GGG vs Canelo

Have to be honest guys, I'm a huge GGG fan and was pulling for him bigtime, but scoring the fight in real time I had it a draw 6 rounds to 6. I gave Canelo Rounds 1, 2, and 12. The midrounds were scattered. I congratulate both guys on a fight well fought. It delivered substantially more than the mega fights of recent years.

A couple things stood out to me: GGG was effective with the jab, Canelo was effective with "big shots", and GGG had Canelo on the backfoot and ropes throughout.

There's an old adage in boxing that to beat the champ you need to be on the frontfoot and take the fight to him. Canelo failed to do that and GGG was unquestionably the aggressor in the fight. In that respect, if I had to choose I'd say GGG slightly edged it.

118-110 Alvarez is hands down one of the worst scorecards ever recorded. She needs to be fined, fired, and replaced but this is boxing the most corrupt sport on Planet Earth so nothing will happen, in fact she'll be promoted.

GGG was the aggressor but boxing has turned into a sport that values defensive styles over landed punches.

I just imagine what would have happened had GGG been younger. I think it may have been a different ballgame.

If I was GGG I'd say "Fc-uk you. No rematch. You fought like a girl on the backfoot. I still have my titles and successfully defended.". A draw is a win for the champ in a sense he keeps his titles. His management should get him an easy defense for record tying #20, GGG has earned a victory lap.

Well done from the young guy even though he ran like a girl.
Well done from the older veteran. Maybe in his younger days it would have been more decisive.

In effect, a draw is a win for the champ (GGG) in that he keeps his titles and it counts as a successful defense. Rightfully so.

That's boxing. If I'm GGG I say Fc-uk you, no rematch!
Yes this is why there are so many draws in these mega fights because everybody can sort of go home happy and the boxing public can demand a rematch.
It continues the elevation of Floyd Mayweather who beat Canelo. It also elevates Floyd because now there is a mark on GGG's record. It stops GGG from setting records for defending the middleweight title.
GGG pushed Canelo back the entire fight, landed more punches and controlled the fight. It was close, but a clear win for GGG. I'm pissed. They screwed Kovalev, now Golovkin. Next up, Loma.
To be fair who is she racist against? She had no dog in this fight in that sense. She is just corrupt/incompetent.

In the old days you had to put your time in as a world class referee before they put you out to pasture as a referee and you became a judge, but with AA hirings, Byrd was promoted to this job and unless we have people with cameras and a bag of cash or other valuables we will never see her fired or even suspended. I remember years ago Eugenia Williams turned in a scorecard like this in Lewis-Holyfield I and reporters found out she had a 20K credit card debt and still nothing came of her obvious corruption.
Protect Hopkin's legacy. Did he beat his record of middleweight title defenses or not yet?
Mookie Alexander (Bloody Elbow) --------> 117-111 GGG
Brian Campbell (CBS) ---------------------> 117-111 GGG
Jack Rathborn (Mirror UK) ----------------> 117-111 GGG
Harold Lederman (HBO) ------------------> 116-112 GGG
Bryan Graham (Guardian UK) ------------> 116-112 GGG
Dan Rafael (ESPN) ------------------------> 116-112 GGG
Bob Velin (USA Today) --------------------> 116-112 GGG
Kevin McRae (Bleacher Report) -----------> 116-112 GGG
Shaun Al-Shatti (MMA Fighting) ----------> 116-112 GGG
Ryan Frederick (Wrestling Observer) ----> 116-112 GGG
Patrick Stumberg (MMA Mania) ----------> 116-112 GGG
Kevin Mitchell (Guardian UK) ------------> 116-113 GGG
Jordan Breen (Sherdog) ------------------> 115-112 GGG
Kevin Iole (Yahoo) ------------------------> 115-113 GGG
Will Esco (Bad Left Hook) -----------------> 115-113 GGG
Phil Murphy (ESPN) -----------------------> 115-113 GGG
Mike Harris (SI) ---------------------------> 115-113 GGG
Paul Fontaine (Wrestling Observer) ------> 115-113 GGG
MMA Brazil ---------------------------------> 115-113 GGG
Sean Sheehan (Severe MMA) -------------> 115-113 GGG
Rob Tatum (Combat Press) ----------------> 115-113 GGG
Patrick Wyman (Bleacher Report) ---------> 115-113 GGG
Lennox Lewis ------------------------------> Golovkin
Teddy Atlas --------------------------------> Golovkin
Enzo Macarenelli ---------------------------> Golovkin
James Brady (SB Nation) ------------------> Golovkin
Steven Muehlhausen (Sporting News) ----> 114-114 Draw
Gilbert Manzano (Denver Post) -----------> 114-114 Draw
Boxing Clever (Seen) ---------------------> 114-114 Draw
Associated Press --------------------------> 114-114 Draw
Lance Pugmire (LA Times) ----------------> 114-114 Draw
Chris Mannix (Yahoo) ---------------------> 114-114 Draw
De La Hoya --------------------------------> 115-113 Canelo
Gareth Davies (UK Telegraph) -----------> 116-112 Canelo

