Heated NFL caste arguments on Youtube!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Forgive me for this long post, but these are recaps of several arguments I have had on Youtube. Each paragraph is a different post I made on various Youtube highlight videos. I figured this could be a thread to document some of our best arguments. If anyone else wants to contribute a paragraph or two or three feel free.

I was arguing on a Youtube video of Jacob Hester, and me and another poster were going back and forth about white RB discrimination. But then "all" my comments were deleted, but at least a few of the other poster's best comments were kept up on the video. I can no longer counter his arguments and I am now blocked from commenting on the video.

So, I messaged the guy I was arguing with on Youtube. This is what I wrote:

I see that my comments despite just being an opinion with no racist overtones to them were blocked from the Hester video. That's how it is in our country, your PC comments are allowed, but my differing opinion isn't. So before you label me, you should read my 21 newspaper articles I mentioned I have backing me up. I would e-mail them to you, if you give me your e-mail address, and I hope you would read them to see the other side of the coin.

He responds: No I'm not interested. I have better things to do then waste my time reading about your fictional idea of white athlete discrimination.

Here are some of my comments responding to various arguments of his going back and forth. All of my comments were removed, but only "most" of his comments were removed. Not all of these comments were from the Hester video, some were from the David Ball/ Mike Hass Chicago Bear Catches video and McGuffie video arguing with other users.
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Tell me why white RBs and WRs were some of the best players of their day long after NFL integration ie. J. Taylor (out-rushed Jim Brown one year and was a leader of the Packer championship teams), Riggins ('83 Super Bowl MVP), Marc Van Eeghan, Alworth and Largent, but virtually no whites now? I think you're a fool if you don't see it.

Look at the case of Tim Shaw. He was Michigan's All time leading rusher in H.S who ran a 4.44 and was called a possible "better version of Brian Leonard" by Draftdaddy.com; he runs for over 10YPC wins the state 100 meter championship. Then he comes to Penn State as a HB then after a mere 13 carries gets switched to LB. You'd have to be blind to not see what's going on.

Why are roughly half of white NFL WRs walk-ons? They are good enough for the NFL, but not Div. IA football? That makes no sense. Jordy Nelson (runner up to the Biletnikoff this year), Kevin Curtis, Mike Furrey, Wes Welker, Kevin Kasper (20 yard and 60 yard shuttle NFL combine record holder), Mike Hass (Biletnikoff winner) all couldn't get a Div. IA scholarships out of H.S despite having outstanding H.S careers that would make scouts drool over them if they were minority athletes.

The only one that I could see a reason why he didn't get a scholarship is Welker b/c he is both quite undersized (5'9) and only runs a 4.65 and scouts may have overlooked his jaw dropping agility and short area quickness.

It is a 13% black country yet all 3 of the booth guys on NFL network games are black. And Deion on their telecast called Curtis a good 3rd WR, despite having more yards than any WR not named Terrell Owens in Phili in the last 9 years if I recall. Tony Kornheiser has given Curtis similar hate. The NFL network guys also commented on Mike Karney's "Larry Bird ups." There is evidence of bias all over if you are intelligent enough to look for it.

There is yet another media article this one by Yahoo's Jeff Passan about the under representation of African American MLB players, yet never anything on the under representation of white football players. We heard for months about the Houston Astros their World Series year having no African American players.

Yet when you count in how baseball is now an international sport and the black Hispanics, blacks are not underrepresented. Whites are also less than 70% of baseball players despite being 70% of the U.S populous. This certainly isn't a racial issue & blacks are just picking other sports now. The media is still looking for more discrimination stories anyway though. Anything that suits their PC interests.

It is pretty obvious that with baseball becoming an international sport that there would be less black Americans. However, there are also less white Americans. If there is one sport where blacks were discriminated against recently it could be hockey b/c it was a shock to see a black on the ice. But now Jerome Iginla has opened people's eyes that blacks can play.

