History About to be Made

OC football said:
OK everyone calm down. The inter racial marriage rate is lowest for whites.

Statistics for inter -racial marriages are misleading.Most of the women who breed with blacks are not married to their sperm donors.
Good point Bart!

Marriage is very misleading, and there are certainly many more children of interracial couples...non-married,than the marriage stats would lead us to believe. I disagree with Dan in that I think it IS as bad as we think if not worse. Anecdotal evidence only, but when I was in the Army in upstate NY, and even when we'd go to Canada,it seemed as if ALL the white chicks wanted black guys. Maybe is was the unknown, because those places didn't have hardly any black civilians, but the evidence was overwhelming. You simply had to look around to see it. I always thought that the interracial stuff would calm down, but 15 years later, it's still quite prominent.

To be honest, I would much rather have interracial couples getting married than simply have the women get knocked up. Marriage shows commitment and there are entirelyway too many single mom's out there. Their kids are going to be trouble as they mature.
Well you really do not see much White on Black stuff here in Southern California. I can tell you that much. Maybe in Canada it is the trend. It seems to me it is white MEN that are most apt to engage in an inter-racial marriage; but i might be wrong, just an observation. Its normally Hispanic or Asian women with white men, statistically they are shorter men (according to a UCLA study, I dont have the link).

But if in these other states white men cant compete with black men then im beside myself. My brothers high school (I went to Matre Dei mostly white) is 15% white and about 30% black and he has told me that the white girls NEVER go for the black guys. Its unheard of. When he throws partys at my house there black kids dont show up. The prom is segregated, blacks in the back whites in the front.

If those white guys out there in Canada or the Mountain States cant hang send them out to the OC. We will set them straight.

You all know the saying. Welcome to the OC
...... BITHCH.
By the way my brother goes to Long Beach Wilson High School. If your ever out here drive by the school when it gets out. There is a white entrance/exit and a black entrance/exit.
I wish I could be optimistic, but I really think the situation is bad and only going to get worse. My son is in high school, and he tells me all the time about the hot white girls who are infatuated with black boys. I'm coaching my daughter's soccer team, and there is a beautiful blonde girl on it who, according to my daughter, has been sitting with a black thug every day at lunch and is now strolling the halls with him between classes. This girl is stunning looking, and comes from a nice, upper middle class family. A few years ago, I was out with the family at a restauarant and a group came in that was obviously going to their high school prom. Every one in the group was black, except for one incredibly gorgous young blonde, who was one of the black boys' dates. It used to be true that the only white girls who went out with blacks were overweight and/or very unattractive, from lower class backgrounds. They also often had drug, alcohol or family problems. That's not the case any more. Look at Heidi Klum, a successful model who is one of the most beautiful women in the world. She married Seal, one of the ugliest, blackest thug rappers you can imagine, and has had at least one child with him. Years of watching television and movies have had their effect on young white women. Even the most attractive young white girls now think it's normal and even "cool" to have a black boyfriend. Apparently, most white parents don't warn their kids about this. Maybe they don't care, either. Of course this is irrational behavior; these girls are all about looks, and have to realize that the black boys are hardly the most physically attractive. But the power of brainwashing can't be underestimated. The only way to fight this trend, imho, is for a television station to air years of after school specials, sitcoms and dramas about the disastrous effects of interracial marriage on whites, with lots of negative black characters doing their stereotypical stuff. We all know that's not going to happen. About all we can do is educate our own children.
bigunreal said:
Years of watching television and movies have had their effect on young white women. Even the most attractive young white girls now think it's normal and even "cool" to have a black boyfriend. Apparently, most white parents don't warn their kids about this.

I couldn't agree more.The reason we are constanly bombarded with images of inept white men and commercials showing blondes coming on to -superior- black athletes is because ...it works. If a person was kept in a room since birth allowed only to view the world through what was shown on television and movies, that poor soul would get a twisted view of reality.It is a relentless assault with no time outs for cease fires or truces.Just this afternoon on the drive home, I heard a black sports talk host veer off topic to rant about something that bothered him. He said he was listening to Jazz in a park and he wondered if there was some kind of law among white people, which demands they have to get up in public, wearing sandals and socks ( nerd white guy clothes? )and dance off - beat to the music. He added, " It's like they have to get up and prove that they have no rhythm." His wimpy white co-host laughed in agreement.
Interracial dating is apparently popular in England. There are pics at the bottom of the article.
Amren ArticleEdited by: Triad
Despite an increase in black-white marriages and cohabitation since 1967, African-Americans "remain much less likely than American Indians, Latinos and Asian-Americans to marry whites.
SOURCE:(http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/July06/blacks.ma rry.fac.html)

I knew I wasnt stupid. Also, white men are more likely to be married then white women. This could only mean one thing; white men seek out non white partners more. So stop comming down on the .005% of white women who are married to black men.