CompuBox ------> GGG landed about 50 more punches in the fight
CompuBox ------> GGG landed more punches in 10 of the 12 rounds
CompuBox ------> Canelo landed more power shots in 7 of the 12 rounds
The fight is in OC (organized crime) owned Las Vegas again so besides the fight itself a big thing to consider is what kind of fix do they have planned this time? It's always something in LV. It's always something crooked in LV, from the slot machines to the politicians to the boxing refs and judges. That's pretty much a given.

Corrupt and/or incompetent.
Her sole purpose was to protect Hopkins title defenses. She could not even make it plausible. Just a dumb typical black person. Gladly it will not stop GGG's title defense march toward breaking the record.
Protect Hopkin's legacy. Did he beat his record of middleweight title defenses or not yet?
Yes point taken in the rematch GGG will be one away from tying the all time record. I just hope GGG gets better compensation for this fight as anything can happen in the rematch. GGG is clearly not as good as he was a few years back as his shots are slower.

This bs decision could be potentially legacy costing if GGG ages further in the rematch.
GGG has to insist that the rematch be in Europe or Russia with judges from said continent or country. Enough of stacking the deck against the foreign fighter like last night and in Kovalev's matches against dirty Ward. It has to stop.
Thankfully, BSPN has a sense of credibility. Dan Rafael had it a generous 116-112 for GGG. Pls GGG, go overseas and clobber that traveler Saunders and demand Canelo come over there.

Just watched the fight on Youtube. I gave Alvarez Rounds 1,2, and 12. I gave Golovkin rounds 5-11, though I can see how someone could give Alvarez 11. Rounds 3 and 4 I would give to GGG though I can see how one of them could go for Canelo. I would say GGG won at least 7 rounds, maybe as many as 9. He should have won by at least 115-113. 116-112 is probably the correct score.
Pretty close fight, but I think GGG took it. It was really impressive in that whatever offense Canelo did have, when he did land a good shot, 3G just LOLed at it. GGG was hitting Canelo a lot but missing a lot, too.

Overall, GGG won clearly. I say this as a highly-qualified nobody sitting at home watching on TV haha.

If they really want to call it a draw I can see how you can mental-gymnastics that, although even that is BS.

But 118 to 110 is clearly fraud.

If GGG were only 30 I'd welcome the rematch because he's still prime Golovkin.

He's still a young guy at 35 but boxing is a really young guy's sport and he'll be fighting the clock as well as Canelo in the rematch.

It's just like Kovalev versus Ward. Kovalev clearly won the first fight but was robbed and in the second fight he was mentally under a lot more pressure.

At least GGG didn't take the L and he's still officially unbeaten. I was hoping he would win this last fight and retire, but now he has to fight at least one more.

