History's Forgotten Genocide



And, WS, precisely what would that cursory glance of yours reveal that that my poor reading comprehension failed to comprehend? Have you guys heard that it's women who generally tend to have babies and propogate the race? Even if 1986's imaginary three guys were as queer as Dubya Bush they would have had some difficulty populating the western hemisphere. And, sports fans, despite what you've seen on your telavivavisions, Esquimos and Iroquois and Hurons and Tierra del Fuegans and Tohono O'odhams and Lenape and Amazon indians and northwest coastal indians and Florida Seminole and Sioux and Mandan do not "look the same". In fact western Navajo do not even look exactly the same as eastern Navajo. Not to mention the lost White races of the Americas, the Kenniwick man people, the mound builders, the Allegewi, the founders of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations...

D. V. - Yes, I read that book years ago.

wwEdited by: werewolf


Aug 10, 2005
It 's all about 3 Y chromosomes making up a very large % of the American Indian pop. Genetic anthropology is still pretty new. I think we sometimes overestimate what is known. There is a difference between theory and fact. WW has a very abrasive attitude for someone who is supposed to be on our side.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Werewolf, if you had good reading comprehension, you would see that I never said that no women crossed over.

You said you would ban yourself, but you're back here again today. You do more harm than good to the white awareness movement, by fighting against your own people instead of working with them, and by coming across as a crazy person. This thread was about a different topic, but rather than discussing it, you've gone off on unrelated tangents.

You were even banned from the Klitschko website forum, Werewolf! They will eventually need to ban you here as well, since you aren't able to abide by your own decision to leave voluntarily.


You were even banned from the Klitschko website..


Yes, that's correct, for the crime of rooting for White fighters instead of just staying within the acceptable parameters and rooting for a Ukrainian fighter. You sound just like the wigger trolls who follow me around. As for not abiding by what I said, I'm just on this one single thread. I find it difficult not to refute stupidity and lies when I am able to do so, including these alleged politically correct "studies" about 3 guys on a land bridge, 3 chromosomes, whatever.



WW has a very abrasive attitude


I'm abrasive to people who are abrasive to me, and friendly to people who are friendly to me.


White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
werewolf said:
And, WS, precisely what would that cursory glance of yours reveal that that my poor reading comprehension failed to comprehend? Have you guys heard that it's women who generally tend to have babies and propogate the race?

Well, since you asked...

de·scend (dĭ-sĕnd')
v., -scend·ed, -scend·ing, -scends.
1. To come from an ancestor or ancestry: He was descended from a pioneer family.
2. To come down from a source; derive: a tradition descending from colonial days.
3. To pass by inheritance: The house has descended through four generations.

It is possible, theoretically, that every single person on the planet could be descended from the same female. Does this mean she was the first woman to give birth as a virgin?

If one man impregnates 1,000 women, are not all the children of these unions descended from one man?

I think you get it, but you are just being deliberately obstinate.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Maple Leaf said:
You gentlemen still going at it!

It's the forgotten genocide, not the forgotten thread. It would be forgotten if a certain poster wasn't engaging in a three day Goodbye and didn't absolutely have to have the last word at any cost. The next time he posts, none of us should respond no matter what the provacation and see if his goodbye sticks.Edited by: guest301


The last nitwit was right, I've wasted enough time here. Feel free to get in the last word and go on about how everybody in the western hemisphere was "de-scend-ed" from 3 guys, how we're all descended from a Negro in Africa, how the ancient Egyptians and Cleopatra looked like Riddick Bowe, and whatever else you learned about by watching tv.



werewolf said:
The last nitwit was right, I've wasted enough time here. Feel free to get in the last word and go on about how everybody in the western hemisphere was "de-scend-ed" from 3 guys, how we're all descended from a Negro in Africa, how the ancient Egyptians and Cleopatra looked like Riddick Bowe, and whatever else you learned about by watching tv.

Are you a fool ?


May 3, 2006
Only on the internet. If this was a bar (at least the ones I used to go to) a loud mouth like Mad (Bad?) Dog would have been face down on the sidewalk long ago. Yip yip yip.


Nov 15, 2007
quick thoughts about "weretard"....

1. i want to thank the people on these boards that stood up to weretard.and to those whorefrained from calling me a "troll" when he and i went at it in the hatton-PBF threads. im glad to see he finally showed his true colors and he doesnt represent the views of the majority here.

2. i also hope that all the genuine (as in "not trolls") posters who have been called "trolls" by weretard and those who were quick to defend him, give this website another try. trooper thorn, if u read this, i hope u start posting again.

3. weretard is a classic example of a troll. he has no respect or reason in his posts. its all blind hate and nonsensical theories. which is fine but when pressed for evidence he just goes berserk and starts acting like a petulant child. thats what makes him a troll.

4. if your opinion differs from mine, that does not automatically make you a troll. even if your opinion irritates me. and vice versa.

5. i really think weretard is a f'ing black guy posing as a white poster. seriously, ive never met a white person as dumb as weretard. theres no way he's real. i dont know why but i have a sneaking suspicion that he's just some black guy getting off on creating drama and misinformation at white-friendly boxing forums.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
To discuss this topic, from reading I have done I will say that if you are speaking of all American Indians descending from the bloodlines of three men and theorizing that Native Americans are severely inbreed, I think it is ridiculous. We should note that some degree of inbreeding has gone on through all of history.

