emergency room the other day," John Demjanjuk Jr. said. "He is being treated for kidney stones at present."

He said his father has chronic kidney disease, along with other serious ailments.

Kurt Schrimm, head of the special German prosecutors' office that has hunted Nazis since 1958 and who asked Munich prosecutors to pursue Demjanjuk's extradition, declined to comment Tuesday.

Efraim Zuroff, the top Nazi hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Los Angeles-based human rights organization, welcomed the development.

"We're very pleased that these steps are being taken to facilitate Demjanjuk's extradition to Germany so that he can be tried and can be given an appropriate punishment for his heinous crimes during World War II," Zuroff told The Associated Press by phone from Jerusalem.

German Justice Ministry spokesman Ulrich Staudegle said he could not confirm that U.S. authorities had requested any specific documents, but reiterated that the German government was working closely with the U.S. to secure Demjanjuk's extradition or deportation.

Demjanjuk became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1958 and has never been convicted of war crimes in a domestic court. But a federal judge in Cleveland in 2002 stripped him of his U.S. citizenship, saying prosecutors proved in a trial to determine his citizenship status that he served the Nazi regime for more than two years during World War II as a guard.

He was accused in 1977 of concealing a past as a notorious Nazi death camp guard known as "Ivan the Terrible" at Treblinka. He was extradited to Israel in 1986 and two years later was sentenced to death after being found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

He appealed, and in 1993 Israel's top court ruled 5-0 that Demjanjuk was not "Ivan the Terrible." He was allowed to return to the United States.

The chief U.S. immigration judge ruled in 2005 that Demjanjuk could be deported to Germany, Poland or Ukraine. The U.S. Supreme Court in May declined to hear an appeal of the deportation ruling.
The friggin' jews in israel found him not guilty and now he has to go to Germany to stand trial again??? I used to wonder what fueled the German people's hate of jews. Not any more.
Jimmy since the world is controlled by the Grand Jewish Cabal and Israeli Puppet Masters, this is par for the course, why the surprise?
Its gotten to the point where the holocaust is now mentioned on a daily basis by the powers-that-be.

The News Jews have made certain that every living person on planet earth feels sorry for "their" people's suffering. It's like an 70-year bitch fest.

Who will they warp into a villian when all the "evil" german guards, soldiers and alleged jewish survivors have died?

They make sure to mention Hilter and the 3rd Reich as much as possible...because they were the only white men in modern history that cared enough about their race to kill for it.
my post doesn't involve the UK, but i thought this was an appropriate thread for it ...
WWII "Holocaust survivor" event canceled amid fraud accusations.
this happened last week in Wausau, Wisconsin.

A public presentation in Wausau by a man who claimed to have survived Auschwitz has been canceled as family members have come forward disputing the veracity of his story.

Gunther Skaletz was scheduled to speak publicly Tuesday evening at Wausau East High School, hosted by a Wausau group A Walk in Their Shoes.In a statement Monday morning, the group said it could not verify or confirm allegations that Skaletz was lying, but that it was canceling the event due to a "cloud of controversy."

Skaletz, who lives in Manitowoc and is a frequent speaker for schools, churches and other Wisconsin organizations, claimed in his book that he was sent to and later released from the Nazi death camp Auschwitz, conscripted by the German army and forced to fight the Soviets on the Western Front, then captured and sent to a Russian work camp, from which he escaped.

In addition to the public event Tuesday, Skaletz was also scheduled to speak to classrooms today and tomorrow. Those events have also been canceled.

wow, a Holohoax incident where the truth matters? surely this can't be allowed! better get someone to start crying, "You're a bunch of anti-semites!" real quick like. that is the Jews favorite trick, after all.

this may not be the best thread for this, but my post is certainly about yet another jew hoax. what a "surprise."


i find it interesting that (1) the criminal hoaxer has her identity protected, and (2) that the involved parties are treating her as if she has a mental health problem.

nope, there's no double standard at all when it comes to jews. none at all.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
this may not be the best thread for this, but my post is certainly about yet another jew hoax. what a "surprise."
i find it interesting that (1)  the criminal hoaxer has her identity protected, and (2) that the involved parties are treating her as if she has a mental health problem. nope, there's no double standard at all when it comes to jews. none at all.

"The university just wants her to receive some help."

The sneaky little weasel is a victim, don't ya know?
I figure this is as good a thread as any to put this. I found it surprising that Twitter is now "free speechy" enough that a tweet thread like this is no longer immediately locked down and the OP instantly banned. Have a look at this:

Elon Musk has occasionally tweeted enough -- or let tweets like the above go -- that he's hated by the usual suspects. When he was lined up to guest host SNL, there was an uproar among the usual bigots that have no problem with a left wing oligarch hosting or owning the show. Oligarchs are fine among the left as long as they don't support Trump and are good commies/globalists, such admirable useful idiots the actually non-existent "left" is. They'll do whatever Soros and the other left-wing godfathers/financiers order them to do. There is no "left," only scum that will do whatever it takes to maintain the current ruling class in power.
Good to see Asha Logos word spreading. He does good work for our side.
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