Good Music Videos

A couple of songs from 1988 and 1990. Not as colourfully "glam" as Cinderella, butcontaining an even bigger helping of good-natured posing. Theinitial tracks from Winger's first two albums...




To think that I used to look exactly like these geezers...
foobar75 said:
Thanks Rebaljo, unfortunately no such option exists. I only see "Insert Hyperlink", "Add Email Link" and "Insert Image" buttons on the toolbar. I do not see the ability to insert a video.

If you put TUBE and /TUBE in brackets ([] []) on either side of the Youtube URL, that ought to do the trick. Can't actually type it out or it screws up post formatting.

[TUBE][/TUBE] Edited by: PhillyBirds
Well, it appears that the Winger videos I posted don't appear to play - "Embedding Disabled By Request". That's deucedly useful...

Here are the songs - their dramatic effect, however, is very much diminished without the actual originalvideo footage..





Now, something a little less sanguine...


Edited by: Rebajlo
I cant believe that almost 9 pages have been filled and no mention yet of the greatest band in mankind history : Queen.

IMO the greatest song ever written (It always pumps me up)

The greatest performer of all time in action




Demis can never be forgotten




Nice Irish Music


A talented (and beatiful) Celtic Violinist

Romanian "enigmatic" music





Romanian pop music




Some more romanian pop




More romanian pop music





For those who like romanian pop, some more




For those who got addicted to romanian pop music, I've got the fix.





Ok. One more batch of romanian dance music before I change the sound.






Ok. Above I listed some Romanian commercial music, but that is not real romanian music. The real Romanian music is the traditional folklore.




Lets continue with Romanian folk music






More Romanian folk music




More Romanian folk music




hey alln2, i've heard that the Romanians make some good music ... i was curious, have you heard anything from there that you'd recommend?
Jimmy Chitwood said:
hey alln2, i've heard that the Romanians make some good music ... i was curious, have you heard anything from there that you'd recommend?

Why do you laugh mockingly? Maybe I should laugh mockingly at the cRap coming out of the american charts, at pedophiles and eunuchs like michael jackson, at hermaphrodites like "lady"gaga, at trainwrecks like Britney Spears, at wiggers like Eminem, at crackheads like whitney houston, or at degenerate jazz noise.

Yes, Romanians make good music, uplifting, positive music, music which touches your soul. And not only "some", we have plenty of unforgettable great singers and songs.

I recommend you stick to MTV, the superior ******* noise coming out of it is the ultimate musical experience.

"Some" Romanian good music


Calusul long version


"Some" Romanian good music




alln2, I could be wrong, but I don't think Jimmy Chitwood was mocking you or Romanian music. I think most of us American CFers are aware of the pathetic state of modern U.S. pop music.
"Some" Romanian good music




I agree with Colonel_Reb. I know Jimmy Chitwood and he does not like the music on MTV. Trust me on that. He likes all aspects of European Culture as do most of us here. He was just making a joke because you had posted alot of videos of Romanian Music. He was just trying to be funny. He had not bad intentions. Everyone has a little different sense of humor. The videos are great.
American Freedom News