Good Music Videos

I'm NOT really a fan of Metallica, but this song from them is an exception, and I'm quite moved by these lines from the song...

"FOREVER trust in who you are, and NOTHING ELSE MATTERS..."
"Life is OURS, we live it our way..."
"NEVER cared for what they do, never cared for what they know, and I know..."

John Denver was a liberal when it came to politics, but he composed some songs that were pure heartland in sentiment -- "Thank God I'm a Country Boy," "Rocky Mountain High," "Take Me Home, Country Roads," etc. He was an original and gifted writer/musician.

I found this tidbit in Denver's Wikipedia entry: His next album, Poems, Prayers, and Promises (released in 1971), was a breakthrough for him in the U.S., thanks in part to the single "Take Me Home, Country Roads", which went to #2 on the Billboard charts despite the first pressings of the track being distorted. Its success was due in part to the efforts of his new manager, future Hollywood producer Jerry Weintraub, who signed Denver in 1970. . . When Denver ended his business relationship because of Weintraub's focus on other projects, Weintraub threw Denver out of his office and called him a Nazi.

Undoubtedly just typical Jewish histrionics and drama. Here's a live version of Calypso:

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Electric Slide said:
A couple awesome tunes from the Trans Siberian Orchestra! Any other fans out there?


And here's the other good one Christmas Eve/Sarajevo Carol of the Bells song, it wouldn't let me embed it so here's the link:
You got one right here. I like traditional Christmas songs as well but for a guy like me who listens to alot of hard rock and metal, the TSO are right up my ally. It also does not hurt that the female singers are very beautiful.
As the Trans-Siberian Orchestra includes Savatage vocalist Jon Oliva, I thought I'd take the opportunity to post one of the most ridiculous (in my opinion)metal videos of the 1980s - which is really saying something, as this wasthe decade of moronically cheesy, often low-budget, metal video offerings. Quite naturally, even though I was cringingmuch of the time, I loved them!
I must say that I thought that the album to which the following song lent it's name was quite a nifty affair, but the video needs to be seen to be believed.


Now, just when You all thought that couldn't be topped, here are a couple of all-action classics courtesy of oneof my favourite party bands, songs which, although parody,neverthelessessentially embodied my teenage "tackle out", "I'm destined to be a rock star" attitudes and aspirations (which, alas, led to disaster...).Mind You, these are pure "class" as opposed to "cheese"



Edited by: Rebajlo
Don, speaking of John Denver, did you know the Baltimore Orioles have been playing "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" during the 7th inning stretch since 1973? Pretty cool tradition if you ask me!

Again speaking of John Denver, WVU plays "Country Roads" before each of their home games!


An interesting tidbit about the song from wikipedia:

The land features mentioned prominently in the song lyrics â€" the Shenandoah River and the Blue Ridge Mountains â€" have only marginal associations with the state of West Virginia, and would seem to be more appropriate to describe western Virginia. The river passes through only the very eastern tip of the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. Similarly, the vast majority of the Blue Ridge also lies outside the state. According to a radio interview with Nivert, the road that inspired the song is nowhere near the state. It is a road close to her native Washington, D.C., in nearby Montgomery County, Maryland, where Denver often visited. Clopper Road still exists today, but the landscape has changed drastically from the bucolic scenery that once surrounded it.Edited by: Electric Slide
Nice video, Don. Most of these vids wouldn't even be called music by my grandparents. To them, the big band era songs, ballads, and country/bluegrass tunes they grew up on is "real music."
I always liked this one by Josh Turner:


This is a new song I heard for the first time this summer, it's the Australian band called Sick Puppies. Very uplifting and feel good song!


And this one is a just pure fun 80s song, Tarzan Boy by Baltimora!

Yes, John Denver may have been a misguided lib, but what a songwriter and singer. He sang about what alot of proud White Americans once believed. I remember loving his songs back in 1973 and tearing up when he died.
Just went to YouTube to listen to 'Rocky Mountain High" great song. It brings back memories of a not so great childhood. I remember listening to his songs as a child, and they would always calm me. RIP John you were a gift to us and one in a million.
this isn't a full song, but it is certainly a cool video with music ... the University of Hawaii marching band uses their formation to show a kicker kicking a football. it's pretty sweet, in my opinion.

Westside said:
Yes, John Denver may have been a misguided lib, but what a songwriter and singer. He sang about what alot of proud White Americans once believed. I remember loving his songs back in 1973 and tearing up when he died.

"Take Me Home Country Roads" is a tune I always play while driving through the Appalachian hills of southern Ohio and West Virginia. The Appalachian range although inferior to the Rocky Mountains in size and scope are just as majestic and wonderful to be around. Mr. Denver, being the in touch with nature person he was, got that and although from the western US he knew what a prize the land of West Virginia and surrounding states were. God what a great tune...
the creativity of White people is simply limitless!


Here is JB, Jean-Baptiste Maunier. He is a boy who was the main actor in the successfulfilm "Les choristes" (the film was critized by a few leftwing newspapers because it showed the "Old France" without "diversity").


He had an incredible voice, the voice of an angel.

Two vids to prove it (but there are so much other videos...)


And he performed this one just before his voice breaks:

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I'd never heard of this band or song until the other day when I was trying out a new stereo in my vehicle. It came on the radio and I looked it up from the lyrics I remembered. Supposedly, some of the band members were in a White gang in LA. I thought some of the lyrics were interesting, and the '64 Galaxie Convertible is nice too!

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
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