Blacks are 13% of the U.S populous yet make up about 20% of NFL QBs. So you think blacks are better QBs than whites also? It's simple; Universities want as many of the athletic scholarships to go to blacks as possible, that is why blacks are overrepresented at QB in the NCAA and NFL. Speaking of athletic QBs Matt Jones is a victim of discrimination.

Matt Jones was a scapegoat for QB switches galore, he battled injury, he was called a butterfingers for a mere two drops. The Jaguars have 5 white players "on their entire roster" other than the kickers. The coach would rather blame whitey b/c it's easier on a team w/ 5 whites.

Despite all the hate; Jones was actually the Jaguars leading WR in the 2006 season. It was Jones second year in the league still learning a new position he was also dealing w/ a hamstring problem that kept him out of 2 games and limiting him in at least two others.

The Jaguars are ridiculous. Ernest Wilford runs a 4.78. He is the slowest starter in the league and starts over Matt Jones who runs a 4.37 (same as Reggie Bush and DeAngelo Hall) in a 6'6 235 lb body.

O.k maybe black QB Brad Smith was a victim of discrimination for being switched away from QB, you could be right. Was Matt Jones? Was Eric Crouch as well? And Josh McCown is a decent QB, but he has been switched before. Essentially I think that the best QB plays nowadays, but whites are now discriminated at RB, CB and WR.

Black QBs did used to have it rough, but in an America where Mike Vick up until a couple years ago got as much praise & as big a salary as Peyton and the last two drafts have seen Jamarcus Russell and Vince Young as the first QBs taken black QBs are favored? Vince Young made the Madden cover after one solid rookie season; talk about hype! I'm not saying he can't become a star, but he isn't a star yet. And Rush Limbaugh gets canned for even mentioning that the media overrates black QBs.

It's easier to call people racist than to have gracious genuine debate. I feel happy when I see blacks in the NHL b/c they're underdogs and used to be discriminated against there. There was even a sticking incident a few years back against a black player that could have been racially motivated. I never said that blacks aren't deserving to be QBs. McNabb was one of the top QBs in the game before his current injury problems. Vince Young could very well blossom into a superstar IMO, but let's not anoint him savior of the league yet.

Sir, "you're" (he spelled you're as your; it was a cheap shot at him I know) the real idiot for implying that black QBs are still discriminated against. Blacks are more likely according to their numbers in the U.S populous to make it as QBs. And apparently you think blacks are so "different" than whites that they should be 100% of NFL RBs. I believe in human similarity, you're the racist.

I'd love to see a day when there are Asian and white RBs so people other than blacks can have a role model to aspire to at those positions. I only root for white players staunchly in sports that they are underdogs in. I am happy to see black winter Olympic athletes for instance.

Speaking of more media double standards, there was a survey that showed the great majority of blacks preferred Magics 80s Lakers to Bird's very white Celtics...does that mean that blacks are racist for preferring the Lakers? I don't think that is racist, but if it was the reverse position (vast majority of whites for the Celtics) it would be labeled that by the PC crowd b/c you are white.

Secondly, my point is that it "isn't racist" to root for athletes of your heritage. That is what the Olympics were originally founded on. Sure you will say it is a "national" pride thing, but essentially since most countries are pretty homogeneous ethnically you are rooting for people of your race. The Irish supporting Irish athletes or the Chinese bringing their pride for Liu Xiang in the 110 hurdles. You don't know me or anything about me and I am not racist.

Tell me why Heath Evans who had a faster 40 time, more size and strength and had rushed for a "better yards per carry" at Auburn running even w/o a lead blocker had to beef up to block for Rudi Johnson? Auburn actually considered moving Rudi to FB to block for Evans, but Rudi blatantly refused to play FB.

It is also known that Heath Evans is not a very good blocker, but he was dominant running the ball even w/ no lead blocker at Auburn. In his "first" and only start at HB in the NFL, Evans ran for 4.5 YPC. Compare that to Rudi Johnson's career 4.1 average. I'd say Rudi is overrated. Eddie George is 6'3, not very fast for a RB and built like a rock. He has over 10,000 career yards, but only a 3.6 YPC average and only two 40+ yard runs his whole career, is he a FB?

