Good News Abroad


Feb 23, 2013
New York
The second French revolution: Fillon says France must never become 'multicultural' and warns it is 'on the verge of revolt' as he vows to bring in 'radical changes' to society


French conservative politician Francois Fillon has said he doesn't want the country to be multi-cultural and promised 'radical' changes should he become the next president.

Fillon has been tipped to be the next president of France should he beat Alain Juppe in the Republican party's presidential primary on Sunday.

When asked whether he saw the future of French society on Thursday as multicultural the conservative firebrand said: 'the answer is no'.

'France has a history, a language, a culture, of course this culture and language have been enriched by the contributions of foreign populations, but it remains the foundation of our identity,' he said.

Fillon also rejected the suggestion that France is already a multi-cultural country.

'No, in any case it's not the choice we made, we did not make the choice of communitarianism and multiculturalism.'

'When we go to somebody's house, we don't try to take power,' said Fillon adding that immigrants must respect France's cultural heritage.

If Fillon beats Alain Juppe in Sunday's primary, he is widely tipped to become the next president with polls showing he would likely face and defeat far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the run-off next May....

Full Artice:


Hopefully not just the pendulum, but the wrecking ball, is swinging backwards now.


May 1, 2015
The second French revolution: Fillon says France must never become 'multicultural' and warns it is 'on the verge of revolt' as he vows to bring in 'radical changes' to society


French conservative politician Francois Fillon has said he doesn't want the country to be multi-cultural and promised 'radical' changes should he become the next president.

Fillon has been tipped to be the next president of France should he beat Alain Juppe in the Republican party's presidential primary on Sunday.

When asked whether he saw the future of French society on Thursday as multicultural the conservative firebrand said: 'the answer is no'.

'France has a history, a language, a culture, of course this culture and language have been enriched by the contributions of foreign populations, but it remains the foundation of our identity,' he said.

Fillon also rejected the suggestion that France is already a multi-cultural country.

'No, in any case it's not the choice we made, we did not make the choice of communitarianism and multiculturalism.'

'When we go to somebody's house, we don't try to take power,' said Fillon adding that immigrants must respect France's cultural heritage.

If Fillon beats Alain Juppe in Sunday's primary, he is widely tipped to become the next president with polls showing he would likely face and defeat far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the run-off next May....

Full Artice:


Hopefully not just the pendulum, but the wrecking ball, is swinging backwards now.
I'm still rooting for Le Pen, but if the choice is between these two, that's certainly a good choice to have. At least establishment hack Sarkozy was beaten roundly and can now retire from politics for good.
Sep 12, 2016
Vikings rowed the ocean storms and roughed it to our shores. Today their descendants are so week they can't even stand on their own two feet. So funny.

That's a perfect example of the end result of modern Marxist feminism - a male (can't even call him a man) stammering nervously, the female playing the role of the stronger person and asking if he's okay, and for the coup de grace the male actually fainting.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
That's a perfect example of the end result of modern Marxist feminism - a male (can't even call him a man) stammering nervously, the female playing the role of the stronger person and asking if he's okay, and for the coup de grace the male actually fainting.

Wow! R U really a real live girl!? We don't get many women here. Welcome here then! And yep, what u said.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
That's a perfect example of the end result of modern Marxist feminism - a male (can't even call him a man) stammering nervously, the female playing the role of the stronger person and asking if he's okay, and for the coup de grace the male actually fainting.

That man never pulled a rake, kicked a shovel, swung a hammer, or stoked a fire. He likely never had to work late into a night to make sure he had enough money to pay his insurance or his electricity bill. And, he definitely never had to drop another man for trying to rob or steal from him.

Video doesn't really belong on this thread but, it's so funny, couldn't resist.


Feb 23, 2013
New York


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
That word "fascist" is written haphazardly everywhere. Not certain what makes these men fascists.

What makes them fascists, brother, is that they are real fascists, real fascisti, or at least trying to follow in the footsteps of the real fascisti. The Vampire weaponizes language, coins words and affixes new meanings of their own to real words - so in Newspeak English fascist is supposed to mean "bad".

Avanti fascisti!



Feb 23, 2013
New York
Today, Sunday, yet another day of reckoning in Europe. Italy is holding a vote on constitutional reform, specifically whether to continue exclusive use of the Euro dollar. Austria to hold a presidential election: the nationalist is said to have the greatest of favor among those asked.
Sep 12, 2016
Wow! R U really a real live girl!? We don't get many women here. Welcome here then! And yep, what u said.

