H2H in Bears locker room

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Fight between Bears linemen

The protaganists:

Olin Kreutz

Fred Miller

Short version of the story: Kreutz broke Miller's jaw in a locker room fight.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Iremember reading about Miller's "fall at home" and thinking it was a bogus story as it's the oldest and lamest excuse used whenthe actual causeis being covered up.


Apr 14, 2005
First of all who the hell is Fred Miller. I've never even heard of the guy. And secondly what was this whole fight about to begin with.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I think Miller had a bad case of buttkickeditus!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Both guys are linemen for the Chicago Bears. The article didn't say what the fight was about, but like SteveB said, it is odd that Miller apologized to Kreutz afterwards. Makes one wonder what the fight was about, but from the evidence it appears Miller started it and Kreutz finished it.


May 20, 2005
Jaw broken in two places! Nice job Olin!

Kreutz gets my "Romanowski Award for Excellence". Another big White footballer who probably should have been a good heavy-weight instead.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I heard on TV that the fight between Kreutz and Miller was at an FBI shooting range. Anyone else hear that?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Another racial tiff took place the other day. This was just a squib in the local sports section today. Montgomery is black, Fairchild is white. The three defensive tackles referenced are all black. If anyone has a link to the full story please provide.


The St. Louis Rams' front office has been squabbling with the head coach for years and now even the assistants are getting feisty. Given the turmoil surrounding the team, players weren't shocked to see running backs coach Wilbert Montgomery and offensive coordinator Steve Fairchild square off briefly in practice Wednesday.

"Very interesting year," wide receiver Torry Holt said yesterday. "We all know that." The coach vs. coach skirmish was so brief, many players didn't see it. It came on the heels of a Sports Illustrated article in which an anonymous player ripped the team's three defensive tackles, all former No. 1 picks."


Given the phenotypes he's displaying and the simple fact that he's born in Hawaii, it seems obvious enough that Kreutz is at least half Polynesian, if not more...why aren't the board's resident Nordic Supremacists all up in arms about "White_Savage" lauding this "mongrel" with the coveted "Romanowski Award"...come on JODY we wanna hear from you...

2005 Romanowski Award WInner Olin "Hammer of Thor" Kreutz


White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
What is it with you guys? Geebus H. man.

Jervey, if you're jumping on the jody bandwagon I have no sympathy for you. You both need to read a lot more of the posts on this board. It seems like both you and jody are more interested in figuring out what exact % of white everybody is than your so-called "Nordic Supremacists."


May 20, 2005
You've apparently never read any of my posts if you think Kreutz's Polynesian background bothers me. I like my own race best of course, and always back it 110%, but most other races are just okay by me, that's the best way I can put it. Not saying I think we should try to bring bunches of any non-White groups into mostly White countries, that's just asking for friction, but only the ******** are, on average, truly unpleasant to deal with on an interpersonal level and unmitigated disasters for every country that has them on a societal level. And only the ******** get to strut around acting like ******** with an undeserved reputation for being invincibly tough.

Therefore, any brawny fellow who takes a mouthy ******* down a peg in H2H combat, whether he be White, Mestizo, Asian, or some blend thereof, is eligible and worthy of the Romanowski Award for Excellence

BTW Jervey, on a serious note, if you want to tell me, calmly and politely, what your exact problem with me and other "Nordic Supremacists", I'll calmly and politely tell you exactly why you're wrong. If you just want to stir the pot though, please go away.


Sorry for not getting back in a more timely fashion...anyhow...I was obviously just being something of a provocateur, admittedly, and really just poking fun at the "racial-purity" obsessed JODY. I've read quite a few of your rather verbose philosophising posts, Savage, and it's nothing if not interesting...you're obviously a reasonably well-read guy. It's just that I can't help but be contrary, and I have no more patience for Nordic Supremacists than I might for the Afrocentrist historic revisionists who, for example, claim the Moorish empires as negro or Egypt as a "great Black civilisation." I have something of an understanding of the pseudophilosophical branch of Nordic Supremacism, and find it only slightly less preposterous than the new Afrocentrism (althought the fact that they actually teach Black kids in state-sponsored schools that Hannibal was "Black", in the modern sense of the word, is far more infuriating...)

Clearly though, you, and not just a few others on this board, are not so much pro-White (regarding equal opportunities in Football) but are rather anti-Black. Am I wrong in that? I'm a pretty libertarian guy, so I defend your right to hate..and I'm not just saying that; I'm fascinated by hate, and I'm sort of glad there are people out there who are so willing to marry their hate with their intellect, because it makes for bloody brilliant drama...I'm just not one of those people.