R. Johnson's 4.1 YPC is very average and he plays for one of the best offenses in the league and had an above average O-line to boot. If you put Evans or Alstott in that offense as the featured runner at HB they would average about 4.5 YPC IMO. Alstott averaged 3.9 YPC in his prime behind bad O-lines and with an unimpressive passing game (Sean King for instance) to compliment him & w/o a lead blocker. He was used mostly to protect a lead when they knew the Bucs were running or in 3rd and short.

Tell me why the U.S has lost to less populated Euro countries in basketball. Part of it's b/c a U.S team full of star players doesn't have team chemistry, but I think a better reason is the refs in international play don't give away unwarranted freebies at the line to those stars just b/c they're stars.

Either way foreigners have proven good at finesse basketball where offensive fouls are called. Small Euro countries can beat the U.S, yet still there are no white Americans in the All Star game. Europeans are dominating the heavy divisions of boxing yet virtually all the top Americans are black. Face it the U.S sports system is racist.

"Of course if it were up to you, you'd probably select 12 white players for no other reason than the fact that they're Caucasian." No, I am not racist like you label me. Whites make up 70% of the U.S population blacks make up 13%. Yet I believe that blacks should make up 30-40% of the NBA if it were selected by merits.

There is a high amount of interest in hoops in urban school yards for instance & maybe blacks have "a slightly" higher rate for talent genetically percentage wise than whites for basketball. For instance blacks "on average" seem less shy about driving to the hoop and have "slightly" longer arms on average to help their reach.

Yeah well European athletes don't come out of the racist U.S college recruiting system. I recommend checking out Rivals.com and seeing white H.S RBs who are more productive than their black counterparts against better competition who also have better athletic measurements and more impressive highlights get 2 or 3 star recruiting status while the black gets 4 or 5 stars.

Lastly there was an ESPN report that showed that white refs sent white players to the line more than black refs and asked, "are white refs biased?" However, they didn't think of asking if the black refs could be biased too, again more double standards in the media.

BTW, The NBA is ridiculous anyway with the amount of free throw attempts star players get and the lack of offensive foul calls on big players like Shaq. The college game is where it's at.

The media mocks white athleticism (ie. Bill Walton's comment about Nash "not being able to jump over two sheets of paper and not having an athletic advantage against anyone he plays against) Bryant Gumbel's comments mocking winter Olympic athletes as "not really athletes", Eric Dickerson, Michael Irvin & John Thompson's comments mocking whites for lacking elusiveness, speed and ability to defend in basketball respectively.

Hench from Fox Sports did an article calling the Saints white LBs "an un-athletic affirmative action experiment." Maybe he failed to pick up on the fact that Scott Fujita has a 42 inch vertical which is in the top 25 players at the NFL combine for vertical leap in the last 10 years.

Reasons for the caste system: Coaches are conservative and don't go against the grain and bring in a white HB or WR b/c they will get questioned about it and fans love to make fun of white players athleticism "tight hipped" "can't jump." Universities prefer to give their athletic scholarships to blacks at as high a rate as possible b/c they feel a guilt complex over the socio-economic and black academic underachieving gap between white and black, which I agree is a problem.

It's all stereotyping, the potato chip eating masses and media think the white man can't run the ball, so there is no sense the scouts and coaches take a risk to be unconventional. It's all stereotyping.

The disparaging of white athleticism is so strong that many blacks feel insulted if a white guy plays ahead of them at RB, WR, CB. Hence the reason a great like Ed McCaffery didn't start until he was over 30 & only b/c of injury. I don't blame blacks for this discrimination system though, I blame the Div. IA colleges and the ignorant drunken fans and biased media and spineless recruiters and coaches.

