Health/Fitness/Diet Propaganda

Why Health and Fitness?​

by Raw Egg Nationalist

Here’s a short essay I wrote towards the beginning of the year for, on why health and fitness has a vital political relevance today. Increasingly, I’m of the opinion that when people ask me “Why?” with regard to health and fitness, I should just reply, “Why wouldn’t the health of the people be of political importance?” It strikes me as perfectly obvious, and I’m sure it probably strikes you as that too, but unfortunately it isn’t clear to a great many people, especially including conservatives and right-wingers, who you’d think would understand, intuitively, the points I’m about to make.

People ask me why they should care about health and fitness. What bearing does the food we eat, the toxic chemicals we’re exposed to or the exercise we do – or don’t do – have on politics today? Isn’t the emphasis on health and fitness, at best, a distraction? Some even claim I’m a fed, a pied piper sent to draw young men off and away from the real paths to victory, like supporting Kanye West in his 2024 presidential run…

There are a number of ways I could respond. For one thing, it often seems to be a certain type of person who asks such questions. But enough attractive and interesting people ask that I can’t just dismiss this scepticism on the basis of looks or IQ alone.

As a first answer, then, I might say that our unparalleled sickness has made ours the only society where issues of health and fitness have taken on an existential character – where the costs of obesity and chronic disease are so enormous, the effects so debilitating, that they could genuinely destroy our society without determined political intervention. And it’s true: the costs really are enormous, and the effects really are utterly debilitating. The estimated cost of obesity alone in the United States was $173 billion dollars in 2019, according to the US CDC. You could build 11 border walls between the US and Mexico with that money.

In actual fact, though, it isn’t true that we’re unique in this way. Health and fitness has been recognised throughout written history as a core concern for the state, pertaining directly to its very survival. It was certainly such for the ancient Greeks, for whom there existed no separation between mind and body of the sort we’re so happy to accept, unthinkingly, today. “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools,” said the great historian Thucydides. Indeed, if a hierarchy did exist, it was more likely to be matter over mind than mind over matter. As Bronze Age Pervert reminds us, the tombstone of the playwright Aeschylus recalled nothing about his plays, instead noting only the fact that he had fought at Marathon against the Persians.

A key distinction between citizens and slaves in ancient Greece was that slaves were forbidden to practise gymnastics, weightlifting or wrestling. These were activities that developed what the Greeks called thymos, best translated as “spiritedness” or “vivacity” or “warm blood”, personal qualities that pushed men on to excel and seek distinction. The slaves’ disbarment from physical activity became a self-fulfilling prophecy. According to Aristotle, slaves were, by nature, incapable of self-discipline and reasoning, just like children, but preventing them from exercising and developing their thymos meant they would never have the opportunity to demonstrate otherwise.

Thymos could be eliminated in other ways. Plato seems to have believed diet, specifically vegetarianism, could do it too. In the second book of the Republic, Plato’s Socrates describes an ideal society of vegetarians that would not need elaborate laws, eugenic codes or social classes of warriors and rulers to ensure it functioned harmoniously. If you gave the ordinary people a simple diet of bread, peas, beans, fruit, nuts, olive oil and cheese, a blessed fearfulness would prevail. The people would live a “peaceful and healthy life”, perfectly content with their lot, and “keep the number of their families within their means.” Give them meat, however, and now you have a society “in a fever”, where thymos comes to the fore and suddenly you need more territory, greater social differentiation and new rules and customs to keep things from falling apart.

(It’s worth noting that a vegetarian diet of the sort Plato’s Socrates recommends really would quash men’s thymos, if by “thymos” we mean “testosterone”, the hormone that is responsible for so much of the behaviour that makes men men and not women. Studies show that eating a vegetarian diet is about the worst thing you can do as a man if you want to maintain your hormones at optimal levels. A low-fat vegetarian diet, in particular, can reduce testosterone by over a quarter. Men with low testosterone suffer from depression and anxiety, reduced libido, decreased muscle mass and hair loss and may even, in some cases, grow breast tissue.)

What would the ancient Greeks think if they could see us today? Would they see a society of high-thymos men? Or would they see a society of men who, despite calling themselves free, are indistinguishable from slaves – incapable of self-discipline, reason and, most of all, effective resistance to tyrannical rule?

