Good Music Videos

Dark blues-metal number from Glenn Danzig...

I favor the old tyme music - original country, bluegrass, western swing. It derives from European folk music. Jazz from the jazz age too, popular music from the 1920's and 30's like my old pal, the late great Rich Conaty, played on "The Big Brodacast" for so many years.

No video.

He doesn't have one, just the song. I'm not a 'fan' of the man (good singer but a weirdo). However, his band ("Danzig") had some good metal/blues rock tunes (especially their 1988 debut album).

I favor the old tyme music - original country, bluegrass, western swing. It derives from European folk music. Jazz from the jazz age too, popular music from the 1920's and 30's like my old pal, the late great Rich Conaty, played on "The Big Brodacast" for so many years.

Old time music is awesome. I'm a big fan too. I also like bluegrass, country & western, southern rock, hard rock, metal, hymns & southern gospel. There's also various (assorted) tunes I like from old school punk, classical, rockabilly, blues & 50's thru 80's era.
Speaking of good ol' southern gospel, here's a fine number from the Hinsons (via the classic "Gospel Singing Jubilee" TV show). :)

Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Allman Brothers Band were two Southern rock bands that both suffered tragic deaths but persevered. Greg Allman died recently; his older brother Duane died in a motorcycle accident in 1971 in the early days of the band. Greg by all accounts was a tortured soul, and no friend of our cause by any stretch, but undeniably very talented. (No diversity in this video though it has a silly feminist theme). RIP

A band like this playing Oakland. And look at the crowd. I miss years like 1977.

Man, we are on the same wavelength. I was going to post that same vid about a year or so ago and mention the same things...that this was in California with a Confederate Flag as the backdrop...and all of those blonde women in the crowd, many sitting on their boyfriend's shoulders. It almost looks like there's more females than males at that concert.

Wouldn't happen today in California for sure (or most anywhere in the States now, especially with White females). How things have changed in such a short amount of time is astonishing. Complete brainwashing, social engineering and psychological manipulation of the minds of Whites to hate themselves and reject their heritage.
Sweet Home Alabama was a startling song when it came out in 1974. An instantly memorable song musically that still sounds great, and also a rebuke to Neil Young and his denigration of the South (and thus to all libs), and open support for Gov. George Wallace, who was Trump x 10 in the eyes of the anti-White lunatics.
Man, we are on the same wavelength. I was going to post that same vid about a year or so ago and mention the same things...that this was in California with a Confederate Flag as the backdrop...and all of those blonde women in the crowd, many sitting on their boyfriend's shoulders. It almost looks like there's more females than males at that concert.

Wouldn't happen today in California for sure (or most anywhere in the States now, especially with White females). How things have changed in such a short amount of time is astonishing. Complete brainwashing, social engineering and psychological manipulation of the minds of Whites to hate themselves and reject their heritage.

I went to a Toby Keith concert here in Northern Virginia, the Washington DC suburbs, in 2003 and there were Confederate flags all over the parking lot. Northern Virginia is now occupied by many swamp creatures\carpetbaggers from the rest of the country who are drawn to the wealth that the capital city sucks out of the rest of the Empire. Most people in this area do not vote the way the rest of Virginia (except Hampton Roads), votes, which is Republican-Red-Real American. I am not sure if people fly Confederate flags in the parking lots at country music shows in this part of Virginia anymore, but I'll bet they do.
I went to a Toby Keith concert here in Northern Virginia, the Washington DC suburbs, in 2003 and there were Confederate flags all over the parking lot. Northern Virginia is now occupied by many swamp creatures\carpetbaggers from the rest of the country who are drawn to the wealth that the capital city sucks out of the rest of the Empire. Most people in this area do not vote the way the rest of Virginia (except Hampton Roads), votes, which is Republican-Red-Real American. I am not sure if people fly Confederate flags in the parking lots at country music shows in this part of Virginia anymore, but I'll bet they do.
Well, that was before the FAKE Dylan Roof "shooting", which was a psy-op designed to demoralize Southerners of their heritage, rid them of their flag and demonize State's Rights while at the same time centralizing even more power at the Federal level. Amazon and Nascar have since banned it and "The Dukes of Hazard" was taken off the air. However, I'm hoping that with the resurgent White identity movement, more Whites will no longer give a f*ck and start flying it again. It is protected by our First Amendment so NO ONE should be afraid of flying it. Also, I don't know if any of you watched the speech Donald Trump gave in Poland, but it looks like the Poles like the Confederate Flag as well and aren't afraid to fly it (if you go to 41m 39s of the following vid):

Well, that was before the FAKE Dylan Roof "shooting", which was a psy-op designed to demoralize Southerners of their heritage, rid them of their flag and demonize State's Rights while at the same time centralizing even more power at the Federal level...

Absolutely. We have the photos of him before and after the confederate flag was photoshopped on his jacket. And his ridiculous staged arrest by two fat actors dressed up in police suits looks like a scene from "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Also there seems to be no record of any "Dylan Roof" existing prior to that crisis actor show - same as there was no record of the Sandy Hoax shooter Adam Lanza. Black feller on Youtube went into the "Dylan Roof" hoax on Youtube - Red Silver J I think is his name. I haven't checked him out in a long time. Every damn thing u see on tv and coming out of the politicians' mouths is a lie.

Plan 9 From Outer Space, realer than CNN!

The Confederacy was never real. It was a psy-ops operation by the government to keep the price of grits high. If you think this statement is atrocious scroll north for about 5 seconds.
The Confederacy was never real. It was a psy-ops operation by the government to keep the price of grits high. If you think this statement is atrocious scroll north for about 5 seconds.

Dude i Think its a Waste of Energy becoming Angry and trying to Police the opinions of your Fellow humans. There is a near Endless amount of People who hold entirely opposite opinions to Yours. If i were to try and convert everyone to my Point of View i would have literally no time for life. Lifes short. Maybe my car accident last Year Made me become too accepting of things that i disagree with, but thats the way it is.
Sweet Home Alabama was a startling song when it came out in 1974. An instantly memorable song musically that still sounds great, and also a rebuke to Neil Young and his denigration of the South (and thus to all libs), and open support for Gov. George Wallace, who was Trump x 10 in the eyes of the anti-White lunatics.

Neil Young was a precedent to the Canadian cuck with his whine about the Southern man in that song.
Dude i Think its a Waste of Energy becoming Angry and trying to Police the opinions of your Fellow humans. There is a near Endless amount of People who hold entirely opposite opinions to Yours. If i were to try and convert everyone to my Point of View i would have literally no time for life. Lifes short. Maybe my car accident last Year Made me become too accepting of things that i disagree with, but thats the way it is.

Agree. Dude, give it up. Opinions are like beliefs, no matter what someone says or does, we can never know if they changed their beliefs or not so why bother.
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