Thank you. Feminism and Marxism have really turned things upside down. The other day I was playing catch with a guy and he couldn't throw as far as me. It's alarming how many boys aren't learning basic things like how to throw a ball, how to handle a gun, how to change a tire, etc. Pajama Boy has become the new globalist-approved male role model.


Oct 6, 2007
Today, Sunday, yet another day of reckoning in Europe. Italy is holding a vote on constitutional reform, specifically whether to continue exclusive use of the Euro dollar. Austria to hold a presidential election: the nationalist is said to have the greatest of favor among those asked.

Looks like Renzi will suffer a massive defeat as about 60% of the electorate will vote "No". This is another enormous blow to the globalist NWO and the EU. Unfortunately Austria did not elect Hofer so that is a setback. But the Italian victory is much more significant since Italy is so much bigger than Austria.

The populist-nationalist juggernaut marches inexorably on to the final annihilation of the communist, marxist, elitist, anti-human, pedophilic NWO.


Nov 28, 2016
I hope we get Hofer just north of there too. I still want to know why Jobbik told Spencer to leave though. I think Merkel threatened Orban with hordes of third-world, Muslim savages. I want to see the Austrians and Hungarians unite against the EU and the savage beast Erdogan. Hopefully, they've learned from a century ago that if you ally with the Muslims and the Genocidal Turks, they come back to get you.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I am not up to date on Italian politics but did see that the party in power has lost all the referendums that were up for a vote. Italy has become a flash point for the negro hordes crossing the mediterranean and destroying one of the cradles of Western civilization much like the barbarians did as Rome fell. I hope this begins a huge change, closing of the borders and kicking out of all the brown hordes that are destroying Italy.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
I am not up to date on Italian politics but did see that the party in power has lost all the referendums that were up for a vote. Italy has become a flash point for the negro hordes crossing the mediterranean and destroying one of the cradles of Western civilization much like the barbarians did as Rome fell. I hope this begins a huge change, closing of the borders and kicking out of all the brown hordes that are destroying Italy.

When the time comes, and surely it will come, the dark invaders will be easy to identify as being out of place, and will be sent back to their home lands. And, I wish all of the dark peoples well in their home lands, I hope they prosper there and develop their lands into places of abundance, so that they can live in peace and stop trying to take over property that does not belong to them.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
When the time comes, and surely it will come, the dark invaders will be easy to identify as being out of place, and will be sent back to their home lands. And, I wish all of the dark peoples well in their home lands, I hope they prosper there and develop their lands into places of abundance, so that they can live in peace and stop trying to take over property that does not belong to them.

Me too, and in case Somaliland and Bangladesh and Pakistan and the Congo and wherever the hell else all those "Syrian refugees" were spawned, say FU, we don't want them. They r all yours now. They were the worst trash in our country and we sure don't want them back. Then I hope they have a wonderful harbor voyage on the garbage scows with the bottoms that open up as soon as they hit deeper water. "So long! Arrivederci! It was real. Do stop by again sometime!"


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Me too, and in case Somaliland and Bangladesh and Pakistan and the Congo and wherever the hell else all those "Syrian refugees" were spawned, say FU, we don't want them. They r all yours now. They were the worst trash in our country and we sure don't want them back. Then I hope they have a wonderful harbor voyage on the garbage scows with the bottoms that open up as soon as they hit deeper water. "So long! Arrivederci! It was real. Do stop by again sometime!"

Wolfman, you often make me smile when I read your comments. Cheers.:borra2:


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Thank you. Feminism and Marxism have really turned things upside down. The other day I was playing catch with a guy and he couldn't throw as far as me. It's alarming how many boys aren't learning basic things like how to throw a ball, how to handle a gun, how to change a tire, etc. Pajama Boy has become the new globalist-approved male role model.

Yes they sure have - and I thought it was just me having a weird experience recently. I was trying to teach a kid from an upscale area to play New York City style fast pitch stickball, and we even found a schoolyard that was vaguely passable to use (but nothing like a real old time NY schoolyard), and we didn't even get kicked out right away. Like you I was shocked that the kid didn't know how to throw a ball. He threw like a girl - and not like an athletic girl like you are either. We grew up with balls in our hand...wait, that didn't sound right - I mean Spaldeens and baseballs and softballs, footballs, basketballs, hand balls etc etc etc. Forgedabout swinging the bat and hitting anything, or even looking like he wasn't swinging a fly swatter or powder puff or something. The reason we eventually did get thrown out was because I can still whack the ball as good as ever and I almost broke some windows, but I had to stretch for the kids ridiculous pitches because like I said he didn't even know how to throw! What happened to gym class in the schools? Is it now devoted to further advance studies of the Rev Dr ML Coon Jr?