So, respectfully, I simply feel that if you guys in here really wish to overthrow any real or implied conspiracy denying White kids the opportunity to Football scholarships (which seems to have some legitimate weight as an "equal-oppotunities" issue) you'd do better in using a bit of subtlety and subterfuge, rather than railing off blatant anti-Black racist diatribes and spouting all sorts of nonsense Nordicist Skadi-prop.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I was obviously just being something of a provocateur...

'Nuff said.


May 20, 2005
Jervey: Fair enough.

"I've read quite a few of your rather verbose philosophising posts, Savage, and it's nothing if not interesting...you're obviously a reasonably well-read guy."

Why thank you.

"It's just that I can't help but be contrary,"

I can empathize. One doesn't adopt a philosophical view-point that most people view as being slightly worse than practicing necrophilia without being somewhat contrary.

"It's just that I can't help but be contrary, and I have no more patience for Nordic Supremacists than I might for the Afrocentrist historic revisionists who, for example, claim the Moorish empires as negro or Egypt as a "great Black civilisation."

Oh well, what the devil is a "supremacist" anyway? It's not like I believe Whites are "superior" at 100 meter sprinting, or have higher average I.Qs than Asians, or are superior at a whole range of other things other people tend to do better. I do believe that our unique genetics and culture is the majority of the reason we are history's overachievers, and that the other races if anything, would be worse off without us.

Ultimately that's all irrelevant though. The real point is, from the perspective of my own selfish interest and tastes, it's better for the society I live in to be composed and run by White people, and for White people to enjoy as much power, dominance, and prestige as possible. That may not be a very soft and cuddly philosophy, but I believe ultra-altruism is evolutionarily mal-adaptive anyhow.

"I have something of an understanding of the pseudophilosophical branch of Nordic Supremacism, and find it only slightly less preposterous than the new Afrocentrism (althought the fact that they actually teach Black kids in state-sponsored schools that Hannibal was "Black", in the modern sense of the word, is far more infuriating...)"

Uh, I don't believe Caucasians came from Atlantis or some Island in the Arctic, or any other outrageous things Himmler&company may have made up.....I challenge you to find where I have used lies, pseudo-science or pseudo-history.

"Clearly though, you, and not just a few others on this board, are not so much pro-White (regarding equal opportunities in Football) but are rather anti-Black. Am I wrong in that?"

I'm both. Look...I've met Black people I like, believe it or not. But as a group, their behavior has become so outrageous, mainstream society has bent over so far to placate them, and demean White men in comparison to them, that I feel entirely justified in wanting them to get come-uppance.

"I'm a pretty libertarian guy, so I defend your right to hate..and I'm not just saying that; I'm fascinated by hate, and I'm sort of glad there are people out there who are so willing to marry their hate with their intellect, because it makes for bloody brilliant drama...I'm just not one of those people."

My political leanings are Libertarian as well. Maybe this is a cheapshot, but ever notice how 90% of the people interested in Libertarianism are White or Jewish?

As far as hate goes...why hate hate so much? Hate is as natural as love-if you buy into a sort of yin-yang binary view, you might even say love is nothing without hate for comparison. Amity-Emity complex,ala "TheTerritorial Imperitive" by Robert Ardrey, ring any bells?

I don't think any biological group survives without some form of "love" towards it's own and "hate" towards outsiders and especially enemies. The admonition to "Love your enemies" seems to get you nailed to bits of wood for your trouble, definetely mal-adaptive. And I believe the sub-species of the human race I belong to is worth preserving.

"So, respectfully, I simply feel that if you guys in here really wish to overthrow any real or implied conspiracy denying White kids the opportunity to Football scholarships (which seems to have some legitimate weight as an "equal-oppotunities" issue) you'd do better in using a bit of subtlety and subterfuge, rather than railing off blatant anti-Black racist diatribes and spouting all sorts of nonsense Nordicist Skadi-prop"

You know, you are probably right. I just can't help speaking my mind sometimes. (Still defy you to point out where I spouted "nonsense".)


Nov 25, 2004
Jerveygotgyped, would you stop with the "Swarthy supremacy" and the inferiority of the Nordic Breed. You lost that laughable and boring arguement a long time ago. Let it go!

Short, Sweet, True, and to the point.


