Gov. Terminator has a love child!

I don't like anything about this story. Sickening, just like the times we live in.
jaxvid said:
Thrashen said:
Personally, I respectfully disagree with the notion of modern "Alpha Males"Â￾ (actors, athletes, CEOs, politicians, etc.) being pardoned for obvious wrongdoings"¦as the impacts of these happenings chiefly affects their children.

How does it affect the children? What negative effect are you referring too? I once found out that my father had (probably) fathered another kid outside of my family. My response: cool, another brother!

Your response sounds suspiciously like "but what about the children!" the typical response of people to anything they don't like.

If your dad engages in TNB, does that make you a ...
Thrashen said:
foobar75 said:
This whole situation is disgusting. So Arnold was banging the housekeeper at the same time his wife was pregnant with their 4th child. He then kept the secret and let her work there taking care of the family for another 10 years. There's no excuse for this behavior.

Schwarzenegger and Shriver's youngest child (Christopher, age 13) was born in 1997, whereas several reports have stated that Arnold's "love child"Â￾ is currently 14 years old. The two boys were likely conceived a mere several months apart, however, it appears as though Arnold was not made aware that he was the father of said "love child"Â￾ until several years after the birth.

Mildred Baena"¦

This Hispanic woman is undoubtedly aged, overweight, and unattractive; however, she is most likely a far better sexual (and emotional) companion than Maria "Skeletor"Â￾ Shriver"¦a brazen anti-male activist, a life-long millionaire, a spawn of the unendingly anti-white "Kennedy family nucleus,"Â￾ a unapologetic devotee of Barry Soetoro, Inc., a former "corporate Goy tool"Â￾ of the Mainstream Media NewsJews (CBS & NBC), and a starved, elderly, gaunt little twig of a "woman"Â￾"¦





jaxvid said:
I have no problem with Arnold diddling the maid. This kind of thing has gone on throughout history. Wives used to be more understanding and would just send the maid away. The attack on Arnold is an attack on vigorous healthy male sexual expression. He is one of the most famous men on the planet, he has acheived greatness as a businessman, an artist, a politiican, and an athlete. He should be able to spread his seed around. A guy like this is supposed to limit his reproductive prowress to that dried up prune of a wife. I don't think so.

You expressed a similar position when Brett Favre was being universally chastised for (at the very least) attempting to cheat on his wife with a young whore (Jen Sterger), who, at the time, was only a few months older than Favre's daughter. If Schwarzenegger desired to exercise his "reproductive prowess"Â￾ and "spread his seed,"Â￾ why not do so within the womb of his own willing wife"¦or, at the very least, the womb of another white woman? After all, Shriver had already given birth to four of his children, which is surely a miraculous feat for most modern white women, let alone a modern white female supremacist.

Personally, I respectfully disagree with the notion of modern "Alpha Males"Â￾ (actors, athletes, CEOs, politicians, etc.) being pardoned for obvious wrongdoings"¦as the impacts of these happenings chiefly affects their children.
My god does every Kennedy beyond JFK jr have the looks of a Salem Witch circa 1665.....
I think Joe Kennedy Sr would be rolling over in his grave if he knew his granddaughter was feminist with the body fat of of a bodybuilder and the nose and chin of Robert Kennedy....
Edited by: white is right
jaxvid said:
How does it affect the children? What negative effect are you referring too?

Well, I presume it would be a tad hurtful for a child of almost any mindful age to become cognizant of the concept of his/her father having secretly impregnated another woman who wasn't his wife (your own mother) and was secretly raising these supplementary children in conjunction with raising you (and your siblings).

As a child, I would certainly feel violent anger towards my father, jealously towards the time he was spending with his other children, dejected that he would abandon our family, humiliated that he would act in such a Negro-esqe manner, and probably consider myself inferior to his "new family."Â￾ Of course, I would feel comparable emotions if my mother were to be unfaithful to my father and/or leave to start a new family.

jaxvid said:
I once found out that my father had (probably) fathered another kid outside of my family. My response: cool, another brother!

If true, that's very unfortunate.

jaxvid said:
Your response sounds suspiciously like "but what about the children!" the typical response of people to anything they don't like.

Why would any sane white person (let alone a white civil rights activist) "like"Â￾ infidelity, creating children out of wedlock, deceiving one's family, parents who disregard their accountability to their family, etc?

