Well said. By the way, my ancestors were from Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England, 17th and 18th Century American pioneers.
Sport Historian -
Thank You for the kind words. :thanks:
Well said. By the way, my ancestors were from Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England, 17th and 18th Century American pioneers.
I apologize Rebajlo, I was wrong about you. You are a special kind of putz, an equal opportunity hater. No one group is spared from your tirades and bashings, but your strongest vitriol is reserved for Germany and Germanic/Nordic people for some reason. Can you do us a favor and tell us some more about those evil Germans and their cheating ways in that 1983 Euro qualification game against Albania? It really takes a special mentally deranged fool such as yourself to look for German misdeeds under every imaginable rock so you can then pat yourself on the back for this great service you are providing to the rest of humanity. I certainly remember where I was during that Albania game, amazing detective work Rebajlo for digging up that footage!
So you want to talk about Southern European parasites? Well, I don't have much time to waste debating an ignorant simpleton like you, but do you know about that region in Northern Italy known as South Tyrol? The one whose ancestors are the Goths (those damn Germans again!) who played a major role in fall of the Roman Empire? It's one of the wealthiest regions in Italy and all of Europe, and dang it, it's made up mostly of Germans! Sicily it is not, that's for sure.
Now, why is there such a disparity between these two regions of Italy? A little too much for your peabrain? Maybe we can talk about Greece, the Norway of the south? Those Greeks sure know how to maintain a first world civilization. Work 30 hours a week, don't pay taxes, then retire at 50 with a full pension!
The ethnic Finns are idiots you say? I can guarantee you one thing, the soldiers of the Red Army during WWII sure as hell wouldn't have thought of Simo Hayha or the rest of the Finnish badasses in those terms, but leave it a moron like Rebajlo to sully an entire population. I'm now eagerly awaiting to hear of all the evils committed by Manfred von Richthofen; Rebajlo the Detective is on the case!
Yes, I'm half Finnish, half Dutch/German, if you must know. And I will not sit quietly and listen to some bum with an inferiority complex insult my people, so now run back to your little crevice, and when you come back out again, I will eagerly await for your next round of anti-German drivel.
Well, I don't have much time to waste debating an ignorant simpleton like you, but do you know about that region in Northern Italy known as South Tyrol? The one whose ancestors are the Goths (those damn Germans again!) who played a major role in fall of the Roman Empire? It's one of the wealthiest regions in Italy and all of Europe, and dang it, it's made up mostly of Germans! Sicily it is not, that's for sure.
I'm afraid the title of this thread is incorrect. By all measures and the latest news reports, the percentage of Germans who "want their country back" appears to be relatively small and mostly confined to the cities and people from the former East Germany. They are also the ones immediately branded as racists and Nazis, and any resistance to the African and Muslim invasion of Germany (and Europe) seems minimal.
Today, as thousands of "refugees" arrived in Munich, they were greeted with applause, cheers, and balloons by the native Germans, as if to welcome war heroes from the battlefield. All over Germany and Austria, people are offering their homes to African and Muslim vermin, and there are calls for other countries to do the same, while taking in thousands more of these filthy invaders.
I'm completely dumbfounded how the Germans, Scandinavians, and other whites of Western Europe are so willingly celebrating and aiding in their own dispossession and extermination. The 50-60 years of brainwashing and indoctrination has been remarkably effective. The Germanic people, who are responsible for inventing pretty much anything worth a damn to make today's modern world possible will cease to exist in another generation or two, now that Frau Merkel has effectively told all of Syria, Africa, and anyone else from the turd world that they are welcome in Germany.
More details here, and it's only going to get worse:
The only time I've ever made derogatory remarks about a White nationality on CF was when I unloaded on Greeks - and that was squarely in response to the unbalanced "Hellenic Supremacist" Zeus constantly heaping **** on northern Europeans and irrationally implying that I was some sort of "Nordicist"
Wow,where can I catch that?opcorn::hippie:
The Philosopher,
I remember a couple of the threads it happened in. I know there was some heated back and forth in the Euro 2012 thread, and also the locked 2014 World Cup Qualifying thread. If you have the time, it's well worth the read!
Hmmm...I'll check the Euro 2012 thread.But I'm 100% sure there's nothing in the 2014 World Cup Qualifying thread,because close to every other post in that thread is mine![]()