It all seems to be a big scam from that f@g De La Hoya.
One other thing, Max Kellerman was horrible tonight. And he always is. He needs to be fired and pink slipped ASAP. Someone should write HBO and start a petition. I'll sign it. He's the worst commentator I've ever seen.
Max Kellerman seems like one of those creeps in a gym lockerroom who tries to talk to the other guys who just want to shower and go the f**k home.
Mookie Alexander (Bloody Elbow) --------> 117-111 GGG
Brian Campbell (CBS) ---------------------> 117-111 GGG
Jack Rathborn (Mirror UK) ----------------> 117-111 GGG
Harold Lederman (HBO) ------------------> 116-112 GGG
Bryan Graham (Guardian UK) ------------> 116-112 GGG
Dan Rafael (ESPN) ------------------------> 116-112 GGG
Bob Velin (USA Today) --------------------> 116-112 GGG
Kevin McRae (Bleacher Report) -----------> 116-112 GGG
Shaun Al-Shatti (MMA Fighting) ----------> 116-112 GGG
Ryan Frederick (Wrestling Observer) ----> 116-112 GGG
Patrick Stumberg (MMA Mania) ----------> 116-112 GGG
Kevin Mitchell (Guardian UK) ------------> 116-113 GGG
Jordan Breen (Sherdog) ------------------> 115-112 GGG
Kevin Iole (Yahoo) ------------------------> 115-113 GGG
Will Esco (Bad Left Hook) -----------------> 115-113 GGG
Phil Murphy (ESPN) -----------------------> 115-113 GGG
Mike Harris (SI) ---------------------------> 115-113 GGG
Paul Fontaine (Wrestling Observer) ------> 115-113 GGG
MMA Brazil ---------------------------------> 115-113 GGG
Sean Sheehan (Severe MMA) -------------> 115-113 GGG
Rob Tatum (Combat Press) ----------------> 115-113 GGG
Patrick Wyman (Bleacher Report) ---------> 115-113 GGG
Lennox Lewis ------------------------------> Golovkin
Teddy Atlas --------------------------------> Golovkin
Enzo Macarenelli ---------------------------> Golovkin
James Brady (SB Nation) ------------------> Golovkin
Steven Muehlhausen (Sporting News) ----> 114-114 Draw
Gilbert Manzano (Denver Post) -----------> 114-114 Draw
Boxing Clever (Seen) ---------------------> 114-114 Draw
Associated Press --------------------------> 114-114 Draw
Lance Pugmire (LA Times) ----------------> 114-114 Draw
Chris Mannix (Yahoo) ---------------------> 114-114 Draw
De La Hoya --------------------------------> 115-113 Canelo
Gareth Davies (UK Telegraph) -----------> 116-112 Canelo

CompuBox ------> GGG landed about 50 more punches in the fight
CompuBox ------> GGG landed more punches in 10 of the 12 rounds
CompuBox ------> Canelo landed more power shots in 7 of the 12 rounds
Great graphic. It puts things into perspective.
Teddy Atlas pissed, Stephen A Smith continues to be a moron. Yes, the entire sport is corrupt.

As far as I watched that I agreed with Atlas. Atlas, a criminal himself, reminds me of Monk Eastman who led the Eastman gang around the turn of the 19th-20th centuries in NYC. Atlas is Jewish and Eastman may have been Jewish too tho that's controversial. Most of the Eastman gang were, though.

Alvarez not sure he wants a rematch, wants to "sit back and enjoy" his draw. :shakehead:

Canelo's rep amongst Mexicans tanked. They didn't like the way he retreated all night and they didn't like the arrogant post-fight interview he gave, to Li'l Bugeyes I guess it was. That's what I've been reading anyway. I don't really know because I didn't have a good connection. I used the one I posted on here since my others - the ones I PM'd people - were KO'd as soon as the fight started. It had no sound and the video kept skipping so I'm not really qualified to give my opinion on the decision, except of course the stupid negress was on the take and too stupid to be subtle about it, and so is just about everyone in that so called city, that even calls itself "sin city". They're proud of being crooked.
Being reading the comments of various articles on the fight. I would 98%+ are pissed off at the judges, Golden Boy and Canela. They are agreed that GGG was robbed of his victory on paper. Now GGG will be fighting father time and crooked Vegas. But the lure will be money. His management needs to make demands on Golden Boy for change.
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