Good News Abroad

That is great, great news. All White nations should follow Hungary and Poland's example. Russia has been doing this also for quite a while. This is what a mentally, culturally, spiritually healthy nation looks like.

When one looks at the strength and intelligence of the Eastern Europeans and their commitment to protecting themselves and their national identities, it is easy to have hope and optimism for the future of our race.
Hungarian Christmas Message: ‘We’ll Protect Christian Culture, Not Retreat Behind Concrete Blocks and Watch Our Women Harassed on New Year’s’


by JACK MONTGOMERY25 Dec 20171,697

Viktor Orbán has used his annual Christmas message to call on Europeans to protect their Christian culture, and vowed Hungary will not “retreat behind concrete blocks” at Christmas and watched its women and daughters “harassed in the New Year’s Eve crowd” like its multicultural neighbours.
“Christianity is culture and civilization. We live in it. It is not about how many people go to church or how many pray honestly. Culture is the reality of everyday life… Christian culture defines our everyday morals,” wrote the Fidesz leader, in an article published in Magyar Idők.

Orbán also took aim at the enemies of his ‘country first’ policies, who say he cannot claim to be Christian if he will not support allowing “millions from other continents to settle into Europe” in accordance with the commandment to “love thy neighbour as thyself”.

“They forget the second part of the commandment,” observed Orbán: “To love ourselves.”


The conservative heavyweight explained: “Loving ourselves also means taking and protecting all that we are and who we are. To love ourselves means that we love our country, our nation, our family, Hungarian culture and European civilization.”
Jack Montgomery ن


Hungary's prime minister warns ‘United States of Europe’ plotters are using mass immigration to engineer a “post-national, post-Christian” super-state. …

6:02 AM - Nov 14, 2017

Hungary PM: 'United States of Europe' Plotters Using Mass Migration to Create 'Post-National,...
Orbán warned that the elites plotting a United States of Europe are using mass migration to engineer a post-Christian, post-national super-state.

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“Fundamentals of European life are now under attack,” the Hungarian leader continued, alluding to the difficulties faced by countries such as Britain, France, and Germany, which have all pursued policies of mass migration and state-sponsored multiculturalism.

“Regardless of whether we are going to church or not, and if so, to which we are going, we do not want to celebrate the sacrament just behind the curtains so as not to violate the sensitivity of others,” he declared.

“We don’t want our Christmas markets to be renamed, and we definitely don’t want to retreat behind concrete blocks. We don’t want our Christmas masses to be surrounded by fear and distress. We don’t want our women, our daughters to be harassed in the New Year’s Eve crowd.”
Jack Montgomery ن


Merkel’s gift to Europe: anti-terror barriers – or #MerkelLego – ‘lovingly wrapped’ for Christmas.
26c4.png …

9:44 AM - Nov 25, 2017

Merkel's Gift to Europe: Anti-Terror Barriers 'Lovingly Wrapped' for Christmas - Breitbart
Merkel's Gift to Europe: Anti-Terror Barriers 'Lovingly Wrapped' for Christmas

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Prime Minister Orbán added a warning against the forces which seek to deliberately weaken Christianity in Europe, which he described as a kind of cultural “immune system” — unnoticed while it is strong, but leaving the entire body politic vulnerable when it is weak.

“They want us to stop being who we are. They want us to become those who we don’t want to be. They want us to mix with people from another world, and to change in order to make diversity trouble-free,” he said.

“The free nations of Europe, the national governments elected by the free citizens, have a new task: to protect our Christian culture.

“Not for others, but for ourselves; for our families, for our nation, for our countries, and for the ‘homeland of our homeland’ — for the defence of Europe.”

Hungary can do this, they are not indebted to the international money creators.
EU panics as populist Zeman wins Czech Presidency.

Unjustifiably close at 51.55 percent to 48.44 percent, IMO, as the opposition wanted closer cooperation with the EU. Don't know what's going on in the minds of those citizens that want to buddy-up more with a political body that wants to flood them with Muslims and Africans.

Zeman also welcomes an EU referendum, like Brexit. I hope he makes that a priority.
Hungary Bans "Gender Studies" Programs

Thanks for the link Celtdb, er, Bucky! :)

Anyway, the Guardian has done what many msm publications have done typically and that is just to not have any comments section. If they do it's very selective on which stories will have one. My guess is there are enough woke Brit blokes and mates to tell it like it is and they'd be deridred as bigots and racists for applauding the cops in that particular situation. I am sure they would love it if their own bobbies would do the same in once jolly olde England.
Good to hear that!!
Here is an article describing how Putin encourages Russian famillies to have and raise lots of children and he and the government recognize and financially assist those who do. Yet according to the (((Western media))) he is another Hitler.

Putin Adores Huge Traditional Families and He Isn't Afraid to Show It

Let Western media label these photos as "creepy" as the wish; we find Putin's personal interest in traditional families--and the families themselves--downright charming. What do you think?
By Michael Tare
Russian Faith

October 8, 2018

Putin loves taking photos with big loud families. Maybe because, in his eyes, they are the main heralds of Russia he envisions: a flourishing, colorful country built upon traditional family values.

Parents who raise seven or more children (biological or adopted) qualify for an illustrious Order of Parental, which includes a dinner and meeting with the president himself.

At this year’s ceremony, Putin made clear that he understands and appreciates the incredible sacrifice and work involved in creating large, happy families. He stated:

“You have chosen (I am speaking to the parents first of all) a happy, noble, but also a very difficult path of great responsibility and worry that demands all of your efforts, patience and strength.”

Wired ran an article featuring the photos the Russian president with the winners of the Order of Parental glory, portraying the whole thing in mocking and negative tones. “Menacing Russian children” and “Flat, stiff, staring, vaguely hangry” are just some of the flattering expressions used to describe the people portrayed in the photos.

But let Western media label these photos as “creepy” as they wish; we find Putin’s personal interest in traditional families–and the families themselves–downright charming. So here they are:

Raising birthrates and making Russia family friendly has certainly been on Putin’s top priorities list. Not only is the country facing severe demographic decline, but the anti-family policies of the Soviet Union (such as legalization of abortion), as well as the onslaught of Western propaganda in the 1990s, have taken a dramatic toll on Russia’s traditional, conservative family order.

In an attempt to reverse the process, many policies have been introduced. Families with two or more kids are offered government-subsidized mortgage interest rates and those in difficult economic circumstances receive a substantial financial stipend, as well as financial support for other child rearing-related expenses. The country holds multiple “Family of the Year competitions” yearly and generally, the social approach to large families is increasingly positive.

Reprinted from Russian Faith.
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Good! Anything the enemies of our people hate is almost always good for us. Looking forward to our ultimate and promised and sure victory!
The Communist Chinese government is allied with the globalists and is a tremendous menace to America and the rest of the world and humanity. However this article is very encouraging. Christianity is growing strongly in China, and China is on track to have more practicing Christians than any other country by 2030. Many Chinese seek a spiritual fulfillment that is not provided by either Communism or capitalism and so are turning to Christ.
The Communist Chinese government is allied with the globalists and is a tremendous menace to America and the rest of the world and humanity. However this article is very encouraging. Christianity is growing strongly in China, and China is on track to have more practicing Christians than any other country by 2030. Many Chinese seek a spiritual fulfillment that is not provided by either Communism or capitalism and so are turning to Christ.

Hungary has announced new financial incentives for couples to have two or more children. All white nations should do this. Often the reason couples don't have more children is because they can't afford it in this (((central bank-controlled))) fiat money system where real inflation and the cost of living are always increasing at a rate faster than real wage growth.
American Freedom News