Back in the 1950s, songs were much better than the ugly rap and vulgar hip-hop of today.
A beautiful song by the Browns love their music. Here is one by Lynyrd Skynard.
I am a big Skynyrd fan. I wish I could have seen them live. I was raised on music like the Browns sang. I didn't get to see the show The Sopranos live just reruns but, I swear they played the song "Three Bells" on there. Don't seem like the music for that show but, I think they did.
One of the best scenes ever from the Sopranos. So called "conservatives" need to have a moment like this. This dog wagging the tail time should be just about up. And the music at the end. Wow.
I know that Caste Football is the #1 forum for trance and electro music!
This type of music is made on a computer program. Simply speaking, there are empty bars, and a musician/producer fills them with notes and sounds.
I really caught a fancy to this one track by "The Dualz" called 'Vision.' They are an average pair of French DJ's without much background. It doesn't always take much, though, and this little melody is catchy to me.
Apart from that! There is a duo of skinny Italian broads who fancy themselves creative-types; they play electronica music and then add melodies from their keyboard and rhythmic drums to put a spin on the song in question. Next, there is some production value in these two bone-thin ragazzi playing their sounds. Check it out if you care to:
One of the best scenes ever from the Sopranos. So called "conservatives" need to have a moment like this. This dog wagging the tail time should be just about up. And the music at the end. Wow.
You think back to certain times, and years, and some stick out in your mind much more than others. One of those to me is 1985. It was mid-way through the Reagan years, which in retrospect were the last years of America 1.0 even though at the time those of us, like me, no different than previous generations of the always small number of enlightened patriots, were already sounding the alarm about what was happening to our country and way of life.
'85 was when the Caste System kicked in in a methodical way in the NFL though its roots of course go back to the mid to late 1960s as the Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution began in earnest after the assassination of JFK, only being slowly fine-tuned since then. But America was still a White country in 1985, and was still expressed that way on TV, movies and advertising. As always, gradualism has been the preferred method of change, which was especially kick-started after Donald Trump was elected in 2016.
At any rate, that which was a very alarming situation to me at the time is now the "good old days" by comparison to the lunatic totalitarian horror show we deal with today. I've read that Tucker Carlson seems like a normal dude from 1985 transported to 2020s USSA, and that seems apt to me.
This video is from 1985. It has over 1.5 billion views despite its age and is timeless and superior visually, musically, and lyrically to the pure garbage we're bombarded with now.