Good Music Videos

The Confederacy was never real. It was a psy-ops operation...

The House of Rothschiled financed both sides of the American Civil War that destroyed the best blood in the USA. In the South a Jewish homosexual midget, Judah Benjamin, was Attorney General, then Secretary of War, then Secretary of State. After the war he went to England where he was a successful lawyer and capitalist. Funny how nothing much ever happens to guys like that, and, say, Emil Maurice, the Jewish man who founded the German SS.

It says that film was made in the 1930's. But even if it was made in 1930 that was 65 years after the end of the war. How old were those men? Even if they had been a 15 year old drummer boy at the end of the war they would be 80. But a lot of them had officer rank, like general, so they must have been at least in their late 20's at the end of the war which would have made them at least 90, or if the film was made in 1935, 95. They looked in better shape, mentally and physically, than most people of that age today.
Neil Young was a precedent to the Canadian cuck with his whine about the Southern man in that song.

Neil Young wrote a song called Down by the River about how he murdered a woman. Young is a typical counterculture scumbag.
No video or sound.

It's working ok for me. I wouldn't know how to fix it.

It's a video of the song Atlantis by Donovan and it starts with a view of a giant aquarium.
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The face page in that Atlantis video reminds me of a classic WW2 tv series made in the 1950's, "Victory at Sea". It was blatant heavy handed American post war propaganda - "fascists must kill to live" - 24 episodes, made in 1952-53. It had a brilliant musical score and superb narration. Funny thing is there wasn't a single word in it about any "Holocaust", nor was there in any other US tv show, magazine, newspaper, book, etc. of the time period, and that's because the "Holocaust" wasn't even invented until the 1970's, tho they did torture captured Germans into confessing from everything including the allies own mass murder of Poland's elite in the Katyn forset to boiling, pressing, turning into lampshades, and any other grotesqueness the Talmudic imagination could invent, more Jews than ever lived on earth in their Nurenberg and other kangaroo torture-courts, but that was all quickly memory holed. Anyway, heavy handed propaganda or not, television has declined precipitously from those early days - and the "intellectuals" were calling it a "wasteland" back then!.

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The Foggy Mountain Boys with Lester & Earl...

Anyone know what to make of an Armenian-American band like System of a Down? They have talent and are open communists politically. Looking at this video, is the message anything other than that young Whites should kill themselves? An all-White cast by a leftist group.

Chris Cornell recently committed suicide. Then, on his birthday, Chester Bennington, the lead singer for Linkin Park, killed himself. He left a wife and six children. He had fame and riches, yet like so many rock stars died young, whether through suicide or because of drugs and alcohol. All of them were liberals. Liberalism is the reason so many working class Whites have given up and died young, or otherwise have nothing to look forward to. Those of us who want to represent them (American Nationalists) are demonized 24/7 so it is very difficult to break through. This must change and soon, or what is left of Middle America will disappear, replaced by the 20% or so of deracinated upper class Whites, who will gladly usher in the Brave New World in all its poisonous manifestations.
I've always liked the movie "Lost in Translation," maybe the only one out of Hollywood that doesn't portray a middle-aged White man who is attracted to a young woman as a creep, pervert, pedophile, etc.

All hail the "Dixie Dewdrop" (RIP)...son of CSA Captain John Macon...


I was at the gym the other week jamming to this masterpiece of a no-nonsense hard rock album from 1981 and meant to post that exact vid, but you beat me to it.

However, "Let It Go" should always be paired with "Another Hit and Run" which is the next song right after it:

Yessir. Another good’un from that “High & Dry” LP....

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