Hitler and the invasion of Poland

Yes, history certainly is far more nuanced than most people believe. In this case, however, you appear to believe that everything is etched in clearly contrasting black and white. The concept of lebensraum is perfectly acceptable - if the said lebensraum is for Germans. The Germans - particularly your idol Hitler - "dindu nuffin". Congratulations on such exemplary objectivity. Blokes like you form the obverse of the debased intellectual specie passed (so to speak...) by the fanatically self-righteous leftists whose one-eyed "scholarship" you delight in deriding. Fall Weiss, indeed...

Don't paint yourself as objective. You are of 100% Polish descent. I'm an American mix of Western European.

I didn't say what Hitler did was good or bad. I said he wasn't 100% to blame for hostilities. He wanted to expand. Poland wanted to expand. Hitler wanted to expand by conquering the USSR. Poland wanted to expand by starting a war with Germany, with the backing of Britain. Poland performed aggressive maneuvers. They weren't just totally taken unawares, and for no reason.

Let me conclude by saying this: nothing drives a railway spike into the arse of a pro-White website or organisation quite like open admiration for Hitler and attempts to justify Nazi Germany's aggressive expansionism.

I won't censor myself. It is no different than the posters here that "attempt to justify" the Confederacy, and don't just slobberingly accept the narrative of the North = good, the South = evil inbred, racist retards: "Such sentiments do not attract new members but only serve to turn potential members away. Like it or not, that's the brutal truth."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of Caste Football is to open the figurative eyes of "non-racially aware" Whites to the all-pervasive anti-White agendas not only in the realm of sports but in society as a whole. One thing that's guaranteed to sow the seeds of discord which sprout into the strangling weeds of disunity is the highly emotive subject of Hitler and the Second World War.

I did not start the thread. I will call it as I see it, and respond as such.
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Words of wisdom.

It will never be palatable anyway because it comes back to the Holocaust. You're never going to sugarcoat it enough to be able to trick people.

Do you think that the Holocaust happened like it's told in schools? Yes? Then your White racism and antisemitism will lead to another Shoah!

Do you think that the Holocaust happened like it's told in schools? No? Then why do you blindly believe everything else that's told about WWII that comes from the victors? Why bring up topics for discussion and then get mad if people take an unpopular stance? If you don't like it then don't bring it up yourself.
Thanks. You and I agree on this. Hitler considered people like the Klitschko brothers to be subhuman.

No, he did not. And any literature you will find on the subject from the Nazis is misunderstood.
Here you go, read for yourself:

They clearly did not link White Slavics to "subhumans," they point out that Jews wreaked havoc on the ethnic Russians (considered Aryans).

These are Germans:

The "untermensch" line of thought is not any different than this:

People thought and spoke differently before the politically correct era. Eugenicist thought was prevalent, and Germany had their own concepts and words that aren't translated and understood accurately nowadays. The term is from the German translation of the 1922 book "The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man" from the American Lothrop Stoddard, which I have linked on this forum before. https://archive.org/details/revoltagainstciv00stod

"Untermensch" weren't just the retarded either, they considered the depraved, the mentally ill and broken, and others defectives as well. Movements like Bolshevism and "SJWs" are a lightning rod for such people.

For when they carved out "lebensraum" there was also a sense of a sub race/social class. It's in the same sense that colonial born Spaniards (criollos) were under Spanish born Spaniards (Peninsulares). That doesn't mean the Spanish thought a child born of two Spaniards but in the Americas was a subhuman. The British treated the Irish and the Afrikaners in this sense, but far more cruelly (to which they get a pass).