A few months ago, my wife and I recently welcomed a daughter"¦I'm overwhelmingly confident that the hollow, superficial, soulless life of a new-age "Alpha Male"Â￾ (usually a spoiled, insecure, irresponsible, vacillating wigger) isn't an existence I would ever covet in place of my own. Edited by: Thrashen
jaxvid said:
It's part of the natural order. Women are attracted to them because of their wealth and fame. Throughout all of human history men of this type have always had a lot of women. It's beneficial to mankind that a high acheiving male gets the opportunity to reproduce. If lazy slackers got the same opportunities as alpha males our society would be wose off then it is now, maybe even extinct.

I have no problem with Arnold diddling the maid. This kind of thing has gone on throughout history. Wives used to be more understanding and would just send the maid away. The attack on Arnold is an attack on vigorous healthy male sexual expression. He is one of the most famous men on the planet, he has acheived greatness as a businessman, an artist, a politiican, and an athlete. He should be able to spread his seed around. A guy like this is supposed to limit his reproductive prowress to that dried up prune of a wife. I don't think so.

jaxvid said:
How does it affect the children? What negative effect are you referring too? I once found out that my father had (probably) fathered another kid outside of my family. My response: cool, another brother!

jaxvid - So, how would You react if one of these so-called "Alpha Males" knocked up Your wife? Would that also be "vigorous healthy male expression"? I don't wish to sound disrespectful, but You appear to be all for extramarital affairs...

As for Arnold "Ah'll do enytink to vin" Schwarzenegger, the bloke's a disgrace. What's the prick's claim to fame? Oh, yes, he won seven Mr. Universe titles. That's a subjectively judged contest in which a row of oiled-up, steroided flex heads pose on a stage in their undies. If such a "sporting event" is "won" purely on the decision of "judges", well, what more needs to be said?

If Schwarzenegger wished to show his musclebound "Alpha Male" credentials, maybe he could have entered the World's Strongest Man competition. Hell, he could even compete in his speedos. But he wouldn't have looked too "perfectly proportioned" with his guts spraying out of his arse to the accompaniment of a bursting hernia, would he?

Then there was his thespianic career, built around his physique andcomically cheesyelocution - which means that he was perfectly suited to the bullet-ridden, explosion-laden slop which Hollywood delivered in wheelbarrow loads during the 1980s and early 1990s. Funnily enough, I can't imagine him playing Hamlet with the Royal Shakespeare Company...

Without the abovementioned muscle flexing and crap 'acting", the "Oak" wouldn't have had careers in "business" and politics.
Geez tough crowd.... Extra marital affairs=end of white culture. I had no idea.

Lots of great white men are famous for their randy ways, Charles Martel, white nationalist hero, famed for the number of children he fathered, Benjamin Franklin famous womanizer, any number of biblical figures famous for many wives and children, etc. Robust, sexual behavior was once the hallmark of white males. Now, it appears, its the worst crime imaginable.

White culture and white men have bought into the one wife, one sex partner for life. How's that working out for ya?

In amerika the urban african polygamus male population has routed the much larger white male population in many areas: i.e. pro sports (as we well know), their culture is dominant with our youth, they have arranged for white men to pay for the raising of their children and their personal upkeep, they have driven the white population out of the cities of their ancestors and scattered them out to the wilderness. They have enacted a system that favors them and pays them from the funds of whites on a regular basis.

In Europe, the white males homeland, the polygamus Islamic followers are driving the non-reproducing white omegas into extinction. China and India are similarly fecund and supportive of alpha male behavior. They are on the rise.

Anytime a famous white man in western society engages in any kind of extra marital behavior he is castigated, not only by the MSM, but by the white-o-sphere as well. Meanwhile the Jesse Jacksons of the world reproduce bastard children on a regular basis with nary a comment from the media.

I understand morality and all, but if it leads you to extinction....maybe it should be rethought? It would seem that aggressive male sexuality leads to -success, and repressed male sexuality leads to???? below replacement birthrates, a slacker culture easy overrun by more aggressive men, and eventually, only a place in museums.

At any rate the issue is a difference in opinion and I do not think less of anyone that feels differently about it. For the record, I am a long time married man devoted to my wife and children. Now if I had women throwing themselves at me.....
Jaxvid, I am astounded by your outlook / position of Arnold destroying his family and wrecking their view of him, themselves and his wife. WTF!

