Guns rights VICTORY!!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
In the biggest 2nd amendment victory in the history of the country the Supreme Court affirmed that the 2nd amendment does in fact guarentee the right to keep and bear arms for American citizens. I'm glad I lived to see it!!! I think it will be rolled back and eventually overturned as the court becomes more liberal but for now enjoy.

"The court's decision means that the enigmatically worded Second Amendment -- "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" -- identifies an individual right to gun ownership, like the freedom of speech, that cannot be unduly restricted by Congress, state laws or city ordinances."

Also voting in the majority were Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy and Clarence Thomas.

And in what has to be one of the most laughable replies by a liberal judge, Stephen Breyer tried to maintain that there is no reason for the court to decide this issue for the whole country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How frickin' ridiculous is it for a guy who wants to destroy the very concept of state rights and federalism to make the following comments. (I guess he would be okay with a locality refusing to observe the Civil Rights Act-by the same line of thinking.

Justice Stephen G. Breyer objected to the majority decision, and read his dissent from the bench. He disagreed with the majority that it is a fundamental right, and said the court was restricting state and local efforts from designing gun control laws that fit their particular circumstances, and turning over all decisions to federal judges. Joining him with dissenting votes were John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. Stevens wrote his own dissent and did not join Breyer's.

"Given the empirical and local value-laden nature of the questions that lie at the heart of the issue, why, in a nation whose constitution foresees democratic decision-making, is it so fundamental a matter as to require taking that power from the people?" Breyer wrote. "What is it here that the people did not know? What is it that a judge knows better?"


Nov 13, 2005
This is one of those cases where it does matter who is President, as this 5 to 4 divide is no accident, with the four liberals, with the exception of Stevens (whose replacement Kagan of course would have voted with the liberals) all appointed by Democrats, and the five who voted for gun rights all appointed by Republicans. Right now Justice Anthony Kennedy is the most powerful Supreme Court justice in history perhaps, as he is the fifth vote on whatever issue he wants, he often swings conservative, though not always, witness his siding with the liberals against Christians freedom of association in the other big case handed down today.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

What does this mean to the average person? Can we now go get a gun? More importantly, does this decision allow a person to cary a weapon?

Tom Iron...
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Tom Iron said:

What does this mean to the average person? Can we now go get a gun? More importantly, does this decision allow a person to cary a weapon?

Tom Iron...
What I want to know, dose it give you the right to use the gun?? A gun is no good if you can't use it!

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

If I'm allowed to carry a gun, I guarantee, I'll use it if a situation arises that I have to.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Tom Iron said:

What does this mean to the average person? Can we now go get a gun? More importantly, does this decision allow a person to cary a weapon?

Tom Iron...

It depends where on the laws where you live. All this case does, is for the time being prohibit governments from fully banning owning firearms. Strict regulation is still okay, but outright banning is not. Some places are more liberal then others but governments now have to allow law abiding citizens the right to own a firearm.

As far as carrying it in public, while those laws are much more freer then they were a few years ago it is still difficult. I imagine in someplace like New Jersey it's still pretty difficult to get a carry permit.


Dec 13, 2009
In Florida law abiding residents can get a concealed weapons permit that allows you to carry a gun on you just about anywhere which is sweet because you never know when you're gonna need one and you damn sure don't EVER want to need one and not have one. It would be nice if every state in the union had similar gun laws as Florida.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
referendum said:
This is one of those cases where it does matter who is President, as this 5 to 4 divide is no accident, with the four liberals, with the exception of Stevens (whose replacement Kagan of course would have voted with the liberals) all appointed by Democrats, and the five who voted for gun rights all appointed by Republicans.

Yes, it is one of those cases. It should be clear to all that lefties do not believe in adhering to the constitution.After all, it was written by a bunch of racist White men, long dead and largely forgotten. Kagan would rip the Constitution to shreds.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I hope one of the common sense Senators asks this Jewess her opinion on this decision and how she would have voted (I know she will lie and say she would have voted in favor of it.) But then challenge her based on her however limited statements of the past. To me this is a must question for this stealth constitution destroyer.

Also, Texas is quite liberal in giving concealed gun permits.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I guess we can thank W. for Roberts and Alito.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Oh by the way the other woman Puerto Rican AA Superme Court Judge Sonia Sotomajor when asked during her confirmation hearings was the 2nd Amendment a fundamental American right....She said.....aah, yes of course.

Quess what, this liar was on the dissenting opinion of yesterday's SCOTUS ruling. This Jewess is going to be the same....a F'ing menence.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
"Given the empirical and local value-laden nature of the
questions that lie at the heart of the issue, why, in a nation whose
constitution foresees democratic decision-making, is it so fundamental a
matter as to require taking that power from the people?" Breyer wrote.
"What is it here that the people did not know? What is it that a judge
knows better?"