You're looking at it from a deliberately misinterpreted angle. Your opinion belongs in the garbage.
it doesn't sound much more shocking that what the socialists said around the same time:


In a speech before the Chamber of Deputies on 28 July 1885, he declared that "it is a right for the superior races, because they have a duty. They have the duty to civilize the inferior races."



leon blum and ferry are the references of the left, they are the current french president's biggest inspiration for example (francois hollande)

hitler was against colonisation, and didn't want to expand his cultural brand like the french socialists, he wanted more territories for his people, in a reasonable way (not like the americans who took a huge continent, he didn't want anything huge, just a little more than he had, like the romans in their time who criticized the greek's expansion in the middle east)
that's why he is the odd true european man in our recent past
Crypto Goy said:
Rebajlo, you seemed to have overlooked (or neglected to include) Stalin in the "strangling weeds" subject of the Second World War, which "Good old Uncle Joe" played a very significant part in. Why is that?

Crypto Goy -

Don't worry, there are no sinister motives behind my omission of the Communist / Stalin / USSR side of the equation. 'Twas but a matter of:

(a) keeping on topic, and

(b) keeping my customarily infrequent but lengthy posts as short as possible

I could churn out a mini-dissertation upon the projected expansionism and evils of Stalin and the USSR, with an emphasis upon the massively disproportionate Jewish presence within the Soviet apparatus and how the "heroic" Russians (plus traditional Asiatic auxiliaries) raped, murdered and looted their way across half of Europe but this thread isn't the place for it. Besides, I've been off work due to illness for most of the week, have naff all energy, and my post was already long enough...

Menelik said:

Menelik -

Why the question marks, mate? It's quite obvious that I despise Nazism. I also believe Whites should put aside past differences and unite in defending our lands, peoples, and culture against the dangers of today, in a world which is infinitely different to that of the 1930s'...

Old Scratch said:
Don't paint yourself as objective. You are of 100% Polish descent. I'm an American mix of Western European.

Old Scratch -

Then you'd best refrain from commenting on anything relating to the United States or western Europe. After all, one cannot expect anyone with a background such as yours to ever exhibit an ounce of objectivity in discussions of those subjects...

By the way, I was unaware that you had conducted a thorough genealogical investigation which concluded that I am 100% Polish...

You still haven't vouchsafed an opinion about those German Intelligenzaktion operations, et cetera. Perhaps you "forgot"? Or perhaps you deem such things to be "unimportant"? Hang on, perhaps these operations didn't even happen, eh?

werewolf said:
Anyway, if people think my posts are divisive I could delete them.

Old Scratch said:
I won't censor myself.

Look, there's no need for censorship or deletion of one's own posts or anything like that. This is a forum populated by adults so everyone should voice their untrammelled opinions. What I'm saying is that references to Hitler and the Third Reich are counterproductive.

Put it this way: I'm a race realist, not some sort of race fantasist or obsessive World War Two re-enactor. Consequently, my approach to "White politics" is wholly practical: I wish to make as many people aware of as many anti-White agendas as I can and thereby "convert" as many people as possible to a pro-White way of thinking. That's the goal. Anything which detracts from that goal is a negative.

It's all good discussing racial politics while sitting around a lounge room or internet forum in the company of a small circle of like-minded friends - which is basically what we are doing at this very moment. Caste Football is a truly splendid site whose vast repositories of facts and philosophies are the fruits of the contributions of a dedicated community of regular (or, in my case, semi-regular...) posters. I'm not sure about how many regulars we actually have but Don recently stated that the number hovers around 100: http://www.castefootball.us/forums/...T-ANNOUNCEMENT?p=318769&viewfull=1#post318769
The volume of lurkers obviously far exceeds that of the posters. Now, such lurkers and - even more importantly - first time visitors form the "target clientele" whose attention we need to grab and retain. Can you see what I'm getting at?

The primary purpose of any pro-White entity - be it a political party, a club, or a website like Caste Football - should consist of awakening and nurturing racial awareness among Whites, with the eventual aim of harnessing those newly-aware Whites to effect political and social change. Of course, every pro-White political party, club, and website believes they are doing exactly that. Unfortunately, one simply has to glance at the socio-political landscape to see that these groups are deluding themselves because genuinely pro-White movements have made negligible headway - even in the politically conducive setting of the openly anti-White world of today.