Your post would make sense if Arnold's wedding vows included "I will TRY to remain faithful!" If he had the balls to say this, pretty sure his wife would not marry him. To me he is just an integrity violator and soon his life will get worse than now. Maria has just hired a high powered attorney. Moral of the story do not say things you do not mean.
My final point Kennedy men have been notorious for having concubines/flings and visiting escorts. This situation is par for the course.......
For her to have moral outrage on Arnie is being somewhat hypocritical. Why bother to attend family gatherings at Hyannis Point or various funerals over the last half century.
Hey Rebajlo, not to defend the lunkhead, but prior to his acting days and while he was "oiling up" Ahnold was very successful in real estate. He might be a disgusting philanderer, but he does have a good business acumen.
This story exemplifies where we are as a society now. Here you have one of the biggest celebrities in the world, long alleged to be a womanizer, and when it's belatedly revealed that he had a child out of wedlock, the woman turns out to incredibly unattractive hispanic. Hmmm. If Arnold had been acting in a movie, written by the most "talented" cultural marxists imaginable, could the script have been any more perfect?

I don't condone adultery, but I know it must be incredibly difficult for someone with fame and wealth to resist the constant temptation of gorgeous and willing young females. But this female is hideous. I don't think your average unhappily married construction worker would give her a second glance. What could possibly have compelled this guy-who probably has cheated an untold number of times, presumably with very attractive women, to have sex with her? For someone his age, is there enough viagra to do the trick with a partner like that?

The thing that makes this worse, imho, than much of the Kennedy males' adultery, is the fact that this woman worked for Arnold's family. She was in his employ, and he used his position of authority to obtain sex with her, inexplicably in my view. The same thing went for Bill Clinton, who obviously had power over intern Monica Lewinsky and also tried to pressure Paula Jones while he was governor of Arkansas. Like Arnold, Clinton was ready to cheat with decidedly unattractive women (neither Lewinsky or Jones was even as good looking as Hillary at that stage, imho). What then was the motivation? I just don't get it. JFK, meanwhile, evidently chose the most desirable women in the world to have sex with; Marilyn Monroe, Angie Dickinson, etc., and they certainly weren't subject to his authority, being famous in their own right. Guess he got that from his old man, who had a long term affair with movie star Gloria Swanson. That still doesn't make their adultery any better, but it certainly makes it more understandable, at least to me.

Now compare these kinds of unattractive women to the ones Tiger Woods had affairs with. They are all "hot," at least as far as society defines female attractiveness in this day and age. Not sure what it means, but again, these are the kinds of observations that come to me when the msm breaks stories like this. Old white male celebrity- caught cheating with ugly hispanic maid. Brash young black afflete- caught cheating with scores of gorgegous young white women. Then again, what do I know? Edited by: bigunreal
Bronk said:
All I get from this is that Schwarzenegger has bad taste in women.

All I get from this is that Arnold forgot to use a rubber. LOL
jaxvid said:
In amerika the urban african polygamus male population has routed the much larger white male population in many areas: i.e. pro sports (as we well know), their culture is dominant with our youth, they have arranged for white men to pay for the raising of their children and their personal upkeep, they have driven the white population out of the cities of their ancestors and scattered them out to the wilderness. They have enacted a system that favors them and pays them from the funds of whites on a regular basis.

You are right to be upset about the situation. It sickens me to see what Whites have allowed.

But it is impossible for us to procreate ourselves out of this mess even if we were inclined to do so.

There are approximately 7 billion humanoids on this planet and less than a billion Whites.

We need to separate ourselves and look after our own interests.

jaxvid said:
White culture and white men have bought into the one wife, one sex partner for life. How's that working out for ya?

Many people have had tragic marriages. I'm not one of them. My wife and I have been together forty years. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. How did I get so lucky? I don't know.

I love her madly and would never hurt her intentionaly. Yes, she is the love of my life and I am her Prince Charming. I'm nothing special, but in her eyes I am.

We've gone through hell and high water together.

I'd rather die than betray her trust.

And believe me, when I was young, darn good looking, with lots of hair and a very athletic body I had a LOT of opportunities.

I declined every time. Why would I sacrifice our bond for a few moments of pleasure with some silly sluts?

When her father led her down the aisle oh so many years ago he looked at me with tears in his eyes, smiled and imploringly said, "Be good to her."

I nodded and said, "Yes, I will."

He's gone from this earth but I have never forgotten our conversation.
Bart, that was a great post!
Bart, of course, is an exception to the rule these days. Kudos to you and one hopes there are more examples such as yours out there.