I don't recall anyone, least of all you, "winning" that argument...I let that thread go for the simple fact that some posters (primarily you) had finally begun to resort to juvenile taunting and base ad hominem attacks. I was embarrassed for us both, and decided to abort. I just looked in on that "Androgen Receptor" thread and found a good deal of corroborative points (with links) posited by myself, specifically related to "...a physical (and functional) distinction in the mechanism of androgen reception" among various ethnic groups. This was my theory, it was not ably contradicted, and the debate had soured considerably. Instead, several contradictors had constructed straw-man arguments about "Swarthy" peoples being absolutely better athletes than "Nordics" and spent a week deconstructing it. I simply pointed out that there are functional differences in the mechanisms of maturation among variant groups; this is a point beyond debate...and applied these within the context of American Pro Football. Your retort included:

"Did you get picked on at school or something? You sure remind me of the type of "hominid" that would get his lunch money bullied away"

I seem to recall you attacking me personally in a similar fashion on at least one other occasion. If you really must know, as I made clear in the anecdote I included in the first post of that thread, I was pretty "developmentally accelerated" and "was always very athletic by any standard." That formula usually equates to "jock" within any school heirarchy, and I might have been categorized this way. I can remember being picked on by one big East-Indian kid in, I think, the 9th grade (this kid had a beard at that age), on one or two occassions, but I seem to recall it having more to do with my cheap no-name clothes, and so thus being lower class.

Actually, school-yard bullying figures nicely into the points being made here...By age 14, I myself had a pretty good amount of beard and musculature, and recall coming to school following the summer after 9th and being treated with a lot of deference and "jock-respect"...By the 10th, the rugby coach (in Canada, rugby's a big thing) was doing a lot of heavy recruiting on the very obviously accelerated guys...there were disproportionate numbers of East-Indians, Persians, Blacks and other accelerated groups on these teams. I can definitely remember instances where quick-maturing boys would lay put-downs and bravado on the kids with the more smooth faces & gracile physiques who tried out for teams. Invariably, a lot of these kids were likely to be fairer-complected. Most of the Asian and Native Indian kids just didn't even bother trying out, although there was always the odd Filipino or Viet who did well. Also, to be perfectly clear, I can remember having more than a few Blonde "Nordic" type team-mates who were most definitely phenomenal athletes...it's all about means, medians and averages, though isn't it?

Just the other day, I ran into an acquaintance from school (a very Blonde, blue-eyed guy) and was amazed to see how the guy has finally seemed to reach maturity in his mid-twenties. All through highschool this guy was literally built like a girl: little musculature to speak of, small-boned, baby-faced, alto-pitched voice. I've noticed this so often, I think the point is irrefutable. At 16 or 22 (i think he was about that age the only other time i remember seeing him) it would just be beyond debate that I was a better athlete than this guy, but seeing him the other day (at 6'2", now with 3 inches on me) we'd be on an equal playing field, so to speak...it's just that nobody's recruiting men in their mid-twenties for junior teams.

I never once claimed "Swarthy Supremacy" as an absolute in sport, but rather the fact of relative developmental precocity. The relevance of this FACT to popwarner, highschool and college coaches (who's tenures are measured by the success of single seasons, and need ready bodies now) is obvious.

I will however, claim "Swarthy Supremacy" in the arenas of culture, science, empire-building and indoctrination. Right now, >95% of the world is worshipping our gods, assembling in our Parliamentary systems, engineering technology by the rules we pioneered (and still pioneer today), and borrowing money from our complex, erudite financial machinations. We split the atom. We write the best comedy. We fight the best wars. We cook the best food. I have a deep respect for other groups, including "nordic" people and "asiatics". They're invariably honest, amicable people. They're just not very crafty...cunning...daedalian...machiavellian...as you guys in here are so ably illustrating.
Edited by: JerveyGotGypped


White_Savage said:
I believe ultra-altruism is evolutionarily mal-adaptive anyhow.

Within the context of a wider cultural systems theory, altruism, non-zero-sum exchange, non-kin reciprocal altruism is a nebular thing. Game theory teaches us alot about the nature of meme-exchange within societies, and it's quite spectral. There really is no "right" or "wrong"...it's just that people need to function as though there is.

White_Savage said:
My political leanings are Libertarian as well. Maybe this is a cheapshot, but ever notice how 90% of the people interested in Libertarianism are White or Jewish?

The reasons for this have more to do with traditions of moral absolutism and an idealogical rejection of ethnocentrism. Remember that an organism need not have actual sentience to behave in a way as though it did. What are societies if not huge memetic organisms? Ignorance of this is the base pillar which holds up wonton conspiracism.

White_Savage said:
As far as hate goes...why hate hate so much? Hate is as natural as love-if you buy into a sort of yin-yang binary view, you might even say love is nothing without hate for comparison. Amity-Emity complex,ala "TheTerritorial Imperitive" by Robert Ardrey, ring any bells?