White men are taller (see wikipedia.com enter "male height") and have higher IQ scores (see wikipedia "IQ scores) then blacks.

If you as an individual get punked by a black man then dont blame the media. He got the girl caus hes better then you. You deserve what you got. BITCH. Sack it up, change your persona, get the blond. No one to blame but yourself.

Let me restate that I do not observe much black on white stuff here in So Cal. I do see a lot of white guys with hispanic girls though. Sometimes trashy white girls MAYBE.

Those of you in regions where the black on white stuff is supposeable more common. HANDLE IT. stop crying.
So let me get this straight

Black men and White women like each other
White men and Mexician women like each other
and Mexican men and Black women can't F***ing stand each other.

Guess it all balances out then.
I really pay no mind to it anymore, i just look and think to myself what a moron she is and get over it. Everyone has preferences and these girls have been force fed this stuff so they believe it and thats fine. In the end a majority will end up pregnant and single and its not my problem. My own personal belief is to be find a woman who likes her own kind and does not sell them out. I have always said if I have a gf and find out she has dated outside the race I would dump her because it is my preference. As long as I know how overrated, false and overhyped black males are im fine with it because it does not phase me personally.

White men intermarry with Hispanic and Asian women because these women to be less brainwashed by feminism than white women. They are more likely to be raised in traditional households, and are more likely to accept the traditional role of men as head of household than white women.


White women these days tend to focus more on career than family. They will put their career and often themselves ahead of their husband and family. The idea that women who stay at home to raise children are somehow less worthy seems to me to be more prevalent among white women, unless they're Bible-believing Christians, than Hispanics or Asians.


Therefore, those white women who don't feel the need to be in or maintain a traditional family role may be more likely to be attracted to black men, who also do not themselves tend to desire traditional family roles. There are many white women who chose to be single parents, not by circumstance but by design, so being left high and dry with bi-racial children to support, by themselves, doesn't carry the stigma with them that it might in other cultures, or in white culture fifty years ago.

I am of course speaking in broad generalities and from my own observations. I'm sure many of you will see it otherwise, and can no doubt point to specific people in your own lives where these generalities do not hold.

I believe that the breakdown of morals and traditional values in our country, on all levels, i.e. with the public acceptance of homosexuality, pornography, abortion, sexual promiscuity, and so on, is more responsible for the loose immoral behavior we see around us, including multiple partners of whatever race, than some latent sexual desire of white women for black men.

Just my opinion.
Ok ok, everybody settle down. Now, I've said this before and I'll say it again, there are a number of reasons why White women (usually fat ones) go for blacks.

First and foremost, because the media tells them to. I stated this once before that (most) women are basically "social-climbers", and are willing to literally do anything to be cool and accepted by both society and their peers. Thus, if the MTV jew-tube says, "hey *****, go grind all up on Jamal at da cluuub", you can bet they will.

Secondly, the parents play a big role in this. If you are White and your daughter (or son, God help you) is dating or marries one of them, then YOU HAVE FAILED AS A PARENT. Yeah, I said it, and I'm sticking by it. It is your responsibility, as a parent to pull you kids aside and explain the importance of race to them. Its almost like the sex-talk that parents give their kids, but instead, this ones about race. And if you are one of those people who preaches tolerance, and all that "we are all equal" sh*t, then you should have been neutered at birth.

And lastly, I'm know I'm going to catch some heat for this one from you guys, I know it. But I'll say it anyway. Guys...it's partly OUR OWN FAULT. Before I get hammered with profanity and verbal assault, let me explain why. The reason blacks "be mackin our hoes", as they would so eliquently put it, is because they talk a good game. In other words, they tell a girl all types of bullsh*t (this tactic is also commonly known as lying). They say how much money they have, how big this is, how big that is...and our own stupid women fall for it.

Now, heres where we are to blame. For example, say you're at a bar (or a club, wherever you choose to get jiggy...lol), and there is an attractive woman at the bar next to you about to be approached by "you-know-who". Instead of letting "you-know-who" pull his bullsh*t routine on this girl, intervine, and throw some of your own at her if you have to. The girl might be so impressed that a White guy had the balls to just jump in between her and Jamal, that you'll probably get her attention for the evening.

I hate to admit it, but this is what most of our own women expect us to do, just stand there and watch like morons as Jamal rides off into the sunset with them. Take a stand, be militant if you have to, but don't stand there like a impotent jackass. Could you imagine what would happen to a White man dancing with a "sista" at a club? He'd have more bullet holes in him than swiss cheese.
Ground Fighter said:
Take a stand, be militant if you have to, but don't stand there like a impotent jackass. Could you imagine what would happen to a White man dancing with a "sista" at a club? He'd have more bullet holes in him than swiss cheese.