To jaxvid's points, I completely disagree, of course. If I read you correctly, your assessment is that male promiscuity is necessary for the continuation of the White race? I think this type of behavior will actually have the opposite affect. It helps create dysfunction within the traditional family unit and breaks it apart. Feminism is already doing its part there, so if men lend a hand by cheating on their wives and destroying their families, then this will only accelerate the demise of White people.

Take Arnold's family, for instance. Up until now, based on the all facts we know, the two of them appear of raised 4 good children. Unlike your typical Hollyweird brats your hear about on tabloids, these appear to be normal kids with bright futures. But now their lives have been turned upside down. What if the daughters never marry and have their own children because of what their father did to their mother? What if the sons inherit their father's cheating ways if/when they have their own families one day? If you come from a stable family, then there's a good chance this will carry over to your own family one day, and so on, allowing for generations to flourish.

There's nothing positive about any of this.
jaxvid said:
White culture and white men have bought into the one wife, one sex partner for life. How's that working out for ya?

In amerika the urban african polygamus male population has routed the much larger white male population in many areas: i.e. pro sports (as we well know), their culture is dominant with our youth, they have arranged for white men to pay for the raising of their children and their personal upkeep, they have driven the white population out of the cities of their ancestors and scattered them out to the wilderness. They have enacted a system that favors them and pays them from the funds of whites on a regular basis.

While it may be true that there are black women in the hood that want to get knocked-up by "above average" black males, in the hope that this will create a "mealticket" (for them) in sons that could possibly go to the NBA or NFL, the reality that I've seen doesn't lead me to believe in black athletic superiority, but, rather, that a rigid Caste System is in place that keeps more-than-capable White athletes out of the spotlight.

The PTB wants people to think that the blacks in soccer, football, basketball and baseball are inherently "Top Bell Curve," but this Big Lie can be destroyed quite easily. The PTB have various techniques in their arsenal.

--In baseball, call the blacks/latinos up to the majors when they are 18-22, for example, to give the impression that they are "freaks and can't miss" and it also serves to give them the all-important opportunity, and then the infinite years to "develop their immense talent"..

While people say that baseball is the most comprehensive when it comes to stats, there's enough stats and film to where college football (and NFL players) can be accurately evaluated.

The fallacy that some people build up in their minds is that basketball and football are "simple enough for blacks to master." Guess what, when people are resigned to that belief, they aren't going to look at the things that we at CF look at. It's not easy to be legitimately "great" at these sports. And, tons of black football players are pansies and out-of-shape.

In HS football, the blacks can get away with some of their flawed play, it can be masked a little because of the inferior competition, but it's not so easy to mask in college. Interesting, how every single year, there are a bunch of "4-star" blacks entering the college ranks, but when the various NFL Drafts approach, each new Draft is weaker than the previous one?.. the word is getting out.
Deadlift said:
jaxvid said:
White culture and white men have bought into the one wife, one sex partner for life. How's that working out for ya?

In amerika the urban african polygamus male population has routed the much larger white male population in many areas: i.e. pro sports (as we well know), their culture is dominant with our youth, they have arranged for white men to pay for the raising of their children and their personal upkeep, they have driven the white population out of the cities of their ancestors and scattered them out to the wilderness. They have enacted a system that favors them and pays them from the funds of whites on a regular basis.

While it may be true that there are black women in the hood that want to get knocked-up by "above average" black males, in the hope that this will create a "mealticket" (for them) in sons that could possibly go to the NBA or NFL, the reality that I've seen doesn't lead me to believe in black athletic superiority, but, rather, that a rigid Caste System is in place that keeps more-than-capable White athletes out of the spotlight.

The PTB wants people to think that the blacks in soccer, football, basketball and baseball are inherently "Top Bell Curve," but this Big Lie can be destroyed quite easily. The PTB have various techniques in their arsenal.

--In baseball, call the blacks/latinos up to the majors when they are 18-22, for example, to give the impression that they are "freaks and can't miss" and it also serves to give them the all-important opportunity, and then the infinite years to "develop their immense talent"..

While people say that baseball is the most comprehensive when it comes to stats, there's enough stats and film to where college football (and NFL players) can be accurately evaluated.

The fallacy that some people build up in their minds is that basketball and football are "simple enough for blacks to master." Guess what, when people are resigned to that belief, they aren't going to look at the things that we at CF look at. It's not easy to be legitimately "great" at these sports. And, tons of black football players are pansies and out-of-shape.