If any progress is to be made in the face of the vast media arsenal at the disposal of the deeply-established "Cultural Marxists" (or however one wishes to term them) pro-Whites
perforce have to be exceedingly prudent in their choice of language and the overall image they portray. Don's insistence that people refrain from using the big bad "N" word in their posts is an excellent example of such prudence. The "mainstream" media current is awfully powerful so in order to avoid drowning one occasionally has to swim with it.

Drowning is quite easy. For instance, one of the most infuriatingly common - and easy to avoid - "public relations" mistakes committed by many "traditionalist" European pro-White movements is the absurd insistence upon utilising the so-called "Roman salute". The media predictably pounces upon any variant of this gesture as it is instantly and unequivocally associated with Nazi Germany - a connotation which, of course, is pure PR poison. Yet people stupidly persist with this counterproductive practice and thereby hand the leftists plenty of convenient ammunition. It may seem trivial but in the real world of pragmatic politics it's a self-destructive disaster which equates to instant alienation of practically the entire White public. Quite a smart move, eh?

Any form of pro-White activism (which includes posting on Caste Football) is ultimately futile if it fails to convince the average brainwashed or indifferent White of the validity of its arguments. Now, in order to even take the first unsteady steps upon the long road to achieving such a seemingly impossible objective the attention and interest of prospective "converts" has to initially be piqued and consequently retained for the long-term. This is the point of paramount importance. If one cannot retain a person's interest, one cannot convince that person of anything.

When someone first visits a forum they inevitably head to the "Off Topic" section in order to gain an insight into the "collective personality" of the site. That's just basic inquisitive human nature in action. Tons of sports stats and eye-opening observations (and the work which has gone into providing them...) can easily be negated by even a comparatively small number of pro-Hitler topics / posts, which generally lead to people instantly dismissing the rest of the site's content as mere half-baked rants or deliberate lies peddled by "Nazis".

Please keep in mind that all of the above is my opinion, so before anyone pops an aneurism or chokes on their mash let me say that I'm definitely not advocating any form of censorship nor am I telling anyone what to do. I'm just a poster like everyone else.

If people believe that pushing the creaking barrow of the proven "Nazi apologist" PR bust at all costs is more important than strategically endeavouring to attain maximum mainstream appeal then go ahead - feel free to push it. Just don't blame me for the resultant "marketing" hernias...
Rebajlo, even though we have butt heads a few times, I really do think you're a good guy.

But good lord you are such a windbag. It takes you 20 paragraphs to belabor what could be said in 2 sentences.

I will leave you with two quotes:
"Brevity is the essence of wit."

"Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more
than any man in all Venice. His reasons are as two
grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff: you
shall seek all day ere you find them, and when you
have them, they are not worth the search."

If a divisive discussion is started then don't be surprised if unpopular opinions are brought up. I have never started a thread to push pro-Hitler, pro-Nazi views. I don't go off on tangents about WWII in unrelated threads.
Excellent hindsight bias. Poland reacted to a FUTURE anti-Polish government. One that put out feelers for an alliance with Poland, hadn't shown hostility to Poland, and wanted to create an "anti-Commintern pact" with Poland. Marty McFly traveled from 1985 and warned Poland they were going to be conquered so they carried out this Machiavellian mastery to thwart the German war effort. Too bad ole Marty didn't explain about the USSR joining in the fray. Oops!

Poland thinks they contributed to the start of war, yet here you are saying Germany was 100% the aggressor without cause. Once again, Poland dindu nuffin, Hitler was evil and wanted to conquer the whole world, enslave everyone and kill anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes. No one had ever been aggressive before Hitler, except when we're talking within the context of Whites vs other races, then Whites have done lots of evil things. But those countries are innocent heroes when discussing WWII. This cognitive dissonance is somehow objective reality.