Whites are always labeled either tight hipped "or" slow. Even Sam McGuffie was called essentially "tight hipped" by ESPN's Scouts INC. Tom Lemming, Rise Prep and Scout.com have refered to Sam as having amazing balance and elusiveness. Rivals ranked Sam #1 Best in Space and #2 Home-run threat, but not in the top 250 overall. I guess their issue w/ Sam was his "lack of power" or maybe just his skin color.

Funny if you look at Sam's Tackle profile; they refer to him as having surprising power and show a run of him breaking just about the entire opposing defenses tackles. So how can each scouting site see Sam so different? His skin color is his problem when being reviewed by these moronic scouts IMO.

The last time I checked the reigning high jump champ is white as is the best 400 meter sprinter who may take down MJ's record Jeremy Wariner. The reigning 110 hurdles champ and world record holder is Asian. Roughly half of the top 3 cone and short shuttle times (shows burst & cutting ability) at the NFL combine are from whites despite them being grossly under-invited to the combine for the speed positions.

If Europeans are dominating the heavy divisions of boxing, why are all of Don King's fighters black?" And why was there an article written by journalist Joe Queenan about American's obsession with the Rocky Movies that said in its content "The Rocky films merely sublimate the racist fantasies of fantastic racists: 'Wouldn't it be great to live in a parallel universe where white fighters can actually fight?"

How can a Chinese man get the record in the 110 hurdles, yet Asians are still not considered fast or tough enough for the NFL? How does Jeremy Wariner have more sub 44's than everyone except MJ and Stefan Holm win gold medals in the high-jump, but whites are still considered slow w/ no ups?

Why are virtually all the Div. 2, 3 and most Div. 1AA rushing and receiving records owned by whites? The answer that would make sense would be b/c there aren't the same biases keeping whites off the field at those levels.

Danny Woodhead (All division NCAA career rushing record holder) runs a 4.38, has been compared by some to Barry Sanders for his agility and has a 38 inch vertical. Woodhead became the Nebraska all-time leading H.S rusher in H.S. Why did he have to play Div. II? And don't tell me it is b/c of his height, there are RBs in the NFL who have "started" who are the same size or smaller with worse athletic measurements. I don't think Ray Rice could have put up as good stats as Woodhead did in Div. II.

Why did Andrew Rock who was on the U.S 400 meter team in the 2004 Olympics not get a Div. IA scholarship?

Or how about how Drew Bennett? He led the AFC in receiving a few years ago but is no longer a starter b/c his production dropped with McNair being over the hill & injured and V. Young having just come in and adapting to the NFL. Last year as a Ram, they had Bennett trying to play out of position as the 3rd WR in the slot. The aging Issac Bruce who was cut this off-season (who had a great career) would have been much better used in the slot; his skills translate there unlike Bennett, who is a clearly a Flanker.

Anthony Gonzalez being drafted in the first round doesn't disprove any of my arguments. Gonzalez considers himself more Hispanic than white. Gonzalez also certainly got a lot of hype being from Ohio State. Ohio State is a big time program and Gonzalez ran a 4.44 at the NFL combine which is faster than your typical "starting WR" in the NFL. The average starting NFL WR runs about a 4.5 by my research. I think being that Gonzalez was drafted in the 1st rd, he won't be under scrutiny for being an anomaly in the NFL, a white WR.

"He doesn't have that 4.2 or 4.3 speed to be featured back at a place like Pitt or Penn State." Billy Bair's coach stated this when he got no Div. I interest despite running for 1928 yds, 9.3 YPC and blowing away the stats of another western Pennsylvania RB, black midget Cameron Saddler, from the same league who was a Rivals 250 player. Tony Hunt who played at Penn State last year ran a 4.68 at his Pro Day. Pitt RB La-Rod Stephen-Howling is 5'6 midget and runs a 4.48.