In HS football, the blacks can get away with some of their flawed play, it can be masked a little because of the inferior competition, but it's not so easy to mask in college. Interesting, how every single year, there are a bunch of "4-star" blacks entering the college ranks, but when the various NFL Drafts approach, each new Draft is weaker than the previous one?.. the word is getting out.

good summary
FootballDad said:
Hey Rebajlo, not to defend the lunkhead, but prior to his acting days and while he was "oiling up" Ahnold was very successful in real estate. He might be a disgusting philanderer, but he does have a good business acumen.

FootballDad -Schwarzenegger may very well possess good business acumen, but what I was trying to say was that he would doubtlessly never have reached the financial and political heights he has occupied without his initial reputation as a bodybuilder.

I've looked at my previous post in this topic and have noticed that I stated thatSchwarzenegger won seven Mr. Universe titles - this, of course, is an error, as I meant to say that he won seven Mr. Olympia titles. Quite naturally (or unnaturally, given the steroid consumption of the contestants
) this competition was established by a Jew, the handlebar-moustached Joe Weider...

The pictures that Thrashen posted would scare the bollocks off the Devil. In the first one, Maria Shriver looks like she's chewing a nest-full of wasps

What ever you may think of Maria Shriver and her family Arnold used her with terrible disregard and disdain. He needed her to being Mrs. Schwarzenegger for him to get elected California's governor His solution to fathering an out of wedlock child while married to her. Just don't tell her until he can afford her leaving him after he has chosen to end his political career. What a pile of cold and calculating sh*t Schwarzenegger is. This sounds like something a black would do their wife. You may not like Maria Shriver but (1) Arnold married her by his choice. (2) When Arnold wanted a career in politics she had give up her roll as a news reporter which she willingly did. You may no like her but she did play the roll of the good an faithful wife while Arnold was obviously
not being a faithful husband. I have always said if your wife and children cannot trust you why should anyone else think they cam!
I wonder what Arnold's reaction would be if Maria decided to get hosed by the pool man, Sancho and impregnated? I bet he would have felt like danny devito, his co star in that wreck of a movie "Twins".

I was looking at photos of Arnold and Maria when they first met. She was a very chubby girl then. Contrary to some here, she is somewhat attractive older cougar with a slamming body. I have seen her in person, trust me, her body compares to many 30 year olds.

Rebajlo, that was a good one about a mouth full of nest of wasps.
Tired old White said:
What ever you may think of Maria Shriver and her family Arnold used her with terrible disregard and disdain. He needed her to being Mrs. Schwarzenegger for him to get elected California's governor His solution to fathering an out of wedlock child while married to her. Just don't tell her until he can afford her leaving him after he has chosen to end his political career. What a pile of cold and calculating sh*t Schwarzenegger is. This sounds like something a black would do their wife. You may not like Maria Shriver but (1) Arnold married her by his choice. (2) When Arnold wanted a career in politics she had give up her roll as a news reporter which she willingly did. You may no like her but she did play the roll of the good an faithful wife while Arnold was obviously
not being a faithful husband. I have always said if your wife and children cannot trust you why should anyone else think they cam!

Bleech! typical "white knighting", you have no idea what kind of wife she was. She could have been a mean, nasty, feminist harpy, typical of Kennedy women. His maid may have been warm and supporting and eager to take care of children unlike his rich bitch wife. To instinctively assume that the man is all evil in this situation is right out of feminist theology 101. Maybe she cheated too? Maybe they had an open Hollywood relationship? Why assume that Arnold is the font of all things bad in the relationship? Arnold cheats on his wife and suddenly the odious Maria Shriver is now a poor saintly victim. Ridiculous!
Jaxvid. Arnold pulled a con by not letting her know. She may travel on a broom stick and wear a white pointed hat what he did was dishonest. If he was unhappy California has some of the easiest divorce proceeding in the US. and if Cali's were too tough Las Vegas was a to far drive away. If he had told her up front and she chose to stay in the marriage , keep his secret allow his mistress to continue working in their house and give up her career I would think she was a fool but I would have a better opinion of Arnold. Jaxvid you seem to feel that Maria Shriver should be held responsible for her actions but that her husband should get a free pass. I real big on personal freedom but that comes with real big personal responsibility. Arnold wants one but not the other. Jaxvid I am surprised that you condone Arnold's behavior.
FYI, there's rumors out there that Arnie may have fathered more than 1 child with this mestiza. I don't know how legit it is, but we'll find out soon I reckon.
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