Comparing Poland's role in the Czech lands to Germany's in starting the conflagration is mindbogglingly stupid. I have no ethnic connection to any continental country so I've no emotional attachment to the question of who bears most responsibility. I didn't say Hitler wanted to take over the world and kill all non-blondes. I didn't say no one had ever been aggressive before Hitler. Your comments make no sense, don't address points brought up, demonstrate no knowledge of events and are really just contrarian snark. Indeed, I'm starting to think there are no white Americans left under 35 who don't communicate exclusively through snark and narrative parroting.
Rabajlo wrote:

Don't worry, there are no sinister motives behind my omission of the Communist / Stalin / USSR side of the equation. 'Twas but a matter of:

(a) keeping on topic, and

(b) keeping my customarily infrequent but lengthy posts as short as possible

I could churn out a mini-dissertation upon the projected expansionism and evils of Stalin and the USSR, with an emphasis upon the massively disproportionate Jewish presence within the Soviet apparatus and how the "heroic" Russians (plus traditional Asiatic auxiliaries) raped, murdered and looted their way across half of Europe but this thread isn't the place for it. Besides, I've been off work due to illness for most of the week, have naff all energy, and my post was already long enough...."

The above Sir, is indeed what I was looking for! Right to the point, and historically accurate. Just the sort of apples that will help those seeking information related to the hidden-side of history, if you will.

Regards to you Rabajlo.
Comparing Poland's role in the Czech lands to Germany's in starting the conflagration is mindbogglingly stupid. I have no ethnic connection to any continental country so I've no emotional attachment to the question of who bears most responsibility. I didn't say Hitler wanted to take over the world and kill all non-blondes. I didn't say no one had ever been aggressive before Hitler. Your comments make no sense, don't address points brought up, demonstrate no knowledge of events and are really just contrarian snark. Indeed, I'm starting to think there are no white Americans left under 35 who don't communicate exclusively through snark and narrative parroting.

Mind boggling stupidity is the main trait of the Hitler Fan Club.
Comparing Poland's role in the Czech lands to Germany's in starting the conflagration is mindbogglingly stupid. I have no ethnic connection to any continental country so I've no emotional attachment to the question of who bears most responsibility. I didn't say Hitler wanted to take over the world and kill all non-blondes. I didn't say no one had ever been aggressive before Hitler. Your comments make no sense, don't address points brought up, demonstrate no knowledge of events and are really just contrarian snark. Indeed, I'm starting to think there are no white Americans left under 35 who don't communicate exclusively through snark and narrative parroting.

How else am I supposed to reply to this?

It was only when it became clear that the regions in question would fall under German rule that the Poles reacted by taking them. They didn't want ethnic Poles at the mercy of Hitler's anti-Polish regime nor did they want that regime, which was intent on war with Poland, having the strategic advantage of controlling the area.

Demonstrate how Nazi Germany had an "anti-Polish regime" at this time; 1938.
Demonstrate how Nazi Germany was intent on war with Poland and not the vice versa, again the year is 1938.

Poland's leaders just inexplicably knew-it-all-along?

Mind boggling stupidity is the main trait of the Hitler Fan Club.

Have you replied in a different manner, great regurgitator of irrelevant sport facts? All you ever deliver is snarky one-liners yourself, and never respond to any debate.
The best evidence that Hitler has gotten a bad rap in the writing of history is that Hollywood has demonized him so completely.

Anything, and anybody that Hollywood demonizes is probably righteous.

Hollywood demonizes White men, particularly southern men. Hollywood demonizes heterosexuals. Hollywood demonizes blonde, and red haired people. Hollywood demonizes Christianity. More than ALL those things Hollywood demonizes Nazis.

Based on this alone any free thinking person must at least consider looking into the issue with an open mind.

Ive observed that the people who immediately write Hitler off as evil are usually just the kind of idiots that cant think for themselves.
If people believe that pushing the creaking barrow of the proven "Nazi apologist" PR bust at all costs is more important than strategically endeavouring to attain maximum mainstream appeal then go ahead - feel free to push it. Just don't blame me for the resultant "marketing" hernias...