I love hate...as do all bored Epicureans. I just have little of it for any race. The Endocrine System is just one among many in the complex matrix of the human machine, and so too the human mind. Hating a whole group of people because they passed through a wider bottle-neck in their Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation, or because their pituitary kicks in a little sooner is just such an easy way out. Ardrey, like Coon, is a relic...but that's just my opinion.

White_Savage said:
I don't think any biological group survives without some form of "love" towards it's own and "hate" towards outsiders and especially enemies. The admonition to "Love your enemies" seems to get you nailed to bits of wood for your trouble, definetely mal-adaptive. And I believe the sub-species of the human race I belong to is worth preserving.

Again...what's "mal-adaptive" is far from clear-cut at a systems level. It saddens me that I'll never meet a Tasmanian Native, or that my great-grand-sons might never experience a roll in the hay with a Red-Headed woman...and so what of it??

Anyway, I think your Howard-penned tagline qualifies as "Skadi-prop."Edited by: JerveyGotGypped


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Jerv, you do like to type! Some interesting stuff tho. I'll just add this. I feel an intellectual approach, such as yours, to a very simple situation leads to overthinking the problem.

Black culture is kicking white cultures ass right now and they do not worry about cultural systems theory, altruism, non-zero-sum exchange, non-kin reciprocal altruism, game theory, and there are very few black Epicurians. One advantage of just going on your base feelings or instinct is you don't muddle it up with a lot of reasons not to act in your own best interests.

I like to read too. I like intellectual theories and ideas. But at the end of the day when I see somehing like: "Over all stands the Aryan barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the supreme fighting man of earth." That moves me, and I don't even consider myself Aryan.

I can not work up a passion for cold theories and your tag: "The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one... " sums up our differences.

How I would ask you, can a man live humbly for a good cause if the good cause is only attainable by dying nobly? By adopting as a "good" cause something he won't have to risk his ass for? I guess so. That sounds like a form of cowardice to me.

William Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take away our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
So is that what all the typing was about... that some people mature faster than others?

Daaaang! Well gollee gee, Beav, why didn't you just say so!

I enjoyed reading your last couple of posts, jerve, maybe its because you're not trying to be a provocateur?

But I also have to agree with jaxvid. Conan is just way cooler than Wilhelm Stekel.


Edited by: White Shogun


Nov 25, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
I simply pointed out that there are functional differences in the mechanisms of maturation among variant groups; this is a point beyond debate...and applied these within the context of American Pro Football. Your retort included:

"Did you get picked on at school or something? You sure remind me of the type of "hominid" that would get his lunch money bullied away"

I seem to recall you attacking me personally in a similar fashion on at least one other occasion.

You have now changed that arguement into maturation rates? I recall asking you specifically if that was what you were getting at. You made it clear it was not. I have no agruement with differences in maturation rates knowing that early maturation rates do not equate athletic superiority into adulthood.

Don't cry about name-calling when you have insulted the intelligence of all posters on the site repeatedly. Not surprisingly you have done it again in your latest post. Your and admitted provactuer. Nuff said.

Gotta go, I will post more later about your last few comments.


May 20, 2005
Dear Jervey:
I still think you might be playing some sort of elaborate joke on us, however, here goes:

Your original arguement seemed to be that Southern Caucasians were more receptive to steroids than Northern ones. Now you are arguing they mature earlier as well. Are we on track so far?

It IS generally accepted that among other physical differences, blacks do mature about a year earlier than Whites. However, you are the first person I've come across to propose any major set of such differences within the Caucasian sub-species.

You seem to be arguing from your own experiences-ancedotal evidence. Yet others have had very different experiences. For instance, I was heavily bearded enough in Junior High to once be mistaken for a teacher, as well as possessing copious body hair. The beard in question is red though. I admit it's not like I've conciously done a scientific study, but in my own recollection, I can remember about equal numbers of blonder and darker White lads who seemed to be early or late maturers. And when we reach the level of pro-athletics, as has been pictorially demonstrated with football in your "androgens" thread, lighter Whites if anything seem to outnumber the darker kind. Northern Europeans are, if anything, slightly physically larger than Southern Euros and have been for quite some time-Just read Greek and Roman descriptions of Celts and Germanics.

"I will however, claim "Swarthy Supremacy" in the arenas of culture, science, empire-building and indoctrination. Right now, >95% of the world is worshipping our gods, assembling in our Parliamentary systems, engineering technology by the rules we pioneered (and still pioneer today), and borrowing money from our complex, erudite financial machinations. We split the atom. We write the best comedy. We fight the best wars. We cook the best food. I have a deep respect for other groups, including "nordic" people and "asiatics". They're invariably honest, amicable people. They're just not very crafty...cunning...daedalian...machiavellian...as you guys in here are so ably illustrating."