Ground Fighter, I don't know if you remember this incident or not, but a few years ago an off-duty white cop in New Jersey was doing just that -- dancing with and hitting on a black girl. When he left the club, he was brutally assaulted by several blacks. One of them was the starting quarterback for Penn State, can't recall his name just now.

Long story short, nothing happened to the quarterback, no conviction for any crime, the media reported the story then gave the guy a pass, and he went on to finish his undistinguished football career at Penn State without missing as much as a game. Joe Paterno also chose not to punish him, the same Joe Paterno who suspended white LB Dan Connor from the team for part of last season for the "crime" of making a prank phone call.

And by the way, at the time of the assault the black QB in question had fathered a child -- to a white girl of course.
OC football:This could only mean one thing; white men seek out non white partners more. So stop comming down on the .005% of white women who are married to black men.

Bart: Total nonsense! I see white women with blacks constantly, everywhere I go. It is very , very rare to see a white man with a Negro female where I live. Once in a while an Asian woman or even less often a Latina can be seen with a white man, but the numbers are not remotely near to that of white women mixing outside the race.

OC:If you as an individual get punked by a black man then dont blame the media.

Bart: What are you talking about? Punked? Who is punked? What is a white father to do about his daughter when she comes home impregnatedt from a black whose chief aim in life is to F%&k a white girl? She's been subjected to Black History propaganda since a child and told everyday how evil racism is and how awful whites treated blacks. You won't go out wiit me says Tyrone, because you are prejudiced. Oh, nooooooo Tyrone, I am not like those evil white people, I will go out with you.

Dad hears about and tells her, no way in hell are you going out with that little punk. She tells daddy to go to hell, no one tells her what to do.

OC: He got the girl caus hes better then you. You deserve what you got. BITCH. Sack it up, change your persona, get the blond. No one to blame but yourself.

Bart: Better? You've got a screw loose.

OC:Those of you in regions where the black on white stuff is supposeable more common. HANDLE IT. stop crying.

Bart: My brother sent his daughters off to a very liberal college. After giving them dating parameters he added a stipulation. Don't you dare come home with a black boyfriend.They think he is a Neanderthal. A black actually calledhis home number after looking up his last name hoping to find one of his daughters. He told himto stay the hell away from her and if he comes around he'll take a baseball bat to his head or worse! The cops paid my brother a visit!Don't tell me about handling situations, I've been there and believe me the law is not on our side in many areas. If you want to go to jail for the rest of your life and be housed with ...boy I have to be careful... black persons just try taking matters into your own hands.

We aren't living and fighting on a level playing field anywhere, so your lecture doesn't carry much weight. Why isit that until the fifties we had almost ZERO miscegenation? We used to be able to handle situation quite well.
Don Wassall said:
Ground Fighter said:
Take a stand, be militant if you have to, but don't stand there like a impotent jackass. Could you imagine what would happen to a White man dancing with a "sista" at a club? He'd have more bullet holes in him than swiss cheese.

Ground Fighter, I don't know if you remember this incident or not, but a few years ago an off-duty white cop in New Jersey was doing just that -- dancing with and hitting on a black girl.  When he left the club, he was brutally assaulted by several blacks.  One of them was the starting quarterback for Penn State, can't recall his name just now. 

Long story short, nothing happened to the quarterback, no conviction for any crime, the media reported the story then gave the guy a pass, and he went on to finish his undistinguished football career at Penn State without missing as much as a game.  Joe Paterno also chose not to punish him, the same Joe Paterno who suspended white LB Dan Connor from the team for part of last season for the "crime" of making a prank phone call. 

And by the way, at the time of the assault the black QB in question had fathered a child -- to a white girl of course. 


You bet I remember it. It happened outside a club on Washington st. in Hoboken, the nexy city over from mine. One of the "assailants" who assaulted that police officer, is ex-Hoboken h.s. running-back, Tyrell Dortch.I played against him in high school, literally. He was supposed to go to Penn State, but where he is now, I could only imagine. Prison perhaps?
Don Wassall said:
Ground Fighter, I don't know if you remember this incident or not, but a few years ago an off-duty white cop in New Jersey was doing just that -- dancing with and hitting on a black girl. When he left the club, he was brutally assaulted by several blacks.

Reminds me of the story below.On a different note,in Milwaukee last year, some white frat brothers held a little party in a flat near the campus, uninvited blacks barged in and when the frats told them to leave the blacks began shooting hitting one of the boys square in the face. To declare no blacks allowed in the party is impossible by the way. The community wouldn't allow it and they'd be thrown off campus.


