As far as straight-up trance tracks go, I think this is one of my faves, it is "Reflections" the track that inspired the album "Reflections" and "Re:Reflections" from East German Paul Van Dyk. How can you not love it if you appreciate electronic music?
I've been a PvD fan for years, seen him live in Toronto a number of his times and he usually opens with this track!
I'm sure that Dixie Destroyer has added this track to his playlist already.
RIP Ian Stewart, 1957-1993
I wanna tell you 'bout Texas Radio and the Big Beat
Comes out of the Virginia swamps
Cool and slow with plenty of precision
With a back beat narrow and hard to master
Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance
Others, mean and rueful of the Western dream
I love the friends I have gathered together on this thin raft
We have constructed pyramids in honor of our escaping
This is the land where the Pharaoh died
The Negroes in the forest brightly feathered
They are saying, "Forget the night.
Live with us in forests of azure.
Out here on the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we is stoned - immaculate."
Listen to this, and I'll tell you 'bout the heartache
I'll tell you 'bout the heartache and the lose of God
I'll tell you 'bout the hopeless night
The meager food for souls forgot
I'll tell you 'bout the maiden with wrought iron soul
I'll tell you this
No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn
I'll tell you 'bout Texas Radio and the Big Beat
Soft drivin', slow and mad, like some new language
Now, listen to this, and I'll tell you 'bout the Texas
I'll tell you 'bout the Texas Radio
I'll tell you 'bout the hopeless night
Wandering the Western dream
Tell you 'bout the maiden with wrought iron soul
by the way Ray Manzarak was not given enough credit for his role in creating the Door's distinctive sound.
Manzarek does deserve credit. My only problem with Manzarek is he used going around making the statement, and I've seen him do it on talk shows and the like, that if wasn't for black people, white people would be stuck doing minuet dances on their tippy toes. That's cuckish.
Real guitar playing, something that will be talked about centuries from now.
Real guitar playing, something that will be talked about centuries from now.