I always found him annoying but he was great when healthy. Ironically I think his hippy politics abated a bit late in his life.Well summed up. I'm younger than most here, but Walton always rubbed me as a Deadhead Hippie libtard. He was liked by his BSPN colleagues for what it is Worth..
Was Walton a vegan in his Portland days?I had a vegan landlord years ago and during the winter it seemed he was always battling some bug or another. Walton maybe should have had at least some meat in his diet.
John Stockton! One of the best PGs of all time.
I remember when Magic Johnson had the assists record he just said that he was placeholding it for Stockton.I still rate him as the best point guard of all time. John Stockton is still the NBA's All Time Assists and Steals Leader. On top of that he was
a very good scorer in a time where defense still had the advantage. He played just as hard on defense as he did on offense. Stockton was
a coach on the floor who could do everything. The only guys close to him is Magic Johnson and Bob Cousy but Stockton is the best!
Gary Payton always said he was the hardest player in the league for him to guard. When blacks got all indignant saying it had to be mj credit to gp for standing his ground and explaining why stockton was the harder player to guard. He completely controlled the pace of the game. If he played in today’s era imagine the numbers he would put upI remember when Magic Johnson had the assists record he just said that he was placeholding it for Stockton.
Well said. This is why Larry Bird, the GOAT, won ROY in 1979-80. Bird as a rookie took Boston from a 29-53 team in 78-79 to a 61-21 team in 79-80. Averaging 21/10/4.5. He could've easily averaged 29-30 points over his career, but chose team over self.A white player will always want to win, he would rather score 20 points per game and be a champion than be super individualistic and score 25.0 And flex he muscles but win nothing, A white player will most of the time want to be a tactical player, etc, Very different from super individual black players who care more about themselves than the club or the competition,
You're right that the NBA has no fan identification with the team, but I wouldn't call it an "American sports" problem (if you want to call it a problem). Team loyalty is much higher in the NFL and MLB. I would argue your first paragraph sums up a big reason as why this is the case, rather than the other way around.I believe that in the end the American sports entertainment scene contributed to this, as there is no fan identification with the club (Which means that there is none established fan base, soccer for example, a son is Often supporting his father's team, Even if this team suck or has become **** and supporting another team (Even if it's a super team) is almost a social disapproval, especially If he become a fan of a rival team) , in america the leagues have to increasingly sell Showtime to be popular And don't lose fans (Take, for example, the NBA's recent rule changes to make the game have more and more points).
This video makes a great case that ginobili was the mvp of those spurs teams and was underutilizedI always enjoyed Manu Ginobili and his competitive mindset. He was a big factor in escalating the profile of Argentinian basketball and beating the US in 04.
This game and Greece beating USA in 06 played a part in chipping away the myth of Black American basketball superiority and increased the number of international players in the league
Chris Mullin. Saw him live in Salt Lake NCAA tourney. Gail Goodrich is another finesse lefty we should remember:
The Lakers backcourt of Goodrich and West was one of the all-time best. My favorite LA Lakers days.