Agreed. Hitler talk is just pure counter productive. I admit it's interesting from a historical point of view. But that's only with people that have any understanding of history. From my experience the concept of "Hitler" is interchangeable with "Satan" amongst most anyone under 40 years of age. Actually Satan has many more public supporters then Hitler. I'm sure there are more Satanic cults then there are Nazi ones.

There are a lot of things we could discuss that would be interesting and horribly politically incorrect. Have you ever noticed how big black people's lips are? And what about that hair?

BTW I have noticed that with teens, the 'Hitler is evil meme' is so played out that it's become basic parody. After all it's been 60 years, when I was a kid anything that happened in 1910 was basically ancient history and worthy of nothing more then being joked about.

Most kids today only know about Hitler through the extremely popular youtube "Hitler finds out about ___(fill in the blank)" from the movie Downfall. I have to admit I have literally LOL'ed to some of them. A recent funny one is Hitler finds out the Seahawks lost Superbowl, which nicely expresses the frustration of the douchbag fans of that team.

Here's the clip, note it has a lot of foul language:

I don't think Hitler talk is counter productive. It really only scares away two kinds of people ; closed minded conservative types who are strong believers in holocaustianity and WW2 propaganda, and also people who live in countries like the UK and Australia. And neither group matters much to our cause, especially the older closed minded types. We should be appealing to young, open minded people. They're the kind of people who start revolutions.
Rebajlo said:
Why the question marks, mate? It's quite obvious that I despise Nazism.

I assume that you’re referring to the NSDAP, as opposed to merely “Nationalismâ€￾ (the root of “Naziâ€￾ being in the pronunciation of the word “nationalâ€￾)? If so, would you agree that it takes absolutely no courage whatsoever to make such a statement or to harbor such an opinion? Every citizen of every nation, of every age, every gender, every race, every ethnicity, every sexual orientation, and every religious creed has fully subscribed to this very same totalitarian commandment from “on high.â€￾ Essentially, there is only “one opinionâ€￾ on the matter.

I’m not certain how the education system in Europe “edifiesâ€￾ students with concern to WWII (I can take a wild guess), but here in America, I can assure you that there is no room for dissension when the topics of Adolf Hitler, the NSDAP, the Holocaust, or the results of WWII are being discussed by The System’s “educators.â€￾

Naturally, a analogous rigidity rears its ugly head whenever other “one opinionâ€￾ topics are broached. These include: the American Civil War (“the good guys won and blacks were set freeâ€￾), the South African Apartheid (“praise be to Saint Nelson Mandela, for defeating those white racists!â€￾), American Colonialism (“Noble feather-heads were exterminated by the evil white man.â€￾), British Expansionism (“the white man murdered and exploited non-whites in China, India, Australia, Africa, etc), black slavery (“evil white men from Britain, France, Spain, and the Americas enslave/whip/lynch innocent blacks), and the American Civil Rights Movement (“white bigotry overcome by Saint MLK, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Malcolm X, the Million Man March, etcâ€￾). I could go on, but I’m sure you understand my point.

The System’s unquenchable, unbounded appetite for loathing every aspect of “Nazi Germanyâ€￾ can be seen in innumerable facets of American society. There have been literally thousands of movies produced by Hollywood in which German “Nazisâ€￾ have been portrayed in the most abominable, grotesque, heartless, demonic of fashions. Off the top of my head and in no particular order:

The Great Escape
American Beauty
Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Arc
Indiana Jones – The Last Crusade
Schindler’s List
Inglorious Basterds
Captain America
Red Tails
Night and Fog
Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Monuments Men
The Last Metro
Mr. Klein
The Pianist
The Dirty Dozen

A kind-hearted scene from the most odious film of the bunch…


Oh, how I'd cherish 5 minutes alone with every ****** involved in producing that film.

