A fairly balanced collection of Whites and European Jews, that picture.
(A word-European Jews, according to some studies, seem to have the highest average I.Q.s. But European Jewry is inbred with Caucasians to a huge extent-many Jews are White going by all observable physical features. Meanwhile, Middle Eastern Jews seem to be much less intelligent than their European counterparts and indeed Whites, a situation which causes difficulty for relations between the two Jewish groups in Israel. Is it too implausible to assert that the extra-high intelligence is at least in part caused by Caucasian genes, augmented by the difficulties of surviving for millenia in a hostile culture where they were forbidden most non-intellectual trades, and the Jewish cultural tendency towards eugenics for high I.Q.? Ask yourself, in what other culture is the Doctor likely to get the best women and outcompete, say, the football player.)
Further, the Western culture that has allowed highly intelligent Jews to make many contributions, mainly in mathematics and abstract theory, was invented and maintained by Caucasoids, and owes it's shape to Caucasoid thinking. Without the unique Nordic way of seeing the world and tendency towards invention and exploration, Jews would still be living in a pre-scientific society of some sort and using their prodigious intellects to debate the finer points of a rather primitive and unatractive religion, rather than garnering true knowledge.
Edited by: White_Savage