Something else we may very soon be incapable of is reproducing. If current trends in sperm counts continue, by 2045 mankind will, as a species, be unable to reproduce by natural means. The median man will have a sperm count of zero: half of all men will produce no sperm at all, and the other half will produce so few that they might as well produce none. This isn’t speculation: eminent scholars of reproductive health have just extrapolated from the data we already have. What’s more, new data suggest these trends have actually started to speed up since the turn of the millennium…

Among the principal justifications for the massive replacement migration now being forced on us, which will only intensify in the coming years and decades, is that Westerners just can’t produce enough babies. Of course, we know that prosperity brings with it decreased fertility – this happened to the Romans in their glory just as surely as it has happened to us – but our current predicament is also the result of our dreadful health, especially obesity, and our chronic exposure to a wide array of hormone-disrupting chemicals like BPA, phthalates and PFAS. A shocking recent study revealed, for instance, that overweight boys grow up to have testicles that are 1.5x smaller than those of men who were a normal weight in their youth, permanently damaging their reproductive health. Exposure to PFAS has been shown to increase a woman’s risk of miscarrying by up to 40%.

Here, then, we can surely see how sovereignty and health are inseparable today. Measures like Viktor Orban’s to increase the birth rate of native Hungarians are of course to be welcomed, and should be emulated by every right-wing party that comes to power in the West. But social and legal incentives are doomed to fail if we don’t also solve the health crisis that is making us not simply unwilling, but also unfit, to produce a new generation to carry forth the timeless ideals of our ancestors and win.

I think society's wealth and peace has spoiled us and has led the mainstream to glorify weakness, meekness and demonize strength and willpower. Hence it is considered a virtue to be soft and defenseless.

Utterly foolish of course.
interesting how he makes the point that being slaves meant reduced physical and mental fitness. The complete opposite of the nonsense we are fed today about blacks having an athletic advantage because they were slaves as if (not to be flippant here) picking cotton can somehow make you a better athlete.
Very interesting take and I found the tidbits about Ancient Greeks even more fascinating.
This might be of interest to some. Dr. Mercola was an outspoken opponent of the plandemic and the vaxxes from the beginning so his opinions carry weight.

Micronutrients and Exercise Ameliorate Aging​

interesting how he makes the point that being slaves meant reduced physical and mental fitness. The complete opposite of the nonsense we are fed today about blacks having an athletic advantage because they were slaves as if (not to be flippant here) picking cotton can somehow make you a better athlete.
but didn't blacks also do construction work and stuff?
lifting heavy loads as well?
but didn't blacks also do construction work and stuff?
lifting heavy loads as well?
Also note that the strong black men were bred with the strong black women. That counts for something.

I absolutely refuse to believe they are naturally faster or more athletic. ********.

But selective breeding makes sense.

Would that white had been as selective in their mates.
Also note that the strong black men were bred with the strong black women. That counts for something.

I absolutely refuse to believe they are naturally faster or more athletic. ********.

But selective breeding makes sense.

Would that white had been as selective in their mates.
Natural selection, not in the evolution nonsense, but in terms of what white men had to do to survive throughout the centuries- hand to hand combat, skill in wielding a weapon and coordination in archary and shooting, hunting, problem solving, intelligence, teamwork, creativity, strength, emotional maturity, leadership, etc all skills that also make great athletes. We, unlike other races, have them in abundance thanks to our ancestors
Natural selection, not in the evolution nonsense, but in terms of what white men had to do to survive throughout the centuries- hand to hand combat, skill in wielding a weapon and coordination in archary and shooting, hunting, problem solving, intelligence, teamwork, creativity, strength, emotional maturity, leadership, etc all skills that also make great athletes. We, unlike other races, have them in abundance thanks to our ancestors
I thank the Lord every day for this.
Another point - in ancient Rome, the wealthy and powerful upper classes ate a lot of meat, but they always made sure to feed their slaves a vegetarian diet. Something to think about with all this "go vegan" and "eat ze bugs" propaganda that's being shoved down our throats by our current globalist overlords.
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