There have been so many TV shows and documentaries centered around Nazis, Hitler, the Holocaust, that it boggles the mind how fresh hate-fodder is still dredged up from the depths after seven long decades. Again, off the top of my head:

Nazi Hunters
Hogan’s Heroes
Footprints in the Snow
Nazis: Evolution of Evil
Band of Brothers
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Man in the High Castle
Nazi Underworld
Hitler and the Occult
Nazi Collaborators
In Heaven Underground

There have been hundreds of others, I’m sure, as well as thousands of examples of incessant (negative) references to “Nazisâ€￾ in shows unrelated to WWII. I recall one particularly-preposterous example as a kid in 1990’s. My dad used to watch re-runs of “Star Trek,â€￾ and I remember seeing the cast dressed as Nazis in some parallel universe. Guess what? They were portrayed as genocidal fascists hell-bent on destroying an inferior race…


Even the words and terms utilized by Americans are laden with anti-Nazi references. Grammar Nazi, FemiNazi, Soup Nazi, EcoNazi, etc. Of course, this popular jargon is synonymous with an imperious, annoying, angry, mean-spirited person.

Thanks to the sleepless anti-Nazi media, Adolf Hitler is, by a galaxy-sized margin (and there is no “close secondâ€￾), the most universally-detested, sensationalized, lied about human being to ever walk the earth. He was a Jew, he was black, he was a homosexual, he injected himself with female hormones, he molested his niece and kept her in a cage, etc.

The truth is that he was a dirt-poor German kid from a lower class family, born in Austria, sent to war where he survived four years on the front lines. His country lost the war, he was sent home (injured by a bullet wound) with nothing to a country that was devastated by war and poverty. He became an artist, an author, and a self-made political activist who understood the poisonous afflictions (Jews, Marxism, banking, liberal media, decadence, immorality, etc) of post-WWI German society that still haunt all white societies to this very day. Why should I blindly hate this man like every other mindless hive member? Because my elementary school teachers told me about flesh crafted into bars of soap and lamp shades, depraved biological experiments on humans, human ovens, gas chambers, and mass graves from their Teacher’s Edition?

Even if I were not of Germanic descent, I’d still have infinitely more in common with him than I would the “Alliedâ€￾ leadership (Roosevelt and Churchill), who were born into filthy rich, powerful, and influential families, were both militant liberals, and surrounded themselves with Jewish advisors. A list of Jews self-appointed by the odious FDR…


Rebajlo said:
I'd rather stand side by side with Germans as fellow White men to defend our race and common European culture against the threats of today than constantly argue about what happened in the past. The now-outdated, internecine latter approach shall ultimately condemn the nations of our race to the eternal darkness of mutual extinction as certainly as night follows day. These are the 2010's, not the 1930's. The entire geo-political paradigm has changed in little more than half a century, which is but a fleeting moment in the limitless flow of history. The world is virtually unrecognisable from that of even twenty years ago, let alone that of the 1930's. Whites have yet to realise this but Humanity stands on the brink of a pivotal era in which race, not ethnicity or nationality, shall be the primary determinant of identity. Even the majority of so-called White nationalists haven't quite grasped the magnitude of what lies just beyond the horizon and still cling to impractical ideologies whose archaic limitations only hinder the life or death cause of White racial unity.

Very well said. I think that all racially-cognizant whites would benefit from this advice. I hope that nothing I’ve said here has been offensive to Rebajlo or anyone else. He’s a fantastic poster who is articulate, highly intelligent, and humorous as well. With millions of our best and brightest perishing needlessly, WWII is perhaps the most complex matter in human history. It’s natural to attempt to determine the cause of this calamity and direct blame to the responsible parties. From my research, I tend to believe that Germany receives far too much culpability for the event and that Western Society references German heritage in conjunction to “Nazisâ€￾ so often, and with such off-putting connotations, that pride in one's Germanic lineage is suppressed far more than any other white nationality.
Excellent post Thrashen. Whenever I hear anti-Hitler driven I always think back to his origins. He was a guy who actually fought for his country - as a grunt - on the frontlines, while Roosevelt and Churchill were rich and pampered members of the upper class (and probably freemasons). Even Stalin was part of a political elite (the bolsheviks) who didn't do any fighting themselves during their own civil war. And I agree: isn't it curious that no matter what, the default opinion on Hitler and the Nazis MUST be negative? After 70 years the media machine/banksters still fear that man...
Nice post! Of course it makes Rebajlo's point that the brainwashing has been so pervasive, so thorough, so unrelenting, that the topic is a non-starter when talking to someone on the verge of understanding the caste system.