Talk about an argument from convenience, jumbled imperatives, and a complete misrepresentation of the actual nature of our country. First, we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Well at least we started as such. Second, how can Breyer claim some democratic imperative without showing that the issue was intended to be resolved democratically? He presumably would not do this with the First Amendment or the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, or Eighth Amendments. Does Breyer realize that he just argued against the whole idea of constitutional rights with that statement? He basically just said that rights should be subject to popular vote. And whose vote? I doubt he feels that federal firearms regulations that might be more restrictive than certain states would choose should be rejected by those states. Breyer could save his argument by rejecting the "incorporation" doctrine, but he would never go that far because to do so would revive the Tenth Amendment and states' rights. Breyer doesn't support states' rights; he just opposes gun rights so he would have us believe that some amendments inviolably apply to the states while others are up for democratic decision without any textual/historical evidence to show which is which . Breyer is simply trying to hide his anti-gun rights views in the ill-fitting cloak of liberty despite the obvious indication that liberty would dictate the opposite position.

What is it that a judge
knows better?"

The Constitution, one would hope.

That said, I have mixed feelings on this decision. I support gun rights, but I am not a fan of the
"incorporation" doctrine which this decision upholds. The Bill of
Rights was written as a limit on the Federal government, not on the
states. My view is that all federal firearms regulations are
unconstitutional and that only the states can regulate firearms (to
whatever extent they decide). I think gun rights would be more secure
with fifty states deciding for themselves than hoping the next SCOTUS
decision isn't a 5-4 vote against the Second Amendment as an individual


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Hey great post Palecon, you really expanded on what I was getting at concerning Breyers hypocritical decision.

I also agree with your worries on the decision, however that train has left the station so I think we should take what we can get in this case.

Let me also add that for a Supreme Court judge to make so erroneous a claim in such a major case is a sad sad commentary on where this country is at. Unfortunately there are even worse judges on the way. (Kagan)


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
jaxvid said:
I also agree with your worries on the decision, however that train has left the station so I think we should take what we can get in this case.

I agree that in the foreseeable future the "incorporation" doctrine is here to stay, but as a paleoconservative adhering to lost causes is a bit normal. However, this decision certainly isn't the worst that could have happened.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
you guys are waaaaaaaaay off base. this is a horrible decision! just take the word of the Violence Policy Center in their latest press release.they're looking out for "us," you know.

Violence Policy Center Statement on McDonald v. Chicago Decision

Washington, DC--Following today's U.S. Supreme Court decision in McDonald v. Chicago that the Second Amendment is applicable to the states, Violence Policy Center Legislative Director Kristen Rand issued the following statement:

"People will die because of this decision. It is a victory only for the gun lobby and America's fading firearms industry. The inevitable tide of frivolous pro-gun litigation destined to follow will force cities, counties, and states to expend scarce resources to defend longstanding, effective public safety laws. The gun lobby and gunmakers are seeking nothing less than the complete dismantling of our nation's gun laws in a cynical effort to try and stem the long-term drop in gun ownership and save the dwindling gun industry. The 30,000 lives claimed annually by gun violence and the families destroyed in the wake of mass shootings and murder-suicides mean little to the gun lobby and the firearm manufacturers it protects.

"It is our hope that Chicago's citizens will follow the lead of the residents of the District of Columbia--who were stripped of their handgun ban in the wake of the Supreme Court's June 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. In the two years since that decision, only 900 firearms have been registered in the District that otherwise could not have been registered before the Heller ruling. The citizens of DC reject the wrong-headed notion that more guns make us safer. We know the facts prove the opposite and that areas of the country with the highest concentration of gun ownership also have the highest rates of gun death. We urge Chicago residents to consider these indisputable facts before considering bringing a handgun into their homes--an act that could well prove fatal to themselves or a loved one."Â￾
to my knowledge, none of these "indisputable facts" are, in fact, true. furthermore, D.C. has one of the highest crime rates in the nation, so apparently they are doing something wrong.

i'm more in line with this guy's thoughts on the subject:
We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. - Congressman Larry McDonald
and one last quote that sums up the effects of taking the citizenry's guns away from them:
The human race's prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenseless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenseless against ourselves. - Arnold J. Toynbee


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Without a doubt the latest Supreme Court legislation supporting the 2nd amendment happened because of the hard work of law abiding gun owners and their lobbying interests. Nearly every state has liberalized their conceal and carry laws with some states like Arizona becoming basically open carry. Those efforts have turned the debate around and the pro-gun side has won in a rout.

The reason? Liberalized gun laws were aimed specifically at white working class men. How you ask? The one constant for the opening up of these laws was a rigid set of guidelines to become a concealed carry permit holder. You had to attend and pay for a class. That means you have to have the money for the class, the gun, the time spent on a gun range practicing. You also had to have a background check.