SEATTLE - Two soldiers who just returned from a year in Iraq were badly beaten in an attack outside Pioneer Square. But believe it or not, someone caught the beating on videotape. Now, police are asking for your help identifying the suspects.

The brutality of it all was captured on tape outside of Larry's Nightclub on First and Yesler on July 31.

Police say the victims were with two women who'd been groped by the suspects. One of the women threw a hot dog at the suspects and walked away.

They didn't get very far. The three suspects ran after them and began attacking the two men -- two soldiers who'd come home from the war.

The graphic videotape shows both victims getting beaten over and over again, and then after one of the victims loses consciousness, a suspect starts stomping on his head

Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
The graphic videotape shows both victims getting beaten over and over again, and then after one of the victims loses consciousness, a suspect starts stomping on his head

Very digusting video, I guess this is one we won't see on national news. No chance it was a hate crime either.
Getting 'jiggy' with it at a bar is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Don't be a white man and play a black man's game. Don't lie. Don't disrespect women and use them. Don't vie for her attention 'for the evening.' Vie for her attention for a lifetime. Marry her and make white babies. Raise them to be proud of their people, instill in them time-honored values like courage, and truth. Teach them to be unafraid and to stand up for what they know is right.

Thats the only way we're ever going to make it. Not in bars and clubs and 'mackin' on the hoes. By being upright, honorable, and strong.

Being what it means to be white.
I couldn't have said it better myself Shogun! Hoorah!
White Shogun said:
Getting 'jiggy' with it at a bar is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Don't be a white man and play a black man's game. Don't lie. Don't disrespect women and use them. Don't vie for her attention 'for the evening.' Vie for her attention for a lifetime. Marry her and make white babies. Raise them to be proud of their people, instill in them time-honored values like courage, and truth. Teach them to be unafraid and to stand up for what they know is right.

Thats the only way we're ever going to make it. Not in bars and clubs and 'mackin' on the hoes. By being upright, honorable, and strong.

Being what it means to be white.

I was just using the bar/club scene as an example. There are plenty of bars and clubs that cater to an all or almost all-White crowd. You best bet when you go out is to go to places that feature live rock/cover bands. The darkies tend to stay away from places like that because there is usually a cover-charge at the door and no rap is played.

And guys, when I use the ebonics phrases in my posts...I'm being humourous, not serious! Sheesh, I thought some of you had a sense of humor and knew my posts well enough by now. Lighten up guys.
I really haven't seen this white girl dating black guy phenomenon and I have been to alot of places. The white girls that I have seen that do go for them are extremely ugly, low class anyway.
Ground Fighter:
I understood that you were using humor by using ebonics phrases. I wasn't necessarily directing my comments to you, personally, but some of the points in your post, i.e. that you should 'throw some of your own at her,' in response to a black man lying to a white woman. Trying to get 'her attention for the evening,' implied a one night stand or "hook up," which if we cared about white women the way we say we do then we won't take her to bed 'for the evening.' We should more admonish these girls that good girls don't do such things that they are bringing shame on themselves and their families.

I will be the first admit that all that I write about above was me at one time. But the older you get the more you see things, and you realize the error of your ways.

I personally do not recommend any bars, with cover or without. Nothing good comes out of hanging out in bars, especially those that are 'meat-(meet)markets.' Sure, have a beer with your bros on a Sunday or Monday night to watch the game. But don't spend all night Friday and Saturday night cruising to pick up chicks. I know its the way we live today, but it doesn't have to be. We can only do so much to change things, but we have to start at home first.

Again, just my opinion. YMMV.
In my experience, it occurs mainly in two different situations: 1. suburban white girls get an infatuation with black guys, from MTV and the media, and from not having a lot of contact with them. The ones they do have contact with tend to be more middle class, not the genuine gangbangers. Many of these suburban girls "experiment" and then go back to white men when they decide to settle down (though for some it's too late if they're burdened with biracial children).

2. blue-collar, deindustrialized, integrated cities and towns. The white families with money or better employment possibilities leave for greener pastures and better neighborhoods; the whites who are left tend to be dominated and assimilated by black culture. In some of these situations the race-mixing of white female/black male can be epidemic. I've seen it first-hand in different parts of Pennsylvania and in other states, too. This is where one finds a lot of the white females who are irretrievably "lost" to black males. And a good portion of them prefer it that way.
It would be in burned out industrial towns ie Norristown PE, Irie PE, Buffalo NY, Rochester NY. Inner city areas of my city have the same thing. If you take the PT to work once you get into the ghetto areas single moms pile on the bus with their herd going to school, many invariably have biracial children. I wonder how many of them have boyfriends that pay any child support? God I would hate to be a kid and my dad was a government cheque........
Edited by: white is right
American Freedom News