Saddler is barely faster than Bair, a 4.44 compared to 4.5 flat 40 and is much smaller (5'7 165 lbs compared to 6'0 190 lbs) and has a paltry 28 inch vertical. His highlight tape was fairly impressive, but doesn't blow you away. I have watched Bair's highlights and he is a more complete player.

The average 40 time at this yrs. NFL combine for RBs was 4.57 (ie. draftdaddy.com blog) But whites are never fast enough. "Virtually no" NFL RBs have world class speed." In fact there has never been a player in the NFL who has made a roster who has run a "sub 10 electronic timed" 100 meter (as of 2004 only 39 men had accomplished this feat and all but one are from the roiding era; two white Europeans have gone 10 seconds flat).

Devin Hester the "face of electrifying speed" for the NFL ran a PB "wind aided" 10.42 100 meter in college. From comparing numbers; your average starting NFL WR or RB probably runs a PB of about 10.9 flat or so IMO in the 100 meters.

Compare Cameron Saddler who is 5.7 165 lbs. and runs a 4.44 w/ paltry 28 inch vertical and only rushed for 5.3 YPC against weak western Pennsylvania competitive football as a JR. to Sam McGuffie. McGuffie rushed for 3,200 yards, 8.7 yards per carry and 43 TDs against the toughest competition in Texas as a Jr.

Sam runs a 4.32 40 yard dash and ran the fastest short shuttle in the Rivals database last year; a mind boggling 3.83. McGuffie has a 41 inch vertical. McGuffie is the most exciting player in the nation according to famous scout Tom Lemming and Rivals scout Jeremy Crabtree says "the video of McGuffie breaking down defenses in the open field is almost legendary."

McGuffie still out-rushed Saddler this year with a bum ankle most of the year. McGuffie ran for 8.3 YPC to Saddler's 7.2 and for more yards. McGuffie ran absolutely buck wild as well in this years playoffs. Yet McGuffie isn't even in the Rivals 250, but Saddler is.

How about the fact that Rivals top white WR this year is ranked 50th? "That would mean if it were up to Rivals there would never be a white WR in the NFL...ever!" (Only an average of 33 WRs are drafted per year). This year Rivals has a mere 11 whites in the top 100 and all, but two are QBs and O-lineman. Give me a break, even the NFL can find several worthy white defensive players. Rivals ranking are "clear proof" of recruiting bias.

There are many whites snubbed by recruiters. Check out the Scout.com highlights of Cory McCaffrey Oregon's all time leading H.S rusher and state 100 meter dash, 400 meter, long jump champ and runner up in the 200 meters. His quickness, agility and vision as a runner are jaw dropping.

How about Jordan Roberts? Just look at his gaudy rushing numbers, highlights, and athletic measurables and there is no other take on it you could get other than that he was screwed for having to walk-on for his home-state Mountaineers. He broke the single season H.S rushing record in West Virginia.

Lastly, look at Eric Weddle. Weddle had the NFL combine record since 1999 in the 10 yard dash, until it was broken this year by Chris Johnson. Weddle runs a respectable 4.48 "for a starting CB", the same time as Aqib Talib and Antoine Cason who were drafted in the 1st rd. at CB this year. Weddle played CB in '06 in college and held Calvin Johnson to one catch covering him, yet is only a safety by NFL standards. There is so much evidence of the caste system it is mind boggling!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Just edited paragraphs two and three from bottom, to make them more clear. When you are rushing through an argument on Youtube sometimes grammer goes out the wayside! Oh wait I spelled grammar wrong, I must really have a problem!


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
well, if after having to slog it out with numb skulls you end up making even one person start to question sport's racist status quo (i.e., white males suck as athletes) then it can't all be bad.

nice work!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Wow. Awesome arguments TJ, and thanks for putting them all in one place. Your post should be a 'sticky' if we had those here. It could save all of us the time and effort of rehashing all those arguments with every new troll that comes to the site.

Any chance you could edit it for more clarity, set up topical paragraphs, maybe omit the references to 'Reggie' and submit as an article?

