Good Music Videos

A classic from the Hinsons on the old “Gospel Singing Jubilee” TV show. :)

Thanks, DD I love The Hinsons. The song Call Me Gone is one of my all- time favorites.
Thanks, DD I love The Hinsons. The song Call Me Gone is one of my all- time favorites.

You’re welcome. Yes sir, the late Kenny Hinson was one of the best singers I’ve ever heard, & his brother Ronnie a prolific SoGo song writer. :)
Just a little something for my fellow blood redeemed Christians. :)


Thanks much Hock for that. You might like this. The singers have real good diction and even the instruments seem to have a "diction" of their own. There's also a lot on riming in the lyrics - hope you like it. Take it in short bites if you have to.
G I Jive - American Hits of WW2 - 1930s & 1940s (Past Perfect) [Full ...

  1. Similar
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Sep 3, 2015 - Uploaded by Past Perfect Vintage Music
G I Jive - American Hits of WW2 - 1930s & 1940s (Past Perfect) [Full ... Holiday Music, Big Bands ...
R.I.P. Roy Clark, a very underrated and unappreciated guitarist.

Often ridiculed by "rock snobs" in the late 70's and early 80's along with his "hick", "hillbilly" persona on "Hee Haw", which only ended up destroying the authentic Country music of that era and helped usher in a much more superficial era of "Country" music that sounded more like rock, and now, sadly, elements of rap and hip-hop sounds. Many of the "hair band" "metal" guitarists of the mid-to-late 80's only wish they had his talent.

EDIT: Hard to believe this (above) is what network TV was actually like exactly 40 years ago. I'd still be watching it if it still was.

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Amen Heretic. I was always a hard rock/power metal fan back in the day, and still am on the old stuff and I totally appreciated the talents of Roy Clark. A great player from an even greater era. RIP.
RIP to one of the very finest musicians & entertainers of all time. :(

Here's some good stuff from the swing era, Sing Sing Sing written by Louis Prima. This style of dancing is called jitterbugging and was popular in the 1930s and 1940s. It puts the lie to the anti-white stereotype that "whites can't dance."

Here's a vocal version by the The Andrews Sisters.

Just because I like the song. Period:

Just because I like the song. Period:

That’s a classic by Spartanburg SC’s finest! :) Here’s my favorite MTB tune...especially with the late Toy Caldwell’s peddle steel solo. ;)

Every album and single the GREAT Smiths and Morrissey ever released. I was reading a recent interview of Moz, where he said that all those illegal immigrants and Muslims from Africa and Middle East are going to destroy European culture, music and DNA that goes back to Ancient Greece and continues to this day. He said that we must close our borders and protect our race. The media that once worshiped him so hard (fairly so as he's a true musical genius) are now slandering him with so much passion. A popular anti-Greek, anti-European, anti-white, Greek liberal website named Lifo, calls him insane, racist, an old man who lost his mind and encourages its readers to stop listening to his music. And those liberal media dare to call anyone a fascist? The funny thing is that they are not good at their job either, as Moz was always a Eurocentric brother and had the passion and guts to speak about the truth openly. This is from 1986:

Moz: "Reggae, for example, is to me the most racist music in the entire world. It's an absolute total glorification of black supremacy... There is a line when defense of one's race becomes an attack on another race and, because of black history and oppression, we realise quite clearly that there has to be a very strong defence. But I think it becomes very extreme sometimes. But, ultimately, I don't have very cast iron opinions on black music other than black modern music which I detest. I detest Stevie Wonder. I think Diana Ross is awful. I hate all those records in the Top 40 - Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston. I think they're vile in the extreme. In essence this music doesn't say anything whatsoever."

Interviewer: You seem to be saying that you believe that there is some sort of black pop conspiracy being organised to keep white indie groups down.

Moz: "Yes, I really do."


And here's a truly gorgeous song of the Smiths. So erotic, romantic, full of passion and desire, without showing any grossly fat bottoms of cheap ugly women with fake hair-nails-breasts etc, golden teeth and huge chains of nasty pimps who resemble overdressed monkeys in a circus.

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Happy New Year everyone!! Thinking forward, going forward, God bless you all. This is for the memories and a look to the future. Brighter, better, lighter:

I've been going through white history to look for music and other works of art. I found this. A beautiful song by the 4 Aces, released in the 1950s.

Colter Wall Canadian from Saskatchewan

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