Good Music Videos

I have to Freethinker. I am now older than my Grandfathers when they passed away. Where has the time gone?
Time is the scarcest resource we have.

I just reached the symbolic “middle of my life” (if I’m lucky) and now when I look back it feels like a blur. Parts of it feel like just yesterday and others like another lifetime. Very surreal. I imagine the 2nd half will feel like it goes by even quicker. Like time speeds up. I guess all you can do is enjoy each day, which I tell myself constantly, but don’t know if I actually do…

Anyways here’s to hoping you have lots more good years in ya to enjoy and fight the good fight. Thanks for sharing that song.
This was played at a funeral I went to on Saturday. It makes you think. R.I.P. James The Flame. Where Rainbows Never Die.
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I love the bass player in this group. Juna Serita "Get that Funky Smell from your mouth." I've been told that before. It's all good.

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Jewell was born in Utah to a Mormon family and they later moved to Alaska and at some point she became a famous singer, whose heyday is now some years ago. I always thought she was fetching and had a great singing voice and presence. Definitely girlfriend material lol:

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