The money requirement precluded poor blacks. The class requirement precluded allmost all other blacks. And the background check eliminated the others. Plus white guys love shooting and going to the range and gun culture in general. This ended up arming only the most diligent and trustworthy people in the country. Thus all of the SCARE tactics like in the above post never came to pass. There were not shoot outs in the street and kids were not shooting themselves up at home. After a decade of liberal carry law none of the doomsday scenario's came to pass. So it became clear to politicians that there was no down side to letting this happen and of course support for the idea was one of the few ways to guarentee votes across the spectrum of white middle class men.

I remember years ago getting my first permit. Classes, range time, big money for a gun, going to the sheriffs office to get finger printed, getting a picture taken, taking it all to the local county office and standing in line for hours only to have to wait months for the permit. It was all a huge pain in the ass, but it meant that only people that really wanted it got them. This court case is a victory for the guys that went through all that.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
well said, Jaxvid. well said, indeed.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Well said Sir, but I'm still confused. Does it mean I can now get a gun? I'm in a bad state for guns, n.j.

Tom Iron...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Yes but the red tape that probably has stopped you from possessing one won't be reduced. That's why I don't own one.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The only important difference between the two wings of the one party system is on the Second Amendment. The downside to this decision is that it will help perpetuate the present system when every perceptive observer realizes a Second American Revolution is way overdue and is the only solution to the present broken, closedand corrupt political system. The only credible reason to vote Republican on the federal level is to keep the Supreme Court from turning into nine Jewish lesbians, but it's still fighting a rearguard battle in a lost war. The reality is that "conservative" Republican presidents have been the biggest spenders (and deficit spenders) until Obama came along, and the GOP always eventually caves onevery social issue like the "loyal opposition" they are; hellthe GOP'spretty much homodominated at the top now just like the Dems.

The Republicans can keep standing up for the basics of the Second Amendment, but who inhis right mind would want to live in this countryafter another generation of unchallenged Cultural Marxism along with open borders? The Second Amendment eventually becomes a moot point given all the otherongoing trends and policies supported by both Dems and Repubs.Edited by: Don Wassall


Nov 28, 2009
Don Wassall said:
The only important difference between the two wings of the one party system is on the Second Amendment.
Mostly. As a gun owner, and supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I'm very happy about this ruling, but the same five justices ruled a few months ago to extend the rights of "personhood" to Corporations, even foreign ones, giving them the same Constitutional rights as warm-blooded, breathing human citizens. Ridiculous and traitorous. I'm as strong a defender of the 4th Amendment as I am of the 2nd Amendment, maybe even more so. Another reason why I'm an Independent.
Don Wassall said:
The only credible reason to vote Republican on the federal level is to keep the Supreme Court from turning into nine Jewish lesbians, but it's still fighting a rearguard battle in a lost war.

Don Wassall said:
<div>The Republicans can keep standing up for the basics of the Second Amendment, but who inhis right mind would want to live in this countryafter another generation of unchallenged Cultural Marxism along with open borders? The Second Amendment eventually becomes a moot point given all the otherongoing trends and policies supported by both Dems and Repubs.
As is often said, "it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when'" and it'll be sooner rather than later with the Demographic trends. It'll be interesting, though. The gun lobby is very powerful and the gun owners sure as hell won't go down without a fight. Maybe that's when the "Second Revolution" will happen, if there's anything left to fight over.



Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
It's exceptionally contradictory to observe a government which is literally armed to the teeth (with body guards, police, secret services, and armed forces) attempting to ban firearms. The concept of simple hypocrisy cannot properly describe the American ruling class. The mere fact that the PTB even hinted at creating such a regulation is duplicity of the Al Gore or Marin Luther King variety.

Wait, those inane little set of "gun rules,"Â￾ should they ever be enacted, aren't actually meant for the Fat Cat Millionaires or the non-white thugs terrorizing neighborhoods across the country (and planet). They're exclusively intended only for white men (the special few who actually care) trying to shield themselves and their families from the Institutionalized White Extermination Practices of every bully on this Cultural Marxist playground.

The dim-witted white serfs certainly live up to the corporate media's expectations of them"¦they haven't the aptitude to think rationally about anything that doesn't involve beer, snacks, TV, sports, or "hot"Â￾ chicks. Naturally, they always fail to notice even the most transparent anti-whiteness, despite the fact that it oozes like raw sewage from the mouths of our enemies. No, the willing, apathetic fiends just mock and laugh their race into the great void of extinction.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Chicago just rescinded their anti-gun law. Now you are allowed to have gun in your residence but it can't leave it. Well one of the last few White residents in the crime infested south side can at least have a fighting chance if their domicile gets burglarized.