GGG vs Canelo

GGG vs Canelo is a major fight. If GGG wins, he is one victory from tying Bopkins record. No doubt him and millions of blacks do not want that record broken. Man, hope GGG sparks Canelo.
Tyson Fury is in the ring with Saunders. From the looks of him, he is around 400 lbs. What disgrace he is.
Tyson Fury is in the ring with Saunders. From the looks of him, he is around 400 lbs. What disgrace he is.

I doubt he ever fights again. He would beat everyone at heavyweight but thanks to him we now have no white champs. I don't have much faith in Hughie as I don't think he beats Joshua or Wilder.
Saunders got the W. against Monroe. But Monroe no world beater. Saunders has a herky-jerky style. With quick reflexes but no power.
Uncle Teddy is already bashing GGG and saying he will lose.
Saw Uncle Teddy last night, talking that nonsense about GGG getting old and losing a step. Maybe, but from last night, it looks like father time took a 2X4 to Atlas and gave him a proper beatdown. He is looking haggard.
Doesn't seem right that GGG-Canilo isn't making the same buzz with the general public as that semi farce between Mc What'shisname and Maywhat'shisname. Triple and Canelo is a much more legit match-up.

But since when does legit impress the ever more ignorant public any more?
Stoked for this to start!
I've got it 5 to 2 for Triple G, started a bit slow established his jab but he's heating up with his power punches and combinations,stalking Canelo into the ropes.
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Canelo has some pep in his step but to me it looks like he's gassing. Triple G clearly better cardio shape.
Golovkin has a granite of a chin!
It seemed like Golovkin was grinding him down like a metal shop grinder on a sheet of metal. But this is Vegas and the judges know who the house fighter is. I hope this isn't another Vegas decision.
Haha Vegas calls it a draw! Done with boxing. 118 to 110 one judge had it.
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