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Excellent post. Just one thing. If you wounldn't be so hard with your comments (use of the word fool, call him Sir)towards the guy you're debating, maybe you wouldn't have been banned. I suggest you try to use the form of debate of making statements seem as questions. It's kind of tough at first, but gets easier as you go along. It also confounds the censors. I'm about to get a really tough letter against Affirmative Action into the local liberal rag and I think it's because of my forming statements as questions.

Too bad you were banned.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
TJR, you DEFINE a castefootball soldier.

I normally can't stand arguing over the internet, I just tell other sports fans about the caste system in athletics whenever humanly possible. I find that most people actually listen and agree. I'm not sure if that's because people love conspiricy theories (not that the caste system is a theory, it's a FACT), or that they always knew it existed, but never spoke up.

Either way, I really enjoy the things you do towards the cause, keep it up, man!

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
That post is in the realm of JB Cash. Outstanding.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White Shogun said:
Any chance you could edit it for more clarity, set up topical paragraphs, maybe omit the references to 'Reggie' and submit as an article?

Great idea, would make a fine addition to the homepage as well as beinga permanent reference article for CFers to direct football fans to.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Yeah, I probably shouldn't have called him a fool or a racist, but he referred to my arguments as racist and foolish, so I was throwing it back at him. And Don, I actually used one of your exact arguments toward the end of the post. It's seventh from the bottom showing the remarks of Billy Bair's coach about his "supposed" lack of speed. I thought that was a very well reasoned argument, so thanks for planting that idea.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
i never thought of it in the rooting for the people of similiar heritage, it makes it seem not racist, ive never felt racist pulling for the white guy, its more of a pride thing, i like guys like drew brees, what people would call an average white guy, roughly around 6 foot, but the guy is amazing, or someone like jacob hester, 5'11 , average size but still athletic as hell and can play football, i want my kids to grow up and look up to guys like these, not to see predominantly black players who a majority of don't have good character and think they don't have the ability to achieve the same things because they were born white, its okay for a black person to root for the black guy, or a white person to root for the black guy, why can't a white guy root for a white guy

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Let me add to the long list of members here to say what a great job your doing. You lead by example TJR. Keep up the great debates. We need to educate a whole lot of people.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Yeah, I probably shouldn't have called him a fool or a racist, but he referred to my arguments as racist and foolish, so I was throwing it back at him. And Don, I actually used one of your exact arguments toward the end of the post. It's seventh from the bottom showing the remarks of Billy Bair's coach about his "supposed" lack of speed. I thought that was a very well reasoned argument, so thanks for planting that idea.

Black people (and to an equal or even greater extent, Hispanic people) use the "R" word as a shock weapon in order to shut white people up when whites confound them with issues and questions for which they have no reasonable or intelligent reply, such as "hey Tyrone, if I have six apples and three friends, and I want to give each of them an equal number of apples, how many should I give to each friend?"

Quite obviously, they'll reply with either "duhh.." or "you're a racist fool."

BTW Hester is my favorite RB!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
GiovaniMarcon said:
Black people (and to an equal or even greater extent, Hispanic people) use the "R" word as a shock weapon in order to shut white people up when whites confound them with issues and questions for which they have no reasonable or intelligent reply, such as "hey Tyrone, if I have six apples and three friends, and I want to give each of them an equal number of apples, how many should I give to each friend?"

We get it already -- you have a very low opinion of blacks, as you never fail to remind us in every one of your posts.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Don Wassall said:
GiovaniMarcon said:
Black people (and to an equal or even greater extent, Hispanic people) use the "R" word as a shock weapon in order to shut white people up when whites confound them with issues and questions for which they have no reasonable or intelligent reply, such as "hey Tyrone, if I have six apples and three friends, and I want to give each of them an equal number of apples, how many should I give to each friend?"