With this, I know you are playing a joke, but still I'll bite.....

I assume you are referring to contributions of Greco-Roman civilization with most of this. But here we run into several problems. The first is the actual racial composition of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Zeus is a red-head, Athena is grey-eyed, Aphrodite is described as having flaxen locks, Achilles is yellow-haired...what does this tell you about the looks of the ancient Greeks who created these myths? Of the top of my head, Julius Caeser was tow-headed. I'm sure with abit of research I can add to the list. Italians and Greeks are somewhat darker than modern day Germans or Englishmen mainly because of invasions and interbreeding that happened AFTER the glory days of the Hellenic world.(None of this should be construed to mean that modern Italians and Greeks are somehow inferior either-any differences between Caucasian subgroups in average I.Q. are insigifigant if even detectable.)

The second problem is the huge contribution of various Nordic humans from at least the time the Roman Empire was conquered, on forward. Compounding this is the fact that the "barbarism" of the European peoples the Romans fought has been GREATLY exagerrated. This IS a pet area of mine. When we speak about the Celtic and Germanic tribes of this time, we are not speaking about wandering bands of tribesmen-we speak of small nation-states, not dissimilar to the Greek-city states, or even the American colonies before Federalism. (Speaking of which, tell me right quick, where do our concepts about every trials by 12 peers, every man having the right to bear arms and speak his mind in council, etc. come from? Ultimately rooted in ancient Germanic custom.) Technologically, they seem to have equaled or exceeded the Romans in many ways. We admire Greek and Roman ruins, but the Celts and Germans built on a large scale as well. Some Celtic hill-forts had highh walls enclosing many square miles, huge longhouses, many dwellings, etc. Unfortunately, the most practical material for them, wood, decays in time, unlike the stone that went into the best Greek and Roman constructions. Northern European mettallurgy seems to have outpaced Southern-remember that Greece's bronze age was ended by blond-haired invaders with iron spears, that mail armor and lengthy swords both seem to have been adopted by the Romans from the Celts. Roman observers also admired Celtic chariot construction and even left drawings of a sort of horse-drawn reaping machine of Celtic province!

The Greek and Roman intellectual classes left ample written records for historians to study. The Celts and Germans left very little. But when you examine the issue, you find there ARE examples of Celtic use of writing, but that Northern European's intellectual elite were commited to maintaining an oral tradition of transmission. An unfortunate cultural choice for historians, but absence of a written intellectual tradition does not imply that these otherwise highly-organized and technologically advanced peoples had no intellectual culture.

Gods? Excuse me? I suppose you mean the bizarre series of events by which the religion of Europe came to be derived from a rather odd and eccentric Middle-Eastern
cult. This has nothing at all to do with any cultural superiority or inferiority, and whether or not this occurence was a good thing is HIGHLY debatable.

Food? Boy we are feeling light-hearted today, aren't we Jervey? Truly, native English cuisine has been bloody awful for the last 300 years or so, for many historical reasons, including the tendency to simply borrow recipes from the French. But German and Scandinavian food is good. Even the Icelandic dish of Greenland shark buried in the ground for a few weeks shows alot of ingenuity in using you enviroment, as well as the stolid determination of anyone who actually eats it.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
You have now changed that arguement into maturation rates?

You mean mental MASTRUBATION rates?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
I will however, claim "Swarthy Supremacy" in the arenas of culture, science, empire-building and indoctrination. Right now, >95% of the world is worshipping our gods, assembling in our Parliamentary systems, engineering technology by the rules we pioneered (and still pioneer today), and borrowing money from our complex, erudite financial machinations. We split the atom. We write the best comedy. We fight the best wars. We cook the best food. I have a deep respect for other groups, including "nordic" people and "asiatics". They're invariably honest, amicable people. They're just not very crafty...cunning...daedalian...machiavellian...as you guys in here are so ably illustrating.

Whoa nellie!! Swarthy supremacy in the arenas of culture, science, empire-building and indoctrination
How did you get there???? I thought you meant Swarty Supremacy in some physical sense. The areas of culture, science, empire-building, indoctrination are all dominated by Northern Europeans. What have the Italians, Spanish or Greeks done in the last thousand years????

Culture: French, German, English, American
Science: German, English/Scottish, American, French
Empire-building: French, English, American
Indoctrination: Nazi-Germany, Israli-American

Need I say more????Edited by: jaxvid