There is a common ancestral point near the beginning of our modern Cro-Magnon Species, about 200,000 years ago, which means "all" the small numbers of people who lived passed on their genes to decedents. We "all" are related to one Mitochondrial Eve from about 150,000 years ago and one Y chromosomal Adam from about 70,000 years ago before the out of Africa migration. We all have varying degrees of other bloodlines in us, but we "all" have these two people's bloodlines in us. The smaller migratory group of people that left Africa about 70,000 year ago went on to found a founders population which are more prone to genetic drift especially when facing new geographical terrain.

Lots of inbreeding went on in early human history with low populations or mathematically the human population would be in the multi-multi trillions right now.
It has also been proved that having children with a cousin which I by no means endorse, but was rampant in the tribal/clan past does not create a problem of birth defects or disease the way immediate family inbreeding would. It is also known that royal families and noble families in Europe would sometimes have marriages of half sisters and brothers etc.

I take offense to some of these genetic arguments that some races are "completely inferior/ severely inbreed etc." across the board that some on this site tend to push with their posts. My GF is part Huron Indian and would be disgusted by some of the posts that are made on these forums. This is the last genetic post I will make, I am only going to post about sports from now on!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I take offense to some of these genetic arguments that some races are "completely inferior/ severely inbreed etc." across the board that some on this site tend to push with their posts. My GF is part Huron Indian and would be disgusted by some of the posts that are made on these forums.

You are offended. So, now what? Should everyone stop posting on that subject if it offends you? One of the easiest ways to stifle debate and shut an opponent up, is to say -- I'm offended. If your girlfriend would be disgusted that is your problem not ours.Don't tell her about the posts,why cause her to be disgusted? Problem solved.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
WOw this thread needs to be delted everyone is going at each others throats
just like werewolf wanted!

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
From a Dominican website:

"Dessalines Founder of Haiti 1804-1806 DESSALINES SLAUGHTER OF WHITES On March 16, 1804. Captain Perkins of the Tartar went ashore in Jeremie to investigate these reports and the following day wrote to admiral Duckworth. I am informed that on the 29th, of last month, which was the following day of our departure from Jeremie general Dessalines had a muster of the white inhabitants then remaining in the place, which almost amounted to 450 men, women and children. When they had collected together he gave orders for their property of every description to be taken from them, and then put instantly to death. In the course of three days 308 were murdered, the remainder had been hid away in different places. The strictest search was made for them and some few found, when they instantly shared the same fate. I have only heard of seven lives that this monster (for his cruelty declare him such) Dessalines has spared and then through the earnest prayers and entreaties of a vast number of blackmen who possess some feelings of humanity. I assure you that it is horrid to view the streets in different places stained with the blood of these unfortunate people, whose bodies are now left exposed to view by the river and the seaside, in hauling the seine the evening we came to our anchor several bodies got entangled in it, in fact such scenes of cruelty and devastation have been commited as is impossible to imagine or my pen describe. On Dessalines departure from Jeremie for Port-Au-Prince he was followed by 25 mules loaded with plates and other valuebles all plunder in Jeremie and i understand it was not equal to what he collected in Aux Cayes. The greater part of which was found underground. PS I forgot to mention i am informed Dessalines stands in great fear of th British and will be very cautious offering any umbrage." Edited by: Parody

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
green fire317 said:
Thanks for posting this. I had never heard of this until today.

There's differing accounts of the numbers and dates. It actually happened in 1804:

In January 1804 Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the commander of the slave rebellion in Haiti declared independence from France. Perkins was sent by Admiral Duckworth and Governor Nugent in Tartar as a British observer to the island. Perkins was accompanied by Edward Corbet. Corbet was a government advisor appointed by Nugent.Lady Nugent's Journal of Her Residence in Jamaica from 1801 to 1805, Shepherd Perkins described the situation on Haiti in his official letters to the Admiral. "I assure you that it is horrid to view the streets in different places stained with the Blood of these unfortunate people, whose bodies are now left exposed to view by the river and sea side. In hauling the seine the evening we came to our anchor several bodies got entangled in it, in fact such scenes of cruelty and devastation have been committed as is impossible to imagine or my pen describe."Christophe: King of Haiti, Cole, pp. 140â€"143

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Strange I never here of things like this except on CF.......

Anyway, thanks for posting guys.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Sacrebleu, I read the Wikipedia accounts of the massacre and the forced marriage of French women to murderers and rapists is sad. Also the Spanish army looking on and doing nothing to help the French colonists is despicable. I wonder if the current Canadian governor general is descendant of these forced marriages.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Sacrebleu, I read the Wikipedia accounts of the massacre and the forced marriage of French women to murderers and rapists is sad. Also the Spanish army looking on and doing nothing to help the French colonists is despicable. I wonder if the current Canadian governor general is descendant of these forced marriages.
Since wiki generally gives a "politically correct" version of events, the real story is even worse.


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