We get it already -- you have a very low opinion of blacks, as you never fail to remind us in every one of your posts.

you're the founder of the board so you're free to ban me -- certainly -- if you find me in violation of your board's policies, but I'm just stating my opinion, which you are of course perfectly free to disagree with. Having a low opinion of blacks isn't an uncommon stance (especially around here) but euphemisms and tongue-holding are common among white men everywhere today. If people -- especially white men -- don't say what they think they just let themselves get further slapped around by the PC crowd.

Blacks certainly pull no punches when they demean whites. I certainly don't intend to be slapped around myself.

Once again, if you find my posts to be one-dimensional and or offensive to your site's policies, it's your baby. Ban away. Though I'd still read the posts.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I made an observation; you're the one who brought up banning. I found your post a poor fit for this thread, which is an important, fact-filled argument. This is a thread tailor-made for football fans curious about why we believe there is a Caste System in sports, in other words it's a great thread for those who may be on the fence, or maybe even leaning our direction, and then they read a slur-filled post that adds nothing to the argument, claiming that blacks and hispanics can't do even the simplest math problem. Thanks a lot for the contribution.

The primary object of Caste Football is to educate with intelligence and subtlety. Our mission is positive, to support and enlighten white athletes, whites in general, and anyone else who believes in fairness when it comes to race and other issues. Being able to criticize blacks here doesn't mean an open-ended license to mindlessly bash them.Let's hearabout the white athletes you personallyroot forand why now and then instead of the same single note being sung repetitively.

Don't know why, butwhen I read your posts for some reasonI think "yanling."
Edited by: Don Wassall

White Power

Feb 25, 2007
I beleive you have to change the mind set of fans before you can change the caste system for the better. I was once at a football game and heard the fans behind me bemoan the fact that their team had a white guy line up at safety. "How sorry are we can't we find enough blacks to play on our team no wonder we suck." Unless and until we have some one like Mc Guffie absolutely tear it up at a major college program the caste system will be thrust upon us. Sports fans have been taught to beleive that whites are inferior at the skill positions. Now their are some who would like to see their own do well, but they are few and far between. The problem is you can argue all you want on youtube beleive me I have done it on other sites, but it does not accomplish much of anything except makes the person arguing for the whites sound racist. Th eonly way I feel that the caste system will be broken is for some white superstar like Mc Guffie to simply win the heisman maybe twice then and only then will we maybe have a chance to make in roads against the great injustice of ther caste system. Now for what it's worth TJR I like your argument and maybe it will be slightly beneficial, but in the long run not much will change until a white skilled super star emerges.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Why was Jerome Bettis a RB while Mike Alstott was a Fullback?

How do Whites excel in Rugby and Soccer? Don't those sports require RUNNING? But, here's the thing, there's a creeping Caste system in Soccer -- so will people believe that Whites somehow forgot how to run and jump??

Why must Whites always "bulk-up" (and perhaps lose quickness) when there's a plethora of tiny blacks in College and the NFL. You see this mainly at TE, Safety, WR, RB and sometimes DE. I'm not making this up. The talking-heads are always talking about White players needing to add weight. Put 30 pounds on TE Dustin Keller and see if he loses "speed." The Caste media ain't fooling me.

I wouldn't be surprised if TE John Carlson has a better NFL career than "speedier" Greg Olsen.

Something else to consider. The Tennessee Vols' had a couple of Polynesian D-Line starters in recent years (Jesse Mahelona and J.T. Mapu), but I can't think of the last White Man to start on their D-Line? Coaches would rather play Poly's than White Men. How is that a good thing?? Now, I do realize the fact that Poly's and Whites are somewhat similarly evolved - i.e. strong quads, bigger bones, upper-body strength, tackle-breaking ability, etc. The Caste media won't point out the similarities in physiology though. So, I don't see how Poly's help Whites against the Caste System.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I had to edit the post regarding Cory McCaffrey; I said he was the champ in the 100 meter "and 200 meter" and I was off a bit. He also won states in the long jump and 400 meter. If anyone wants to read through and tell me if there are anymore mistakes in my post please do.