PS I was making good progress edjerkating the guy. If I had him under my wing for a while I'd have him hanging out on the sidewalk and talking good like me!
Jul 11, 2015
Thank you. Feminism and Marxism have really turned things upside down. The other day I was playing catch with a guy and he couldn't throw as far as me. It's alarming how many boys aren't learning basic things like how to throw a ball, how to handle a gun, how to change a tire, etc. Pajama Boy has become the new globalist-approved male role model.

Out of curiosity, how far can you throw?
Sep 12, 2016
Out of curiosity, how far can you throw?

I can throw a football about 40 yards, and I can throw a softball from shallow or middle outfield to home plate (though keep in mind a softball field is smaller than a baseball field).


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Hungary Plans to Crackdown on All Soros-Funded NGOs

Hungary plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House, according to the deputy head of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s party.

The European Union member will use “all the tools at its disposal” to “sweep out” NGOs funded by the Hungarian-born financier, which “serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments,” Szilard Nemeth, a vice president of the ruling Fidesz party, told reporters on Tuesday. No one answered the phone at the Open Society Institute in Budapest when Bloomberg News called outside business hours.

“I feel that there is an opportunity for this, internationally,” because of Trump’s election, state news service MTI reported Nemeth as saying. Lawmakers will start debating a bill to let authorities audit NGO executives, according to parliament’s legislative agenda.

publicly back Trump’s campaign, has ignored criticism from the European Commission and U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration for building a self-described “illiberal state” modeled on authoritarian regimes including Russia, China and Turkey. In 2014, Orban personally ordered the state audit agency to probe foundations financed by Norway and said that civil society groups financed from abroad were covers for “paid political activists.”


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Photographer: Jack Taylor/Getty Images
Orban and his administration have frequently singled out NGOs supported by Soros, a U.S. Democratic Party supporter with a wide network of organizations that promote democracy in formerly communist eastern Europe.

‘Power Structure’
Trump also accused the 86-year-old billionaire of being part of “a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.”

In a pre-election commercial, he showed images of Soros along with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, all of whom are Jewish. The Anti-Defamation League criticized the ad for touching on “subjects that anti-Semites have used for ages.”

Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal.

Hungarian politicians have done their best to stop the Globalists from destroying their country while their EU counterparts have done their worst. But Hungary keeps winning. I know a family that lives in Budapest and they tell me Hungarians by and large are adamant they will stop the EU from taking their lands and the cohesion of the people.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Another one on Hungary and Soros:


byAlt-Right News

Looking like a Bond villain who was rejected for being too outlandishly evil, Jewish billionaire George Soros is behind almost every loony left-wing, SJW group or NGO promoting social chaos and moral inversion around the world.

His money has found its way to topless protesters Femen, racist terrorist-apologists BlackLivesMatter, and many more (although he apparently pulled funding from Femen when they opened an Israeli branch).

In short, there is nothing Soros won't do to attack healthy, traditional, moral societies, as part of his perverted, anti-White, anti-Christian globalist agenda.

In particular he loathes Eastern European countries with strong traditions and identities, like Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. He was actually born in the latter country 86 years ago, although he left in 1947, when he went to England. He later "rewarded" British hospitality by causing a run on the pound that cost the UK treasury billions.

Now Hungary, which is lucky enough to have a right-wing nationalist government, has effectively declared war on Soros.

Szilard Nemeth, a vice president of the ruling Fidesz party, told reporters on Tuesday (Jan 10) that Hungary will use "all the tools at its disposal" to "sweep out" NGOs funded by Soros, as they "serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments."

Lawmakers will start debating a bill to let authorities audit NGO executives, according to the legislative agenda of the Hungarian parliament.

The Hungarians have decided to take this stand thanks to the election of Donald Trump as President, which they have interpreted as a weakening of American support for supranational interference of the sort that Soros specializes in.

Soros has already burnt his boats with Trump. During the presidential election he said that Trump was a "con-man and a would-be dictator," so the Hungarian timing couldn't be better.