Isn't it odd that those German losers are the only thing holding the collapsing EU together? All those ex-Nazi lovers are the only ones that can manage a productive economy as the Greeks fall apart, the Italians can't manage their country, the French get overrun by arabs, the English fall further into mutlicult decadence.
I would make one correction to Thrashens post on the cultural attack on German WW II history. He listed "Hogans Heroes" as part of the media brainwashing on the unrelenting cruelty of Nazi Germany. Perhaps he meant the film it was loosely based on: Stalag 13.

Hogans Heroes was of course the TV comedy series in the 1960's starring Bob Crane, and actually portrayed the Germans of the camp, Klink and Sgt. Schultz as loveable and very human characters. While they were certainly showed to be extremely bumbling, so was the US Cavalry in F-Troop, the US Army in Sgt. Bilko, etc. I think the series actually humanized the Germans of that era. I watched it as a kid and certainly did not come away with the impression that the Germans were any kind of monsters. The show is still on some of the stations that broadcast TV from the 1960's and I watch it occasionally. Whenever upper management where I work makes one of it's numerous bone head decisions and I am asked about it, I tell them "I know noth-think" in honor of Sgt Schultz.
A show like Hogan's Heroes would be simply unthinkable now and if some folks were dumb enough to try it would be forced off the air after a single episode for showing World War II era Germans as human beings rather than as cartoon caricatures of pure raving evil.

Although the Anne Frank story was familiar to Americans in the 1960s, the wholesale pushing of Holocaust sympathy propaganda didn't begin in earnest until the 1970s. At the same time America's Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution was solidifying its gains from its launch in the '60s. Since the "Nazis" are the perpetual arch-foes of the current power structure in Western countries, nothing about Nazi Germany is allowed to be portrayed as other than pure evil, which means of course that humor is out.

Although we often speak of football as America's secular religion, the Holocaust has become a sort of religion also, as Holocaust "denial" has become the ultimate blasphemy. Doubting any details of the official version of the Holocaust is taboo, unless one wants to be shamed, discredited, and ruined in one's profession, the same treatment given to anyone who defies the party line on race, homosexuality and feminism. In many "democracies" voicing any doubts about the official story can result in prison time.
It's very probable that within the next 20 years we will have "hate speech" laws in the USA and won't even be able to discuss any of this anymore, except to repeat the official narrative.
WWII was the largest and most significant event in the history of the world IMO. Strangely, I find an occasional student who is actually more interested in WWII and in particular Hitler than our more recent history. Perhaps this is an unintended consequence of the constant pro-holocaust anti-Nazi popular media - an oppositional kick-back. I've actually had students come to me and talk about how Hitler was misunderstood and how they didn't buy the holocaust myth. They even speak of the you know whose behind everything. Because of the internet and a growing younger population that is disgruntled with the current conditions in the multi-cult USofA, I see that the younger generation has a lot more hope than their elders who helped create multi-cult America. Not many people over 30 dare speak in public of any politically incorrect viewpoint. Not so with some of the younger generation.
WWII was the largest and most significant event in the history of the world IMO. Strangely, I find an occasional student who is actually more interested in WWII and in particular Hitler than our more recent history. Perhaps this is an unintended consequence of the constant pro-holocaust anti-Nazi popular media - an oppositional kick-back. I've actually had students come to me and talk about how Hitler was misunderstood and how they didn't buy the holocaust myth. They even speak of the you know whose behind everything. Because of the internet and a growing younger population that is disgruntled with the current conditions in the multi-cult USofA, I see that the younger generation has a lot more hope than their elders who helped create multi-cult America. Not many people over 30 dare speak in public of any politically incorrect viewpoint. Not so with some of the younger generation.

This is refreshing to read. Indeed, there may be hope yet!